tv BBC World News PBS April 2, 2011 12:30am-1:00am PDT
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>> this is "c wod news." >> funngor this presentation is me possible by thehe freeman foundation of new york, swe, rmont, and nolulu, newman'own foundaon, the john d. and catherine t. marth fountionunion bank. ♪ >>nion bank hasut its financial stngtho work for a wide range of companies, om small businesses toajor corpatio. whatan wdo for you?
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andnow, "b world news." >> the.n. eress out rage at theeathof 12 pple in an aacknne ofts buildings in afghanistan. >>he command of e rebels in libya sks toallyhe troops at the gaddafi regime dismisses the ofr of a cee-fire. weome to "bbc news," broadcasting to our ewer in e k. and aund the wod. in this program, aclash of constrting tight ans. ttiah muralitharan andther are preparing for the world c tle. >>t is excitin and i am lookg foard to it. there is still lot of planng tbe done. >> and wding notes t the yog pilots helook forward
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to his big day. >> wcome once agn. the unitedatio secretary-general n kioon ha deribeds outrageous and cordly anttack on a u.n. budingn afghanistan. 12 people were kied, amo them. three uniformityorke and ur grds when demonsttors torched e building. locals said cleric had urged peop torotest over the port burning of koran in the uned stes last month. from afghanistan thebc' paul wood repor. >> aer friday pyers, there were protests many afghan cities. a rum sead atundrs of korans had been destroyed, not
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just one. >> death to themerins, they shout. deh to thenfidels and the jews says this man. the poli and crowd tedto keep the crowd bac from th u. headquarters. they fouled. the outerall was breached. e u.n. sta inside hunted down some were shot, some sbbed two we be head it is claime afghans were kild, to. th blamed the u.n. guards. witnesses saithe u.n. did not fire first. >> this was a orages and cordlyttack against a u. staff, which cannot be justified under any circumstances. >> som say t talan was hand all this, as ts is one
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theirst plas to transferrednder u.n. control. >> it was always thought of a one of the sest places in afghanistan. the govern the blas the talin, b this ybe less about e inrgence and more about how the issue of kora burning inflames passions in thiseeply conservative deeplyeligious country. paul wd,bbc news," kabul. >>he bbc'som is in washington he said the rk i val i reildi ahanian's society. >> t u.n. has a sable miion afghanian. it employs a lotf afghans thselv as part of the missn there. bu it does a huge amount of rk i termsf cil rhts, men' righ, dg trfickg a countering th. its a really nion-building exerse. and it getsabout $1 billion i
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aid ayear there is a lotf concern abo hothis attack might impac thisissi in afghanistan in the future. >> as far as the us. mssio and the nato mission, as far as e figing ing on in the securi of e again, this city is spose to be one o thpilo in handing over serityo the afghan troops. doou think the u. ma be reconsiderg th hanng over of tt thrt? >>hink at the ment it is too eay toay what t impact of this attack might b and wheer i holds such seous imications as you gges there. the ite house has been very strongly condemning this attac in thetronst terms. have also head conmnatn fr.n. sectaryeneral ban ki-moon, saying thisas a cordly attack. interestingl the white house has refus toomment on the idea thathes demonstratis we caud or sparked by a
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burning of a copy of theoran erse by a pastor in floda two wks. ma remberim last summer threening to bn a cop of it after a widesea publi outcry. priden back ama spoke on the issue. two weeks ago wn he carried this out, tre was no media attention whatsoever. but it was posd othe inrnet >> the libyan government h rectedhe offer of a nditionalceasfire by reb rces. ey sd was mad t expect the gernmt to withdraw forcesrom e cits. e man in charge of e rebs has me a brief visit to those on the front to boost thei rale. r corspondent is outside theity and has senhis report. >> a rebel fighter rusd aw.
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apparently he shot himself whilcleang his gun a casuty of libya's chaotic freem struggle. join the rels on t way to a towtheyre tryingto take bac there was a he's welcome for rareisitor, the geral who is suppose to be in charge. he is a former interior misternd head of speci forces who switched sid. leadership has been missing here. havtrained soldiers. today we saw a lot more of th. men like this one, who was expelledfromoloneladdi's ar years ago has nowurn s gun on e regime. >> wwill never giv up, he says, and the geral'sisit is vympornt to us al
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it will give u a push. the rels reave eniven a real boosty t general's brief visit to t are imoved malefter a f difficult days ofefea th areontinuing to edg forward, but they a sti outgunned, a outnumbered by as many as 10- overhead, nato jets preparing hit colonel gadfi's forces. e air strikes havbeen crucial. so farhere have bn hundreds of sorties. but now there's a claimhat seven civiliansere kild by anir strike on wednesday. a doctor at this hostal told e bb a military cony was destroyed, but an ammunition lory exodedkilling sothing. ill,he people wa re a strikes.
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>> they are aepting this damageand they have td me that maybe hundreds and hundredsave enilled, and ybe thousands will be injured by this cony. >> we cnot conrm the doctor'sccou. nato ss its checking the aim, but has novidee to substantiate it. back on the battlefield, there was a pause for friday prayers today. a rel leader has offered a cease-fire if colonel gaddafi pulls back histroo and leaves t country. but there no sighe is listening. "bbc news" othe rd to bra. >> securitforc in syria have shot deadt let 10 people. they opened fire on a an-government protest oside damaus. activists call demonstration to mmemate the dozen killed ring the potes.
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>> gunfire forced ptestors to ee thrgh t sreetof ma, on the outarts of masc. not l escaped. eyewitnesseses sai snipers o rooftops fired on the cwd. >> it s a pceful process. thenhere were clashes between the secr serce and the people. they had snirs o ofs, and th snipers wethrowing stones on pele. afr at, the sret rvice from t ground andhe snipers fromhe roof opened gunfire o the people. >> in damascus itsf, secity rces lockethe oors of the central mosque i an attpt to prent protests. instea theemonration took ple inde. protestors are cntinwe a
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all one. the ople are all o. that is a message to the president, which ha aused protestors of dividin the couny. actists had called for frida to be a df martyrs. thatall s welynswed wi demonstrations in the nortrn citieshecoasl cies, in e centef the couny and a city in the soh. comm cplaint, the limited naturef reforms announced by president aassa a spch by him on wednday would see the end of dray nian emergencyaws. but those hopesere dashed. those lawwill stay for the moment at least. the psident can sti dw huge crowds to support h.
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but otes songsike this one accusing the rime of killing its own pele areike the monsations themselves, opping up more and more. proving perhaps that suressionlone has so far doneittlto dampenthe calls foreform. bc news,"amascus. stays in e middle east and yemen, hdredofhousands ok to the streets aft fridayraye in the capital. ti-government protestors gathered near the university, ile oseacking the president were addressed bhim in the city sque. the we more protests on the reets of jordan's capal as monstratorsontinued to demand chang to the cushion and an ected gernment. th ptest,hichook place undea heavy pice psence, pass off peacefully. an air strike in the gazatrip has killed at least thre palestinians.
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itas aar they alleged were carry hamas. hamas has confirmed they were indeed mitants but has refused to mment on the plot. still ahead, the han cost on theighting in lib. we hava rert fro t hospital treating e wounded in benazi. >> unacceptable in a g country, theords of one aid encyo desibe e nditions of thousandsf north african mignts. the people are having to le in substandard accommotion italn authorities h promised t move them alloff thisla by turday. >> italy's mt southeastly outpost. noally 5,000 people ve re, eekingut a living thugh fishing, agriculture anouri. w the onl people coming her
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armyrants, mainly tunisians. mountain those thousands have been here fokes. at one point, as many as 22,000 living inonditions thatt let onaid agen h called unacceptablen a g-8 country. >> the high neralic conditionsre cpletely out tandards. the sndar are much hier likehavi oneatri for every 20 psons. here we have 1 latrines for 2,000 or 3,000. >> the miants themselves say the cditions are making my them sick. >> ware sleeping on the ground. weon't eatell. e cirettes are not good. are tired and stressed. there is aot of ress. theuthorities are ying hou me o theigras on the inland. but the ar reports that verahundred have escaped
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from a tent camp there. e italian pme mister berlusconi, s saidhe wav of people has been like auman tsunam he promised mov all of them from the islandy surday. t moving them from ily's orstep further into europe may not find favor in brussel has admted repatriation may be e only solution. "bbc news." >> this is "bbnews." theeadlines, the united nations has exesseout rage afr an attack by ptestors on one of its buildings in afanisn leaves at let 12 de. an offer o a contion cease-fire by forces in libya has been rejected by gadfi's governme. as ower struggl coinues in the ivory cst, an internationalommittee of the d cross says believes at lea800 people have been
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killed this week. forces from alassanouatra ha bee attacking areas. andr harng reports >> the who city is like this now, a bzzard of bullets. resints scramingfor shelter. a million haveled. the rest are tpped as the battle for iry cst rches its cmax. the u. ha troops here,ut eir job is not to stop t fighting. bedes,ight nhing seem to be going e wayhe internationacommity want with t manho lostast ar's presidential election, tgunned, phaps even cornered here, his genals desertg him. one resident described the scene. >> the special force contlled by the incumbent esident cant resist tm. they are running away.
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some of them have aeady suended. th are surrounded now. >>or mohs the world has told the president tstep down. but now all he is prosing is aeaseire. >> president ggbo ll not sign. wilnot give up in front of th combs of foreign fighters. heas never used violence. >> this was a french colony, the policef westfrica. but tod, frce is treading lightly here. its trooble on heing forenersike thoseaugh up in the violence andlootg. elsewhere, differt mood. these e supporters of alassane ottar who w november's election, and who forces have swept throh most the country withizzyg spd.
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speakin on his own telesionhannel, m outattara said hcall for nthsor a peaceful transfer of power. but his riv hadnswered only with vlence. so w, i comes to this,an ban showdown, a vie llt test se for african mocracy. andrew harding, ivory coast. >> ashe fighting rages on in libya, thereas beea human cost. nowhere is thamoreisible thann the country's hospitals. our correspondt ha bn to one hospal in the rel-hd cityf benghazi. you may nd somof t images diressing. >>nder deep sedation a hospitals this man. 19 years old, a uden one of five brotherblow up by a rocket that exple beside hisome.
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has lt both legs, is fitingo breathe, and two of his brotrs are dead. the other two arn the adjacent ward. this o has multiple fracte theight leg. the other has lostis m. >> we don't want gadfi ymor we areeadyoacrice anhing >> but this is the true cost of rebellion. bodies twisted and torny the blunt instrumts war thdutyoctor did notant be identified. the regime,hey say have sce in bghazi, and medical staff ve dappeared. he told me one of themissg is adoctor,he fher o four young children, th director o the ergey rd. heeft t hostal on march th took r the wunded.
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>> this ithe ambulce in which he wasraveng to the front, hhly visible and clearly marked aan ambulance. and yet it is rided wh bullets. insi there are blood stains. an judging by the explive nature of the rounds,t is hard to imagine aone side could have survived. and yet eyetnesseses say the driver and the doctor stilln hiscru we last season ti up by tsehic on the edge of the road. >>his coun, a pamedic wh traveled behindaid the dtor was hit in the shoulder. >> we ha not tol the famy wh happened, he said. we stillave infortion to give them. he said one round hit the tr anthe her stillodged in hisbdomen. among the others missing, there is a carlogi and a neosurgeon. th regime noonge discrinate everyone on this si of t
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lines a litime target, be it fighter or docto bc news," behazi >> more w on the atck in afghistan where protestors attacked u.n building a leftt let 12 peoe dead. r correspondentn kabul has spoken to us. 27 peoplhaveeen aeste from tha attack. he says the inciden hasbeen widely cdemn in the united states. >> wdid hearrom somef our constituentsoday and they asked to do exactlwhate did, which is condemn what ppened. it iunacceptable, no matter what t provocati, thats t wh islam teaes us to do. >> what is the feeng in t united stas abt the burning of the kan last month? >> weind it unfortunate,ut lcome to the first andme. it ihisight t do that. terry jones, t pastor in
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florida who did the koran burning, his a media seeker. wants people to pa attention him. we didhe best thi youan do, which is ignore him he will fade back into the trash cawherhe belon. nowust over five hours om nown the indian city of mumbai, it will be the nstrict world cupinal beeen india and sri lanka. fridas ceus in india revealed popation rise to 1.1 biion. india and sri lan, th most successfullayers the world has seen. mo. he has sred er 32,000 runs.
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he needsust one more to reco 1 internation hundreds. he remains the inspirati. >> he is an amingerson to have. thin tt hasothang for e la 21 years. mostf thpeople would lo interest, bugod made him to play constrict. >> theorld cup final will be ttiah muralitharan's lt one-y ge. one has taken more wickets. his bes day w 7-30. he took 10 wkets in tche 22 tes. he is still a crucial am member >> it is gre to ve him in the side. it is great to hopefully he him tomorrow and to haveim pl this world cup final with us. ere is nother way we n havet. >> constri fa in mumbai haveeen cketrice riseo over 60,00 ru pee s.
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at is 60 times the avage sary. they are priced outf the rketut not the excemen >> it is very importt for india. >>ndia absolutel 60/40 ar the chances. >> an indian victory would oy tighten cstri's hold on thisount this. is t park that 3 yearsgo he played constrict inarne. for ce it is on tv. a crownin momentwaithim, or maybe muttiah muralithara >> nall every groom is allowed to be nervous ahead of his wedding, an certnly inceilliam is no difference a warng about fsh otography. >> whenevenhe queen cn't
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manage anlega arral, you know the weather must be bad. is dbled asa family tch-. unsurprisingly, princwillm wa tasked wit showing his grandparents arod fo se of theisit. this is the s kin the aircraft he flies. it is a chae forrinc williato sw off f his gran pais and show off his work. it has me him immensely pud an privileged. it has ao givhim a retive normal lifey royal standards. >> here is his flight lieutena wales no royitle no royal procol but bwingre royal wedding nees. >> i was at eehersals the her day, a my knees we ppin it is a daunting prospect, b
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ther is still a lot of plotng tbe done ithe st fo weeks. >> there wasa touch of smugss about the secrets. >> it isun toutfox the medi but it was a military operation, and myroth and i e proud about the way it wept >> since the engagemt, t teases has beenndless. >> wnever he washesp, we giveim the ke anwill tol, and we have the kate a ll pillowse put on thebed. it isll light hearted, and he loves it. the next jor family getogeer will be the wedding. but ere wilhave to be some reorigalatn of the search and rescues in thealley. despite the mocry prince william has invited those he works with to the wedding and they plan to b there. >> it l takeslacen the 29th o april.
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weave apeci royal wedding weite. this is "bbc news." hello a welcome. >> see the ns unfold. get the top sries fromround the glob and click to play video reports. go to to experience the in-deh eert rerting of "bbc world news" online. >> funding was made possible by the freeman foundationf ne york, owe,ermont, and nolulu,ewman's own foundation, theohn and there t. macarthur foundation, union ba. >> union bankas put its
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