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tv   BBC World News  PBS  April 5, 2011 12:30am-1:00am PDT

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>> th is bc world news." funding for is psentation is madeossible by thefreeman fountion of new york,towe, rmon and honolulu. newman's own undaon. the john d. and cheri. macahur undation. and union bank. >> union bankas p its financial streng to rk for a wide range ocompies, from smalbusisses to major corpations. what can we do forou?
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>>nd n, "bbc world news." >> i iry coastn a strikes anherarget orces claim to have seed t official bbinof laurent gbagbo/ the lyanovernment says it is ready to hold elections but oy the lian pple can decide whher gaddafi mains in power. >> many people want him to leave the process forecau they are scar if is notthere we will have whatappened in soliand afanisn. >> aramatic u-turny washington. alidheikhohaed will be tried at guantana bay welcome tobbc rld news," broadcast in pbs and around the globe.
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descenintoell, the moments wher people were bush in afghantan. >> forcesloyal to the president ivory coast, say they seized a key buildin in the main cy. u and 80 french helicopters attacked mitar sites inuding the presidential palace. the compound iat t base of laurent gbagbo, who has refused toive up power. the man who wonhe eleion said he d noknow laurent gbag was in e redence at thtime convoys of the veclesave been putting heavily aed soldrs io bate.
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ur correspondentas ts report. >> the deserted highwa just outside of e city, and mashift army. there forces loyalo the presiden many jt backromhe ghti that has wag through thcity it h not been a clean victory. we are right on the ge now. ere has been something of a ll as soldiers get ady for final batt for theity. my trps have already been leavg from here. th areeavilyrme an soundingonfint. >> if we lave now w ll finishhisff in two hours. thais unlikely. the man invera charge o
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storminghe cy is here also. >> will be a matt oours, not days. we can probe thedefee is to te the strength but now they are nearly o of munition. this is t rig mment to finish them of they setf, a convoy heading to join the battle. some cy redent still fear. the restre urged to stay indoors. aramic development. news that these forces are bng supported by french anyou d troops attacking uren gbagbo' positions. in the suburbs the shooting starts up again. maybe this is the endme b the fe is th it could slip into deeper aos.
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hetold mehat could see. >> [untelligible] day arod 6:00 p. we started hearingrom --everybody was rushing home closinghere en ts laying down order to avoid- it is and extremely dangerous situation. we are all scared. it is veryifficult for us becaushis is e fitime are facin a tragic situation. >>e hareportshat foes loyal to -- they had seize the
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presidential pale. do y kno if that is true? >> i cannot say exacy byi hed shootings coinued. theyre shootg near. as we eak w. know it is militarshoong and more dratic than mortar or tanker. it is that soundere. we are still awa. we a jus hring the sound - the automac pan's. stay home. we stay away from t winw.
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[unintelligle] >> our u.n. correspondent explains howyou and use the escalation o vlence. >> it is an escalation in the un's ro in ory coast. th troops have been trng t prect cilia and have been guarding the claim edgeo the presiden over the past few months things hve certainly steed out. b the head of peaceepi operations told us is because th are acti ona u.n. resolutionpassed last week whh clearlauthizes the u prevent t use o heavy weapons ainst civilians. they felt they had the support
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of the surit counc and we were told the use of hea weapons escalated over the pt three days by the inmben president against civians but also yound. this ishe reason why they view and deced t launch air attacks toakeut the heavy weapo because they were there trying to support the forces. >> is ere see ty could wrap thisp quily given the facthey are followin the mandes to intervene? >> what they will say is they are followg a strong mandat to protect civians and are acting inelfefense. there is a sense thathe dgamis appachi. obrverwill say the reason they resolution intereted
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now is somhat connected with delopmts on the grnd in terms of force ibegiingto close and on laurent gbagbo. the kindsf acons hve a grear imct nin such an viroent. he hopedhat the un a freh forces could have ken out all ofhis hvy wpons by tomorrow >> a sposman says they are ready to hd election and formhe political system but is tothe ople to decide whher gaddafi shod remain in charge. the governmt want to avoid a political crisis and was open to peacul talks. >> we ar saying are ready for political solutions.
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ey demand thingse rard as a libyan mtter for e population to dede. ther governmes around e world know as soon they cannot deci the fure of libya. we are keentosave lib fromivil war. we thinke will try our best to meet you in the middle a see how we could age wi detls when housingoulde implemented. cannot justive them a brigitte propol. -- -- proposal. --rigid oposal. >> rebel forces sayhey have
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pued government oopsut of the town even as they struggle make their troops more effective. >> on parade brimming with gravano thnew unit just compted two weeks of military trning. 70 men with nin rifles among them. ast month thisas a ntistry stent. nohe i eir specialist. so still high their ncerinty but they areroud to dispy formal rank an number. >> we have our [inteigible] i in aomputerengineer. theris more engineers. >> y are fighting with gooe earth? >> despite shoromin,these
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are the first signs of codinaon. the artillery theyave old. there i a good reas whyhese ns are in short supply. this was one of three othe biggestepot in the country. fire started in a warehouse. >> a chain reaction that followed denied the rbelsnd arsenal ofeavy artillery that uld ve given them a fiting chance. >> over 2000 anti-aircraft gu wentp inmoke ppet it reflects the cotic naturof rebellion. s weeks is sht time to devise thnstitutions but the new traitiol council is workg around the clock. there are rumors of division and questions about tir ability.
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the seco in cmand is opmist. >>hin will work better when tripoli evenallyalls. then we can form a prop government. >>n spite of the obvious diffulties many still come forward. men who can hardly stand, boys barely old eugh to she. e only poritfor them readg thr country of gaddafi. they have no option b to ck p a weapon and fight. > he was the rect ofh- they have been under sie by pro-gaddafi fors. i aed him wt habeen going on. >> yesteayn aush s mad to gaddafi forces. it is on ville
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[unintellible] afr thambu e shling of any [uniellible] ontheouse is of the vilians. eave about 15 injured perns and five deaths yterd. [unintellible] but twooursgo the snd o bombs came. we can he different soundsf bombardment soe will have ffertiatedbetwn [unintelligible]
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knoit iquiet. > who do you think has control at the moment? >> [unintligie] all th fors [unintellible] becau of the first ath om the fighters, abo 10,000 people went out. beuse of e problem of tripoli. theyold themwithdraw. it is controld byhe peop [untelligible] >> youre wching "bbc world
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ws." inch by ch, heavy casuties in te 101stirbne division take on the tiban on the afghan pakistabord. barack obama annound he is to run for a sond term as president in the elecon next ye. the presiden is lang t grndwo for a record- breaking $1 billiocampgn. when it comes tooaters', it may beheirersonal finances that determinehow they behave election day. >> a urch the aradional [unintelligible] hat is where y wilfind ama pporters. theusic is suing, peoplere only moderate exced. >> gne i a oma o2008.
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>i respect him and i tst him. theessage is simple, kp urolitical investments fe. barely makgarents ishe caidat hmself. >> president obama is one person. we are paying him to a j. can you ta somtime of an ge us energized? >> president obamaas been endi a lot of ti in the ite house situation roo talkingoren policy. it is not just thwars in iq or afghanistan or in iran and north korea, ow they have to de witgypt and lib. >> flights, cameracti. youave bee enjoying youelf. >> this campai wil not be aut no-fly zones or
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revotions. will be about no js. >>f yo want to nd o more aut president oma's election campaign, just visit us a u are watching "bbc wod news." followinun a strikes, ghte loy say they ized the official weapons launt gbag. e lian gernment said it is ady to hold elections ithe liby peoe will decidef ddafi sts in charge. khal sheh mammesaid h masterminded 9/11nd e stice dertmennounced he will be referred to miliry commsion for trial. it is a dramatic turnound for the obama administration.
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he said ey wlde tried in emerin mainland in dera court. >> this symbolf thwar on teoras supposed to closed morehan year ago. not only is guantanamo bastil pen, itill no delivered military justice tfive inmates. >> i am refring the cases of khalid sikh mohammed an othe. to proceed imiliry commissis. >> that is so newerm. butearsbout euitability civian crts and last december lawmars banned the ansfer of prisons fr
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guantanamo tohe u.s. maiand. the angry attoey geralaid his hands had be tie >> inow is ce in ways th members of cgreshave t. i know the techcal concerns thatave too into this. do i know better than th? yes thean acuse ofundg 9/11 wil be tried ithis lita court. he has already expressed a desire to plead guilty and di any smarter. t obadmintration seems to cideilitary justice is tter than no justice. e coissions have become mo transparent on i wat. is decision will upset myf the president' and supporters the left. >> des t rest of america care? the predent announc he ll
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run for reelectio >>he british prime minisr has arrived inakisn oan officialisit this is the first me hhas be the untry since he cus the government o looking bo way onterrorism. i asked o corresnden whethehe wl get a fresh start he is lookg fo >>hey have to tread very carefully. pakistanis were injuredhen h visit india and said some elemts within pakistan wer stl aidg militants fighting in afghanistan. to say that an. a key al. afghanistan ishe k issue in which there is mutualntert.
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pakistan was a g pt to play in that. in rurn, david cameron is offeng more development aid. ther is new licy to refos vernment aid in cotrie where there conflict. akistan has bn aiginner ere. theare oking forsome sweeteners inerms of trade links. >> they will be able to t aw from the subjecof terrism. >> that is rght. ere e many issuelinkg to the large british pista communitythat there is in the u.k. but on ofhe k things th keeps mingp i written's worry about pple ming from briin fm pakistan ad th training to
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carry out militant attacks there will be wantio talk about security opetion the paktanis will want ttalk about tradinks. they see the wa forward is to open up tra links to rope but the wibeome tou talk as well abo couer terroris 100,00troo are fightin thealib in afghanistan. the01st airborne units were orded toake the fht t the eny. >> they are freeng mounnot been at -- mne afghan motainp some whnly twoeeks lft on aearng deploymentbega the desnt into hell. a talibanere iting in their fe haven,a narrovall.
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no feign troops had er da come here. italiban were determined to convince themerins to never comeack. >the tuation is theare shtingor this. > th did nt budge as fire camen from above. frelo not just a w sho but a rragof bullets. they kill more than 1 of theienemies. a tee voe on a fld rio announce the cost comg here. >> iwill give y mor information as i t it >> get some fi on this hill. >> fir rained down for five
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relentless hours. its capta -- e trd platoon to our rht a the first t our lefall had wounded a dead. flying saight into enemy fire aiorcearajumpers atmpte the first scue >> they need support. >> morehelicopters poured int the valley. >> this is the seventh fght ready. hardo getn exact number. >> when t clouds lifted, hecopters descended. their work mirles in the chaos. the sergeant saved byis cst plat
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>> got shot. you caseethe unds right ere. [unielligible] >> i you aotere you will neveknow. you cant really begin t plain. >> despite six dd anseven wounde they are still gog. injuly inch, buet b bullet >> the thories i a bch of -- jpane region have started an emergency progm to measure radiation levels. more than 1400 schoolsill tested over the next two day anyares asked authorits wther th can allow their children to walk to hool
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you can follow me on twitter with the latt uptes. >>ello and welcome. see the news unfold, t the tostories from aroundhe globand click-to-play vide reports. go to bbcom/ws to experience the in-depth,xper rerting ofbbc rld news" line >>unding was made possib by the freeman foundati of new yo, stowe, vermont, and honolu. newman's own fountion theohn d. and catherine t. macartr fodation. and union bank. >> unionank s put its global pertise to work for a wide
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range of compani. what can we door y? >"bbcorld news" was presenteby kt los angeles.
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