tv BBC World News PBS April 6, 2011 12:30am-1:00am PDT
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>>this is bbc worldews. fuing for this psentation is made psibl by the frean undation of new york, stowe, vt., a honulu. newman's own fodati, the john. and catheri t. cartr foundation, and union bank. ♪ >> union bank h put its financia strength to work for a wideange of companies, from small busesseto major
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corporations. what c we for you? >> d n bbc world news. gbaosiegedresint' haot surnder, but says he will speak with his ril. chief prosecor ss heas evidence. otheday of bloodshed in men d hundreds of non died anti-o rip protests. elcome to bbcews. theclocisicking. president obama wns o government stdown. the tri of thetalian prime minister begins toy.
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gbagbo is deceased in h compound isalso refusi to step dow he i still surrounde btroo loya to hisival he says he will notiate, but will not surrend to e nationally -- e iernational regnized winner of the ecti last winter. the cease-re inow in force in the area. >> a btl weary, w found ese tros resting at a petrol stion this morng. none i this atted city has d mu sleep ithe past fiveays.
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this is e invading army, fighng t insll the ivory ast ected president. abruptly, a radio announcer declares that e bale is over. the man refusing to give up power is prepang tsurrender. e ne is the adjted caious at first. >> ifou s it is too lateit isoo late. it will beoo late tnlyor me, but for the ivory coast i not a kamikaze. i loveife. i love le. my voice ishe voice of the mortar. no, no, no, i dnot see death. it is nomy goal here to die. >> ts was theinal straw. th united natio to in a
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furiousbombdment ohis coound trapped in the cllaris genels a defecting. it is berlin ment in an african ci. but the maleadg the attack says that ere's nothingo celebrate. he should have gone before, says the colonel. instead, waits uil a of the pele have been killed. only nowe thinks it is the me to qu. he is abandon. he lost th election. he must go. sos it really over? we head cautiously into ghost town. then a rare fight. we spot group of civilians. a group h the arms race. another small grou of civilia arewalkg out othe ty cent.
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seth as you can see, they are raising their hands i the yea the fear is stl ve strong he. all of themre ccerned about theilitia groupand the mercaries to have usedo much tubleith the indiscrimina kilng in the pa few days. by the roadside, there ia rendervery few yds o the ice this city has paid hey e aaid, heays, that ishy we raise our hands. wh no water,othing, t cit is dead. we have walked for to fi water. the viors prepared to set out onatro to restoreorde acrosshe cit but ho long will that take? one sdier tells me qetly that n the time for revenge. itas ben a ort walk. it is nearly over. but the danrs he not passed.
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>> the unitedatio assistance cretary general haspent the st t days traveling tothe avage ast to assess the situation. >> ose situation is --he situation is still deepl disturbing. we managed to identify two side of seous crimes that re commied between t second half of march and thend of march. t is unclear who is exactlyhe rpettor. buit isoticeablehat e victims were different enic
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grpsndolitalffiliation th the troops that werin the control of the area. so it was one ethc grp targeted ione incidents tt has caused t huned 30 aths that is our populati. the oer victi werof the other ethnic group. >> do you have a knoedge ov wheer or n gbao has surrendered or aone ose to him? >> i jt arrived from the airport. the town is relatively iet. hower,e do haveome inrmatn thather is a lot of looting goi on so ere are two maears. one is the general security and the oth is retaliation.
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far as gbaos coerned, i do not have y a confirmation on his whereouts >> how d you thi civians argointo be able to build a ute stability given t fact tt the humanitian situatn is as great as you are describing it? >> theres only one way out. th country has, ding its troubled history, passed through a couple of vicious cycs of reliation. whatas to be done rightow is follow therue reconciliation part >> the kilng of civiliansin the early stas in the urisi of libya wasrganized in advance. that is according to the key prosutor in the crimil
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courts. he says he hasevidence that colonel gaddafi sent fces acrding to a plan. they faced eermition because of a pac by govement troops. nato now believethat third of the dkery's militar camp that ability has been destroyed -- a thir of gaddaf' milary capabili haseen destroyed. >> an ely truce for gaddafi -- anti-gadhafiorce is is clo to the front lin and the tw cars with the heavy machine guns mount on th back re rortedly hit in a nato astri. ve ammuniti lay everywhere as rel forces hopi to advance clred e road.
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t they were quickly fced ba in a dramatic fashion. heavy fhtin was at the trance. dozens of rketsndhell landederilsly closeo our potionforcing us and the rebe ay into retreat. th is still aargely ill- disciplid anfully-equipped rebel army. again and again, they are forced back to relave sety. in benghazi, efforthaveeen made to train the rebel arm for n, while the food tuation prevails on thfron lines. heavy fighting has continu year-old day
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on the evidence otoday's fighting, ems that colonel gdaf's army is the one making ground. >> colonel gaddafi suorte have rson elebrate. airtrikes have only beea partl success. bel advances have slowed e battle for lib hasettled to slemate. and what of the conel mself? bbc program has listened to one man who kno him well. he used to be the libya investor the u.n. befo he fected to the rebels. >>ou said you heard he is not ll. is it mentally or physically? >>the problem insidehe gaddi compodis there comptely divided.
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gaddafi is suffering. he is rely iane. >>ecenhigh-profile fections have notelped the libyan ader. ne me so than is man- moussa koussa. he knows the regime's dkest secrets. he went to btainhere he i being bried. not so, says his old frnd. >> he was arrested by t british authitie >> he is beg protected. >> no, please, no. i doot bieve that. >> hashe told you he haseen arrested? >> yes. is der arrest.
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>> where does this leave colon gaddafi? weekfterhis conflict began there is stillno sn of how it will end. >> you are wating bbc news. overent -- antioverent prests claim 100 lives. e qstion into a deathf a n in protest in london has received an apolog oom poce oicer who pushed into the grou befe he died. jim kelly rorts with the details. heas at the heart of what has become the most controvsialpisode of th g 20 prosts appead toecome a possle fine rdwo givehis
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first puic accnt of his coact with t victim. eving, hepring constantly camup against police oa sue ase trd to t home. he had been drinng. possible hardwood sa that come in exchange area of the ty, thomps was disruptg the police line movg he id at "i struck mr tomlinson on the ba of his le." we can see his baton going in. he says, " budid t get an immediate reacti from m. tomlinson. i then moved h. he said he was amad by th push tat calls him tfall." the ofcer s asked- to anyonelse, heaid, i do not lieve so. the jury has now hea first
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nd fm the key witss othe event two years ago. if it ishe ce that have used mr. tomnson'seath, en im very sorry. >> in tomlinso' family say that the officer wandnly help himlf. he accus himf exaggatin and telling half trus. simon hawoodill be backn the box torrow >> you a watcng bbc news. it i good to have yowiths. the ivory coastbesieged present gbagbo ss he will not surrender. cilians are in nearly stas -- civiliansn thearly stages of the unrest in bya were
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pland. they have managed to stop the leak of highly radioactive wer intohe s. engineers fm the tokyo electric pow co. have been struling for several days. ey explain how they managed to do it. >> ty injected wita call a liqu gas, sodium silicate. it is you did -- it is used in rmakers. -- inarmakers. it has stopped theighly dioaive water into t auctio t se of its sll going into the sea. operatio have aowed less
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ntaminated water into the ocean. >>hat about the runoff from the plant? it had bn th source o extremy high and dioaive iine --ghly radioactive iodine. has the gornment givenurther viceo the japanespeoe regaing anyealtor safety ises? >>hey say the is n immediate risk touman hlth by ts radiation in the sea they have se new limits for radiation i fish. ey are about the same levels now theimits set for vegetables health experts say you haveo eat an enoous ount of those products, even the same amount of radioacti eosure that to get from a ct scan. the janese are pretty obssed with fooafet so thehanc are tt people wille reluctant to buy this likeishrom areas anhere nearhe plant for t
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foreseeae future. hat the latest new as fa as tep ceilinghis leak? ere has been criticism have ey found a way to me the japaneeoplfeel better about the situion? >> i thk its very early ys. th stop a leak of vy hh -- of hily radiotive water into the oan. th neeto keep spring water on t the reaors stop them fromverheating, to stop them from mtingdown. l the te, me water is beingut into tt plant. but by stoing this leak,t may make i easier for the workers to actlly art to try to make theooli systems wk again in the plant. that would me them closer t solving the problem but it could be months befo
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this power station is finly under contl. >> the continuing bloodsh in yemen, the uted states,he eu, d th united nationare applying pssure f the leer to stand dn. therhave beenened clashes. >> theres a lot ofangeand frtratn. demonstrator marched in the reets of the capital, calling theresint to resign. these soldiers re tre to otecthem. these are troopsoyal to a geral o has joid the posion. ashe withhe p-german suorte continue down the road. it is impossle to kn who fired th fir bullet.
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more than 100 pple haveied inemenincehisris first gan two months ago. acss theount, doctors and nues say they ar running out of supplies. violence seemso be risin in the meanme. ononday, at leas17 pple died in cshes south of the capital and nr thred sea. >> in theory, the predentas agreed to ep dn, bthe timing and mechasm o his regnatn have not bee made. heants to go on his o ter. diplomats say thatis family membs, many with powerful position are putting on pressure -- arputtg pressure on him to stay. the leader of saudi arabi has agreed to mediate.
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what manyad hoped would a peaceful rolutn is turning oody. >> we are getti repts that 12 hostages have been released by an med oup ithe phippis. ache were taken hostage. there were demandi the release a tribal leader o wa jailor kidnappi durg a lo-runng feud. presidt back oma has made a dratic intervention in budget battle. on tuday,ongressional leaders andr. oma failed to reach a federaludge bill over legislation ov daily management of feder ageies. >> a sf-styled republic and
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young gun with bigdea -- slashhe dicitn an unprecented scale >> we propose acut of $1.30 trillionrom speing. w put t natn on t patto actuly pay off our niona de. r goal i to leave our chilen a our grandchildren with a dt free nion. >> buthat's a bd pdges but on contversial fountion -- restructuring of medicare, government-fued health care fothe derly. instd, introduce feral subsidie for priva-heah insunce. the republican plawas interpred asn attack on the elderly. >> they a the ones who wt
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ring worldar ii and the far east to lp maintain what we strive toave here. >> they should te care the derlbecause we woed o y and we ga all of our time. >>ut the radicalcuts, other republics sd, ansring histories ca is conversation that willefine america f generations. butheris anotherudge debateakin pce herehis weend a lotore ecious. fo months, the president an his opponenthave fledo reacan aeementn a dget fothis year. thpresent -- the white hse id they uld cut $3 billion in cuts aeare if theycannot cprome byridaight, the gornment will shut down. >>t wod be inexcusable for us tonot be able t take care olast year's busiss. ke in md that ' dealing wi a budget that could he gott donthree months ago, could have goen done tw months ago, uld hav gten
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done las mon. when we're this close, it i simply becse of politics. >> neither side wts to rewind to 1995 wh a gornme shutwn forced the grand canyon to cse i gates d offices tolose >> he is n strger to the courtroom,. -- he ino stranger to e couroom. is accused of havin sex with eenar. he has denieal allegations >> . >>elooni clms tbe the most persecuted policiann
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histy. he is accud of paying a 17- year-old prostitutfor x. heas ao been charged with usingis persf officto t the teenager releasedrom police ctody heames cada elmaroud. she is iverlly knowns ruby. she denies ty have sex. she sayshe did recve money and gifts fro the minist, only because she nded help. >> it is like a western movie betwn the magisttes d berlosconi if his convict, io not ink -- it wod be anotr blow for him, maybe the nal blow. >> satirical videos have started appearing on the internet. thisne shows a young m racing to get he to watch the
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coverage. but theisappointment is the e case will not be shown on tevision. the tri cou last many nths. berlosconiays he has done nothing wrong. he acces psecutors of ing agnst m. if a prime minister on tri was not enoug it is reported that georgeclooney could bene o many celebrity isalleas a dense tness. will al guarantee saturation vera on every media platform. >> youan find out me this reporty visiting the bbc ns website. you can follow me owitter as well.
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that addresses now on your screen coul stay with us for more to come. >>ellond welcome >> see theews unfold, get e top storiefromround the globe. and cck-to-pl vdeo report go t bc.conews for expert reportin ofbc world news online. >> fding w mad psible by e freeman foundation of new york, sto, v, an holul. newm's own foundatio t john d. and catherine t. macarthu foundation, and union nk. ♪ >> ion nk has put i glol
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