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tv   BBC World News  PBS  April 7, 2011 12:30am-1:00am PDT

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>> ts is "bbc world news funding for is psentation isade possible by the frean fodation of new york, stowe, vermont, andonolu. wma's own foundation. the john d. ancathine. cartr foundation. and union bank. >> uni banhas put its financial reng to work for a wide range of companie from small buness to major rporations.
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at can we do for you? >> and now"bbcorld news." >> t lasresortortugals govement request a european bailout, the third cntryn a ar to ask for finanal health. >> ihout asking f foreign aid would be the final wayo go. but we have rched the momt. >> andhe iry coast, they clashed with prosters. e thsands of mexicans rly agast the drug cartel. coming up lite lar, no cease-fire unt -- e online sear for thoand chiren o survived e na holocaust.
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portugalas appealed to europe for help in itoverming its mountingebt cris. the prim minister addressed the nation on telisio he said if seeking reig help was a last rortnti no the government has iiste that it would n be the bailout gin to greece or ireland. thimpact on the st o europe >> and then there were 3 percent almost a year afr t bail out ofrace, five monthsafter ireland rescue, porgal has requested emergency ppor here is the caretaker pri minister makg thannouncement at he was desrate to avoi
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>> whave rched a moment where the couny is that t much risk th it ould not be exposed to and the natnal intereste ne to work and brd - work in. i haaskethe eopea commissionor fancial sistce. >> he d no oice. for loans of just a year in dution, portugal paian interest re of 5.9% bread that unaffordable and i less than ireland paid for its bailout finance. >> in terms of asking a higher interest rates. the knoedge tha eupean ceral nk is t toaise inrest res > how muchill portugal actually need?
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probably around 80 billion euros on t basis oth existing de they need to repay. th contagion of eu zon countrs in tuble has moved from greece torela to portugal and the much bigge aniseconomy could be next. , said theest of theuro zone, le by strgest economy germany, takes its extense measures ty have fost -- s -- sofar failed to do to restore confidce. >>rencforces and the ivory coast have sd to beennvold with a firefight at e french quarr's evacuated the japese and debt- amssador from the emssy. forc from ouattar ha attaed gbagbo's palm. -- he.
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>> on the ro to abidjan, ceasefire talks have failed. alontheay, signs of the conflict. refuses to go quietly. is ard is sti far from ov. gbagbo isxpecd to be hiding in his palett -- esidtial pace a the heart of the city. >> i not a kamikaz i love life. no no, i not seek theeat it is not my goal here to die. ewi and french peacekeeps are on thetree. sml comfort for thpeoplef
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abidj. more tha a million he already fled. those whoemaihave little. >>italy got sug and some drinks, said this man. -- i havenly got sugar and se drinks. these arehe innocent victims of a utal powertruge that s broken a nation. >>his is a resident of abidjan. he tld mtherhave been heavy gunfire in theity r most o wednesday. >> it ws like a nightmare. gunshots, avy machine gun. there are two dd bies t fa fro the right now >>ere you abl to lea your use all?
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>> t curfew fr 6:00o noon. i went out arnd 80 a a halfn ho before the end of th curfew, i had go ck homeecause there wer guhots. >> you do not feel allafe when youo gut, but yo have to touy food and go wat? >> yes i a lucky to be a place tha illas water. no like evebody else. it isifficult to get food right now. peopleave mon and there are no more sulies >> theseilits, but didhey taet cilians orre they just fighting each oth? >> yesrdayhree-personist were gs -- not far from here.
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i alsoad a member of m family w is dead because a grenade w thro int the use. you were there in aidjan. hal you thinkhisill be resolved? >> i do not know. there are a few itic tngs. inrnational fors and a the forces ickl securehe eire country. righnow in abidjan, the a thousands ofoung people who are suppld with rles. the gu are totally uncontlled that is auge problem. has to be solved.
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ry, very quily proved otherwise, -- ickly. otherse, e country will fall into totalhaos. >> protest marches he been king place in cits across mexico. housands of people gaeredn thmain square inexico city chantg noore blood. some have call forhe pridenfelipealderono regn. ouorreondentsn mexico ty. anidea of how many people has been taking part the demonsatio? >> theestites are saying that in the main demstraon 50 lomersway, this washe het ofhe demonstration.
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around a week ago, the son oa faus mexican pot w kled in aepisode thaiseing bled on the dr-related violce. after his sowas kild,e made a rally f a citizen of march to protest againsthe increasing violence. thats whe he was today. 16thhousd people were believed to he beenhere but ther were donstrations ound the couny. -- 16,000 peopleere believed to of been there. thousands comeut into the reets to protest agast the rising violence. havthe government lo control of any areas where the drug traffickers are particularly aive? >> the government refuses to say that, even in somof the ikileaks wires that were leed last year.
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theu.s. government expresse concern about l of control in certaiterrories. the govementays that it doesontrol the entire situation. whatappened today is an interesting rinde of how complex the whole situation is. 59 bodies or victimsf dr relate vlence were und the noheasrn states on t boer thenitedtates. we still do not kn w these people were. it was a stark reminder that this cnt of " more blood close ac" -- >> h bigf an iue is th going to be r fepe calder's party fo the next
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election? >> these boes tt we found today is one othe mo gruesome dcovees made were xact the same time where the last augt 72 migrants were foundeadfter the cartel kill them for refing to wo for em. this is going toe inrpreted forhem at -thatis strategy is notorki gre people are arting to think of alternatives. many theoverent should be negotiing witthesterrorist to prevent thefromilling innoce civilians. othereoplsay the army should be destroyg. it all remains to be seen. the national eleion rty will likely take quite a being. >> thank you. ifou want to know more about mexico'incrsing drug
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violence head to the websi. the trial of thetali prime minister on chargesf paying for sex with a 17-ye-old prostute haspened in milan. e hearing had adjourned with minutes. he is accused of ung his fluee to release the woman from ctodyhen she was arrested f theft. he denies the crges and claims th are politically motived. >> ese are amonghe mt seris algatis he has ever faced. the 74-yr-o prime minier of italy, accused o paying 1year-olprostute for sex. is alsohargedith abusing his powers by giving the polic to release the teeger from custody. this is e teenager.
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she is now 18 and she d the pre minister nied thathey hasex. sheaid at she did receive ney and gets becse s neededelp. e pre minister says he elies she wa 24, not 17. he did cal police on her behalfbut ly because he believed that sh was the nce of the formegyptian president mubarak. heent help a fellow later. --elloleader. >>t isike calling noon, lik a westernovie. soone is going to get hurt badly. if he is convicted, do n think itis irrelevant. it ianother blow for him. >> he is paying apric for this an doesther scandals. s poll ratgs are downgraded he knows that he ca ill govern caus his ruling coalition is iact. that could cange if the prime
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minister was found guilty these particular charges hnow ces. >>ortugal's cataker prime nister has confirmed hi government i seeking a baiut from the european uni oth least bilon euros. fighting in the ivory ast failed to disdge gbagbo, who refing to yield power. e libn govnmen ss a brish ghter jets have attaed aajor oilfield, damang a pipine and kling threeecury guards. the atck on the oilfield in stern libya breaches international law. a skesm forhe rel forc acses gaddafi's forc of attacking o fids under
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rebecontrol. nato has -- the numb o attackis increasing eryay. rebel aderhave complained the alliance has not done enou to support tm ana board -- and the board thathe ty will be dtroyed withoutore decisivectio ou correonde has been taing the rebels. >> preparing for battle,noth pushed for the oil town. after days of defeat, the rels are studng the emy more carelly. than t nat airstrikes, colonel gaddafi' men cant risk movin in tanks. now theyravelight. just like the rebels. >> they are employing tactics t confuse us they are usi the sam uforms at wese so that we cannot te the difference.
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they can move faster,nd cry ouambushes. >> the rels are loading up th rocke launcher befe moving forwa. they claim they have ao chand thractics. they have got more professional soldiers invold ithe fight. they said th arerying to suound thenemy and cut o their supplyine. th are no longer rushing headng for gng fward on commd. as the fight dgs on, with no victory in sight, there is a w ofords with nato. e head of the rebelrmy s accud the alliancf being too slow to act and letting people die everyay. it is rareo get a glimpse inside the city. weanno verify the, this city of these picture --he onhis intensity of
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these pictures. the oppositio cims 0 peopl have been kied. na says it is doing all it n, stepping up ssions like thisecent strike. moreritish planes will be carrying out attacks. theyave ready been destying tanks. the gim's men can be a li of targets,iding among vilians. >> we have be striking tks and underground f theast few days what we also he to d however, its be very vigilant abou civilian casualties our mandate under the united nations surity council solution is torote civilis. >> back on the roa allhe oth reb retreat. its fa beming daily tual r now, thereeemso be a
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alemate. unless theregi crumbles from within, theebels and nato uld be facing a protrted fight. >> t unid states has dismissed an apply gaddafi, whwas written to preside obama askingim to lt nato air erations. hillary cltonaid the libyan ader shou first impose a cease-fire and withdrawal sources. with respect tthe ledger, -- letter, i think mr gaafi knows wt he must do. the needs to be a cease-fire his fors me to withdrawrom thcities thatheyave forcibly ten at great violence and human cost. tre nds to be a decision made aut h deparre fm per and as reig minister
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said his departure from bya. io not tink there ay myery about what is expected from m gaddafi at this time. that is an international assessment to. the sitter that occurs, and the bloodshed in,he bter it will be r evybody. >> nato says at wrote gaddafi forces are usg han ields d king heavy armor after airstrikes. -- and hidin heavy arr aft airstres. civilian are bng killed ever day. >> frothe beginning of the -- the troopand rcenaries are trying to roll byny necessary means t dispose o the people and gain control of the vital.
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there of been a raomombis. theyre ung water cannons. everyay, civilns a killed every day. >> there haseenontinuous fiting i your city for 40 ys now. asaras gadhafi's hey weaponry i concern, itsn't inhe city? at makes it so much more difficult t strike them from the ai >> absolutely righ th is e mn probm w're cingight now. thiss th probl that nato has to deal with. since the ginng of the r stris, t gaddafi forces he changed thr taics. right n, th arensidthe ci and usi t shopsnside the city as a shield and a hideout.
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thiss the proble that nato eds to deal wit >> how can they deal wi i though theres nother way. ey cannot send tros onhe grou. that isgain thun solution. itay just be that the std- continues until yr ci runs o offood the international security cision about -- to take any necessy msures to proct theivilns. weid wh the air strikes, -- en with their strikes, there are civilians and casualty's every day. today, we had on ddand 26 unded pri the casualties' are going on d coinuing. theeop are trying to send a message tohe international community tt we needome protecti. not to defend- even touide the air rike
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toet rid ofhis. >> president obamahas been holding lateight talks with senior republican andemoat leads inrder to try end th ddlock over the bget cuts nded to tace the u.s. deficit. thmeetg ended apparently without areakrough. . obama said there had been in oduction -- productiv an frank scusons. he was confint tt a deal ca be done. the differences bween republics an democrats ha been narrowed significantly, but ey gave no details. it has been mo than 65 years since the end of worldar ii. the u. holocaust meum i using dern technology to sech for thousands of chdren th werseparatedrom their famili in e aftermath. >> the are the faces of some the millions ofhildn who found themsees alo and homelessn thaftermath of rld wari.
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e photos were ten by rief rkers and refugeesamps the children'wherbouts are still unkwn. and whamighbehe las portunity to find out what ppened tothem, the u.s. holocat merial museum is turni toocial media and the hopes that somebody maelp solve a decade lg mystery. >> in the first 4 hours, using cial mia a facebk, we re ae to havthousands of ople vit our wsite. they either left us comments. we got a tf interestrom survivors tothink they are depictein t photos. >> this is not theirst attempt totrace a child survivor of the holocaust. >> cptive children -- >>n 1945, the bbegaa series of boadcts to find relatives ochildren strande throughout eope.
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>> lt heard of in lonn. on balf his csin, the6- year-old lish girl. she has bn to a lar cp an to conntraon camps and also r family. >> aone with information w asked to wri a letter to t red cross. day, the speedf thinternet producing insta rests. she was idtified from this picture within 24 hours of friend seingt on facebook. he w about twoears oldhen he was taken. his father was dea his motr w too traumated to lo after him. he gave this reaion viakype om h home in france. >>een the photwas bit of ock. i d ner seen that one fore i thinthe project is portt. it aows to know that there areeople thato goo lik
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therench polican w saved motr. >>here are morehan a thousand photogrhs ochildren the seum would like to hear about. the ance of succe h improved thanko new ways of reaching people. abt half a dozenurvirs and their relatives have alrey been identied. their stories will n bedded to the musm's permanent collecon. insung that their memies wi never bforgten. >> you are watching bbc news. portugal has become e thd country to askhe european union for emeencyinancial aid. analts bieve the cntry may need more tn $110 biion. the authorities of northern mexicoaid ey found nearly 60 bodies in masgraves. there's plen mor on all o
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rae of companies. wh can we do for you? >> "bbc world ws arica" was presented by kcet, losngel.
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