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tv   BBC World News  PBS  April 9, 2011 12:30am-1:00am PDT

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>> ts isbbc world news." funding for is psentation isade ssible by the frean fodation of new york, stowe, rmont, and honolulu. wma's own foundation. the hn d. and catherine t. macarthur foundaon. and uniobank >> uni banhas put its finaial strength to work f a we range of companies,rom small buness to major
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corporations. what can we forou? >> and now, "b worews america. >> we will be going back to waingt, d.c. i am sure in an ur. in doing deal, u.s politicians ce to an agreement over the budget avoing a governme shuown. fighng bk the forces loyal to gbagb there a cshes twin protesters and ot pice and syri -- tre a claes between protesters d ri police
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adms to attackinand ofrs millions in compeatio e papazzi are warned to have responsibly whetaking pictur of te mdleton. the last fewinut, policia on citol hill have reached a deal on a new budg to avoid large sectns of the federal governme bng st down democrats and republansave mprosed and have agreed to a teorary deal. tensionsave bee runningigh ashey y to hammer out an agreement. ew moments ago,nd dw numb in shington d.c., hn boehr hathis to say.
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he gave us his reactis to the talkthat have been going on l night. >> i am pleasedhat sator reid and i haven toome to rms reement that wl cut spending and keep our governnt open. i expect that the houill vote yes tonight on a ctinuing resotion into next week to all r ti f this agreement to beut together in a leglative form and bught tohe table of theouse i would exct the final vote on this to be xt week but i believe that we will have a brid continuing resolution passed tonig tonsure that e government ispen. you know, there haseen a t of discussion and a long fight. we he fout to kee government sndin down because it wl help to create aette job lo innvirment forob
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creators in our country -- create aetteenvironment fo job eato and our country. >> c you tell uhate know far >> ate know ishat ther' going be stopgap measure thatill avert u.s. vernment shutdown that would have hpene in less than an hour's time. the has been a compmise between thedemoats and republicans. bu this is n yet the end of e story. they sill have to vot on a final deal tt wl agree on a ne bdget for the u.s. gornment for the nexsix months oso. that, weow uerstd, i due to happen ler nt week. repuicans a saying that they are close to a de and they are green sewhe around38-$39 biion with cuts. -- they are ageing to
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around $-$39illion with cuts. this could hapn lar next ek. for th moment,n tes of this moreramatic possibility of e whol.s. government shuttin down, that has been aveed. >> that is relief fo the federal workers whare facing t gettingaid. >> thais rig. it would haveeen half of the feral rk force, are around 2 llion people. somhing like 800,000 peoe would have been so ut dn. this wld n have afcted u.s. troops inraq and afghanistan. -- troo inraq and afanisn wouldot he been id. famous monuments wou hav been close. >> you can see the washington
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monument visitedachear b hundre ofthousands fm arou the world. the people who come here come to learn about our history and insred by the example of our democracy. people of differt background and beliefs n come together a one nation. tomorrow, i am pleased to announce that the washington monument as wells the federal government will be open for business. that is becaus today,mericans of different belfs came gether again. in the final hours before our government would have been forced to shut down, leaders of both pties reach an aeement that willllow our small businesses to get the loa they need, families to get the mortgas th applied for, a hundre of ousands o americans tohowp an wk and ke o their paychec on time cludingur brave men and women in uniform. thiagreent bween democrats anrepublicans on behal oall americs is on a budget that vests in ourutur while
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kinghe largest annl spending cut iour hisry. ke any worthwhile comomise, th sides had to make tou cisions and give ground on sues that are imptant. certainly didhat. some of th cuts wagre to will beainl. programs that people wl re upon wl be cutback. infraructe projects will be delad. i wod not ha made these cuts in bette circumstances bennin to live witn our meanis the only wayo prote the investmes tt wi help erics compete fornewobs instmes in education, ean energy, medal rearch. we protected the investments w ne to winhe future. at the se time, we so made sure that at the e of e day this was aut that -- a date about spending cuts, not social issues ke wen's health and the protection of ourair d wate the are important issues that
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desee discussion but this not rt of the budget. i would like tothank speaker boehr ansenator rd fo their leadership. a few minutes ago, ias able to sign a tax cut f american famili bause both parties work thrgh their differences and found comn ground. now the sa cooration will ke possiblthe biest spy ending cut in history. now, hopthat we n ce tethe ase face the challenges at lie ahead of us to educating our children an reduci oureficit. -- now,he same coorati will me psible theiggest spending cutn history. th is what the americ peoe expe us do. ieceived a letter froa mother in longmont, colorado. over the yea hison's class ve ttoneynd work on prects so that nteek ey coultake class trip to shinon, d.c. th even have an appointment to lay a wreath a thtomb ofhe unknn soier. for the lastew days,he kids
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in h son' class hadeen woied d upset that they might ve to cancel theirrip beuse othishutdown. sh asked those ofs in shington to getast r grievanc andake things right. sh said, remembehe futur of this untry is not for us, thiss for our chiren. today, wected on behalf of our children's ture nteek, when 58 grars fm corado rise in our cital i hopethat ty wi be able t look at the washington monument with pride and posbili. the land of plty has always found a way to me forward a one. thank you. >>and true north, whado y make o whayou just hrd from present obama? >> i think u c hear the reliefn prident obamas th
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voice. -- president ama's voice. this wagoing to go all th way to a government shut down because it was looking pretty acrimoous in the hours lding upo this final agreemt. ey are haing ts as the biggest annual speing cut in s. htory. at snds good b in the end we are stillalkibout a nyroportion of u.s. governmentpendg. e u.s. is going to run budgetdeficit this year, somewhe around $1.6 billio president oba is very happy to puthe end of ts cisis. he sai that americs o diffent bief, this relution approvesf th can wo together. do youhinkhat this will be
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that wwill see running thugh every single sagreement in the fure bween the docra and republics? >>he fact that they ha agreed to a compromise certainly ll be seen by some a posive. the certainly has been compromisen alsides becse at o point, replica lders wee taing abo pushing for ts o arod $ billion. they have ce down to somewhere around $39 billion. that is a gger cut thathe democratsanteto make. they have met some ere the middle. the tng to watch for over the next few dayss what the more nsertive base whin the republican pty said, how th reaco this, particulay those linked wit theea party movent that won electns in the midterms that have pushing for cuts ahigh as it hundred
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million dollars. will they be happy with thi. ma of them e puing for aboron rights. we heard pridenobama was saying that in the end, we were focused on spenng, t on social issues. this carly a reference t abortionrights >> to haveo inrrupt you. >> we havealkeduring this rocess on a number o occasions. as way here, weave really terric ratiohip. we do our best torote our coeren. his really a pleasure t work with and i adme an appreciate his work. this has ben a long process. i has not bn an easy pcess
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both sides have had to make tough choes b tough choices is what this job iall out. i think i is important to note, mr.resint, as wsaidn a statent, th this i stor, what weave ne. 78 d a half biion llars low the 2011udget that we have beenorki off of. we havbeen working on many ders. at w have done is difficult but imptant forhe country. well agree thather are many ts that have to take place in thfutu. we understand that. we must get ts cotry's fial house in order. themerican people have to make tgh choic, th are doing it everday. that is the responsibility, all 0 ofs. 35 members othe use.
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this will cu spending an keep th count runng. we will get this agrment throughoth usesnd to the prident. repeat,e wiut 78 and a halfilli dollars and this will be on thepolicy riders. i do that becausehatas not be easy. the mntime, we will pass a sht-term resutio t kp the governnt rning. that will cut the first $2 llion of thetotal savings that we have already -- mr. predent, wh the permsionf the rublican lead, i ask unimo consent to count h.r. 2063. we aee to e bill as amended the senate wil proceed to vote on the passage tpass the bill
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>> is there objeion? >> mr.resint. >> let me thank my friend, the majorieader and speaker boehner are for thr outstandin worurin thi difficult negotiatn. mr. predent, we had an offer to -- >>e wi break into thapress nferce to talko an economist at the universityf maryland. thank you for joining us on this reakg news story. i know it just happened bu what is your assessment so far of whatou heard fr bothides? >> think theepubcans were on theefen. i have be working thetory through e day. over and overgain the decratsave been able to st the abortion iue as an attack on women's alth i don't kw if th is accurate
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but they were able toin the etoral war. the republicangot ot more spending cuts than temocts had originall offered. i know it es not sm like a lot of people in britain d around the world $43 billion, buthis isor the raind o this fcal yeaand they can ly focus o dcretnary spding theyannot focus o ntitlements, health care, social security. that would take significant changes in leglati. the real battle begins in a couple weeks when they te up the 2012 buet wh its 1.6 trillion llareficit. the reblics have a plano dramatically altethe delivery health-care svice by the gornment. they'rerepad to put on the table social security, the retirement age, ad so for, t th're not very spefic about wt they will dobout what ' talking about is the
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wholese reworking of the government. e democrats' only holone house of two hous congress. th do't hold the predents -- they holdhe presidency. >> who has the upperand? >> they don't hava substante upper hand. th u.s. is speing % more than theeven. tt is an astonishing amount of money. any otherount would be considered a terrible risk. we are in the shape fincial of portugal. myeeling is that th must be dealt with. thepresident has basicall thrown it to threpuicans caushis budget does very little about it and behaves a though it'll gaway his budgemake vy got assumption about gwth.
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demoatic economists he acknledg that. the republican he a substante initiative democrats e more skilled. >> when thislows over and the result means that the deficit not dealt witand deacons -- d theceson ctinues, will they get the votes for ? >> it up to the republicans come up with bett table. the pathway to prosperity that eongressman rye and tabd as theirudgeinitiative has a lotof hol in it. a lo oftuff in there is unrealisc. we spe about 50%-7 for- 50%- 75% on heth ce because we ve mu hier prices. solution is detted a obleand give it to t states to soe it
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dede h much we want to spend and say, you fix it. the notn of regulatingrug prices, bringing in insurance ratesadmistrative costs. these are market mageme sues that onlyhe federal government can deal wh. the republicans don't ha cleaplan if they puthe pns on the tae, then thedemoats will haveo act becausehe american peoeecognize tat the republans ght not have answers bt they are asking the right questions because the deficit is too large. >> none of this reflects o politians very well, ds it? >> i rd an article recently r the "christian ienc monitor. america needs to be led by ults. the presidt is not recognizi the problem. the rublicans, ey aed the righ queions, the solions
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they propose arerepoerous. ving it to thetateto soe anlet's have a commiee 50 governorsoes notolve thprobm. no one is willing to addss the most primary issue, the rerement age. the social securit retement age is too low for the systeto be sound. there iso manipulation, private savgs accounts tt can solve tha other than raising e rerement age. >> will we see politicians taking ever single potential disagreement tthe brink fm now? >> right n, ye therere some many this that th democts hold near and dear th this government canno afford. plnedarenood only gets a quarter of i funding fmhe federal gornme. whher or not youtandne way or ather on the abortio ise, the fact of theatte is that the feder govnment nnot afford to be finaing anne penthd which is esntially a non profit.
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national public rio, cboy poetry, ektra grail, all manner othin thathere is not the mon to do. -- electric rlall manner of things. if we raisur taxes 5, we would have a $560 billion deficit. that isow much more mey are sndin if we raise every tax and fee w hady 50%, weould t get this budgedefit down a manageable amoun ' suggested that e ne president not be a governor but see if we can get an american the jobf theremier of portugal saidthate canave soone thxperience in nkruptcy. >> tha youor taking the tim to talk to us. and other new th battle for ntro of iry coast's main ty h tak an unexpected
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rn. the u. saythat forces loyal to laurent gbagbo have ed the root of peace tal to reinforc their positis. they say his forces haveained ground in the battle andhey're stl inossession oheavy weapons and are advanng othe hequarrs of alassane attara. >>t the same time, theorces ggbohave full control of the plateau. they haveegained forces the. while we speak, the mig be ve close tthe hotel. ty are clearlysing- a a ick to inforce their position. they will say that theyill agree to notia but they were conctratg their position. they hav ccentted their posion ithe plateau area. > we have more on the story from andrew harding.
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"slowly, adjan opening up. we found t cilia emerging fr their hom for t first me ia week. it h bee quite an ordl. the burned people, she sai they burned noce people in the streets. now, tre is a rush to find ppli and money. ere are serityoncerns. don't have wat or anythin to eat,hat is our problem now the soiersight not have seized launt gbagbobut they are csoliting their hold on abidjan. the security situation has changed dramatically in e past4 hos. it see like part ohe ty is cing back to life. yet, t loc police chief has said tt its too dangeus r his soldie toeaveheir
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hos. >> we quickly fod out why. wi the rn came d afrnoon fifighnd frustration. a mmanr whoold his men to stop the looting, now uing them to op dithering. so,hilehey had o t fight, local residents fin themsees back in a familiar precame. an hr or sago this area was stable. the ldiers said the position under attack remder of how ffict t situion is. there is certnly ogress re. the skirmies dg on.
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>> aeminr of thereakg news we had this hour for you, e two sidesn the budget deadlock inashington, d.c have ce to an interim agreemt. joing me from washington is enter nort you he had a little ti to get your head around at i happening in the last lf-hr. what is yo assesent? >> ihink the firsthing th everyo is feeling is evening in whington is riefhat it has t gonall e way to a government shutdown. you c certainly see that in what presidentbama sd when cam out ahorthilefter th agreement had bn anunce but, this is a stop-gapeasu athe moment. th have avert the shutdow they aretillo voteon t wider dealthat will eure this
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will run through the end of the budget year. that is due to happen latenext week. but, everyone is feeling excited at the momt. theris no rson w we cannot e more of this bkering and argunt overuts. th is t yet a don deal. >> are you doing this litly? >>ho can say. this has been a acrimonis fe days. e replicans fear at i they took it all the way t a shutwn, they did not mpromise,hey sa it wod be d whoould be blamedy the americ public. at is what happened the las time tre was acris like is. was the republins who were sentlly blad by america public opion. e democrats work quite smart in portrayinghis as t republicans tryingo pus social issues like abortn
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rights, not aut spending. >>hankou very muchor joing us. this ibbc ws. >>ee t news unfold, get the top ories from around t globe and clk-tolay video reports. go to bbcom/ws toxperience thin-depth, expert reporting of "bbc world newsonli. >> fundi wasade possibley the frman undation of new york, stowe, vermo, and honolu. newman's n fodation. the john d. and cathine t. macarthur foundation. and uniobank and adside attractions presenting "the conspirator, directed by bertedford. >> lcoln's been shot. >> you are charged with conspiracy to ll aaham lincoln. >> 150 years aft theivil war gan >> am assassin. >> comes t sto of wt really happened wh it was ov. >> my mother iinnont. >> fm director robert redfd. >> s must be buried a forgotten. >>ou liar! >> basedn acal events.
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>> there is no lit thow f the prosecutn isilling to go. >> "the conspiror,"atedg- 13, artspril 15. >> "bbc world news" wa presend bycet los angeles.
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