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tv   Mc Laughlin Group  PBS  April 9, 2011 12:30pm-1:00pm PDT

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for too long, washington has not been honest with the american people. washington has been making empty promises to americans from a government that is going broke. >> house budget committee chairman paul ryan this week unveiled a g.o.p. budget proposal for 2012 and beyond. the wisconsin republican developed the plan, dubbed it
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"path to prosperity" with advice from alice rivland, former head of the non-partisan congressional budget office. budget chairman ryan's path to prosperity framework begins with posterity. item, roll back federal spending. whether it's green energy, solar, wind, et cetera, to farm subsidies and discretionary spending, and domestic and defense spending will be cut back to 2008 spending levels and frozen for five years. item, cut federal payrolls through hiring freeze% attrition. the federal workforce would be cut by 10%. item, reform medicare. for those today under the age of 55, that's today, medicare would be transformed to a system of "premium support"
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beginning roughly 10 years from now, in 2022, medicare would pay a portion of the premium for private health insurance plan chosen by the seniors themselves. item, reform medicaid. make it a bloc grant to the states directly. item, overhaul the tax code. business and individual tax breaks would be eliminated with top corporate and personal income tax rates, get this, capped at 25%. over a 10-year period, chairman ryan's proposal cuts 6.2 trillion -- that's t as in thomas, trillion dollars from president obama's budget. on twitter house minority leader nancy pelosi lampooned the ryan path to prosperity as "a path to poverty for america's seniors and children and a road for big oil." question, what impact will
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ryan's budget proposal have on the national debate over today's federal deficit? >> they're going to demonize ryan and demagogue his plan, and i don't think his plan will go anywhere in the united states senate. but, i do think he's laid out a marker, a very serious plan about serious issues, it's got a growth factor to it which is very important and it's got some very serious cuts that everybody knows we're going to have to make somewhere down the road. i don't think tes ago you said willi think he'll be basically republicans aren't going to get it through. but one thing they will have done here is laid down a marker for the future, john. when and if i think this crash that's coming comes, and the democrats have rejected it, the republicans will be able to say we told you so, we tried, we told you it would take pain. you didn't do it. now here's what happened. i think that's what is being done. they're sitting their position
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now very tough against what is coming down the road. >> what is this crash business? >> i think you'll have a run on the ballot, one of these days. you'll have a chinese or stopping by on our debt. >> how will that occur? >> the fed will stop its easing in june. they stop buying $100 billion in debt so we have to buy $125 billion every man. >> what do you think we should go into gold? >> i've already been to gold. >> you know -- >> run for cover! >> pat writes books about the end of the west. and i think -- [everyone talking at once] poor ryan's budget is not going to go anywhere because even republicans aren't going to fully support it. i give him credit. he's a serious legislator but it's a deeply floored document it. makes wild claims about reducing unemployment. at one time he said 2-point something percent, then the heritage foundation where he allegedly got the number quickly scrubbed that number from their website and adjusted it up to 4-point something
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percent which he can't do. there are wild claims he can't back up and second, two-thirds of the heaviest cuts come from the poorest people in this country, and he rewards people at the top, which would only accelerate the distance between the super-rich and everybody else in this country. so it's a starting point for conversation, which we need to have, and i think he has given the politically he's given the democrats a great gift because his comments about medicare and medicaid are simply too good to not demonize. >> who spoke first, heritage foundation or -- ryan? >> i think the heritage foundation. heritage had the 2.8 number in there but the idea that anyone can project with what the unemployment rate will be in 2015 is ridiculous. so ryan would have been better to just leave that all to the side. but what we have here, job, is we have set up a conflict of visions obviously, we have an
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unsustainable fiscal situation in the country. there were two ways to go. one is ever higher taxes and price controls on health care to control the costs of health care, which is basically the democratic plan. but they're too cowardly to be explicit about it. or we can get spending under control, take first steps to getting the entitlements under control with no tax increases and price controls and that's the ryan plan which will become the lowest common denominator to for republican presidential candidates in 2012. >> so it's going to be president. >> not every candidate will endorse every jot of it. it will be -- it will be -- the standard by which candidates will be judged. [everyone talking at once] >> don't do it! >> we're going to see this again and again and again in every primary. what about -- what about -- the basic bench mar fork republican policy, it's comprehensive, it's compelling. every conservative worth its salt has endorsed it. >> it would be difficult for candidates to get away from it. >> do you remember the
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presidential commission called simpson bowls commission? >> i do. >> what happened to that? >> i do. the best case scenario and it's likelier they'll just -- democrats will demagogue the hell out of this and hopes the conversation goes away. but the best case politically is ryan makes bowl simpson looks more -- and creates a least political momentum within the halls of congress to go more -- something like that. >> you think he was liberal? >> compared to ryan. >> come on now! ryan is reversed robin hood. this is reaganomics on steroids. the guy has tax breaks for the rich and all the pain is shifted to medicare recipients. seniors. this is the beginning of a conversation and democrats shouldn't run from it. both sides have been cowardly about the deficit. it's just that there's more anxiety on the right. but the left with exception of
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dick cheney and few others who said don't matter, especially with something they want to buy, no sense of panic and no need to panic. unless ryan left social security out which he should. so social security is not in some vent contrary to those who say it's bankrupt. but sensibly medicare does need to be dealt with one way or the other. and whoever does it -- bloc grant. >> medicaid bloc grant which means -- under ryan's plan, it would be. which means you're going to have some shortfall,. >> you don't see anything in the ryan plan that you like? >> well, i see a lot that i like. i just see a lot that i don't luke too. think it will go away or do you agree that -- it will be a kind of a benchmark in every primary coming up? >> it will be on the platform and ignored like most platforms are. but this is a moral document. it does set priorities for what the republican -- [everyone talking at once] just like democrats platform set the priorities for them. i think simpson boles made a lot of sense and tried to balance the pendulum on both
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sides. >> you think a star has been born here? >> oh, young ryan? >> yes. >> why not. everybody else is running for the republican nomination, why shouldn't he? >> you think a star has been born? >> he likes charisma. think the american -- people are telling -- feel ryan is telling it like it is? >> i think there will be a backlash. >> remember the woman with the town hall, who said keep the government's hands off my medicare? those folks will say what? >> ryan is perceived by the american people as a work. but he's a work that tells the truth and he's a smart work. yes or no? >> the headlines [everyone talking at once] >> i think that if you're a presidential candidate in 2012, paul ryan will have courage, vision, some good ideas in there, i don't embrace them all. and there are some things that
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i really will go for. but i'm going to look at -- have my own plan, but do not embrace the ryan plan -- if you're a presidential candidate. >> you think you could successfully argue ryan out of any position that he has, or would he argue you out of your position? >> no, i dope have -- i would cut defense, i would cut foreign policy. would you do a lot of things. i would say social security, you got to make changes. >> you think he could give you arguments that could cause to you change your mind? >> he's a bright fellow, john. he probably could. >> debate you and convince you -- [everyone talking at once] >> that would give him the benefit of the document he would do a god job. >> a hero in the small segment of the electorate, the conservatives think the liberal programs are the fault of everything going wrong. he wants to turn medicare into what is called a premium support program. >> right. what is wrong with that. >> well, what is wrong with it is the government then pays a certain premium with health
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care costs go up. >> is there any way -- [everyone talking at once] >> as costs go up, recipient bears the cost. he touts support from alice rivland, who has said she does not support the plan as he has put it. also he gets credit for all this courage but can't touch anybody over the age of 55 because they're the ones who vote! >> is there anyone who is going to be a truth teller and who is not going to have to address -- the medicare, medicaid and social security? >> of course but the headlines he got this week are all about his claims that cannot be documented -- >> he invaded a territory, the entitlement territory that no one goes into. as long as i've been doing this show, they have never gone into that. he went into it! >> the simpson boles commission went into it, and president obama created that commission. and paul ryan voted against
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their product. so how bold is that? he voted against it! >> the committee was holding on to -- government. big government. this guy wants to shrink the government, the federal government! >> you're talking out of both sides of your mouth. five minutes ago you said it will get demagogued but now you say he's not politically courageous. of course he's politically courageous. this is a key thing about medicare, medicare is a driver of health care inflation in this country. and what ryan is trying to do is inject an element of market competition into health care that is not there now. medicare is a giant check writing operation. >> it's the most popular and efficient program in this administration. >> it's not efficient! no serious health care economists will say medicare is efficient. >> answer the question. >> medicare is a huge -- on the
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merits, is the path to prosperity a sound plan, that's his plan, for cutting the deficit? a sound plan? >> i think it's sound. i think it's courageous. and i don't think it's going anywhere for the simple reason, look at clarence and eleanor and their response -- [everyone talking at once] >> debate is another question. >> it's not fair to put the whole burden of deficit reduction on poorer people in this country. there's no revenue increases. hedon go after oil subsidies. he keeps tax breaks in place and adds more to the wealthy. it's not -- it's not a document. >> if you look at medicare -- if you look at the medicare reforms, an element of it is means testing. he's going to give more to people who are sicker why. are you give medicare to people upper middle-class and better?
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paul ryan is courageous up in knuff to take that on and is getting attacked by it. >> that's the kind of debate -- >> what about social security? >> it's not a crisis. 2037 it's solvent. until then and even then -- [everyone talking at once] >> why are there caps on social security? [everyone talking at once] don't want to save social security but that's two, architect of atrocity. >> we system bring cannot allow a trial to be delayed any longer for the victims of the 9/11 attacks or for their family members who have waited for nearly a decade. >> commander in chief barack obama has given up plans to try in a several ann court the architect of the 9/11 twin
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towers atrocity, sheikh mohammed. he will be tried by a military court at the guantanamo bay, cuba detention facility. the decision was announced on monday by attorney generic holder. this is one of highest profile policy reversals bit obama white house. when campaigning for president, senator obama then sought both to close guantanamo and to treat detainees on the same legal basis as an ordinary u.s. citizen. after his election two years ago, mr. obama again pushed for mohammed to be tried in a several ann court in new york city, a trial that would have cost an estimated $1 billion. that's b as in boy billion dollars. new york soy mayor bloomberg was outraged at the idea on both costs and security grounds. but congress passed a law that forbad the transfer of all
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guantanamo detainees, present and future, to u.s. soil for detention and for trial. so the trial location problem went away. holder on monday said that congress forced the administration's hand and was angry. >> i know this case. in a way that members of congress do not. i looked at the trials. i've spoken to the prosecutors. so do i know better than them? yes. >> new york republican congressman peter king lorded congress's decision denying them a civilian trial. >> american people realize how trial in new york or anywhere on the continental united states. >> is it smart politics for attorney general holder to -- that he knows better than members of congress when it comes to prosecuting the defendant? >> i don't think it is, john. i really do.
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sheikh mohammed is a foreigner, alien, mass murderer who killed americans. he is not like mcveigh, an american citizen, or even though -- charlie manson, this guy is a foreigner and combat war, he would be taken out for this kind of atrocity, put up against the wall and shot. and that's under the rules of geneva. he ought to be tried is what he is and he'll be tried where he should be, right down there at guantanamo bay. >> appropriately we did not line him up and shoot him. and i think we have tried foreign born terrorists in this country and they're successfully being held in maximum security prisons. and i think that the attorney general wanted to let the public know that this is a congressional decision and with congress's approval rating it's something like 11%, i think that does not hurt you. >> do you think -- i'm not arguing but i think it series raised that if he is -- if he is euthanized by capital
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punishment, he will live on forever as a martyr and terrorist community and that it would be better for him to be incarcerated for the rest of his life in guantanamo or somewhere is, rather than kill him. >> he can be incarcerated on american soil. i haven't noticed any -- breaking out. >> would he be converted to -- >> i don't know -- [everyone talking at once] >> not without capital punish and i don't think that's in the cards for him. i think he will be incarcerated for life, getting free medical care. >> you mean on grounds i'm saying otherwise, it would make him a martyr that would live forever if he's killed? >> he deserves the death sentence and it's an unfortunate collateral effect that you can't help. >> really? since when did politics become
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-- [everyone talking at once] >> if this was bush and cheney wanted to try them in new york, there wouldn't be a action [everyone talking at once] >> he tried other terrorists and it wasn't the peep. [everyone talking at once] >> just going at it that's what this is about. this is about a lot of emotion. >> you want to see them in a -- or in a wrestling match or in a boxing ring? >> your point is well taken, if this were osama bin laden. i would agree with you because osama bin laden is an enormous figure, and you ought to put him in jail for the rest of his life. i don't think ksm is a really
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charismatic figure. but if it were osama bin laden i would agree, candidates will be judged. [everyone talking at once] issue three, centennial. april 12, 1861. 150 years ago this coming tuesday, confederate charts rained down on the union military base in charleston, south carolina. fort sumpter, after 34 hours of shelling the fort fell. the american several war began. 11 southern states he is seed from the union. first south carolina then in the or of secession, mississippi, florida, alabama, georgia, louisiana, texas, virginia, arkansas, tennessee, and north carolina. these states were' grayer ann societies then, dependent on slaves working the fields. economic entities with cultural
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hierarchies the states were unwilling to give up. together the formed the kurd states of america and elected jefferson davis as their president, opposing president abraham lincoln, who governed the union. the military general was robert e. lee. ulysses s. grant served as general of the union. the bloodied conflict ended four years later, almost exactly to the day, april 9, 1865. when the fighting did finally stop, lincoln's union forces had won. 600,000 americans died. slavery was abolished. the union held. question, is n
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from the mainland. ofofofofofof secede. item, texas. 18% would vote to secede. texas republican governor rick perry hinted at the possibility of a texas secession. "i believe the federal government has become oppressive. i believe it's become oppressive in its size, its intrusion in the lives of its citizens, and its interference with the affairs of our state." rich, what do you think of the condition of the union? >> i think it's pretty strong, john. i say vermont. >> why vermont? >> definitely. vermont other texas any day of the week. >> i say -- >> so the union is okay? >> right. >> this is semi-comical but
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semi-serious question. lot of movement, but there's going to be no geographic secession, that's out of the question. it was decided in 1865. but there are a lot of movements. you mentioned hawaii, there's a movement to establish and went through part of congress to establish a state legislature which was people of hawaiian blood alone because the state had been taken away from them, you get a lot of these movements like this, vermont is the small movement and stuff. league of the south. but it's not gone anywhere in terms of seceding and breaking up the cub supply do you think a case can be made by a state that the federal government is too big and the taxation is too great? we ought to get out of the federal government, we ought to get out of the union and go our own ware. >> sounds familiar. there was a very fierce debate in the 1850s about that. and it was settled in 1865. like that said, but -- >> but the -- the government has, what -- the -- [everyone talking at once]
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>> state power -- federal authority has grown. >> you sound like rick perry. fact that nobody lost a vote in texas as far as i know by advocating for the republican of texas, very serious thing. the rest of the country folks don't realize how much this means to some states. but i move from the land of lincoln. >> what is -- what is there that could prevent this from ever happening today? [everyone talking at once] >> the u.s. army, john! >> not predictions, pat. >> tough time for israel this fall. the general have assembly in september, the general assembly will vote to recognize the palestinian state as sovereign on the west bank, east jerusalem, and gaza. overwhelming vote. >> wow. >> the confrontation over the 2011 budget will expose the deepening fishers between speaker john boehner and his majority leader eric cantor. >> wisconsin governor scott
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walker does not get recalled because we're seeing wisconsin the less bark is much worse than its bite and it's backlash against the union reforms. >> donald trump won't lawn future president about will do a tv show with sarah palin. >> the new york times has a pay wall where you have to pay to read the new york times online. i predict that it will
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