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tv   BBC World News  PBS  April 12, 2011 12:30am-1:00am PDT

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>> thiss bbc rld news. funding for th presentation is made possible b the freeman fodati of n yor swe, veont,nd nolu. newman's own foundation,he john d andratsdzrin t. mccasdzyur fouation. and union bank >> union ban has put its financial streth twork for a wide range o cpani, from small busesse to mar
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corporations. what can we do for you >> and now bbc world news. ahey the sessment of the plant. libya tells the u.n. there must be a negottion >> i as everybody allhe parties a void takingibya in a civil war. this would lee so so much blood, littl will bea new somali >> ivory ast new president edgeto send him for lgal proceedings but he will be well eated. welco on pbs in america and also aroun the world. coming up. >> belarus bles terrists r metro tinexplion
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whickilled 11 a injured mo than100. france denies full-fac verings. >> lanesefficls have raised the assessment of the serity of the emergency at theucle plant puttg it o a parith the disaster at ernobal. they incased the lel an inrnational scale fro 5 to the maxim 7. the ancy official sa the diation was a 1th o th emitted by chernal, wever techcians are sil ruggng to gainontrol. with the very latest we can he fro japan's nuclear and dustal safety agency who ve a press conference withn
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assessme ofthei nucle reactors. >>he great east japan eartuakehich took place on the 11th of march andecause ofhis the coast by the nucleapowe plant based upon the formation the march th that we ncluded th the accinteverity lel to 7. but thamou of theelee the radioactive subance is 10% that of e chernobal, ich is in par of the enis scal ens is theardstickwhich is sons lated by ieed for ch o the accidenthey asure tt e significance from e point ofhe setyeasures at this is that e yardstick. and the proposal wasrodud as of thest ofaugust, 1992
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and on same year it became effective in japan. >> let's cross live to racl. y did they make this nounment now >>thats the key question. and the key point here i that thisecisn hanot been me becae ofny sharp deterioration. it has been made because they now have mh re data and they have mad a muchulle asssme ofthat da. all agenciesere working togeer. ey he got this formion together andhey now say give what ty now know,hey ould ise e level ta level 7. so is not becse sethi has happed in the past few days wch h chand thir mind it'secause th have hadime to takestocofwhat happen orinally and the way that the radiation has emanated since. and they have been monitorg those levels. so iis an aessmt of what they know rather than a chge circumstances. the other ke points to make are the difrences with
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cherbal. yes, this puts it on e same scale on theecogzed levels. t as officials were at pains to point outherere several differences. perhs thmost imptantas that chernobal wa a very sudden, very powerful explosn within the reactor core. theituaon here wa explosions o hydrogen,ot the core bu explosions o hydrog. at is an altogether diffent kindf accent. the otherhing that officials here have said is that wit chernobabecae of the type of accent one could get backn there to try to manage the situaon. wheras here in jap, workers are there around the cck trng to bring the suati under control so y in terms of the sca chernobaland japan areow i parrot. in terms otheaturof the acdent there are very substantial differences. >> thank you vy mu for that. well, aseni fellow a the
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harvard kennedy schoolas been monting e siation at the plant. andarli hgave us his reacon t thi latest new >> wha this is when theres incidentr accint le that, the filit operor makes the assessment and th assigns this nber whic we ha hea from 1 to 7. any me ty do the asssment then they asgn the lue. it's bas always on this informatiowhicis at that point of time avaable for the operator a thelate tore the opators. thiss wh we see theumbe be creang. first eof t units was three and the week ler is s assigned 5. and then now ey he assigned it number whicmeans they have now more curate information out e total ountf radioactivity that waseleed during this accint. and it has bn apparently much higher than whathey
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ticipated earer. so is is what is the situion so there is not cessarily a new catastrophe or nothin hazhang today inpite of the eart quake. but thiss more accurate information and en ty can their revidstites. >> we arhearg from the ne jersey ancy just some formion coming to us tt thradiation emissions are equivalent t 10% of that en in chernobal in 1986. does th mean inour perice that the situion is being dea wi correctly given e level ratg it has en given since the start of this crisis i japa >>ell, i d't he the mbers in ont of me but think at they rk fair swiftly. if y recall in the next couplef days qte a lot of people hav to leave their homes ter the explosion. whic was not e case in chernobal becau peoe sted up to two weeksn that area
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before they were askedr bere theyere er evacuad. so i tnk t authories he been fairlycautious and prctive from t ginning. but at the same ti we have seen in the last fays that there are some h spots there insi this ze and saw for example tod th suggested at pple from one of the biggest town next to the power ants should move aw there inne mon's time. there is nohurry bt thei recommdati is to move. so weeed look the at what will be the long-rm implications once the gethe full mapping ad ar ae to make ose lculions that wh theeople can return, w can returand wheer some extraeasures are sll needed. the foer libyforeign ministernd t mt hi-profiled defto has spoken puicly for the frst time sie arrivingn britain.
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he saidibya would become the new somalia unless bh sdes in the conflict begaa dialogue. he washe prime minister has beenccud ofeing involv in the locker bomng in 1988. in the statement h ward the west to aid furer turmoil in libya. >> today a liby, i am the same as all theibya. i k everybody, all the paies work to avoidaking libya intoa civil war. thisill ld to so many blood , and lib wl be a n somali
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more than that, we refuse diding libya. the unity olibya is essential to a solution d any sementmentn libya. --ettlent in libya. the sotion in lbya ll come fr the libyans theelves. througdiscsion and diogue, democratic dlogu >> earlierhe libyaninisr r social affairs had is reaction tthe statements. >> he said know, have knn m foa long tme. he is a personal frief mine. but i will not cment on
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anything he say while he is captur a hoste to e country. soon as he is in a foren country in a war situationwith lia, w nnot take anying he says. let m go ouide of britain to couny that is neutral an i notinvoed in the r. and once he is the he can say wh he thinks and then w wil mment on what he sys. >> h do yu know hewent there? maybe he was kidnappe >> rcting there to the statemt. ll, e latest diomatic attempt to stop the violence has taken a stblin blo. there was an reement to a plan buthe rels rejeed it
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yingny deals design to ep colonel gaddafi i power was ucceptable. >> favoring victory bles back in commandn th strategi town. notalk here of laying wn thr arms. na air strikes are their y weapon. th lted colonel gaddafi's vance. today the rels scaveanged what they could from the eckage and buried soldiers in unmaedraves. th are reguping. they have a lot of lo ground recover andill need more help fm nato ty ar to make serio progress. they are waing here now becaustheyave been told that an air strike is due just uphe road. there is nown attempt to sere a cease-fire. between e meere, we found
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no appetite for tt. ghte had heard but weren't presd. >>here was clls for a cee-fi. would yoconser a cease-fire? >> no. no. no no. >> ere s a truce bore. but gaddafi vanc to bengha. benazitoday, the au team had roug rid hemmedin and heckled. in the rebel capital ty manded the departuref conel gaddafi, hi ss and entourage. the african plan did not addrs at. beleaders rejected i swify. t whenhe delegati ted to leave, the was chaos and even gfire not your average diplomatic exit >> it's like a- back, the are new stars of btle.
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hepent two days hiding in a garage before coming hme t this >> i never, never expected ings to happen likethat in my cntry. ok, ixpec from my eny or from somody else. but from my people and fromy government a fro my, you know, i don't liev this. >>is neighborswere moving at they could i case the regime men returd. fehereelieve there e an deals to be doneith colonel gaddi. >> you'rwatcng bbews. stillheadheace covers nned >> the british pri minier has become embroiled with
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oxford univeity. only o black pson hadeen admied to his former university last year. the actual number s 41. >> davidcamen must have got mosthings right when he s studt at oxford. he endeup with airstlass deee. but he got lastmarks. i sa a figure the other da th showed on one blac person went t oxford lt ar. >> what he said was only one studt from a blackaribbean baground got in thyear joing 40 others butthat tinyroportion o an orall intake o abo 3,000 students. when he became t first bck presidentof the oxford student union, he wasone of only two ack students atis college but said otheshouldn'te put f. despite whayou hearrom, if you thinkou carea lot about a subjectnd if you wa
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apply, thi you ould appl >> number tens adama that such a tiny numr oblac students at oxfo is disgraceful. t thuniversity sa the prlemoesn't just starto pume filling in eir entrce forms. ly 71 students i the wle couny got the kind ofrade that th unirsit demand >> it's really important to emphasize the al rson why tofew studes from nontraditional bkgrods are going to university. andhat's due to unrachievement at school >> the governmentwant aider varietof students. despite the primeinister's stro words, he is teady to pick that fight. >>ou're watching bbc new
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th hoiblets jap's nuear agency h raisedhe sevity rating puttg thris on theame lev as the chernobal sast. libya's foreig minister has okenor the first time sce hi defection. thrulehas come to an end after hwas captured by in a bunker. e forr leader was prosed he wou not be hard and urd pele tobstain fr violence. the secretary of state idthe capturwas a clear messa to otheleads who stayedin por for too ng >> defiance and oly meee emerges from h bunker and witho roomeft toaneuver, tells his remaining fighter the game is up.
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>> i have thatwe stop the fighng a bin lks that the untr cango back norm. his rewar nothing bt a clean shirt cov his hiliation. he is not thfirs african erican president to cng on power, but how man end up ke this? >> it is myleaseto announce officiayhathe former pside has been arreed, is wellnd ali, and will be brought tojuste. it took re than a week to break in hcompnd. repeated aault bten back. in the end, french an u.n. forces have pouhe buildinghen help in thfina stming of the heavily guarded residence.
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the sudn realizatio today thit'sver. >> the ns isust spreading this neighrhoo and people here delighted. mohs o uertaty, but now it's cleare's gone. people are startgo celeate. >> he still h supportin parts of this country. there wille teion in the ys aad. but right now the relief is despad. >>i'm ve happy. >> is th the end of the war? >> yes. >> are you sure e was finished now? >> the pblem is fishe now. >> tsnake's head haseen cut off saysthis soler convinced that h armed supporters will w st ghti. much depends on this man, the
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nnerf last year's presidential electn. his fces ve been accused like the predent of comming atrocities. w they must try to bring ability and all a shatred recoveo rcover. it's bee a grim few mont he. another ugh test for african mocry. >> officialsn belarus say 11 opleave been killed i an underground atio of the capil mcic. states prosecutorshave deribe it aa terrorist ac recent mohs tsionhave been rising after a crackdo on operation figures. staved zernsepor. >> thelast took ace ofhe height of rush hou at aut 6:00 in the evening. paradics tended to unne and bloodyasseers as smoke billowed from thmetro atio >> all wsaw inhe metro
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stion s a big light. erything started to treme. there were bodie everywhere. wasll very scary. >> the station is miic's main metro stop located the heart ofhe cy uer aark nex the presidtial admistraon. seral people have be klled an many injud. belarus presiden has called an emerncy governmenteeting. he h been described as europe's las dictator. he rules ov a police state whereissent is muffd. tensions in belus have been risi in past months. he won presidentl ections ineceer last yearith near 80 othe vote. the ctest was heavil criticizedy te country's opsition and international election motors wever, many support him in part for the stability that he
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guarantees for a large number, belar seemed the last pce tt would witnesscene ofhaos li theseutside the metro. >> france has become the first country inurope to b the islamicvail now,he details fro pari >> at ts moment, oung moer became lawbaker. e apared pubc in full-faced vale tha from tday is outlawed. france is the first country in europe to ileme a national baand it stirs dee emotions. he faces a 130 pod fine but is deant. >>hether a woman is weang a nit.a. or mini skirt or feathers on theyreack, it's about indivial lerty. no o hashe right ticta how others shouldress wk,
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or think. >> there were spadic prosts today. woman in a any b walks towards the gate ands puld ck bthe police. with her are hers in mas liberately mocking the law. e woman is held by a police van. >> this illustrates onlyoo well the difficuy of enforcing this lawgain full-facedeals. therare men who we i who ar quite praredo risk being arrested. >> one of th protesrs, a wealy businessman, has promised to pay any fin the wome incur. theyere all detained for about four hos. thenoutside notee dama lly vailed women stages a prott. she is led away. bufor holdg an unauthoze monstration. anotr woman is also detain t the police wer under orders to move cautiously, to
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hand out wning bere imposing fnes. t those whoack the law insist it will wor evtual. >> we may have let's say nati who try to tes u anthiss in fact auestion of testing. and thiis why we have to firm, we ve t say to all those dies that is is not the way we bave in france. >> many musls ree islam does not quir women to cver their faces bu they fear beg stigtize but thpresent with an electi on e horizon, ou dfine what it means to be french. >> the italian prime minister s made rarecourt appearancen milan ere he i ing charged wh taxfrau he denies the charges and is called themaughable and ununded and demend. rlier he cse not to attend hearg th he pa for sex
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fr annderagedrostitute. more rock star than pri minister, at least th doted mili. civil va drove him to court passed those who sti belve inis innocence. around 0 sctators stood for hours in the heat ashe sten to the evidenc inside. e prime minister is accused ofsing oshor compies to buy the rits to fms so moy cod beidde away from the italian tax ahorities. he dn't say anying inside, savit for his adoring loyasts outside. >> it was a animated tack on e magistres trying his case. th wernot workingor ity, they were wking agains it. it's mesge he keeps poding as thiand other ials get under way. >> it'so based on laughing.
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it's no oeclad anything agaithim. so only theudge wa to e this gossip to demolishim. >> this is now one of fur trlsnvolving the italian prime mister. threconcern rruption, the other alled ymen to an unraged prostite. as alwaywithim, ts is not just about theaw butlso abt politics an drama. the pre minister says he will t to get tos manyf his trials as his duties allow. heelieves hhans o success believ as much on his perfmanc outside the crt as it es within. the prosetorselieve the prime minter has muco answeror. >> you can join m on ttter
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and of crse e bbc news website. st with us. entyore to come. >> funding was me possible by the eemaoundion of new york swe, vrmon and hon will you. andoad side attctions presenting theonspirator dicted by robert redford. youre charged with conspiracy to klbraham lincoln. >> 1 years after e civ wabega comeshe story of what really happed wn it waover my mother is innoce. >> from director robert redford. >> s must be bued and
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forgotten. >> based on actl events. >> there is nolimito how far the prosecution is willing to go. >> bbc world ws w prented by kcetv
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