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tv   BBC World News  PBS  April 13, 2011 12:30am-1:00am PDT

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>>his "bbc world news." fuing r this presentation is made possie byhe freeman foundation of new york stowe, vermont, and honolu. newman's own fodati. the john. ancatherine. macahur undation. anunion bank. ♪ >> uniobankas put its global exptiseo work for a wideangef companies.
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what cane door you? >> and now, "bbc worldews. >> divisions over libya. natolliesill crease their commment to forcthe no-fly zo. hosni mubarak has ken the hostal, faln ilwhile being estioned. questions arod the fukushima plant. welce to bbc ns. roadsted to our viewers in bbc america androunthe wod. a lky escape for ts commuter jet that is cooked by a super jumb this is ed f.k. airport. and 50 years late russia cebrates t achvement of its space program.
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french and british minters ha called for more suppt from theirato allies in precti libyan civiliansrom attacks fromolon gadda's forc. the ench minister, ausedhe alli about pying their foth role in full. former foreign minister is travellingn advan of a major international meeting. from trili, jeremy byrne reports. >> t fare -- t french air force is getting readyor more operations over lia. britn anfrance are faced with an openndedilitary commment to and a lim as to w much they can influence events on the ground.
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they are getting irritated with e nato allies ey s are n pulling their weight. thisas aritish attack on libyan tank near the reb town lizraga. ey want help to do mor >> we need help intensifng effort. if that is why nat has supied addition airaft capablef string ground targets. will be welcom i other countries also to the same. ere is always more to d >>ere inripoli, the regime under pressur but it is not packin lonel gaddafiosinmen feel th are wting -- faci a weak coaliti. itrulyoesot el like cityt wa so of libya zy top footballers were relaxing bere training. the music s progaddafi, too.
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and attacking midfielder i their star. >> i he the people and then ghazi will coopete wh us,e said we arell brothers a lib is oncouny. theyay bbrotrs, but th do not tru each other. a run the footba feld from the -- aren the corner from the ground, and man has come t talk tme. the seenglyinnocent, his beg qutioned by a couple of unifmed policeman. and othe car with a couple offici loong peoe has to jo the conversation. that is wt haened in -- wha happens in tripoli athe ment when youryo tk to a reigr. they did notant me toilm it, but colonel gdafi has will support inripo his ruing has always been defiant.
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has real support in tripi. his gimeaslwaybeen dened. now thesoun morconfident, to e told me what he hopes the contact group ll achieve at do. >> tomrow, we will makeure ofthe ze of the oppitio. and we are looki for politil sutioto stop th bldsheand violence, but any solution has toave the first em on it, thataddafi and his so have to step down. this is the mberne priority for u for any polical solution. >> there a no signs, though, athe moment tt gaddafi wi step down. hoyou see, therefe, a prosal lik a cease-fire taking hold?
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>> first, weant e resolution 1973. [untelligible] everhere niatais besieged. he has trd tout off supply fromhe sea. i think civilians have to be procted by all necessar measures andhis s to be do by allecesry measures. one of them is what the coalitions doing, wch they shou be doing more. ey are not doing enoug he nional council haso ar the lian people tdefe themsees.
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>> the former leviton for minister is also troubling to doha - the formeribya foreigminier is ao traving to go o. h'you think his presence will be there? >> he is theegim he knows the regime insi out. of him bng there a defting now, iwill show the people of the uncil and the country'ies involved, he wilshowhem hw the quickest way is to get rid of ts regime. i think i will b helpful. you talked about natoot doing eugh. a no generalaidoday but theyhought they wereoing great b. how do u think the crent mitary strategy is progressi there? >> i was in n ghi --
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bengha jt two days ago. th're not doing enough, especially in nisra and with the tanks. they should be tak out the u.k. and fran andhe u.s. did goodob in e operions >> egyptiastat television is reporting thaorm president hoi mubarak has suffered heart attack. he is said to ve fallen ill duringuestning by prosecuts to invesgate questionthate embezzled blic funds a waslso
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inlved in thviolent response to the anti-government uprising. these a clas he has denied. he wl be ithe hostal for 15ays ile inquiries coinue. >> the fmer president is being keptn the intensive care uit in the internation hostal. egyptian state televisn ha been quong urce quite interestingly. the president said two days ago that t public psecur want himor questioning. he is wanted f the kilngs of hureds of proteers durg each of pula protest. mr. mubarak, understand, has t eaten or drk anything and rembe he is and there ha been murmurs he has suffer -- rumors that he has suffered health prlemsefore.
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has alrdy beein his third session with investigators at the public prosetor's office when he started having these are problems and was rushed to the vip stionf the hospal along withis byguard. mr. mubarak's o sons rain the puic psecutor's office where theyre continuing to undergo qstiong. remains toe seen when mr. murak wil beble return to questioning himsf, but ceainl this isomething that protesting -- protters in egypt havbeenemanding. the was a massive rally on fridayith tensf thsands of people in taq squar. >> and dozens pple are repoed to have be injed by nmen in syria. poli sealed o the area and militiamen wer patrolling the streets. nine sdiers were reportedly killed in claesduri anti-
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vernnt demonstrations in a nearby port cit. president oba h congtulated t elected president of th ivory coast. the n. says t formereader, uren gbagbo is still bein held in abidjan the ines government i unhappy with theay the untrs are treating th detained artist a ho. the gernmt says he has suspect tt wi be -- a iminal suspect that wi be punishedy lafor hislleg crimes e japanese prime minister w token - nao kan has sd that the food supply is sa deite a eati levels. -- despite riati levels.
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fororreondent exainshe situation. lookt the seritskill ed b t autriti and you can s it fore today, the leakas putt leve 5, an accident with wider coequees. buit h been raised to level 7, a mor accident with widespread heah an enviroentaeffects. thenly other leveleven crisis was at chernobyl. the rst elosi atukushima happed to the day after the tsunami. several more blasts were to follow. the cooli sysm failed and spt fu rods over heate the authoritie said upgradi toevel seven was becausehe impact of radtion w widespread on the air, t ter, vegableand ocean. workers sll dnot he the situation under complete contl. yesterday, they d to ru to safety aer a perful
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tersck. small amounts of radiation are still being reasedbut auorits say theisksf anotr mar release have receded. jor threats to human heah wi have decayed it ta ha life. there is stillore behalf of 30 years. the tol radiation releaseso fars about 10% of thatrom chernobyl 25 yrs a. >> theompasons with ernol are misleading becae what is imrtanthat fukushima, first theeleases have been snifintlyower and second,he rponses have been much more rapid. in crnob, there were still people playi in the stres o the town next to t reaor in the day or twofterhe accint. >> byontrast,he ahorities wereuick to set up a evacuati zone -- and
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evacuation zone. more are to be ecuat. japese minier me a very publ display oeating a tomato grownn te kusha regi. itarke theiftif a ban on the salof vegetables om tharea the govements eourang a rern to norm life, just as the serityf the crisis has be upgraded. some are pzled >> if they g tonnounce someing like tha then they should d it in way tt is not so alarming. sang it is level in t same way a crnobyl, then of coue people will ben ea. >> unlike trouble, there have been no death fm radiation in the immeate afterth. the long-te ris to human health experts s, are small in cparison. >> close encounters othe per ki. aollion with a commuter jet at the airport. severa people have been
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arrested inelarus folwing a bombing on the met tha killed people andnjured 126 e president said he dinot rule out foreignnvolment in the attack. thories may use the incident as anexcu to sever ctain cil lirties. >> one day later minsk is cit in warning --n morning anshop. elarusianslined up to pay tribute to what auorits are caing a terrorist attack. ofcialsayhe mb was packed -- was pked th nails and ball bringand placed unr a bench in theinsk station. the ieriominister said it was supposed to kill as man peoples poible. the blast hasaused confusion and fear. peop areat aoss to expln why it hapned. the statiois lated just00
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mete frothe government offices. the esidt promise a sft and werf response. >>trength and security measures to thei limits do not dohis for t sake of appearance. to them for sengthening prtice. i think people will understand us. >> t serity forcesre n high alert. belarus is aeady eure's striestuthoritarian vernment, however. the west h impose shank -- nctions again parien officials in -- belarusian officials aft their eltion last year now opposition ader fear the furtherolitical tighting of the scws. the president has promised to turn the country inside out to nd tse responsible.
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>> youre watcng b news. thfren and brish govementhave complained that tatolliae is not dog engh to supportility operionsn libya. hoi murakas been mitt hostal after being -- after falling ineetings over leged corruption. officialin mexicoay they have discovered another 28 bodies in mass graves in the nortrn state of taipass. th government says they met -- the ugcartel is behind the killings. more detail on wherehe bodies were fou. >> the excavatio have been taking place near the tn o san fernandez and a noreastn mexin state that shares border with e u.s with texas. the eavations over the last few days have unearth ofo
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116 dieshat are believed to belong to paengers tt we kidnapped by the drug carl, one of the most powful here in mexicond ler killed. if we sti do t know their entities. ve few he been entied. do not know why these pele were targeted. we do not knowhy a drucartel wouldant to target passengers of long-distance bes. ey have extded -- expanded heir buness not only in trafficking,utlso in th siness of kidpping and extoion. ficials have sd thathey we tryg to kidnap d exrt themr that th wertrying to foe them to in ranks. president fipe calderon h been very toh inealing with is. is there a sense tt his
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sttegy of tackling drug- relatecrimis working? >> there i. you may remeer just lessthan a ek a the were massiv demonsttion arou mexo to protes theovernment's strategin fhting the cartels. this cisi toighthem militarily, to ployhe troop in thetree of many mexican cities. many tnk it as actuly fled thviolce i the clashes between caels d security forc. the discovery of these bodi is ing to be cited by my as idence that the stregy does not seem to b rking. e fa that it happened in the sa place where last aust centraand uthmerin migrants were fou, the present will say that ty deployed me troops an now we ve aeven more serious incident.
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even theoverr himself today said tt these events signify not only a thrt to public security for those who li there,ut aofor mexo's nerainterior security. theres anncreasingconcn the defense of this violence that see to ve no end. >>n investigions under way after the world's laest passenger aircraft cli a much smalr cmuter planet ne orix j airrt. it was heading for the runway whent hit the other jet. itent its spinninlike toy. >>onday night anew rk's j.f.k., the largest passenger craft i theorlds taxiing fo takeoff then this happen. the huge wis ofhe arbus inched a regional jet that had just landed from boston its engh to sp itround like an empty tin can. the lot quickly cntacted air
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affic control. ere are 66 creand passengers on board. incredibly, none o either aircraft i injured. >> the plain shake vlently and thnext thing we knew [unintelligible] >> jt crhing noises. soued like breaking glass orometng. >> the airbus iso big that many airpos cannot hale it. this one has been impounded it ist too big en r ne york's in aport? an iestigation is now under way. >> rusa haeen celrati the 50nnivsary of the firshuman error -- human air flight. they omis that russia will continue to ge prrity to investment i place -- ace exploratn.
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e cold war atmosphere in 1961 s been replaced bonef cooperationetwe nations in space travel. >> he claimed wasot nervous atll. but he wasbout to go wre n hun haever gone befo strapp to e top of a giant rockethat would blast him t the stars. itas a propandaoup for the u.s.s.r., the soets had beaten t americans into space. >> when heeturd, the whole moscow came out to eet m. you cld hr his name over and over suddly, r country was fed. a siet man has gone into space. >> t soviet space n beme a globetrotting superstar. mancster loved him. >> made him a number one
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honoring matteof - member and gave him a golmeda >>hey are better prered than he er was for working in space now. >> today's cosmo months -- today's smonauts spend up to sen years' training go into spe. but he had just mons. such was theaceto get into space. >> but all rivs ar partners now. pres.edvedev sent hisest sheso russian and amican aneuroanstronauts working togeer on the internatnal space stion. >> my coratutions to yoand your cleagues and iish you great success in spac >> and he promised thapace maina priority for russia. the trouble isruss haseen sl in veloping new spacecraft and rightow, it has no car vion ofheret shou be flyin to in the future.
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th is whyany russians seem to be losing intest i the clock -- losing interestn the smos even here in the o school. the local heroas n got stars in the eyes of these children. d he told mence be a policemanhen 's older,ot a coonau he sndered dreamsf- this one wants to be soldr. and this o a ccus performer. russia noweet new dams, n journ'further from our planet to igni excitemt about spac >> beg held as the u.'s late blockbuster exhitio hundreds of thousands of visitorsre expected to seethe mar wks of th anis artistn london. the sheer numbers wanting to
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visit galleries ar making it possle to enjoy me o the great works ofrt. >> the paintings, the graphic style distinctive, the image grotesque and comil. but behinduch t lies a deep political ange is early paiing calle"the fa" was nedy eest hengwa the publi'interest in mor art exhibitns i booming. buthese so-lledlockster exbitis are becoming victims of their ownuccess with vitors complaining of overcrowding,f begqueed intohe show's like passeers on a busy commuterrain th only get tolimpsehe famo paiings. mu like a film start a sy movipremre. ts on even h its own name,
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"gallery rage." >> i is too busy to lo at the patings. eveone was crushe in oking at somethingnd you cannot actually get feel for a cture. a lo of pictureneedo be se froa little bitf a distance >> it was criticized fo overowding ding earlier exhibition. a few months later th are nfident that they have learne their leon public muums are liged to encouragas my people to vis as possible. they are succeeding. uess ey dramatically increased ticket prices,heir only rea chce is to make so twea to thexisng system. >> the freh an british governments ar complninghat fellow members the nat alliance areot doing enoh to supportmiliry operations in libya therench cement --efense nist said that france is bearing the bulk of the burden.
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ke up with debateand llow s. stay with us. >>ellond welcome. >> see the news unfo, ge the top stories fr arod t globe and clk-tolay veo port go to t perice the in-depth, exper reporting of "bbc world new online. >>undi was made possibley the freeman foundati of new york, ste, vmont, and honolulu. newman's n fodation. the john d. and cathere t. macartr fodation. and adside aractns presting "the conspirator," directed by robe redrd. >>inco's been shot. >> you are charged wit conspiracy tkill abram lincoln. >> 1 yea after the civil war began -- >> i am no assassin >>omeshe story of at ally happened when it was ov. >my mher is innocent. >> fm dictor robert redford. >> she must be buried and
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rgotten. >> you liar! >> sed on actual events. >> there is noimito how far thprosution is willing to . >> "the nspitor," rated pg- 13, star apr 15. >> "bbworlnews america" was presend bycet, los angeles.
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