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tv   BBC Newsnight  PBS  April 16, 2011 12:00pm-12:30pm PDT

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>> this is "bbc newsght. ndinfor this presentation is made possibley th freeman foundation of new yo, sto, veont, and honolulu. newman's own fodati. the john d. ancathine t. macartr fodation. and union bank. ♪
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>> union bank s puits global insight to work for wide ngef companies. wh can we do for you? >> and now, "bbc newsght. ♪ >> thi wee-- gaddafi thoh away, the libya rebels a chance as thecontue to sh f his departure appeared gif t do they know at ty want to replace him? we're inenghazi. >>s th search intensifies, i have been findg ouwho is in chge here and whether ty are st the revolutionaryommiee issug well-meeting declatio or a rl vernment in waiting if > nearly one yr sce the bp oil spill off the u. gulf coast, butow bad is the environmental damage? some sayheish stocks are the bestn yers. >> i have be in it 45 years. this is as good as i have never
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seen it. >> 5 yearsince he became the first human bein to go to space, so what h the spa race taught usbout ourselves? ♪ >> hello,here was talearlr this week of aossible ceasfire settlement inibya. the rican union clinton had negotiated a dea that colon gaddi wod accept. t since it invoed i staying in power, the rebels immediately and pdictly reject it. but all the rebels credle forc forn alternative govement >>his was the citadel of gaddi's power in bghazi. it is a dungeon, secret police barracks, and even a village that the libyaneader used during his rare visits a few eksgo, the avage libyan wouldaveeen terried ofeing broug here. butowhey drive or snter i to sta, to laugh,nd to sw
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off eir cars on the parade grounds. buit ishe ironrip of dictatorship ione, it is far ss clear w is inharge now. >> who is in charge? a ffict questn. i think iour gion, everyone is responsible f himself and his family. we have the md to contl ourselves. weidn't need his fcist reme t control us anore. >> current, t country is run by t revolutnari, a people only want freedom a independence. i do notnow yet who is going to be elected. >> among those wspok to come if you mentioned the chances ngle national council. and that gro, wch now tries to manage this revolution, will make deals wit forgn
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govement, buteith elected nor es it represent the ole country. >> it ia trsitional body, not government. we do n say that we are rollingibya. our missi is very ecifd. it is to manage this crisis until the libyans get their demands. and prepare their conitution an prere their electns and choose what government libyans want. >> on t benazi aa, owds gaher rraye and emotions soar as a bodies arroug on loing. despite e fact thathesfive me diein the mtake nato
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airstrike, for the mourners, being liesgainst gaddafi includes hrible details of the botched ra. how longefo this sply of revolutionarie beg to waiver? >>s the militar still make goes on day after day, those emotnal tops m wav. andigge qstions will of merge about whether the governmenteres really capable of runng the country and whether it should receive more widprearecognitions. > the area around the old court house has becoma hub for activists and those who simply wished to celebrate new freedoms. ke many revution, thi one at scos itenemy, reres its dead, and asks everyone, are you for us o agast us? withuch of the coury sll undegaddi, a nationalnity governmenis not yet possible.
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it was in the benghazi courthouse of the transiona counc iniallyormed. >> we re facg a big challenge, becau we're not ofesonals to ild country. and it was not planned because it is from the protests in front of the cot. iturned spoaneoly to a revolution. we face tt. we're happy aut that. anwe wt to prote ts revolution >> inside,osters and pronouncements bea witne to the couil's sy and to the revolutionsratitude for france's rly recognition of it, a legitimateoice of the byan people. li revolutionary committs from paris tpetrrad,the cocil more of andea than an ititution. buwe we determined find it. we went to a conrenc center where whear the coucil
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meets. although the cncil as such has no oice blding or headquarters and its members converge for meetings this is where the sessions happen. it i to this door that foreigners beat a ph. >> canou tell uwhat time th meetg is? >> i do not kw. >> he tried to negiate access, weaw the british, follow by thrench, and then inde the americans. ese movemen and the secret deliberations of the council to arouse interest but also suspicion. one ofevolionary actvist d coo a petition themnd explned. >> the couil should find meonoiste to the decisions of the cncil or to aner w this has happened. ey are responsible.
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>> at last, we are invited in d aowed to film the transitional couil awork. is this body oanagers, acadics, and former official of theegime that dirts the byanevolution. butt isnot exaly a governme, a it does not rely he a lder. althoughhe one-ti justice minister is its most influential member, hand the council mre generally now regd foign regnitn as a k priority. a fmer minier a early dector from the get out there regimeas bn appointed foreign ministe >> it is ver important, becae ts recognition means the permission of the demds of e lyans. at is why it ver importt. you recognehe dmands of the libyans. >> therencgovernment has
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recognedhe council, but the itis have nogones far. is it important to y that itaioes theame? >> i wod like t couil to cognize it and lift t demands andook the libyans aspitions. wou like to see this fm thenitekingdom. >> for the moment,fe i the tos of eastern lya remains surprisingly nmal. althoughany private firms hav closed istatemployees are on reduced p, thecono isjust about ckinver. inevitably, they may soonind thtaskf putting food on the tae tougher,ndhat y be wn on the embryonic government. >> it is not easyecause to me ow, even theeopl you know, they smell thereedm and the
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relution. so they wt and expect everythi mingery quickly. t i tnk they'reecoming moreature. [chting- the dauphin g ay] >> these demands tt gaddafi go and remain uted will not trouble the transitial council. sooner or later moreubtl proposs cod come. for peace talks oa naonal unity coalition. if that hapns, e ability of eastern libya's cnsel to move beyondloga for the difcult decision ofovernment will try be put to thtest >> nearly one year agohe explosion at bp's e war horin r led to theargest oilpill in u.s. htory the gulf cot has little regard for the damage the disasr
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caused for the oil giant's sre ice, the man chae has told us that citizens are othe gulf areonvied tt every miorte they suffered wa caused by thepill. nycientists say the marine life is recoving markably well tom has beenakinto the water. >> see, thatook about two secos to get a bi. there he is. ♪ >>aptn mike runs fisng trips here on the gulf of mexico. >> wow at is n bad iit? >> thahas been our average size fh. >> ts oilpill is the wst enronmtal disaster america has everaced. >> outs the fishing look? >> the fishing is looking fanttic. a lotf fi of this se in gger i he been in in 45 yrs.
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thiss as goo as i have er seen it. absolutely, yes, sir. >> the millions ogallons of oil butnd spilled into the lf of mexico e more like an idemic, one that we wl be fightingor mths, andven yes. it mas you wonder where all the oil has gone, givenhat fish her ands seengly eaneaches. but there is a qstio for t whole econo her because people nothinkt is clean, t ctome will not co backnd t place still ffers. >> the deeater horizon rig explod oapri20 ofast year. 11 men were lled and over theext few mons, 0 miion litersf oi spewed out of the well benth. a rouna quarterf that was burned or covered bylean teams. but that still leaves enou oil to fill over two hundred olyic
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swimming pls. where hasll thagone anctive invtigation here a the sealab. >> the o i calle a set light crude. >> sthis is actual oil that wasut tre inthe lf? it is estimatedhat e-thd of the oil eithervapoted, diolve or spersed. wow, you can immedtely smell is coming off of there. so ts was aittle drop. >> i latest experime loo at whahapps to the oil left hind. you are -- there arelrea abou ailli bacteri cells in a sine ml osea water. >> t policy that has around ur thousand natural oilseeds d bacteria which trive there. >> a lot of the bteri in d.c. are looking at theil as food, a fl soce for ming more bacteria bodie clearly, theay l is
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timaly removed out of the water of the sea is by t bacter that are tre to nsume it. > it is not allone though. places, still coding e se bottom, and to 10 centimeters thick. >> tse pelicans thathere -- >> , the fish comup wit last yea's a gusher in toda sludgyemai? ♪ >> a team fr t islan is searching for the answer. fit, prepare t ns. en, scoured the seat with all es possible. an final, close in its prey. theays et throughout the water column.
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so i might welle expecd to enunter t oil >> this one looks prey normal an hlthy to us. a mare male animal th we took theea aund here this time of year. i personally have not sn an damage. >>ouad a reported tyou? >> no. >> tt has got to be a relief. >> yes, a ltle bit. he still cautious because th oil cou har the nt genetionf rays. th artracking the program. but eral the last dector ys tt the data so far suggests surisingly rapid recovery. >> the fish pulation appeared to be doing very, very well. the reason for that is probly thfacthat we were not allowed to fisfor them, so l these fis werout ere that uld have normally gone into e of somebody'freer but e happilyiving in the gulf ofexico. the following the dister, fishingas banned acro muc
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ofhe gf last season. t sommari life here may haveenefited. in norl years,he fhermen oundere take around a trd of the entireeight of fish fromhese nearby gulfaters. at is an extraordinaryigure. so when there is band,t can ve quiten efct on the polation. >> in fact, many stues suggest fisnumbers are up. this ds no mean that oil spls are good,ut w always the gloiest scenarios? >> peoe wa to use the sll forheirwn purposes. now wheer thats psona agenda personalncom compensation,r wthert is to aievet loftier goal,we have to fht thi oil dependence we have t fight theorpote gree i suppo that,ut not by lying about t iedia consequens. it is n the. >> athing that is ing on? >> absolutely believet is
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misleadind diver it. so yes, that becom a lie. >> his lab s reive $5 milionrom . overall,he company is spending half a billion on scntif resear toiscover thempact thepill. does this skew hisesults? >> nothing would give mgreater plearehan screw them with their own mon. im tryg to avoid biaand ifting towd that, if anything. th would be our bias, yo know, punish them. the data ds no support that at this time in tms of enronmtal impact. it does terms of econom impact. in t discoect between those two ireally intriguing. >>hat disnnect thiselt keenly just acrsobi bay in daph,laba, whe you'll fi a market by e baervi crab cws, shrimp, andysters, read to cook or ju rea to ea
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i wonr thcustomers are getting the message. wwere open x ds a wk. 're open three days aeek no it used to be that people would come in d say this better be gulf seafoo noit i the rivers. from fd on wn, every local agency that has done any testg, has sho that the gulf coa sfoods safe to eat. the pblem is that after four or five months of just being hammered wh these images of birds, pelicans, a o and turtles and is a that, the consciousness peoe is tt, you know, it is not safe to e. i am doing somhing horriblby tting iinto my body. peop is sll afraidf th seafoo or bp, for tha matter. ♪ >>ut theyo want their ney.
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bp has put aside $20illi for coensaon, and legal damages could double that. the cstal economy is interwoven with fishing a tourism. there y be a country wide downturn,ut down here, the pain isharp, and bp dross that fire. presidt oma aoint the man who sted out comnsatn afte 9/11 to dive up bp's fund. is fighting e perception o car is wideread but the proof is scarce. >>here are auge number o claims, more tn half. we have documentaon tt is provided to demstra damage atibutle tohe spill i virtually nexient. i ve about00,0 claims wi no documentation, nothing,
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zero so it is pren t be a problem. >> frankas smitted a claim. he used to buy fh from year to supply his restaurant in st. los. >> ts is the oter at. th is the shrimp boat. >> buthe business is no nger s. e spill forced him to ll off, and he got an initial payout, hes applying f muc more. >> for busess like thi twee $700,000 to $1.5 million. in the reason im is saying at is i fl is going toe five to 10ears they're notaking it up. they're not sucng i outf the ter. they're n getti rid of the problem. they are covering theroblem. ople are feeling sick from it. >> frank says he is seen oil oong from coong cbs a does n trust official reassurance. and his clan that os hming human hlth preading across the media. >> emoti i a huge factor.
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ther is a disconne between what appears to beasoble about the science a biogy of e gulf. in the absolute goodaith anger, and frustration felty citizens dn ere,ho are soluly cnvincedhat ery sfortune tt they sufferas caused by e spill. when you announce to theorld, re i $20 billio everybody is convinced that they are entitled ta sare of that $20 billion, because atev they are issue wit the oil spill is to bla. >> keneinbg says compensation shod sto after 2012, buto scientist we he spok to n guarantee an end to the environmenl hm by th. though the world's bgest-ever oil spill would unnervehis place, undermining a pncip indust, and soiling the sea.
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a yea on, t ecomy still need the compensatn. t now the environment recovery is getting undery, pta mikcan even spot his futu cash. you can see the rebel on the water right the. looking at t sparkle. aot of bait. that is a od sign. >> mother tureeems to be adapng fter than human nature. >>more tn 50 men and wom have only gonwhere he first went 50 yearsgo this week. bu hisame is one of only a handful eryon remembers as the first man ispace. that victo in thepaceace wa theeart of russians to this day but wha didhe space raceeach us abt ouelves? my colague spoke to the doct, apace scientists, d talked abo the space re fm the perspectivef the soviet
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ion. wh hav you learn aut humanity, humankind, from space ploration? >> to my mind, i iour continuingourn. ifou lk atny culture arnd the world, the have always looked up a spa and woered to get people out there was that achievent. i thi the wld gped when it ppens. e whe first one to get out there. >> it didt teh us athin abou ourlves? >> i tnk i ge us the idea that we acally live in the university -- uverse as opsed to ling on the earth. it i goi from the perspective that it is that bigo on that is potentially infinite. st tha expandiision, i thk the shock wav of that is probably still resoning. do not kno the hardciene of tis. i ew u on thunderbirdsnd watcng t ldin as a child. imaginati expded to a time where weerelloingo
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have warp drives d beliving in the stars. en i get very dsappnted wh i tk to peopland realize that that i probably t achievable. but i think wt itoeshen youonsir that the universe is not imane -- maneable oporons,hat g, andet, 're still living in it. >> o visions are mh more rcumribed. we do nothink about that. we have much more limit expectations of whate can do in space. s tt chang us? >> as a child, ante a star trek light. it ew older and lened about thunivse, to traveo the next-or nghbor star woul take 76,000 yrs durin current using curre techlogy so the universe isncrebly large. t i still thinkhat there are
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thgs wcan do. pele talk aut wormholes, bending ace d time. i am hopinghat bright spark t the will come up with a new ccept so we can tvel with an amazing dtanc. they' all b too far ay. >>s there anythg in science that has taken the pce of space exploration, something ateally fires our minds, gives u a difrentense of ourselves and our relationships to oururroundings? >> missouri very interest in an aa called synthetic biology. it looks at t gene. this is very different. are uerstanding howife is create a put togetr. ople are making artificial life in test tub. its notloni. it is aually takg bitsf dna inreating life. it opensp a whole new avenue.
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we can also tk about the extent ospace, the magnitude out there, buwhen we talk about- do you findhat re is young people's iminations in theay thaspac explotion used to? >> i thi the way i is prented tthem, actuay, i is very easy toeeomeo like this is a insrational hero. it is easy to s why seone like nei armstrong is an inspirational he,ecause it is a hum being doing something concre you can watch the diicul is making the hard scienc like that buit iot iossible. it is essenal, becae when u d starto grp it, and i am is one has to struggle to do that, its then more than a superficial thrillf wching a footprint on the nearest lumbar brght to us. its theensehat we can tually grasp things tt te us se of what it meanso be
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hun, some of what it means to be mortal, some whait means to exist at all. >> space sll has a sen of wonder. it puts things to perspective. liv oa small bal in space. we know tt the universe arounds is absutel large. so w aree arguingn doing thehings weo wn w're so very and snifiant? >>thank u bo very much. at is all from thiseek. from all of us, gooye. >> funding was made ssib by the eeman foundation of new yo, stwe, vermont, and nolulu. newman's own fountion the john d. ancathine. macarthufountion. d unn bank. ♪ >> union bk h put its
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finci strength to work for aide nge of companies, from small businees t major corpations. whan wdo for you? "bbc newsnight" was presented by kcetos aeles.
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