tv BBC World News PBS April 19, 2011 12:30am-1:00am PDT
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>> this is "bbc wod ne." fuing for this presentatn is made possible by threeman undaon of new york, stowe vermont, andonolu. wman's own foundaon. thjohn d. and catherine. macarthur undaon. anuniobank. ♪ >> union bank has put s globalxperse to work for a wide range of companies. what can we door y? >> a now"bbc world news."
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>> t predential ple, goodlu jonhan calls forn end violence iniger follong hislectn vtory. fleeing mrata, hundreds of ople are evacuated fr e libyanity, but thoandsore se hel as t syrian interior ministry condemns anti-govement protests, tre a fresh portof violence overnigh lcomtobc new broadcting on pbs in america and around the wor. coming up, changing times cuba eovernment says peopleill now be alive --llod to buy and sellheirwn homes. and the inventors ohe inrnetays big business is threatening e frdom othe web. ♪ fo>> nigerias newlyeeleed
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prident, goodluck jatha has appled r an end to wh he has callednnecessary vience and killing inhe nortof t country. ny of the supporrs othe deated riv. from nigeria, carolinhas re. >> rushing and burning in northern nigia, as gangs of young men to t strt. hous wit bners supporting the predent goodluck jonathan, have been attacked. d it is all because of ger's election results >> theseeopl he defied requirements of the law --
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country,ivided come e goodluck jonatn i disliked in e north even thoughe i populain t south. the cntry has been gripped by vience throuout ese eltion >> there areepor of insubordinate andnnecsary vience i want to assure all the government wil take msures to grant the securif the lives andropey of all nigeris. >> a bnd io a joyfuand peaceful vote. ithereed and fairest elections in nearly t deces. -- e most freend fairest elections in nearly two decades. >>e ar disturbed b the rerts are hring we do t ha the indende
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means very them. me the point iny statemen to quote fro the cde o condt signed byll party leers, iicatgthat they wod not resort to violce. >> tt seems to be amessage for . jonathon's defeated rival. cal,te nerous calls for it all see to pend on what his ral does and sys nt. >> there is a long rerd of political competitio between theorth and south. >> aolutely, i mn, nigeria hahad a history o conflict and it s taken potical by vengeance. as religious perspectis as well. -- has taken plitical dimensns. it has religus pspectives as ll. is was the freest and fairest
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election in niger' history. the election results were trickling in saturday anit was clear tt goluck jonhan was gointo w. thousands of youth in the big states to the nortere shak byiot young peopleon the street initially just burning tires. we are heang reports that they ar aacki homes that had poers of goodluck jathaon them there haveeenatalities, but we cannotonfirm how many. at least 15,000 people have been dilaced as a result ofwhat appened norerniger today. but you are rht, there has been a history conict beweenhristians and muslims and there has alwa been fierce competition beten te noh and uth. unfortunately, tt h played out ia violent way today
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>> a shicharred ban a agen has evacuated about 1000 people from the lyan ty o misrata, which is under cstant siege by khaddafi'forc. thousands more were waiting to be rescued in what th descrid asn increasgly perilousituaon. some ofthose fleng made ito ben ghazi. >> a se harbor atast r evaces fromisrata. cking tonight in theebel catal, then ghazi. st oboard were migrant woers. t the were libyan casualties, too, and ong the walkingounded, 9-year-old mommed. s faer told us heas playingutside whea bo plod nearby. rapn tore thugh his flesh. he can haryearorhe docts toouch his face. wounded fighter tol us he willo stightack to the
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front as so as is treated. the internatiol ornization for migration got the people out and ey a goingack r more >> the woundedre neing tan ay ontretchers. ts ishe second major evacuatio from mista in cent ds. more tn 2000 people he now been brought o. thsands more are still waiting despate conditions, hopin for an escape. >> alas, another yog fighter shed me the tail end of a rockethat land near him and a group of his fends >> tre were six of my best friends. [unintelligible] e of them, his l is vered. >> is is the kinof fightin
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he was involved in. the battles in mista are now reet to street. he said t rebel have so f ns, sometimeshey ve to are. back on boa, tes to comfort and egyptianigra worker. he is weepin for hisour children there all alone, h says, with no one to he the hehowme theirhoto. somehow theyot tn a ffert boat. heoesot know who is or what cotry it is going to. an ambulceas waiting for mohammad. was a chaoticeparre. hi father said before allf thise wa jt a typicoy, footballrazy hiotheand six brothers an sisters ar still at hom in misrata. no one knows when the mily will be togeer ain.
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>> the.n. says the libyan government has promised aid workers access to areas unr its control, but it hs not araned to stop thfighng. a u.s. correspondenis aew york >> i tnk officia seehis as a step forward, but the ar stila lotf unswed quesons. the governmentas aged to allow the u.n. to set ua humanitari prence in tripoli. it wl allow th u.n. and aid works to enter and exit free, to bring in their vehicles a telommunications equipment. anto heccesto areas under governmen ntrol and also to ensureecurity for aid works in areas under vernment ntro the prlem that misrata is not uer gernment control. it is a bel-he down under heavy bombardmt from colonel gaddafi's forc. and th hav not agreed to a cease-fire, ich what is
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needed to haveruly efftive hunitaan mission there. at is t clr how this is gog to workn pcticon the ound in libyan gernmt official ha been quoted a sayin that libya is willingo putp some ndof safe corridor toelp ge people t of misrata ando get suppli in. it i not at all clear what that would an ipractice. >>as thereeen talk that the n. headquartersbout the coinesf the militaryan - campaignnd pventinghe humanitarian aid fm rehing it-eachg the pple that ed imost? noto much about the confinesf thu.n. resolution. itgaveuitesweeping powers to protect civilis. but thisas all an r campgn, rikes against grnd forces and also a no-fly zne to prevent strike bair rces. but i think it has become clear that sateghas not wrked a might have been thout, beuse the rebels need t be
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le t repel colonel gaddafi's forces, or at least ineed to have crpledis fces tnot be able to atckcivilians the y th are. it see that they ally a depeent w on the govnment to call a ase-firend allow the access and that is what ty are pushinfor w. >> dozens ofeopl ha been unden the committee -- in yemeni cy inlashes between security personnel and ai- governmentroteers. hundre of tusan took to the streets on sunda to nounce remks by the presidenaimeat women taking part in the recent rly. securi forces have fired shot at hundreds protters. humarights campaigners are qued asaying that they
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announced for permissn t lee and than the foes oned fi. from leban, also invted jos rerts. >> prostersre takingover d taking casualties. tseunvefied pictures have been posd on theinternet by position activists. imagfrom all over the country tell the same sry. the protesters' dand more fedom, and setimes t soldiers resndedith for. antherre where t prosts began, peoplhave cled r the esidt to go. with each funera procession like this, the demanseem to heighten.
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the pside has tried toeach out to theprotesters, although he insists t syr facing a conspiracy by internatnal enemies. he also says he want tsatiy the people's demds. he hasromised to repl the country's lontandg emergency ws and said the government ll even consider multi-rty politics but mansyrians say they have ard all befor and h rds in the pashave not bee followed by tion f he wants reform, th say, now is the tim he oicial syrian ne agey says car if is prevailing in the majority of the country anti-governmen protestors say it is not likehat at all. >> still ahead kayale,
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in the mdlet famy tree, a rerkable jouey from the coal mines to the royal family. the tribut havbeen mado two young british t sdent killedn floda. there we bot ithei20s wh thewere mdere in the ty o sarota,t 3:00 a.m. saturday morning police saiit ivery unual for tourists to nture there. >> i w supsed to beoliday the suhine state. t for cse frnds, james cooper and james cazis, something went bad wro when ey wnd up in this bad neighbhood >> heard them yeing as they we trng to get someone's attention it was to 40 5:00 a.m. an8 walked by. after they walke by, -- it was
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2: a.m. and they walked by. after th waldy, actually, ey wereo drk the were stumbling. iame outde a saw two bodies on the ground. i sawolice car and ambulance and yellow tape. by the time theolice rive in the early hou of saturday mning, itas already o late. an invesgati hasegun into why these two avelrs were in this own -- inhis dangerous neighborhood 12 hours afterhey re found, cal pice arrested 16-year- old sean tyson. i just whatis agoe wa rested for aggvated assault th a handgun. >> wdo believe there wi be more facts forthcoming that wi help us in this invtigaon. >> when the case come to cot, the teenager who was arrested uld be tried as adult.
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if ttappens, he may fe the ath nalty. saraso, flida. >> you are watching b ns. geria's n therected predent -- nly elected president goodluck jatha h appealed for atop e violence ithe untry. an emergencyvacuions have ben inisra. a movaimed at breathing new life into the communist system, the cuban government says it willnnounce -- allow pple to buy and sell their hes fhe first me i50 years. cubans have only been allowed to pass on tir hom to eir children o swap them ia reauatic and often corrupt system. r bb correspondent is havana.
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>> the comnist party congss has allowed- agreed tollow cubans to buy and ll tir homes, markg theturto private property forhe fst timeincehe revolution. most cubans doave titleo their homes a can pass them ontoheir childre there's so awapping system. well kno many it iseanto chan hds, there is much brery and corruion volved. president raul caso in his openg address to congress rned they would not alow the conctration of propert congress haslso staed workg on the new centst pay of the commust pty. in a surprise move, raul castro announced that fute litil ma -- leaders would oy be ab to rve two five-year terms. has alscalled for a youer
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generationf pele to come through. remember, his brother fel stro rul cub for almost 50 years unt his health filly foed h to step down. in a newspar editorial,fide stro did it indoors th changes th his brother is pushg duran said that the new genetion -- did endorse the changes that his brother is pushingthroh and saidhat the new generation needs to clear a path. it wil be ieresng to see ich younger politicians will be elecd. >> peop have return to school in a poor ighbhoodn rio de jeiro after a gunma went on a shooting spreehere. day ago, a gun and wentn a ooting see andille 12 students. he later killed himsf. >> back to school fothes children in rio,ut tre short break from tir studiesas not
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been welcome one. t school has been close nce gunmen wellingto eved ranmok, kling 12 before turning the gunn himsf. the stf ke quiet aut going ba to the classrooms afr th horrors they have wiesse the sool incipal said the students wer mainly due i thereuti work, suc as paintingnd poetry, following the vient attk. but for the grieving pents, e grf is still very raw. >> haveot bn ab to sleep for a sine minute beuse i havbeen crying over the lo of my daughter. all the mthers are suffering. i am suffeng. >> this is the first time i have come to the schoo amon oth littleaughr, was ill in hospital, i horfied theolicrecently released photos and video of the man who
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recently released such vastion on this community. deeply disturbed and ary, he took outis frustrationn t schoolhere he once attded. in the aftermath, thcommity pihed to clean up and paint e bullet-ridden walls. o ofhe classrooms werthere s thworst of the violence have been rurbished into a library. however, the childrenannot be patcd up so easily. >> inrnatnal credit ratings agciy stdard and poor's has downgraded the u.s. cred rating. the is lack ofeadehip on w toandlit. the briti scitist credited with inventinghe wld wide web hs wned at thereed of t internet will be put risks by bigusins. -- the " has been puat rk by
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g business. he spoke to our technology correspondent. >> two decad aft itsirth, e wod wide web is cnging lives, transfoing businesses, d driving polical change. the man who invented i ss thats its future. >> i think iis such an empowering thing for humanitto be connect. but at the same ti because it is powerful, ibecos also a veryowerful tool forhe vy govementr a largeompao get contro of it. >> today, an oxford conferce debad the w's future. s creator i wored i particar about teat known as net neutrality believes i keeps the w open a honest. >> the internet hagrown le a road system, where everyon h
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leard todrivwherever they ke. but as t tfficets heavr, a internet service proders would li to ntrol it, peaps ilding specialanes where you payore to goaste >>he n neutralityebate has pied organizationagait eachther managing the traic is fe, faringne player over another is n, tim says. >>hat you lose when you that te company gained complete control over you. they control wichds y see anthe rapidlyearnhich moes y like, so they learn more about you >>he government has asked for negotiations and agrment between the two sdes. he says if tha fails, a long mabe needed,ut sme fear that wou pose aigger danger. >> i sets arecedent for gulating the iernet and
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relating content oline at the end of the y, that could be interest for the fure of the inrnetnd the world de web. >> rect events in the middle east have shown the pow t rock the estlishorld order. bbc news, oxfor >> from depos ruls to a yalffair, just a week and ha to go before the weddg william and kate. w details hemerged, and that includes tring the bri's familyree in jt the generations her family has ge fr the mining woult to the royal palace. -- the mining woods to the rol family. > the story of catheri middleton isemarble eugh ast is, b howuch more remarkable it becomes when y
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trace r family background the linehrou kate's mother, he family leave act three gerations to a vlage anda family of coal miners. >> this is inountdurham. for generations this s aoal mining cmittee and for generations, kate mdleton's ancestors lived here a work down in the nds. >yes, kate middleton, the futu queen consort of briin, is t gre granddaughter of a mily of coal miners. it is thanks to generationsf formidable women' th her family hamoved from coal mine palace. her mother was sury, and she remembers heeternation to find somhing better. >> she wanted goway the northeast d beer results.
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-- andetter herlf. the women in is famy ha been t dring force >> and so it was with elizabeth temple's ught dorthy, kate randther, rhaps the mos determine of the mall her cousins ve been invited to theweddg and they have great memories of her mother,ily, and her andmher, dorothy. >> dorthy havone ambition in life and that was toet o laorth, she was known as. i notnow why. but we alwaycall her lady dothy. >> dorth harrisonied ve year a, but notefore she knew her granddaught was romancina future kin now the family ofatherine lyttton, who still live i what was onceheduraol fiel feeimmense pride. --a oor on coal flds feel
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immee pride. >> she will da woerful job. >> kate middleton, th latest in line of womenho in e space of 90 years have made the extraordinary journey from t coal flds of t to e balcy ofuckingham palace. >> are you counting wn the days until the big d? if youre, go visit the bbc news website. u will find everything you need to know abouthe wedding itsf anyou will also find out what kate mileton's title will be afrhe ties the knot. also, a schedule of e d's ents g on and take a look youelf. d if u are on line, y can keep up-to-date wi the latest developments. thaddrses on your scree you are watcng b news.
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