tv BBC World News PBS April 20, 2011 12:30am-1:00am PDT
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>> a now "bbc worldnews >> syria lts0earsf emerncy le after months of angovernment ptests. th opposition ss it not enough. u. sayit's movinghe suspected wikgeorgialeaks urceo a newetenon nter. chel obama's plane is forced t abort i ndin annapos afr getting too close to a mitary crgo jet. lcomto "bbc news" on pbs in amica d also aroundhe worl cong u-- bac on center stage, fidel caso delhts cubaith a surpris appearance as his youerrother is named counis leader. and snipers surveillancand snifferogs say msive securi opetion ahe of brain's royaleddi.
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the syrn gornment is liing the state o emergency at's been inlace for almost 50 yea in an aprent concsion to the thousands people whoave enaking rt in i pro-reform demonstrionsor weeks. but e gornment hasarne agnst further protests whi ve nowpread to the central syrian city. jame rins ports. >> gting a clr picture of what'sappeng in syria is hard. asndepdent jrnalists is stifled b the rejeevel jet stam, but these images of funerals o protestersppea authenti later demonstrators occupie the central square whi they y they've ramed tahrir square. hoping to echo the success of people power in egypt bringing down present. but in syria the respon of e serity forces is often
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ruthss. the soting iseavy and sustained. people in the cro are convinced it means regular oops, not justsecr police, are being used against them. >>ll is just ahdof official announcement that th president delivering his prome made last week to lt syria's ste ofmergency and itsweepg powers enforced for8 years. regulated demonratis will apparently alsbe allowed. om authotarian onearty state, it looks like a remarkable ccessn to the people but is it real? e inriorinisy is it still urgg people n to hold protts oit-ins. ruli syria has been thessad family business r ov 40 years now.
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bash asd haseen president for 11 yrs, taking over after his father's death. his early reforms lat wen into reverse and th past five weekof protest are t most serious challenge e reme has faced. witht least 2 reported kill across e cotry. now the city where the president had s mitary training is theocu 20 are reported dead there as president assa proses a new start. t willrdiny syrians belie or aept it? >> it's a significanstep foard in the sen thatt's e fst time since 48 years that there's a decisio take wever, now we have to see if it will be repced b a law whicallows peaful demonstratio and which in fact decreases t control securi serces over cvili affects. >> syrian regime sll has suppt. this is a monsation by loyasts. but it'she governmens response in the xt f day to demands from ptests for
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fuher ange which will be critical. >> libya has reacted angrily of officers to adse t rebels fightingolonel daff libya's foreign mister said the disio wouldarm any pee itiative and prolong hostilits. the britisgovement insts thdeplment is permied under existing u.n resolutions. here's our middle ea editor. >> the sufring of the evacue andhe peoe lt behind is dring tespoe of btain and france to e crisis. is 9-year-old was wounded by shrapnel. most of the men in h th hoital ward are rebel fighrs. even the doctorsant morerom nato >> i kw th can't see everything. i know they kn everything. but they do nothg. they do nhing. nothing sps.
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noing stops. >> antigaddafi fighrs on t edge of rebelheld territory ardiscovering the bombing has its limits. na wants to finotheways to help the bels. britain believ supplying weapons is not allowedby the n. resolutions. these n wot be trainedor armed by the solers itain senng who will apparently concentrate on orgization a communications. even so, it means brita is gettg mo deeply iolvein th war here. on e rebel sid perhaps why the forei secrety inondon chose his word carully. wel no, thereot boots onhe ground. is is not brish gund comb forces goi i and at's what theeopl mean by boots o the ground. we're very clear abt th united nations resolutions. they for bian occupation, foreign occupation of any part of libyand we wil absolutely stk to that so ts is fullyn li with thepesolutions protectin
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civilianife. >> herin tripolihe vernnt says it's srious about a ceasefire and the bombing stops, libyans would be able to make a deal on their own. nighthe foreign minutester said it was tim to giv peace ahanc not sen in foren ldiers. >> what is yr respoe t britain's cisi to send the troops? >>ell, we thinkny military presence by britn o by any otr country wld not help peacamon libya. >> and he id tt if the fighng spped, libya would accept a s-month run-up to u.n.-supervised elecons whiceverhing would be on the table, includi, he impld, colonel ddafs fure. britain d frce backed by the u.s. say they won' talk to
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the libyan goverent out the ture until conel gaddafi goes that mes auick exit for them fro this conict much re dficult. andheirain pressure point, the bombing campaign, is not usinthe regime here to plode. britn beeves theombi needs to continue because that thenly way to proct civians from the regime and to hasnolonel ddafi's dertur at nig here ithe pital, mysterious armonvo race arnd, metimeshere's unplaid gun fire. the gadfi rege i resilient but it connues to insist it is also read to talk. >> you'r wtching "bbc new" e u. soldi acced of aking a trovef secret governnt documts ler puished by the wick can lea website is tbe mod to a
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litary prison in kansa he's been ld pending cou marsll. ouwashington corresponde gave us mo details on the transfer. >> what e penn is saying is that- the ptagon is sayi is thatt's eminent,is move to this mitary jail out in kansas, in the state o kansas, in the midwest. and tre they say he will have re rhts to have exercis he will al be aendedy exrt mental health a mecal professnals ey s that this is not bei donen response to all the cricis that has bn over his tatment at theuanto base. the quantic mare corps base where hwas held before. t thquestion that we're getting is that certainly h ll have much easier conditns at this place in kansas and there's a clear difference he was hel in max come security condition und
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solitary connement at quanco. this prin inansas is a meum security facity. with this ne tha he is to beovedwhat kind o impact doou think this will havon s case in the long-term? >> well, terms ofis ce, we still don't know. because atthe moment they n't know when his tri is going to be, he could bstil held there for man months to come. he's already been almo aear the base th the marine corps base near washingto but i thin in so waythe pentagonsenying the cricisthat's forced it to chan its mind, i think whas happen is is is now much more become abt thtreatment ofhis one individual, bradley manning, tnbout the serious charges that he is facing. >> a planearryg fir lad chel obama had to abt landing near washiton,.c. beuse was too close t a military cargo jet. aircraft cameithin three les the jet rather than th minum five-mile distance set by u.s. aviation oicials. thfederal aation adnistration said the ples
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were nev in a dger and landed safy. >> this is the latest in number of blunders by air trafficontlers in the u.s. over the last few wks. the industry alreadynder re after contrlers we und leep when they were supposed to be wking. at discovery rced the ief of u.s. airraffic controlo sign from s job. buthis is by far the most riou cide. amera's rst lady was returning fr a trip to new york when air traffic ntrollers apparent i - aprent allowed her plane to get withinhree miles oa -ton cgo jet. e fa.a. demds a minum separation of fe miles between tw planes, particular whea cargo pla is involved. because if they're too close, excess turbuncean cause the pilot to los ctrol. if airplane is too close behind anoth airplane, the sml tornadoes that com off the airane in fro ca acally upset the airane
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flng bind and cae the airplanelyin behind to lose control. >> the pils of the je carrying michelle oba wa ldo adopt spefic maneuvers to sw dn the plane. butheyidn't work. so controllers toltheilot to abort the landing, circle the aiort d makenoth approach. predicted, thatave the cargo plan enough te to clear the runway, givg chellebama plane rooto land safely. >> an aation jonaliave his viewn what this last incident says about thu.s. aviationndusy. >> certainly it is calleinto questi tedelviation administration and t whole air traffic ctrol system. the ad oth air traic stemas forced to rign la week, en bere we've even heard se of these more recent srieshat have come out theast few days. one of these sries actually
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lm o here the seattle ar whe an air traffic controller who was in a tower was allegedly aleep. although he wasot conolli aircft at e time. so it real hasut the focus on theyste and it has raised some seriousquestions that the esident and t heaof the transportation deptmenand the federal aviation ministration all ved tt they're going to f, alg with the union tt represents the air traffi controlers in this country. >> and this story onlroke me hrs ago i'm jt wonringhat reaction has been from amerans near where you are to this story. >> you know, there ally has not been very much. this was not -this does n appe to be an a traffic control miste. this apars to be tt th aircrafthat e fir lad was , whh isone of the gornment-owned v.i.p. ailanes, a37, wasollowing , had sort of started overtake aarge cargo airplane, a c.17. the coernhere is what is lledakeurbunce.
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basically you normally can't see unlsthere's certain weather conditions b there's lile tnado affects that come off the end othe wing ps on every largeirple, even helicters and 's those tnadoes fall hind those aircraft theyet bigger and bigger an bigger andhat canhapp if the plane that followi it is smaller, theotential isthere and i uerline theord poteial,hat that airplane could be cght up tond sicay flipped upside down. we've seen acciden involving this, typicall the aiden are involvi plas thatre much, much smaller tn a 737 which is really w nobody s rely ccerned about is, but as i understand this indent, basically air traffic realized these plas we just going to get clor until the rst dy's aplane, break off your aroach, go ck ound and come back in again. by that time the c. would have landednd t incident uldn't be a ncer at all. you areatching "cnews." still ahe, one happy couple,
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1,900 guests and 5,000 pice officers the securitytraty for britain's royal wedding. >> police in scotland are investigating the sendingf pael bombs to th manager of ltic football club and to his lawyer and politici. celtic has been stressened by exemists. a scotland rresndent has e latest. >> this is a story tt the police had ked me to- media ganizations including the bbc not to report for t past couplef da whilehey tried to catch the people invved. areow able to deport t details and as u say, wt we know is that pael bomb were nt onhree sepate occasionto t managerf celtic fooall club, to a former member of e scottish parliamentnd former duty presiding offirf th parliament who is a well-known celtic fannd politica circles atleas a alsto
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high profiledvoce in scotnd who is also well connecte t celti has represented the club a has made outspoken remarks includin-- accusing e scottish ftball aociaon ofias ainst the ub. so tt ishe background to this what we know is thathese devices were sent on thr diffentates, the 26th of march, the th of march and thenhe lt one to paul mcbride on t 15th of april. two of e device-- that was iday two ofhe devices were inrcepted by the royal mail and the third was actually delired the constituency offi of trish godman wh was at the time m.s. she'now t standing ain at thearliamentary eleions in scotland a parliamen has by ssolved. on t last day of parliament in fact she was pictured arina celticop in e chber the parliament. d what's interest somhing thate are understanding from sources that it apprs that whatas been hapning heris that it's been a pattern, there
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has been med coverage of each ofhese indivualsndhat has beenollowed by a parl mb bng sent tohem. t th sources a also telling us tt these devices were viable and that they we tended to kill ormaim >> the heaines syria's vernnt has lifd years of ergen rule afteronth of anti-government protests. u.s. has sai it's movg the suspected wikiaks urce to a newetention center. three school cldrehave been injud inhe american city of houston wh a g bught in by a 6-year-old pupil wen off accidentally. it's believed the boy was cayinghe loaded weaponn his bkpack. daniel griffith reports. >> ty should have bn gng to class. instead these childr aren their way to hospital. they were hurt afterne o thei cssmates, just 6 years old, bught loaded gto
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school. >> it's caushe had a gun and then somne took i and he tried tget it. thene shts a gl. >> he was among e the students injed. no of them seriously, wen thgun went off >> we d a kder gardnethat ought a loaded -- ndergartener that brout a loadedun t school today. ashey were in the cafeteria the little boy'sun slipped out of t poct, it hit the oor and one st was fed b accident. police have launchedn investigion. but they sayt's not car how the boy got t gun or why he had itt school. parents were soon o the sne to pk upheir chiren. they've been told at counselors will be o hand and tra secury masuresill put in place at the school. >> you see your kids to schl inking they'll be safe. thinking tha something le this don happen. and i mean, it' terrible. >> the iue of gun ownership waystirsassis in the
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s. this latest inciden with a 6-year-old child caring a loaded weapon will onl add to the debate. >>apan exporters fall into the first time in morehan a year the afct o last month masse earthquake and tsunami. expos were do 2.2%. the magnitu ninarthquake in japanestyed many factories noreast japan. we g aense of theconoc fallout. >> t fir picture, the firs idea of just how mucthis eahquake and tsunami is ing cost t economy. exrts re dow by.2% in march. it theirst time they've fallen in 16 mths. and sply chain problems are ill ere. it's gng tbe closing factories througho june. on mondaysnd fridays in north amera. the thing out jan's economy is this, it's whyt's hit rd. th coury has some of the biggest and mt sophisticated
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companies in the worldbut the process of ming this like cars and electroni begins in very small faories. fami concerns that are makg the components of components d it those factories that got knockeout by the rthquake and the tsunami. anthe supy problems relting from that are gog connue for a lon ti. >> hadthe government sd anything regding a timable forehey believe tt th econy wi be able toget back on track? given the fact that befe this tsami hit japan was aeady expericingome probls in its economy. >> well certainly ecomists looking at thiareayinthat theyelieve that japan growth, whicwas expected t be.6%, is likely to be 1.4% this year. what's likely toappeis that over the next few quarters that's going to be aulli down of the onom butfollowing that, ashe masse renstruction effort ginsthat actually could help to wipe out me of the lossesorhe economy and help
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japan to rover. jus as aideline, i jt wanted to ask yo about t situation fuke the moment. how is thateveling in tms of bnginthat under contr, given the fact thate now kw from a thank theystimate some six monthsefortheyill fuy get control of the situation there? >> whatheye dng n is beginning a pross of moving 1000 ts of highly radioaive ter from reactor number two. it's in the sement and trench the reactor they need to do thabecae ey'rworried if th don't mo it uld go to t sea d further pollute the sea. what they needo do is move thataterecause then they can gin and sta to fixthe cooling systems and at wl be t sta of e pross, the lo pross of briing e por station under control. >>he forr cuban leader fidel cast, ha made his first publ appearance with his younger brother raul, since haing over powero him fiv yearago. raul caso has led the country through sweeping changes.
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now the commust cuntry set for e ofhe biggest mov y from theirevolutionary past. >> if i de castro's surprise aappearance ce at the clong remony of theommust party pay and wasreeted by a prolonged standingvation. nyelegates could be seen cryi as took his pce besideis yoger brher, esidt raul castro. it'she fst time that the two cast brothers have been seen sid by se in publi sincfidel was taken ill fi years ago. hisppearance is seen as a sign of support for the econic changes which raul castro has pushedhrou the party congress. it could also b the 84-year-old iconic revolutiony lead's nal farewell to the litil stage. raulastro h spoken of the ed to bng through n younger aders but all the to
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sts remain inld hds. th theumbetwo spot going to the 8yearld vice present. there e the new faces on the inner cabinet. >> congress is n over a what cubs arell waiting to ar i jus what are the onom refms that the communist rty s proved. e wod outne tt so far ne of the fer details have been released. >> some of thearket reforms were alady underay, such as allowingeoplto setp small businessesncluding hiring labor. it loo like prite prorty is also making a ceback with house sales allodor the rst time since the revolution. but at least a million sta rkers look set to lose ther jon overstaff state enterprises and theussi bo with all its subsidized food is set t vanish too.
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thiss not a return to pitalism, most of the economy will remain in ste hands. t cu is takgt first step towardmarket reform. >> securit arrangements for throya wedding have been unveiled. lice have rejected an application by radical musm group to stage a demonstration on the dayf the eventutsi weminster abey. the prince wilamill rry cate mdlet. 5,00offirs will be duty on the y. >> forhe pice it's about spotting troubleeforit haens. th nefits of the route from buckinghamalac to the abbey is that it's extremely sece. almost every buildg is gornme-owned and the police e in the sky will watcevery rooftop in close up. as forhe risk of a bomb planted in advce, the search has alady staed.
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theyl coinue unt theast nute. e ofcial terrorismisk is currtly severe. so bb dog max here wl be busy he's been trning in a urch rey for wtminer abby. but scotland yrd is als praring for something like this. gun fired at the queen i 19, luckily a starting pistol. royal bodyguards are theast linef defense. in theventhat somebodyith firrm would sca the barrieand t past the policeget sthe mitary, i think it's generally accepted now that one o not both of the otmenre trained a protecon oicers and they will be armed. but one huge security advange will be the crow itself. packed with fan of th royal a hostile environntor any pontia attacker. anlike to step in someing hpens.
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a thsand police office wil be kep in reserveor trouble elseere in london on the day. theet dea wit dozens of cerenial occasions a year but th one is a huge challenge. protecng aity d the roy uples a blioneople watcaround the wor. >> dyou nt to keep upo date on e rol weddin you can foow a the velops by visiti thebcnews website. ere's a minutey minute detail timable for the big daas wl as a guide as to who's been invit andhat to wear it's a the for you on the website area marked yal wedding. and if you arenlin keep up toate on our latest developments on twter. you can llowe, the you c fin theatest on whawe've been coverinon e japan exports a the economic fallouts contin. plenty more n there.
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