tv BBC World News PBS April 26, 2011 12:30am-1:00am PDT
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>> this is "bbc wod ne." funding for thisreseation is ma possible by the frean fountionf new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. newman's own fountion the john d. and cathere t. macarthur foundati. and ion bank. >> unn ba has put its financl stngth to work for a wide nge companies, fr small busisseso major corpations. whatan we do for you?
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andow, "bbc world news." >> and lo-awaed u.n. report und credible evidence ofar cres on both sides of tree lanka t cil war. cil war.ianka's marorce used against protesters in syri a tunnel t escape from prison in kandahar. welcome to "bbc wld news." cong up-- how riden in kate middton's village preped f the royal weddin
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the unid nations has published its long-aited port into algations of war crimesthe end theivil war in sri lanka it said widpread elli by authorities killed the tusands of cilia who di in the final mohs of the war. it also accused the tamil tirs of using residences hun shies. oth sides comtted war crimes. the u.n. calls forn dependent invtigaon. >> the report focuses on the final months of t civil war. vilis were trapped on a rinkg strip of land beten opposing forces. t accuseshe tal tigers of usingivilns as a buffer and shooting tse who tried to escape. it depends thousandsf civilian deaths oidesead government shelling and auseshe auorities of oer rights viations,nclung campsith
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teibleonditions. it calle sri lka's investigation deeplyflawed ad ued international investigation into war crimes. the government has rejected th repo's findings its still celebrating t defeat of the rebels as a victory ainsterrorism. there has been angry opposion since then he mooned aoint theanel wch -- since b ki moo apinted the panel ich dr up the report. therare feat will do me ha andood. >> we believthiseport will be usefu inhe buildin up of tion unity. or will it do thoppote? ll it accept bitternesand acrimony, which are the in
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things we nt tet ay from? the un ao came in for criticism in the report. e secretary-general sa he can review that. bute cannot autrize an internationalinveigation unle shrunk agrees -- unss sri lankagree it true ithe curity uncihas beenoreroactive late in the name of human- ghts peaps that will increase pressureor them to backn inquiry intolleg war crimes. the fact ishat they are much mo divid on eeanka -- on sriankandhen ey are on lia. > a man from humansight tch ss pelehoul be caed to account following the report finding > this new rport by the commission -- by the pel o expes -- thi is anmpornt stt in that dirtion as the
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prious speaker noted. the sri lankan govementas doneothi of the pastwo years. what you have now is a carefully writnrofessional report with hard-hitting conusio. it is iorta tt the international community pport e seetary-general in taking up this recommention >> of a proper investigationn tion is another thing. already heard that russia and china previously opposed e curity council discussion of th alged olations in sri nka. what dyou think will change w? >> i think it hel that this report is so well done. really puts the matter up the. hav had recent actions by other parts of the world that have been very serus.
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this is aincredibly serious, a sturbing development. the arthe cries out for there toe inrnational acon. we hope e seetary general pushesorwa with thi but we recnize that ere will be some resistance it means govnmen that are concerned abou aountility d juice will push this foard, and other states that have resisted it should now be back ay in this case. >> we have aember of the alliance foreacend reconciliationn sri laa. he welcomes theindis. >> and it has beenwo yrs. >> wheard from our.n. corrpondt about the complexity of the preure o the u.n. secreta general to lauh a oper iestigation, presablyooking at t
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findings of ts rert. that wod be the ne stage. how kelyo you ink that outcome is? the sri lank govnment ll resist any investigion. weee h they cduct the wholeffai it before the war and after thear. e ocomet the human rights council was more pro-sri lan and thenictibased. he s lankan government is going to campaig heavily internationall agait the geral cretary. >> how lely you think anydy wl be held to account? >>his will be a diicul task. and how they will proceed with a full-scale invtigaon is methg we will he to wait and see. >> wand to ta to you about thdivision inri lka.
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the seehat theoverent caaignor reconciliation has done anythinto unify the differences between these tee mountain comniti there "thi notng has changed at all? -- or do you think nothing has changed at al? >>othing has cangeat all. even the investigationhat s undertaken by the reconciliation commissn --t is actually a sham wl say the outcomwille someing that isisapinting. i dot very ch t government sincere. theyre very interestein coming out with a resotiono the colict, whi is lon standing. the government has not de anything meaniful. >> the u.s. state department has
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effectuated non-essenal embassy ofcialfromyria, following a major cradown ainst government demonstrators. at lst 2 people have bee killed. iolence is cuse on the southern cityf deraa. theyrianoverent made it ear today that itill torate ndissent. exaordinary scen asanks rumbled down the streets, trying to seize the city back from protesters. the armyovedn in force, firing at demotrats. these image which weannot vefy, e saido have been rerted today on mobile phones. some brave eough to obstruct t tanks made it clear what they think of the early -- of the syrian ar. >> we had informaon tt te ar had circled the city.
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there were six things thecoul see. allf th is footagehat number of tv stations are playing. >> syria is tryin t rhlessly crusd resistance. 5000 troops are said to have been mobilized. there are reportsf bodies lyg in the streets andore people kled tay, takinghe death ll to more than 3 since protests in syria began last month. syria has mod into a new aggressive phase. it indicated it was prepared to ke coessions by removing a 50ear-old ste ofmergency. the conciliation was srt lived. the ternational community has joed in ahoruof ndemtion forhe vlent crkdow esidt assad was once seen as a new moderate force in syria, the recent days have pushed those thghtsway. the u hashreaned to impose new sanctns o his family and the country's ruling elite.
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thfunels have been taking placfor people killed in the unrest. activists say there has bn renewed prestsn da, on the outskirts of the capal, dascus there is no iication that either theyriaovernment or thprottors are prepared to give ground. the ome areot good. >>italyays will joinhe nato air campan agnst lbya siioerlusconi said the italn a suprt -- air force will make actions agast miliry tgets in oer t prott civilians. the announcementollod the mbin in ipoli o a compound used by colon gaddafi wch gornme officials are describing as an attempt on the libyan lder's life. >> i amtandg at t sneof where a miile stke tk plac sholy aer mnighin
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tripi. you e the is bbwire there. uannot make it ou but in e distance is a military position. thiss colonel gaddafi's compound. you can see someof the devastion d debs th has en sprayed out. in particular, tha is one of the buildings that was targed. its onf three buiings that werhit by ateast thr missilstris. you see the tal destatn ther e roof has caved in. the wls he been blown out ere is a lot ofebate about exactly what was taking place in th building. na contends it isarging military command and ctrol faciliti. in other wds, where t militaryampaign iseing orchestrated. thlibys are saying this building w only ud for administrative purpose i havepokenn soonehoad office space her who was nuinely uet and saw it as personal affront, sayg th is where they meetorei
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dignities. there is a libry he. it is impossible to kn exactly wt thtruth is. but there is furtherittl eviden toupport the argent that thi was bei used for miliry purposes. more importantly, wi the lian government are nowsayi is tha thiwas attempt litil assassination, tt theyere ying to takup the political learshiof this couny. they are callingor the rest o the wod to intvenend stop the nato missionontinuing care in the capital. >> at least t prosters are reported as beg killed yemen, with my me inred in claes with security forces. curi men fired on preste who ha been dending sah's mediate depture wikileaks has relsed secret inlligence assesents of suspects who psedhrough
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americ ctody at guantanam bay. 220 we claed as danrous terrorists, but 150 were believed to be innocent, man detaed for nopparent reon and entuly released. stl ahead, from pbleeach touckiham palace. kate mideto's home village ys before her wding day. the ssident irish republican group has teatened to kill more police offices and declared it will oppose the quee'first sit xt mth. e warning came in a statement spread ba masked m at a mete ilond charaer -- in ndonderry. >>issident republicans a trying to wre the peace process. they have ve littlesuppt in ireland,orthr south of the bord, and en within e
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republicaneprentative -- the republican community. but they don't sm to care. the so-caed rl ir reated eir reat to police officers. they oline their oositn to theueen's first visit t the republicf irendext moh. >> the irish pple ll n standt. the queenf gland is wand for r cres inreland, and not wanted on ish sl. >> the real ira objected to the provional ira'ceasire in 19, and bro awa togeth wh all small does it -- together with oth dissint groups they have been invold in bomngs d shoings designed tory to brea the peace. over theastew day the haseen an increase in secury checkpoints and police patrols as aesult of the diident republican threat. pele aoss northern irand ha beewarned to be gila.
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the turnout of day's ray left00 peoplen a city of 100,000 see just howsolad th dsides are. but there remain armed and dangerous. >> you can get moren th story and man others by going to the bbc ns weite. just log on taka lookat all of our main stors. bbc newseadles. t unid nations says there is edible evidence thawar cres we committed by the vernnt and tam tigers during the s lanka's civil war. tas on the streets osyria -- aappant escatio of a crackdown onnti-governme protesters. the rmer u.s. presidenjimm carteras arrived in p'yongyang, a visit aimed
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easing tensions on t korean ninsula. we crossed to the southkore capita seo. give uan ideof whajimmy rters hoping to achieve in north rea. >> there a three things he is ick to want to talk about if he does meet with kijong il. the first ito try to break th impasse in t tal over north orea's nuclear pgram the second is to addss reports of serious fd shortages. thereslso an american citizen who has beenetained sinceast novemr, apparently working as a missionary. its possible heill try to sere hiselea. >> toeconfirmation whether not he will meet the leader hielf, or in fact his n? >> as of the te when jimmy carter a his colleagues ft beijing,e d not know r sure he would bebleo meet kim jong il.
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th is coming at a particularly tense time. it is obvious te north koan leadership has emed very anxio t engage the rest o the wod tory to get help with food a, forexample, and restart talks. the fact that a former u.s. prident is going to make this visit getarou one of those problems. north koreha always sa it wants to tk dirtly to the u.s., and washinon h always saido. they he said to engage south koa first. a former u.s. president going to talk may be seen a a gd opportunit >> he is n stranger to north korea, havg made number of sits there in recent years. most notly i 19, when he did help ert a very tens situation between noh koa and e.s. the tim the biggt issue for him at e mome- he is not the in offici vis. he is the in a private
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capacity. e most important thing at e moment holding up ese tal is some kind of si fronorth korea that sth korea says it needs to come to the negotiating table. heir position has en n talks without a concre sig of the gushy asn. th cou be an apology for attacks that south korea cims the no. or it cld be something else. but it nds to be somethin concrete. ifeouldome away with something like that, that would be the k thing. >> lucy williams for us in seoul. the shock of what the u. -- of what thefgha president has called a dister. alst 500 taliban fighters and mmanrs have espedrom a prison in kandah thrgh a tnel dug fr oside the jail. is the second ms breakt into years, despite milons o dollarin iroving security.
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>> it is e send-biggest prison in afghanist fullf hundds of liba fighters and commanders. befo the prison breakouan the eak-. insuentsame up through the for ght side the ja. e taliban have gen a detailedescrtion. three men inside knew the plan. suicide attackers re standing in casehe plan was discoved. but prin guards were oblivious. the prisoner left tir belongingsehin it tooeach man hlf a hour to tunnel to freem. not far from e gud towers, the taliban spentive months to dig the tunnel. >> we he prer digging equipment, and the w so mu
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earth from t tunnel that we carried it away and gradually sold it in the markets. we have ille professiona helping -rained enginrs who advis us the digging. th adved us howo hit the spot wre therisoners are ing kept. >> this is aig setback for secuty in the area >> we a looking into finding out at exactlyhapped and at is being done and how to mpensate for the disaster tha happen in kanhar and beyond that. >> is not the first time tis prison has beebreached. a huge bomb desoyed the gates in 2008. mo than a thoand n escad. but is here where the jailbreak will be lt most, in the villas around kandahar. these soldiers spenthe summer fighting the tiban. some of the the ctured may be
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ee again. with fighting seasoabouto art, the enemy has just en replenishe >> inspection of the soutest airlines plane thalostts roof mid flight has discovered possible evidence atigue acks e boeing 7 had to makan emergencyandi in azona at the ginning of the month. we he the detailsf th report >>this is arelinary fiing on invesgatis into the incidenthichook ple at the beginning ofpril ey lked at the damaged par of the fuselagef the plane. if you rememr, a rupture of er aeter long opened up in the plane le a zipper. it camendonalong aow o rivets investigators ve been looking at that par othe plan selage. ey found a tiny cras emanating fm thtrivets. mo woringor se is that on e aached sectionf th
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fuselagehe foundhat me of th holes wherehe rockets went in were bigge than theervets emsees. se of the holes have bn moved into regularpace -- it moved in regulaspac there was no wear a tea thatas given concern aboutow e ple was bui 15 years ag there are pliminary results fr theational transportation saty boa, the dera agency whiccondts investigations. it is still investitingnd has t coluded what wato blame -- whether it w wear and ar, d nufacturing iue, or sometng ee. >> has there been any word from boeingfor uthwest airlines about this? >> boeg made thousands these airplas over manyears ey s that at the tim of the instance -- some werealking out tal fatigue. boeing said thislan has taken
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f 30,000 times. shod be 60,000 befe yo see mel fague. southst alines sai it would t speculate d itown enneerare looking at the damaged part of the pla outhwest had a similar issu two years ag whnoth jet. when thi instance happened, it grnded 8737. five of those wereound toave cracks. itas bn fined previousl for maintenae ises. it says its confident its flt meets all safety standards. >> there are a f days to go before william andate's big day. our correspondent is in the bride's home vlagen berkshire . >> the buckle very girl has made it to buckingham pale.
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>> it is good news for us and the nation. >> i a very excited. miners are going in litt bit >> theilla butcher is one of the loca whoaveeen invited to the abbey f t wedding. he h kno the bri's and she waa little girl. i he still seen her, despe what she has taken on. e wi still wav when shes in the are >> fo the 1500 villagers wh have not been invited,here wi be big pty her with a giant wedding cake >> we are using 160 eggs and 40 kiloams of fruit. >> thearis church is 50 miles from westmiter abbey, buthey arstildetermined to be heard here on wedding day. >> shis ge. >> the composed a speal fr our p. -- four-houreal, an
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some o t raidersave cancelleholiys to make sure they are here on t day. >> she was a delightful chil extremelhapp ieel nored to benvito ri. >> it is a quietriva place. someegreall the intention-- all e attenti, anare looking forward to turd. b they also know this community now has a unique pace in british rol hiory. >> there ilots more on e big y on the b news web site. have loo you can trace the family trees ofridend gro and find out re about previous roya weddings. all that itherfor you on the website. for the latest delopnts, lo on itter as well.
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>> hello andelco. >> see the news unld, t the tostories from around the obe d click-to-pla video report go to experience the idept expert reportg of "bbc world news" online. funding was made possle by the freen fodation of new yorkstowe, vermont, and honolulu. newma'own foundation. e john d. and catherin. macarthur foundaon. and union bank. >uniobank has put its global experti to rk for a
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