tv BBC World News PBS April 28, 2011 12:30am-1:00am PDT
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>> ts isbbc world new." fundg fothis presentation is made possible byhe freeman foundation of neyork stowe, vermont, and honulu. newman's own fountion the john dand therine t. macarthur foundati. andnion bank. >> union banhas t its nancial strength to wo for aide nge of companies, fro small sinees toajor cooratns. hat n we do for you?
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> annow, "bbc world news." >> hamas d fah strike a deal hat paves the way for an interim governmt an elections the pestinian terrories. 200 membersf syri'ruling pay regnedverhe crackdown demstrators. a state of emeency powerful stos acrosshe soutrn uted states claia least 25 les i24 hours. welcome to bc news,"roadst to our vewers i americand around the glo. coming up laterforou ce aftethe ad count, chin' governnt ss it ideteined toeep the size of s poputionnder control. practice mes pfect prince william and ke middleton have o mass rehearsal before their big da
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after years of fitingach her, the twoival palestini oups, ham and fah, seem to haveecided to put difference aside. they reachedn agreement t pave the wayfor intim govement madep of depeent politicia, whh woul prere for eections. isra has disssedhe agreement, sayg mahmoud abbas musthoose betweeneace with mas d peace with isrl. r correspondent repor. >> in gaza, cse f lebration. palestinians who haveeen ying oor pitical unity finally get a break through. the deal beten fatah and has wa aounced after secralks in cro, eded by egypt. --ediatedy egt. >> 're telling paltini
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people ever wherethe good news. those in th oupied territories and those road all of tsewe hve ended a inful dece of dividbetwn the lestian people. >> alof t pestian factions and pows aralike. w we have the strongest wpon against occatio national uny. >> pestians will be cautious. willhi deal work? the split bween hamas and fatahave bee bitter d somemes olent. started aer mas o paleinian elections in 2006. a year later, afr fierce ghting, fatah was forced from za a left on the west ba. will the two sid be le to put thei diffences aside to initially back an interim governnt me up of inpendt politians tasked withreparing forew
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elecons? t is understood in tms of serity. hamas will ctinuto opete in ga wit thealk forces corolling the west bank. then tre i isrl, which does not wan this deal to ppen >> the pastinian authority st choose betweeeace with israel and peaith hamas. peace th both is impossible causef thgoal of deroyi thestatof israel, which it expresseopen. >> whe this leads i not clear. the unidtate and the europeannion regarhamaas a rrorist organization. will they continue toive miions of dollars of aid to th authority of hamasow h a y in how iis snt? for four yars, in fightinghas be intctable. this is breahrough. the remain many obstacles to overcome. >> our correspdentn
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jerusal saythe aeeme may ben imrtant momtor t peace proces >> this is a surprising d significant developmen for the last fur yrs, these factions have been a vlent and poisonous relationship thhamarganation runningaza they have been at each otr's thros. this elusive goal of a palestinian ste has been so far away. i think it is long way off. if the is to be a uty govement it wi be lcom by most palestinians i the west bank a gaza. is a difrent question for thesraes. the government has respoed b sayingtannot sit down and ta to t paltini organitionthat contains hamas causit is csided a teorisorganization. a long way too. this could be a significant ment for the palestinians and
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the mide ea peaceroce. pokean for t israeli gornment spoke to the bbc. he wasskedfsrael prefeed the palestianso be weaknd disunite a so cmpo its owsoluons othe peace press. >> not a all. weould prefer to see a pce processoving ahead energeticall. we of beenalli continuous to start the negotiaons all thcoressues. we want to seerogrs. we want to see aeace deal. we want to work with tm. toy's decision by the pastinian goverent oose hamas, to choose aarty that is diametrilly opposedo peace and recciliion, rses very serious queions about what they nt. ultimately, peac ruires bh sides to me tough choices. this requires both sides to confntistoric narratives. we a ready. if t palestinians cose hamas, it is clear tt th're
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not. we pe to see pestian learship and that it ject what has snds for. >> epor say more than00 membs ofhe baa par have sign over the crackdown on demonstrors. the un securityouncil failed togree to a statement condemning theioleef the rianovernment. cosel has held an ope meeting for mmberto expss their views. the u.s. ambassado told the meings that the syan president st ahe crackdown onemonrators. >> t u.s. condemn inhe strongestossie terms t a. olen usedy thgovernment of syria agnst its own people. myoverent calls on president assad chang course now a heacall'sf his own people. welso callpon the internationalommunity to spond to thisrutal
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crkdowand to hold accountae tse w are peetrang these gross human rights violaons. thunited states has expreed itsposition to the syria government. we are csideng a rangef optis, cluding sctio, to reond theutrageous use o violence agast peacul protesters >> the security cuncimeeting was iticized. it w said that interference was n welme. >> outside o this me ty wanted to create, on syria, they did not get anything. than to the uerstding exesseby the majority of the wise people inheounc, my government h a keen interest inontiing the process of reformccording tohe wish of our n peopl.
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this process orefos emate from domtic national necessities. will not be dicted on from o sid our corresponnt a the u.n headartersn you nor -- in newyork hashis analysis of the response to the uest. >>ell, i thi that there had been there was quite lot of hesitationlready. the suritounc hasot respded ry much at a to the revo inhe araborld. bya was quite an excepon and knew theereembers who were opposed. in the e, th didot block the intervention for a numr of reasons. one isecause it was aall from the ab world. there has beenrowi uneasine evebout the libya intervention from somemembers, espeally rsia, which has been sayin that the nato forces e erstepping their.n. mandate. i think that hard andhe
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russian position sya. they did not wan the secity council getnvolved at all. e russian aassar spelled th out quite clear the. he said this was not consired to be a threat t international peace and security and ouide force wod behe thing that woul actually use regnal instability andould perhaps encourage more vionce and perhaps civ war. he was very strong. otherounc members were hesitant, including china. e serity cncilas clearly shnt is not le or wilng to act on syria ait did on libya. >> l's talk abt lia. how much do u thi th disagrmentin the council today were due t what has happened inibya and what has beappeng in libya? >> i thi th colored it, rticarly for the rsian e foreign minister hasaid several timeshat fel that nato was overstepping the u.n.
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mandate to protectivilns and was gng bond that i terms attackingargets associated with colol gaddafi and the fear of the russia and perhaps the inesis that the ulmate goal, some sort of gime change. there has been great uneasins about tt. i think ty ma have en me rectant to supportany sort of counsel intervention orven stement o othrab revolt. in libya, the u.n investigator says governme ofcials in tipol talked abouhuman rights auseshat we alledly committed by rces loyal tcolol gaddafi. the governmt hasaid it wl cooperate if t pties includg natand the rebels, arinvestigated. powerful srms d tornadoes ve btered the southern united stas fo the secon day in a row. at least 25 pple have been killed. the ate of emergency h been decred in alaba, arkansas,
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d tennessee. the national weather svice has issued severe weather went f georgi mississippiand e caronas. >> this is what a tornado lks and undsike when it is lirallyn yo doorstep. in seconds, it wers through the sap mal storageimit -- in ssissippi. it ione of some 4tornoes thateng the.s.. alabama ane has been hit by 20. they brought down wer lines and felledrees allover the state. the arerees allp an wn the road. every street, they get io our genel subdivision. blocked off. power nes wn. trees all over the road. ner seennything like that bere. >>with tornadoes come severe thderstorms and near- hurricane-rce nds. inllinois, farmlandhis submerged. at this time ofear,armers ould belanting precious
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crops, but the isittle ance of thatappeng. >>estuess at this poi woul b thatbout/3 of iis underwater more of tha we cannot get to becae the roadso get to it are der water. in aril,e getll t corn planted and start planting soybeans. as of now, we have not on the fit thing. >> in msour tornado is brought haitonethe size of golf balls that bounced a or the reet the orms are moving east. the tion weather service has put the stateof grgia misssippi, and e carolinas alert. bbc ns. >> the bbc has learned tha the kandahar jl may have been largely under taliban contr. nior staff of the arrested incling eead of security. the detain' escaped down a
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500-mer tnel dugrom a arbyouse. >> they h to dig their way nside. is w a prin th was alady der taliban control. seni insgents were given keys to the cells. prison staffold ings to the men tre were guarding. it made escape althe sier. government officials s the was a tal breakdown in security both sidendutsi the pron. th whole from the tunnelas do was srcheeforthe escape. noing was found. ofcials arexpressing amazement at the level ofetai and sophistication in t taban'sesca plan. insurgents may en have us onle selli maps to pinpoint where to dig. th head to the exact spot iide one of the taliban cells. ts was aninside job. >> it pear there was some colloration.
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tre wereeop insidehe prisons wh word. it is not possible. it inotimaginable tthink at 488 people within four hour c eape. > theardewho once r thi prison and h senr sff have be suspended. they are now being held by government invesgato. the search goes forhe men w broke out. only 70 ve bn caught. hundre morare still the list. rea to fig agn fo the taban. bbcews, kabul. >> sti hadome allhe que'forces and all the queen's men areut throughor ida's royal wedding. ports from human suggest at leastive ti-government protesters have been killed and ny other wounded i the
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capita a security rces openedire on demonstrators. the ptests have been calling for thpresident to stepown afterore tn 30 years in office. >> running for their lives protesters heafor vers serity forces opened fire. for some, there was n place to hide. th wounded wereushed to hospal. so,tillefiant. theyave been cling for the president's parte for more thanwo months now. >> we were marching peacefully. ty fired at us with bullet. five or six ofur friends fell bede me. we try to pull them while th fired and threw tr g aa spir >> prosts ve spread toany ptsf yemen. the violenc sho no gn of oppi. the president has aeed an international propos to st down in one monthnd rurn
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wi immunity from prosecuon. proster have dismisd th plan. more bloody days l aad unss the stematresolved soon bbc news >> the defense mintry i ivy coasaid they have helped presiden ouattara. ibrahi coubaly reptedly refuseto dsarm. died. e military leer fell out withhe president after he took office. the chairman of the u.s. federal reserve and bernanke has cald on the coury's policia to tactio to cut theeficit the government's nances. heescribed the deficits the mostmportant long-term onomic problems faced by the u.s. cred agey warneth u.s. vernment cld be dograded om i crentati of aaa. hamas and fah strike a deal
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that paves the way forn interim governme andlections in the palestinian terriry. at lst 200 members of sere's ruli par resigned over the crackdown antgovernment denstrators. t formeru.s.resident jimmy carter has writtenriefbout hitrip nor kea ding a visit to ruce tensions on the korean peninsula mr. carter is traving with three other tireworld aders amembs of troup called thelder our correspondent is inouth koa anjoins us now from seoul. what ds the president he to say i that brief inteet messagehat he posted? >> he wrote that he hrd te and time again during his te in north korea that the cntry waread to he tks with t u.s wit south korea, witho preconditionon a subject. tha sounds reposited, t it is actually not a new pitio it so sidesteps the fact that is not north kor putting
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condionsn tas at the moment, butouth korea. southorea has saithey are not comingo the table, no having talks, without some ki of concrete gesture from the north rst prove that it is up foralk. iuppo one of the main issues will be anwill always be the nuclear proam at th north has. is there a indication at all that they're prepad ev to ta abo that? >> as i said come inhe message, jmy cartesaidhat asar a he has hea, the rth reans will talk about an subject with th u.s. and south korea. all parties say they want talks. onissuis how you get there d if there has be a geure from the noh first. the second is e sutance. you do start talking, th sides really e far artn denuclearization. how to do ,hen do it, even whait mns. thproblem facing jimmy caer is tt he went bck to -- he was in north koreaever times bore, famouslyin 1994, and
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en he helped avt a tense situationetwe north kea and e u. we don't kw this tme wther we should be epecting some ch. it is a pvate vis. we're not sure whether he has got access tthe north korn leadership here in soh korea, t forgn miniry i being disssive of whathey pect to come out of thisisit >> thank you very ch. chi s published the result of its latesteport. chin is the wor's most popuus. many in population greto or 1.3 billio at is 6% in a decade. lf the pulatn now lives in urban areas. spite debes abo the rexingf the o-child licy, hu jintao say he wants to keephe economy growing says the govnment is determined to limit therowth
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ofhe population. >> they say that there be 0 millnore with ts family planngolicyere not carrd out by theuthoties. what we see is neray speaking couples in the ties, ly allowed one shot, wle coles rural aas are alwed o. preside hu ntao hastate thhe family planningolicy n't change. there has been a lot of speculatn i the run-up to the census that authorities might change that. the concern is that ina's polati is rapidly agi. we're seeing more and mor people over 60. who is actually going tlook afr th? where are the young tt ar going do the j to provide e money which the provid with healt carand psions r th elderly? >>hat abo t oanizion anthe creased rates of that?
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willhat concern the government? >> arkansas appeed d not hear that. >> what aut the rate of urbanization. will thate at all of a ncern? insome ways, it wilbe. what we're seeing in the cies, especial major cities, is ineasepressure on th governnt t provide social serves. we'reeeing onef the greatest miations in history. 50% fm the popatio lives in thity and 50% in the villages. the pele othe fringes of the ci, thso-lled migrant worker theare asking fo more and more from the vernnt. at costs money. i think the government is facing challenges. what they're talkibouts expanding the social security network. that is not want t haen overnight with the popatio of over.3 billion. >> whatbout wealth diribuon and the jobs pele are doing?
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ha the chang a l in 10 ars? >>t is veryifficult. i ve notpecifically seen those figures. with the gernmt is concerned about theap between rh and or. we're sing that widening. tt isomethinguthoties arconcned aut becaumany chinese e getting very gry. they fee thathin are n geing betr. theyeel e rich are doing better. >> the japanese gernmt have said the ftory otputlunged more than 15% in marcas a result o the earthquake and tsunami thahit the country. the result is mh wse than initlly forecast. the disasters ofrippd production in faories as well as the supy chains two mar manufacturs. the nist of onom trade, an industry, id it uld recover gradually. it has forecast improvement. prin wilam and kate milton ve been to wtminer abb in london forinal ceremony
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rearsal before eir wedding iday the gut list h bece a topic of debat with nfirtion tha the syrian ambassador has receid an intimate -- an invition. >> almost there, but tight, not to be seen. thecouplere arrived at the abbey behind blacd-out windows. at a sentrae, police vans were positioned to trynd block the view as william andate went in to thebbeyorrief run-for. the final episode in day of hearls. mo than 12 hours earlier, as most of london's ept, the housold caval andhe rt of the mitarwere completing their r-thugh of friday's parade. when theyreturn, there will be in their ful ceremonial uniforms and e streets will be packed.
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for this rersa soldiers, sailors, and airn h paraded befo dawn. this was a chance f the surgn mars to do tngs as only they can. tohec tireasurements a longer route, and to ipecthe soldrs w will be lining it to ensure that everhings justs they want it. on friday, the wor wilbe watcng london. it has to be righ e man who understan the essus is sir lcol ss, who masterminded t sta casions for the queen for5 years. >> if you e putting tha sho , it is very akin to something thetage or ia circus, and putting itll together sthatt looks good anfeels good. think on tis occasion,e ar lookinfor wow factor. i'm quite sure we wll geone. >> for te cros whwill be ouide e abbey, the main wow momentill be wn the carriage
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movedorward and the coue emerged fr the abbey as man andife for the ceroniaride tohe pace. th morng,he carriage was closed by tonht, the numbe wer starti to ow. a ste the many thousands who will bhere by friday morning. tw more nightto go and already the bestlacehere on the pavement opposite the aby are ken. final rearsais tomorro, and then the real thing. the coup left as the arrived, guarding their privacy and knowing full well thaon friday, there willbe precious you hiding places. bbc news at westminster abbe >>or acompletenlin covera of e royal wedding, go to thebc b said. u wi fd thelate ns an features and a chancto takeur gded tour of t roots th couple wi b travelg by carriage friday. have a look for yourse. you are watching "bbc news."
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>> hello a welme. >> s the news unfold, ge t top stories from arod the globe and ick--play vid rerts. go to to eerience the -depth, expert reporting of "bbc world news" line >> fundingas me possible by thfreeman foundation ofew yo, stowe, vermont,nd nolu. newman's own undaon. the jo d. d catherine t. macarthur foundation d unn bank. >>nionank has put its global experti to rk for a
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