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tv   BBC World News  PBS  April 29, 2011 12:30am-1:00am PDT

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> th is "bbc world news." fundi forhis presentation ismade possible by -- th freeman foundatioof n york, stowe vermont, and holulu newma'own foundation, e john d. and catherin t. macarthur undaon, and unn ba. >> union bank has pu its financial strengtho wo for a wide rge ocompanies, from small sinees to major corpations. what can we do forou?
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>> a now "bbc world news." >> welme t bbc, broadcasting and the u.k. and around the globe. i live from buckingham palace, at the start ofhe royal weddg. the ince and his pple, on the eve of e royal ddin willi wowhe crowd with an impromptu walkabout. kate spes her last ghts a singleoman at a london hote the queen gets t party started, joiningther royals a the capitol r a preedding lebrion. controversy ove the gue lt goes on. o form brish prime nists willot be coming and the invitation to the syrn ambassador is withawn. ousas ofell-wishers
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camping out o the streets of centralondobefore the wedding begins >> hello, and veryarm weome from buckingham palac where the ey of theorld are focusing on the royedding betweenrincwitte -- prce william akate middleton. severalours from now, kate middleton wlcomplete h journey from commonerto princess. thousands haveampeout a buckingham palace t gethe be posioned to catch t glimpse of the newlyw couple as ty travel bk from westminster abbey tbuckgham pala, ere they will eventually end up on the balcy andhey ll treat the
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blic, hopully to their first blic ks. thats what all the spectators are waiting for. 8000 joualists he gathered in th capal, ross theorld asell, 140 newnetwks. make no miske it will the phogra of that pubc fit casehat ll be making all the morning ont pages. it has bee some number o hours were last-minute preparations are underway. everything is down to meticulou planni a military precision. >>he years of waing are almost over. accompanied by r mother and youngeriste kateiddleton arrid at a hotel cle to ckingham palac for her final nights a singleoma looking happy andelax, but understaablyaccording to people who have spoken to her toy, flingittlnervous
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abouthe big day ahead. thheadf the family she i about to in, the queent another ceral ndon hel, and a reptiofor more than 40 members of feignamilies who ve come to attd th wedding. through the day, the cwds ve been gatherg, along be rds and outde wesinst abey. it was to westmiter abbey that the idesame for the fal run throu, witutrince lliathis time but with har and the bridesmaids. the official proam h been publhed,ontending a msage from wliam and kate that says that have been deeply touched byhe affection they have been shown. t vows the bride ll te o its the word "obey ay, "i take you to love and two chairs, uil death
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do upart." ey he chon three han out fothe remony. they have chon toreat ms for e cemony. tomorrow, kate middleton will in aamil that hasn th ast beenot notly a welcoming the newcers. a member of the family has oken publicly and heruppo. the queen' cousin andne o hemost trusted confidas. >> ihinkhe willeelcod as the future quee >> and gd for the ral fily asell? >> anything isgood, yes. asong as it is agood maiage >>n london, prey much evything is ready. thbands have theirusic, the clergyhaveheir lines, te guests their invitatns, minus a couple of diplomatiabsees.
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viualleverything is known accept a great secrets, t bride's dress. this afternoon, a myeryaller rive at the bride's hotel is ts a dress designer in disguise? wh knows. as they gave wayo dusk, thounds headed for the processional route wit seping bagsnd pcil to snd the night in the on. tonight, theeath outlook is t perfect, b r this, th ggesroyal wedding the country has seen in 30 years, thetmosere has gwn during e day and i noone lebrion. r tho waing near clarence house, annexptedonus. prince william ergedo meet some otheeople who will be spending theight onhe reets outside of his london home. how was he feeli? "ok s lo as i get my lines right," heaid hoany groomeave saidhat
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thnighbefore their wedding? course, thiss no ordinary groom,o ordinary wedding. this is a man whhas entered hiarrie with the overwhelng gd wishes the minority- the majority of brits. >>ust quick wd abouthe timing. the queen willeave our presents at buckingham palace at 100 inhe morningnd tn sheill ad to t famous ceremonial rte to wstminster abbey and will be e lst memb of the royal faly t take their seats before the bride arrivedat wtminster abbey approximately just before 110. duri tha short nine-minute joury, fm the hotel where she is at t moment, spendg the nig alongside her famy, she ll tvel to e abbey, perhs the first chance we get
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get glimpse of her wedding dress. e wedding ceremony itself will be witnessed oside of -- inde o westminsr abb by 1900 guests. who ha not made the guest list s caedome conover, as oucorrpondents aexplains. and it is part time in westmiter, fesoned wh its germany's. but thistormaseen brewing over the guest list and an invitation to the syrian ambassador. these opposion oups in london he been voing their ange over the deaths of hundreds of demonstrators the handsof theirwn gernment. deaths which tayirectly led the syrian ambassador havin hi royal wedding invitatn widraw >> iind embarrassin t it will noteopardize any
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ongoing negotiatns with the itish throne. >> the syrian aassador is not alone. it als banned is tibya amssador, the crown pnce of bahrn called out because of the critici ove the bral response t donsttions in his untry. t he wille represented by his ambassador to london, a man accused of running aortu center in bahin. >> it would be wholly inapopriate fromhe sian ambassad, giv the brutality of violenc of the regime that he represents, meting t on its own citizens, for him to be at the wedding. separate roes s bln up or the guestist. e foer tory minter dy thater is too ill too, a she haeen vited. but tony blair and gord brown ve n been invited.
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the reason? ey are not nightknights. >> i think it is a mtake don't think it s bee thoughthrou, to exclude the mo recent foreign ministers. i don't think anybodys seeking to offendhem. i am quitesure it was noa conspiracy. >>utn 1981, wh pnce chles married ly diana,ll surviving prime misterwere inted, and not allfhemre knights ofing thur. >> it is not atatef that, so it is not a requemen to vite formeprimministers- it is not state event. >> it has been disacti, not because it is both aamil privat ent and official occasion. >> we have just gone seven minute past 4:00 the morning and it is perps the cldest int the night as the temperature has drped to nin
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degrees csius. later it i antipated the temperatures ll climb to abo 19. there is tal oa slight risk of a shor, but that is not dissuading the many hundreds of thousands were expecteto arrive at bkingm palace the lead the west -- to arri at buckinghapala as the neywedarrive. ere a 50,000 heret th momentsome of them trying t get sleep, b others seemto be to excited to so. in the month them is my lleague, daniel. how was it looking? >> the past winut, it stted ttingusier. assuhat as many people who have not been campi overnight but decided to make an rly start oft. behind me, there areents and sleeng bags, people sleeping on chas. that ith same picture across the road. reall as r as ianee,
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the ar tents, people beginning to wake up. someeop are still trying to catch up on sleep, some he only just ken up. sorry torab u just as you ha wok up, buthy a you here? y is it s important for y to sep o here to see this? >> we justelt was a oe- in-a-lifete oprtunity to brg the children out and we ju really wantedo beere. >> what doeit mean to youo be he toy? >> we wanted to come ansee the married couple. we're very excited. >>his is something youould remembeand y i was there. and that's actl -- >> ectly >> w hav a go vantage point here f theession? >> y. >> how ng have you been waitg? >> sin 9:00. th any sleep tonight? >> n. >> why is it so important to get this vantage point
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>> to tnes stor and to ke the most of it andhat is e unppy couple. >> tha you. st moving arod, is it portt coming to an event like this,ave u done this fore? yes we re he for the jubileand incess diana's neral. and i was her for princ andrew and fergie sweating back in 1986 i want to e this wedding. -- and i was he for prince ndreand ferg' weing ck in 16. iwant to see ts weing. just moverounto anotr group of people. you haveeen here all night as we, came he earlyoday disinfected pot. areou pleased to make that fort? ou>> yes, defitel wth i
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>>e ar looking forward t it. we' hopg to see em go past and maybe kissn the balcony. e atmosphere is awesom > it wl starto get light soona loof pple beginni to wake up,aiti for the oprtunity to get their front row seat, wt for the procsionnd also perhap prince william ming his way to westminster abbey and perps get that first glise of ke her carn's dreed a as goes by. >> i have been tol it is 13 minutes past4:00n the capital, lancaster, justnder seven hos too until we get to she events unfold othis hioricccasion. ck to you in thtudio.
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tha you very much. > we have t latt on e dead stos that have kled more than ree her people in the soutrn uted states. we will also have a report on theombing of thfore cafe th a least 50eoplhaving ed. the cost of twoircrt carrrs f the btishavy has gone up dmatilly. at ithis the final cost wi not be known until thend next yr. >>ot aompur war ges but a vision " wl be defending the shor and 2019,iant aircraftarris. wh price the future defensof the room? less than ree ars a whe e contract was sned, july, 20, the bget was 3.9 billion pounds. ss than aear ler, e cost had ut up to billion pounds because ministers ha orded a costly proje a l. that became 5.2 billion pounds
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past october. toda the companies buiing thcarriers believe the final bill will rch 7illion unds each of us as tpayers would in fact be shelling out 233 pous. are they wth t money? >> the events in libya are sta example o thenew pe of rcra. i we hathat with this ai wing, it would he made a huge diffencehat we couldave ne off libya. >> offialsay it is posble at it would lim the overall st increase to 1 million pounds, butt would turn the other chip -- it wou turn t other ship io a ite elephant. >> theyave no ere uld be more cost touilding the ships, but ouldave the money on the aircraft. i don't thinthey have tolthe publi, th, the taxpars,
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enough about it >>. now, the.k. seems to be coping without a carer capable o taking onets,ave been demmissioned one o them. in stock available tbuy w. thiss bb"bbc world news." onhe eve othe royalwedding, prin william has while th crowds wit it and am proud to walk about. te ddleton is in a london hotel, spending r la night as ainglwoman. thounds of well-wishers have continued to thrg tohe lond strts. is visitde oba abamto view the damage caused by some of the worst stms ithe history o t unitedtate the edithave killed more than 3 peoe across the untry.
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-- the stormhaveilled more tha 300 people acrosthe country. i>> please don't do an dame. that a terried man watches, films,nd hopes. ju one toado inspires fear and awe. t inne day, more than 160 twisters have ecke their w across t unid states, from texas to newyork, felling tree cruhing buildgs, pickgp debs, a killing moreeople than an tornadoes in america and0 years. thpresident is goi to see the damage himself. >> t losof life has bn part parking, especial in alabama. a matter ofours, these deadly tnado, some of the worst we have sn inecad, took mothers aathers,ons and dghters, friends and neighbors. even entire cmunies.
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alabama w hit hardest. thisornado tore a 7 mile swat of destrucon, attening tuscaloosa. >> ion't know if havever seen in m lfe anything as destructive a tgic as what has transpiredn tuscaloosa. >> securitcames cght ts junkyard bng tn up. least 184 pple ve died in this state. somere probabl still trapped. up here, people ar searching for a missing neighbor. >> ty don't kw whe he is. haseen ssin since yestday. >> in misssipp repeated eay wning save liv. still, 30 opleied. in this tow the grocery store is devastated, thchur i crushed, the cemetery rui. people a mourning. >> wha was left was people ad bodiverywhere, scattered
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it was theost awful thing i havever seen in my life. >> the storms ofn ge more intense as the summer approaches. an instigation under way after a bombexpled in rocc ateast 15 peoplwereille most othem foreners r securityorrespondent has the details. >>his cafe, momentsafter a dead bst ripped through. officis itially talkedf an exploding gas ciste but this apars to be the work of suicide bomb. instigators are searching t inside othe building for evidence. the majoritof tse who die here are thoughto be foreigne rather than moroccan they were alst certainly the target of the tack one personwhoworked 100 meters away what is the aftmath. >> i hard an almighty thud around us.
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the ole rst floor of the cafe was gone. it h been wiped o. waiters we tryg to help those injed, a there wer lifelessodieon the oor, bld. it is veryhaot. >> thiss th fe bore e blast, a pular spot for foreign tourists. 362,000 btonsisited rocc in009, many headg he. the squares filled wh marks, which the cafe overlooked. it haseen ght years sin the laajor attk in morocco. in 2003, suicide bombers killed 45 in casa blanca, targeting jewish initutns and staunts and hotels. sincehen, the country has been stlyeaceful. castle tse tay we tan to th maiospil. at lea seven were seriously
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injured. the regial gup tied th a qaeda claimso mbe have stck, drawg inrnational atntion. in six hours, kat middleton's motheandroth will be leavi for westmster aby. let's back to cenal ldon. >>thank youery much. the anticipation is building live from buckingha palace. th is expected 3 billion people will watch om aund he rld and almost half a billion are pect london alon -- almt half a milli are expeed i london aone. thtourm industry will get massive boo, aretail expes say les mchandise a memorabilia alonwill generate arou $1 billn. therseems to be littlehat you cann buy at e moment tt does not have some kind of
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willm and kate branding to it. i have seen tauss, clhing dolls, even linger. all things wl ha been fe across the worlas well wenderstand the royal wding has been eagerly anticipated downnder in ausalia where a poll was carriedut ts week that suggested thcalls for reblicism have dwindled saideed e, we goo cind talk t w corsponnt. the mood traveling to australia? -- withore,e go to sydne austraa, ttalk to our correspondent? >>anyf th briti its that youanurche in australi marmade a ginger cake and allhe tngs that remind themfome, they ve beenelling out of union flags orll paraphernalia. wh isurious, talking to th
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shopkeepers, it not only brish patriates' but australians as wel holding theare pi parties. one won haactually had to build an extra attachment o her frt gaen. virtually every single major televisi netrk is covering the ceremony, and that is significant because friday night in austria ipeople are either usuly wching asie rus orhe rugby league. a poll has com out thiseek that sugsts that support f an ausaliarepublic is at its lowest leveln 17ears. it is not a great day fo the austlian republican moveme. >> thank yo vy mucfor that. continng t coverage, live om bkingham palac are y gettinexcid?
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you cnot avoid bute excid. there is excimentn the air d the crowd is swellin this resonates wh peoe around the world, does'it? >> it is a ecial amount of people,raving the temperatures. at some of them are not addrsed ry warmly. already it isbout 3, -- already aut 3000, 4000 people along the proceson route. >>eoplare excid and enthusiastic, but th is a global ent. i have been online chaing with peoplerom different countries and what is interestin ishis is sometng that really connects everyon in eve language, eve culture, every ligis persuasiontheris a storyf love, therince and princess, so it resonas ound the world. some are excited, some more tha others, but quite a f peopl we arexpecting an aienc of billn around the wor? >> incredible, i't it?
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thiss athe media village, 8000 joualis, 145 new networks. millg around, it seemshe american news netwos ar heavil represent becse they have very much fallen in love with the royal wedding >> i is no spriswe are here, leading the cerag as the bbc, but amecans love the yal couple, the yal family, so there is a whole ay of americans aroun andt just nnec everye toa global event and a fami that everyone has an opinion abo and is ways talking about. i know youren't old romaic at hea. what are you looking f two >> two this -- the dre and the kiss on the balcony. we ll be picking uphe vera in just under hf an ho's time. for me, goodbye liv from
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buckingham palace. >>ellond welcome. see the news unfold. t the top stories from aroun the globe anclicto play video reports. goo to experien t in-depth, expert rerting of "b wor news" line >> fundi wasade possible by --he freeman foundaon onew york, stowe, vermont, and holul nman's own foundati, the john d. and cathere t. macarthur foundaon, and uniobank >> union bk haput its glal expertise to work f a wideange of companies.
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what can we do r yo >> "c wod news" was presented by kcet,os aeles.
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