tv BBC World News PBS May 3, 2011 12:30am-1:00am PDT
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>> unionank s put its financial strength tworkor a wide range of coanie from all sinesses to major rporations. at can we do for you? >> a now, "bbc world news. >> then serity council lcom the the ath osama naden, aritical devepment in the sitof terrism. he wasilleby u.s. special forces in pakistan. his dea was rayedive fro the whiteouse. >>his is a good day for america. our country has kepits coitme t see that juice is done. the worls safernd abetter ace, because ofhe dea of osama bi lad. >>is deathomesearly 10 yearafter the 9/11 attacks. >>ts wderful. i am veryappy about it. there is wonrful feeli of sadness --atisction. >> bin len iseadbut
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questions mounts tohat happens al eda. ♪ ♪ >> welme to bbc news. the un securityounc h lcom theeath osa bin lan, csing it a critical development in theightgainst rrorm. there are mo efforts to bring the acts of terrosm justic re ithe report. for many, this ma was the very icof evil. for more than 10 yearse cast a rk sdow of rderous hatd ross america andhe wt. he frurate the wor's most
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powerfulilitary and a ophiicated intelligence services. eric forces finally ended it. this is the bedroom, where bin laden died. in mansion, surrounded by hi serity, not farrom the pakistani capital. the cia trust -- attract the most trustedourier to this home. >> lastugus after years of painstaking work by our intelligence communi, i was iefed on a pssible lead to bin laden. it took many months to run of th. finally, last week, determined thate ha enough intelligen to te action, i athore an operation to get osa bin laden and ing m to justice. >> u.s. ny ses were on board along with other speal forces they flew to theown
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abboabad. the team s drped onto the of of the buiing. inside, bin lenas found in e bedroom. refused to surrender. was killed wh twshotto the ad. one of s sons was ao kied ong with a woman that was used as a shield. the body was taken fromhe builng aateruried at sea. at was so tt no av could ecoma shrine. inside t white house, th resint monitored the entir situation. >> itas one of the most anxiety-lled times in th lis of theeople whoere assembled here yesteay. the mines psedike days. the presidentas very concerned about the securitof o peonnel at i wt was ois md
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throhout heante to make sure we could gethroughthisnd accolish the mission. > the body was washed,lace with ahite sheet, and pled in a bag. the pentan sa after t work was complete,he body w prepared properly according to e ismic tradition. it has bn 10 years siehe planes cshed io thtwin tors. it kled mo than 30 peopl and traumatized the country its co. n laden e drm w america'nighare. he became ameca's arcenem the ne of his death quickly spread. crowds gathed outside of te white house toelebrate. they he be waing yrs for is. the patotic crowd gathere in
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thtimes square of new york where relates paid a mo somberricked -- a tribute to loved ones lost. >> kn that she i ineave and is looking a this and has a feeling of sasfacon. in a natio with the debate about itsole,his is a clear, complicated a victory. prident obama wants to stres this is victory. he wanted the st i to make cauring or killing bin laden his topriory. --e co ke capturing or killg bi lden s top priority. >> i thinke can all aee that this is a good day for amica.
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our cntryas kept its commitment to see that justice was don and te world i safer and a better pce, because of theeathf osama bin laden. >> the fbias chain -- change its most wantedebsites now at osama bin laden has be killed. >> the building that osama b ladenas found in was apparently blt i2005. ere have be queions about ethe he had suprt fro withinhe coury's inlligence services. our pakista correspondent hs this repor >> it was perha a surise ere an it wasnywhere els when t newbroke. american helictersay ha flownndetected ov hundreds
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ofilesf pakistan. many a ting to digest this. as trucks mov bacand forth from theompod, the pakistandoes not aear to ve been part of the raid. >nobody livi in the ar clo the cpound did not understandhat s happening in their neighborhood. >> there wa massiveoise. we sahelicopters hovering, then there were more explosions and a fire. whaveo idea what w happening. >> some ar findingt ha to accept at t world's mt ngers man wasiving amongst them. >> we heard that he had en targeted in this area. my perception is th is just another political strategy for the u.s. andhe pakistani
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vernment. >> it extraordiry that ama bin laden was kill in th beautiful, tranquil lley of northn pastan. the compound that heas killed in it was a shor distance fro a mitary academy. primminister called it a ge victory. he was buildin uncfortle quesons out how the al qae leader couldave ne unnotid the country may face t wrath of someilitants bent on revenge. >>eforeakistan, the war was on many cities. ths a war that pakista ha to connue fight. >> bin laden icomi to pastanas oy brout
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violence or thyears. b news, abttab >> t predent of pakisn says the operaon t killsama bin laden is a decade of cooperation beten the two counies that led tthis death. some say paktan d not do enough to track down the al qaedleader. he responded within the last hour. >> he hasome out with a stement. there are other statements where the pri minter says in the per that inteigen by pakist, and other information
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on the ground ld to the killg of osama bin laden. therere different bits of inrmation coming out of is. th are contradictory. >>sama bin laden was captured on pakistani sl and by all accounts a u.perations launch this raid without pakistaniuthorities knowing about is. >> it puhem betwe a rk and hardlace. >> we lt th link there. can you he me? >> yes, i n. >> tell us more. >>pakistan is in a dficu
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positi. the s. says that pista new about ts. and in other teoris is expectedo be hiding there. therre difficult questio at the momeneing thrown at pastan >> wha kind of impact will that ve on their relations with america? > think paktani american relations are read difficult and in a dficult potion. at this sta, i will improve. america will want pakistan to be stable. they do notant to makany inflamtorytatements at the momenthat would afft puic opinn. th relationshipsetwe the gornme will improve.
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anti-ameran stiment i pakistan is atn all-time high. >> thanks. much me onhe dth of osama n laden on our weite. you can getive,inute by minute coverage, and the reaction around e wod. log on adake a look. in other news, several pele have bee hurt aer t wor parts theiolence on a train line. someanaged to expect unhard. her is t report. >> this i aurne out she that is le. a mob ofngry commute wen on ramge. they set thion fe. the ansit is always bus
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pecily at rush hou people arat work in the buenas airesas den a train was delayed. as theinut went by, the passengers becamengry and vent their frustration. when the fefigersrrived, the mob turd onhem. whethe crew got here, the first train car was already on fire. wh they starteto work on the plane, theyhrew work -- rocks us. th firefighte wt through th tin, coached byoach, archg to make sure ere were n members burning th damage is irrarable. at least six coachere mplely destroyed. it is a resulof uncontrollable ang.
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th train company was forceto suspend serces to the pital, lving thousands of passengers strded. they do not believe al of the passengers acted on impulse it may have ocurred from those in the area. th are not ruling t the possibily ofabotage. bbcews. >> he are the heaines you in the u.n.ecury counl says t death of bin ladens aritil developnt in t fight against terrori. s deh was relayedive from ehite house in washington. presidentbama has been hosti a dinner at thwhite house for
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repuicanandemocrats. the esidt received warm welcome from both side >> weave allad disagreements and diffencesn the pt. suspect we ll have them agn in the future. laights americans leaed uned states carried out an operion that resulted inhe capture in thedeath of osama bin len, [alaus >> here i what one pernad to say outhe special missn. >he stressed that it was he at made the decion and was at the national security meingst everytage of this operation right bk to last summer. we s from this srt eech toght at this bartin group meeting of politicians in washington is speech aimed to
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tap into tt see of unity. he wants toee that political unity fmed here in wasngton. he was apaling to publan polician the ort ter, republicans have praidhe president today. those sentimentcomen a y whene fi out more detas about the operati itse. >> we have undut a lot mor details. there was a briefingrom e most senior natnal security viser of esidt obama. he hadeen chasing oma bin den f 15ears prioro 9/11. weaveore tails about the aerial that he was given. itad to be done whin hos, aording to him.
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there is more detail about the planning pcessnd have a tional security team could nitor the situation re-tie as the operation wasoingn. he was ked it was veo. he dlined to comment. we have had me detail abou the operation in genel about some of e deils in terms of what pkistan knew or did not know about the operation. >> the unid nation of emirates has announcea stement gardg the kilng of a bin laden. whathe details do yohaveor us? >> there was aery muted reonse yesterday. here, there was very lite informatio
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yemen said they hope his kilng will stamputerrosm around thworld. some ministers refused to mment. here waa statementut out saying that teorism has hada significant negativempacon lam and his death was a positive step along wh inteatiol efforts to curb that. they sayhis doesot spl the end of al qaeda ande have to rema ctious for thsecuty of the land anthe ople. >> how is theoverent port the capture of osama bin laden? this is te fit day we could covt. yesterday, the ns broke too te for the papers. they s th fight against al
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qaeda will not e. a lot of its is reactn from the u.s. if we look at the paper, it tas about theocuseing moved aw fro the uprisi but theeath of a man andis real imct oal qaeda. th is r more important on this regi. >> wt was the feeling li amongsthe peoplther to buy when the news broke stery? >> -- dub when the news broke yesterday? >> man were taking the cues om t.s., looking at socl media site
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overall, there was feeling that this was a gd thg. he ofcial comment was relatily rent. >> the family of binaden had headquarte for the bin laden constructi comny. ere is history with e bi den family bear in terms of tre and business. >> indeed, thee would come to udi abia. his family was very influentl. t difrence between his family- tere has been no talk about that. e government does n like to talkbout whais happeni. we m fin out more ithe nt coming days. >> thanks for the insight.
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and there isn exusive look theomplex were ama bin lade lid and die is an 8oom highesouse. on the first floor, a broom, ere ltiple people were killed. sma bed fo theoth and a baby's benext to it. across the hall, desop computers, cloes, and other items. the master bedom on the sond floor. it has a queen size bed in a carpet. large amount of blo on the flr. a closeith childn's clothes and medicine othe elves. noign of kidney dialysis machine. outside,ore eviden of chdren, toys, a disrded red gon. walls at least2 feet high with
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some razor wire. >> se attended th fnera of the youngest son gadfi in tripoli. here is the report fromhe capital. amidst some aoti snes anunde the eyes of nato planes thacircd about, there was a funeral today. the remain o the body was acmpanied b a promine brother, well kwn wesrn camen. he was in a heavily armored vehicl with tight prection. hisamilfeels threatened. >> the libyan governmt kns the polital violence. the funal is being use to
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cal -- rally local support. [unintelligible] >> the cro wer vocal. bout000 came. not asany that was eecte we wereiven allf the access weante crds were pushed ide as we fought our way tthe gravesite. we have t seen the bodies for rselves. they took great care in a loring it tthe ground. the was visiblemotion on his brother's face. he left e federa dplaying of the defiance o the gaddafi mily. there ino sign they are ready to step aside. bbc ws. >> many were arreed in house-
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to-house raidsn suay. this amate vid was reased showghe city being fid upon. there were ai-permit demonstratns. sonyas announced tt 25 million re people have had their identity stolen byacke that brought -- broke int theirnlingaming network. the company revealed credit-ca payp accnts of 10,000 pple in eure we stolen. itia proctions in e nadian general eleions suggests thathe ime heading for a third consecutive ctor
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conservatives have roles a minority gernmtin 26. th is a reminder of our main news tsour. president omaas reived a standin ovation at a white house dinner where he spokef the utyollong the killing of osama bin laden. more hou coming through from an article published in a washington newaper saying that the ime nister of pakisn id thathe ere was a decadef panership between e two countrie tha led to the ccessful attack. more on that too,. staywiths. if you're on-line, join us r th last developments o
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twitte >> hello and weome. >> e the news unfold, get the tostors from around the globe and click--pla vid reports. go to to experience the in-pth,xpert reporting of "bbc worlnews online >> funding was ma posble by the frman undation ofew yorkstow vermont, and honolulu. newman'own undation. he john d. and catheri t. macarthur foundation. anuniobank. ♪ union bank has put it
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