tv BBC World News PBS May 4, 2011 12:30am-1:00am PDT
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>> thiis "c world news." ndinfor this presentation is made possib by e freeman fodation of new york,towe vermont, and honolul newman's own fountion the jo d. d catherine t. macarthur foundati. and unn ba. >> uni banhas put its financial strengtho wo for a wide range of compies, fm small business to jor cooratns. at c we do for you?
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>> armedut resisting, more details emerge of e moment tt osama binaden was st dead. h much did the pakistani authoritiesnote what was going on? it ieasy to understand why the americanare aing so many estions. president obama, praed for deciveness, even fr his opponent we're broadcasting tour viewers on pbs in eric coming up, massrres in syria, hundrs arrounded u as eurean countries to talk out imposing sations on the vernment. the bailout for portugal, an agreement could dependn saying
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yes. o da after u.s. forces killed osama binladen, ne details of the operaon a stilemerging. pressures mounting on authities in pakistan to explain how they did not kn he wa under theinose inhe shadow of the mor mitary cili. >> hidin iplaiightn a hoe towering above t rest in a military town. is w osama bin laden's hen thto t world. hints of struggle here insid
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the u. clms that he led in thisortrs for as lg as five years. agency sayserful it raided the place 2003, but droed off the radar. the isaid it was embarraed byts faurearry this local man -a failure. >> allf the ople, th alwaysalketheir id cards. most ofhe tim th asked estis in the evening. >> forow, ght beside the mpou, the house itself is earlyisib inside and you can see how very conicuous all ths with the high perimeter walland rbed wiren t. it is easy to understand why the amicans are asking some any estions. they want to know how we manage
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to liveere pride did liev e must've had a sportystem. pakistan's prier military ademy is just a few hured meters away. the images from the pengon shld be outlid ofhe property. the compnd hasxpanded over e last five yrs. a balcony was shieldby a seven-ot hh privacy wl. on one de o theindow -- o the ildi, the windows or coverage -were covered. more detailhave emerged about what happened inside t compound. osa bin laden was on arms wn he w sho dead, but he restedaptured. his wife rhed at th authoritand s shot and a leg. anotheromann the comund was kill in e crofire
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his family membersre getting mecal treatment here,f need, andille returned to eir me cotries. pakistan's insist th i pyed no pa in the operation, but wh osa bin laden deaand ne, it wan to turthe page. >> iis htory. i think weo nowant to g oursels mid in the past. pakistan has sacrificed immenselyn this campaign agnst terrorism. >> plee keep a watch here now afr the eve. the army ahe isi stands accusedf grs incompetence or collusion. >> the white house is still considing whethero release the photograph of osama bin laden as proof of thi spread the pss sretary has called the pictures grsome and
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pontially inflaator the administraon has released a number of photos as the senior stf monitored the situatio late on sday. >> surroundeby his cabine today, aide grinrom emmanue'not been so aise since wasirst elected. different emotions on dispy he, the white houseituation room, and agonized teamorki the mont he is command -- is attked. the pside accus other- he took aigisk. he ordered a rd raer than a ruise missiletrik hillarylinn canno bieve what shes seeing gat bn a tee message from the forces drawn a moat, it in a kild in aion. the gamb had pd off.
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t details hav chang. there was nouma selds no wifead been kild, h resied, but the fe fit was ry o-sided. >> his wife was shot and a leg, but not killed. osama bi laden was n armed. >> politicanemies a praisi theresident. he wanted to make a point about national ide d unity. >> last nig, -- he was interrupted by a standi ovation. the preous high-profile helicopteraid that ended in saster in 10, and jimmy rte's attempt to free hostages in ira end in 18 eric deaths.
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manyhink oma has shown oura. >> president obama aeally serv the credit forhis obviouslt was notust him brd we have been trackinhim for a while. pele have beenalki about e inlligence they got about this career. at the momen of this decion, he had to decid do i take th easyoute and on the plac >>ome e saying that this is the president'swill assure his reelection. it wilot been quite so large in a yeand half time. in theinds of mny americans, the president has estaishe himselas a tough courageous, and successful comndern- chie >> we have the latt details o the debate over the release of otogphs of the body. >> t cia chief hasiven an
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inteiew in which she said tha he liev that a oto will evenally be released. e whe house rpond quite quickly to tt saying thano decision h beeade. the photograph the havis quitruese, and there are plenty here to feel that it could inflam feelings. at is something that will be weighingn thr minds. ere are many voes autside e u. to are questioning whether the americans reay di kill osama b laden. >>e hed that he wnarm. many people y that shows that the u.s. operatioas kill mission, rathe than aission cus capturing him alive. >> that is right. th debate overhe photo also
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plays into this. if it turns out that there was no muchesistance,thatmay ineasehe criticism and lead to me tensions over is. as you say, the whole issue as to how he was killed, there a confctin accounts over this. e fit reports often turn out to be not quite the ce. itoes seem as though ehite hoe has been changing its story. >> i wt to tk toou out th political impact r obama. we s president obama receiving bipartisan respect f the decision that h mad how doese stand to benet politicall from thismissn? >> you caalready s it in the opiniopoll he is tting much higher approval ratings gat summer
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around 40% of americansayin that thi hs evoked -- booste their view of hisompence and the b. yohave seen his toughest opponents, but th former ve present ckhene prae him. has certainly done him aot of go. he has seen aa much songe commanr inhief. the british prime miste tell t hou of commons that britain must be more vilan than er in the wake of e deat whe he isone, the teats of al qaeda remains. >> telligence agencies in britain andacross manyther countri are warninghere uld revenge attks. inde headquarters, the terrorist analysis center -- and
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attacheds liky, butot imminent. little has chaed sce the weekd the prime minist briefed the is ris that al qaeda and its affiate will wa to demonstrate thathey are ab toperate. of crse, there is alws the sk of radicalized iividl acti alo. we st bmore vilanthan er ande must maintain tt for some te toome. you will fina small minori of ople calling for bema bin laden's deat to enged. they are mosy inxtremist in e middle east. he dtant desert ofemenay
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be a long wa frourop but th group has a long rea. >>e think that hes the king. >> this i the group' ideogue. he alauds is a violent ssages in elish onhe internet. this is e afterth othe atck ltay. theris no vible extra securi on thetree of btainbut the governmt says for the moment, it is ssibl to avoidarge crowds or demonstrations. >> whats being asked for is additional awarenessf wh is goinon aund you. variou groups associed with al qae have teatened to conduct attacks in the we of the death. >> tse aacks ner,, counterterrorisms valy improved fro10 yrs ago, but
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historicallyal eda's biggest ap hacomehen we expected. -- try y hasome when least expected. >> wh difference wilthe death ofsamainaden make r thconflict in afghanista since the vastingarthquake in hai jus ovea ye ago pele there have become reliant on handouts fro agencies i der to set -- survive. as glol fo prices skyrocket o the poorest countries ar paying t pri. >>he markets at port-au-prin are buzzing and therere plenty peoe passing by looking at what ion offer. the ba ofice and grains virgin at e scenes, so there is clely nshortage of food.
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the problem is, haiti imports most of its fooand at means is re expensive. >>ood prices have increased internationally. haiti is dendent on imports. >> in the aftermath of the eartuake, aids was poung into hai. -- aide was poung into haiti. they are encourang survivors to fend fo emselves. she is doin just tt. she said uer l ltle ore byhe roside, where she crushes peanuts. the cost peanuts has gone up by0%, says she is having to spread the pasted inittl thinneso tt she does not se what littlerofit she mas. 10 milon people a livg in iti d morof hf of them
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get by on $2 a day while they m be tempted ove theroduce and the mkets for now, bing is t anption. > you'llind more on tha story by visiting websites the ite use says osama bin laden was unarmed when hwas sh by u. forces,but he resisted efforts. afans ve reacted positively to the death oosambin laden, t ma are questioning whether it will make any dfferce in the effortto bng peace to
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their country. >> business is a good cment if u make book -- business is good if you ma boots forhe afghan ay. hundreds of tusands ofres troops are being froed. osama bi lad w theause of afgnistan's rrent oubl, they tolus he. >> he was the reon fo thousands ofeath ople are sti being killed because o him. i hate him. >> he was a killer, said this man. every day, weould walk in fear becausef them. he w not a good ma >> mos afghans see to approve the killing of osama n den. the telling the media corage has beenrett ositive. but the one group real matters e those are fighting for the
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international forc. getting ri of ama binladen willotnd the war in afghanist. some worried tat t interniona cmuniill start to whdrafrom afghanistanow that te al qaa leader idead. >> i am dinity warning against such a possilit osama n denas a perso al qda is much bigger than a person. al qaed has allies both afghanian ad pakistan. it wl n ser any stratic intere of curity. >> from the predent to the men in the corner cafe, many afghans accused pastan for orchestrating violencen thr couny. >> the problem -- are people i
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afghanistan want to nish despite -- finished this fht. more tn 30 years. >> afgns are wary and ey want their count's lonwar end. at is the hop not the expeations. >>he united states has condemned seous usingorce againstroteers sang tt the ploynt of tanks are rbarassres. huredsf people a thout to a been killed in rect da. opposition gros are defined and said thewillold more demonstrations foign journalists are banned fr enting syria.
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>> given the horrifictories in sya, t man shooting this amateurfor a ditc is a very foolh or very brave. hehouts, it is pceful, peaceful. the video is the latest to emge from t deceased town shows a unifmed troops d th dreaded plainclhed cret poce. a time of the governme went from house to hou arrest every male bween the ages of 15 and 40. a sign that the president in noood compromise or a desperate act premier regime short of popular support. at e border crossing with jorn tod, me trucks and goods were going into syria, but the situations far from normal. s -- national journast a refused ent. but the pturemerging is ineasily desperate. as the regime gavopponts a
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ndow of twoeeks, and current nesty tourrender themselves d their arms, thisramac footage alsoame outf th secretive country it showseople with their han bod, face down on e ground. soldrs keeping them there a guoint. today, t international red cross demanded immeateccess toll t detainees a tho injured and the fhtin >>ust yond this wall, the gimes usingncreingly utal methodso end the five- we rebellion. no other protesters are taking extraordinar risks tback downin their demands the situatn iside sia is creasingly dire. >>he campaigng organization
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amnesty iernaonal say north korea is senng increasing number of people t pitical pris cam spread information is hard to very. evidence of both - of new constructi. arod 200,000 prisone are tortured a staed in the cas. the governme of pyongya denied they exist. the money will save it -- stave f economic collapse after three months of confct. meers of bahin mical profession who treated ai- government proteers are arged with actg against the stus. ey are no accused of promoting efforts to topplehe overnment. a human rights group h acced ahrain. 5 smler palestinian factions
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-- leaders of hamas held foal ceremony sialinthe en of it. netanyahhas urged the to cancel the dl and to keep peace with israel itead 80 peoplere suspected to having linkshave -- tohe mafia had been detained. they are accusedfextoion and drug smuggling andhey re arreed around the city of naples. portugals interim gernment has agreea fincial bailout paage -- the caretakeprim minier said the loan amount to $115 billion, but it still needs the agreement othe position part >> after two weeks
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negotiations, the pri miste addresd thnation. this t negiator the finan minister seced aood deal for the country. >> this is a dealhatefense rtug. there are no financial assistance programthatre not fincial demanding. none doubts tha >> portugal is getng a extra ar to bringts budget into line witeuroone rules. 201instead of next year. >> this is a progr for three yearshatefined targetsor reduion at will beore grual on the deficit. 5.9% of gdp this year, a 3% in 2013. >>reecmight have to restructure its debts even after its bailout. at recentatheng in waington, a top imffficials expressed coer that excesve
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austerity mighttop dented onoms om gone enough t fince ft loans. ptugue officialsay that 78 billion euros plan iludes nds recapitalize the country's bas. the prime mistehighlighted meases sh as public sector ofedundancy and pay cuts may dayn's demonstrations sw th hostily of many for any imf interventi. public-secr woers will strike again. >> the isrli argentine conductor has lent a rare concert in gaza. ♪ the contact was attended by hundredsfalestinians. it was t fir time the
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visited the gazstrip. the coert was designed peopl that the world caresboutheir siatio >> they areusicians who care about to matee. hey are musicians o ca about people, allver the wod. we wil never be able to tell th how mh we appreate that. >> visit r web siton all but ories have beenoverg. you canollow the latest delopments with me on th twister. -- on twier. the whitehoushas said that osama bin laden was nt armed when he was kled by u.s. forces.
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>> hlo and welcome. >> s the news unfold, get the p sties from around the globe and click--pla video rerts. go to to experience e in-depth, expert repting ofbbc world news" online >> funding was madpossle by the frman undation ofew yorkstow vermont, and honolulu. newma'own foundation. e jo d. and catherine t. marthufoundation. and ion nk. uni bank has put its global expertiseo wo for a de rge of companies.
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