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tv   BBC World News  PBS  May 5, 2011 12:30am-1:00am PDT

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>> this is "c wod new." nding for this presention is madpossible by the freeman foundation of new rk,towe, veont,nd honolulu. wman's own foundaon. the john. ancatherine. macahur undation. anunion bank. uni bank has putts finaial strength to work f a wi ran of companies, from smalbusinesses to major corporations. wh cane do for you?
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>> and now, "bbc worews." >> no pho. esident obama says enite statesill n released pictures of osambin lin's bo. >> did u se the picture >> yes. >> what was youreactionhen yosaw em? >>t was him. >> welcome to bbc news. turnin t black page of tradition frever. palestinian factions hamas and fata sn of reconciliation deal. and east known mbat veteran of rld war i has died at t age of10.
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>> the whi house has deced not to relse photographs of osama bin ladin' body. since theaid on his compound in pakisn, tre have be call on the u.s. to prove that e al-qaeda leader is in fact ad. presidt oba says the u.s. should note see showing off trophies of wa he isalso coerne the images could incitemore violence. we he thlatest. >> demonsttionn pakistan against the killingf bin den. it is sikin how few protes of thereave en. america ntedo stay that way. you saw bin laden inece years. his fa is onefhe best knn inhe world. th white houseid not want proof of hiseatho pvoke unrest. thpresent today,reetg wound verans,ecided not to
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released pictureof the corpse. he said i woue a national security risk and is i not who we are. >> it isot in our national security ieresto allow tho images, hs inthe past been the case, to become icons for -- rally opinion ainst the unit states. >> satorhave been gen the cia briefing on t opetion. theygree that t gesom pictur shod not be made ublic. >>y initial opini is at i is not necessary to so. i think there is ample proof that this iosambin ladin. i will defer to e judgment o the esident of the united states. >> the white hse i walkina delicate tightpe. they he made one bi sstep, ttinmodeledbouthat acallyappened during the raid and having correct tir stor >> you can see the anxty on e prident's face.
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while theire fightas ing on, oma team was not heari what was goingn indehe compound. obama -- ama wa unarm and used his wif a a shield. >>e waivin in ts cooundliving in an area r removedrom the frt, hiding behind women who were put front of him as a shld. >> it turned t what reay happenedas that the we wa shot i theeg. biladinas unarm butas killed anyway. t attorney general saysnder u.s. l hwas enemy commanr anwas killed laully. it s a killer capture mission. he me no attets to rrenr. i tend to agree withou that even if he had, there wld be a od base for the navy sea members to dwhathey did.
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>> there are pictures othe wreckage of a u. hicopr thatrash. the president ll notelease re dturbing images. >> i have been speaking to our rrespondent in washingn about the retionn the united stas tthe decision not t ad tse photographs of bin laden's body. the acti is acceptance. eyake e mesge from the whithouse as beingise. the reasons ey're not being released is very clear. themain reason is that we d not sh of trophies, but also at it wouldreata thrt to naonalecurity. i thinkost americans belve osama bin din dead. one citizen sai those who do not would probably n be convincedy the pictures anyway. werexpecting to hear more from preside oba himself, who has done a long intview wi thebs show0 mites. canive you a sneak preview. >>id y seehe pictures?
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>>es. >> what was yo rctionhen you saw em? >> it wahim. >> why haven't you released them? >> you know, we disssed this inrnally ke in mind that we are absotely certain thiswas him. we have nena smpling and testg, d sd the is no doubt that we killed h, ama bin lad. it is iportant for us to make su that ve graphic photo of mebody who was sh in the head a not floating ound a an incitemento additiol vionce,s a propaganda tl. thats not who we a. >> walso heard t u.s. attorney general talking about the legality the kiing of ama bin ladin. ashe ainisation been
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taing about pakista'role in this? ny have said tha t u.s doesot trust paktan. that is a very important issue. absolutely. i thinkhere are plenty of quesons being raised her out pakistan,boutheir role, about howll this happenedust next to the cotry's biggest military academy, espiallnow that it hasemerged that osama b lad hadeen ere for so lon i tnk thadministration has beenery carefulbout pastan i thinkhey're being careful about cments theyake. the head of theia said they did not nt t tell the pastan is because they tught ey mhtlerthe target. aptrom that, ihinkhe u.s.admistration is being very careful about its commentingon the role of pakistan
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it is the sa thing as with the pictures. i do not think ty wa to inflame anymore tsion they're trying kp this as w-key as ssib. tre i probab also an acceptance, realizatioon the part of thadmistration that therare various parts of t pakaani government and ey have diffent rationships wi people on the ground. i think th is the kindf sulety that is lost on the genel public. ask aone in t strt and ey wl say that this is tragus,hat kistan, who was supposed to b our ay, h complely failed in helping us with intelligence. as amecan intligee fice sift through the information found he raid, kasti officials have responded to accusationsf incompetencend clusion. the pakastani prime minisr
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said tha the world sharethe blame fo not capturing thel- eda leader sooner. om abttab, we have this report. scruty fr the ski a pakasta army helipter rcle the b lad compod. on the ground mbat troop control acce. the milarysight-lipped out how the world's most wanted was livingn it doorst. biadin'sompod is a shell no th policand my have been arching here, but t key evidence was taken byhe amerans. sources y that inside the recovere 10 cellular lephes come at 10 cpute come aand possibletreare tro -- telephones, at 10 couter and it possibl treasure tro of information. repos say tat 500 euros and two phone numbs werewn into faic. outse th cpoun local
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b's hand for sounirsrom thameran helicopter that came -- boys hunt for souvenirs from the amerin helicopte that came do. a pictureas emerged from inside t comund. the women wereeldoseen. en they tveled, there are escorted in a va th men we onthe ve. trusted cares we in and out. locals have told us ty saw them in -- trued couers were andut. cals have tolus thathey w them in the neiborhd regularly. >> one was young anone was old. ey would go to this mque. ey do not havenynterest in otr people. >> ts tresman told us tt the broths oen called himo the mpou. it ses tt, unwting, he was a plumber r bin laden.
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"if there was any problem they woulask me to come andix it,"e said. they would p me r my work. there wasothi strange going on in there. th many estis raised by all of this flowethe new prime minister of kist to france, ere his visiwas cut short. >> if somebody points out tat there is some lapses from the kistan sid, there were laes from the wle wld. >> the ct that osama n lin liveheren pea and cfort is hard toxpla aw. in whington, there a heightened fears tha pakistan cannot be trusted. me've also gotn detas about e survivors from e ra on e bi laden
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coound. the has be a lot of eculion about osama bin ladin's survivg fily meers and exactlyhere they are. we have heard that tey are ing tained in sepate cations, in islamabadnd neighborinciti. the army spokesman has td us that the iuredre being tread fo gunshot wous that e serious butot le- threatening. serity soces ve tols the groupnclus his wi, as she rushed at the navy ses trying to defend her husband a was shot in the g. also cluded isis yng dahter, 12r 13-yes old, who is said to have seen her father being killed. wereold they are being treated a the mainilitary hospital of ve secur location. we belie tha they will hav been questiod athis stage by pastanmilitary intelligence. obviously, the faly members ma have a ver dferent kind story to tell,a dfere
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versioof events to the accots we're getting fm t whe hoe. we are not clear wn their stor will be made public. the americansant to question themoo, but for now, ty're bein detained here >> the sou kea parliament has passed a free-trade agreen with theuroan unio the posion democratic party boycottethe te. the ct i expecteto bst the lue of traded gds beten south kea a the eu to about 100illion year as. still to come, ti for a read- think on farming. daysfterhe royal wedding, prince charles has taken sustainabiliessage tthe united stes. most of us here in e u.k will have an important choice make hursy in the rerend on changi the way mp's are
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elected. those o ha campaigne for an against the alternave those are spending theirinal days on erail makinthe case. to explain how it ght work, here is our reporter. >> welcome to the central lobby. if av comes in, it will chan the way mp's are elected. let me explain. put a cross nexto my caidate, a candite s. then weounthe votes. my candidate has not won. candidate b has o. that is the rrensystem. under av is slitly differen wh i do now is mar preferces. if mfavorite candidatis caidat a'm mark m. number one, a candidate -- i marked em number one, candidate c
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thirnd, a candat b at this pot, no one has one beuse no e has crossed the 50% threshold. what we dis elinatehe last candidate. condreferences are reallocated to otherandites. ill,here is no wner. no one thrgh the crucial 50% threshold. again, we ok f the last place candate. at candates going to . now youee, can the debt - andite a is t winner. that cdidate ha gonthrough the crucial 50% thresho. and that is how the system rks. > the headles, esident obamhas didedot to relee photographs of the by
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of osama bin ladin taken aer he w killed by u.s. special forces in pakistan. the u.s. torn general has said informatio'seized from e compound could lead mor names bng added to aric's rrort watch list. the main palestinian factis fatahnd hamasave signed a recoiliaon deal in cairo brging an endto fr years of hostility. the agreement should mean a joint interim government an fresh electionsithia year. hower, that dimon not in yahoo! - hover,enjamin netanyahu h described it as e support of terrorism >> there were lebrions in gaza this afternn. palestinians in the yrs since hamaand fah split have often seemedo want uni mor tha their leader in the mile ea, its hard
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to achieve. >> with everhing going on in the arab wor, toy ishe best time to say w nd our untry, we need to esblish r owstate. [applause] >> thesign in cairo. the new governmen bkered an agreementhat theld regime wod not have coider. many egtianbelieved the reement was to close to israel. they may connd the deal. >> what happened in cairo was a tremendous blow to pee and a greavictory for trori >> has and fatahre thewo mainovementsor lestinian inpendence. they're latedn gaza and the we bank,epared by isel. since 2007,amas has ctrold ga, which haseen under an israeli blockade until now.
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jesalehas been occupied by the israis sce 1967. the two sides cooperateon security, ofte against hamas. the charter of has cls for th desuction of th state of isel. in recen years, ty ha talked about a long truc at the signi cerony i cairhey paid their rpects to palestian dead they consider martyrs. they have agreed put together interim government. th're plannin ectio to lethe ople decide wh they nt. >> we have rchedhis important and pular conciation. at the same me, how to deal with elecons smoothly, kindly and peacefully, and to accept the election. >> palestinian celebration mit be prematu. visions are deep. tensions wit israel arrisi. hamas hopeshe u.n. nera
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assemb wil recognize paleinia independencin december. bothactions seem to have included -- concluded that unity and elections wil make em rong, whatever israel say > thbritish government is calling on t intnatial commity increaseinaial suortfor political rorm the noheas-- inheiddle st a africa. wiiam hagueaid the ab spring could providereat adnce of human rights and freedom if it was backed by internationalupport similar to that given to formerommunist counies after the end o the ld war. >> we shod u europe's economic magnetism to encrage and sportrealolital and economic rorm. that means new rtnership wh the sthern nighbors, wita simple proposalt it heart. the europeauniowill share it proerity and open markets in retn for rea pgress o econic rorm.
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the eopeaunion should offer broaand deep economic inteatio leading to a free- trade area and eveuall a customs union covering goods, agrilturand service as well as themproment of condions. >> restar o filly cked aibyaport on wednesday after three-day delay. the crew managed to deliver much-needed ds welas resc some 0 refugees. many others were left behind. the gaddafi regime is cing increased condemnation over i treatment of civians. >> on the docks eyatched and waited itical food and medal supplies ld juut oreach. the a-chip- aidehip red star e unable to dock uil given thall car by gaddafi's forces. thsands were desperate to leave the horrors of war behind. they cam by the truckload,
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barely waiting for the hicle stobefore they jued off, alof their worldly possessions bundled under the arm long lines ofeople formed in front of the ship, all holding on to the person i fnt, feful of sing their place. the internatiol counity has condemned the gadfi regime for its treatment of libya and pressure is mountg. the ief psecur at the international imin court ld t bbc arrest warrants have been requested for the people in nnecon with the war in lya, althoughe declined t name the suspec >> t cmes or crimes ainst humaty, rder and persution. shootingeople in public plas, arrting iegal, and rturg people. >> that will not change the immediate fute ofhose left bend inisrata.
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the on safe way out ofhe citys by sea, d th're just was not enough room on e shi for evyone bbc ne. >> fro westminster abbey t washington d e pasteekas bee a bus one fobritn's prince charles. after serng as fatherf the groom, he traledo the united states. on wednesday, e prce was busy pressing hisase r environmentally friendly farming bere he hded to the wite house to me president obama. from washington,e ha the deils. >> ericansheer forh man who ined a daughter five days ago. they welme him t georgown universi. >>hesere the fst ofcial abatements by th prince of wes sce theoyal wedding which capped fficl engagements byhe pnce of was since the royal wedding, which capred many americans. inside, the knotepeech began wi a quip. >> itertainly makes a change
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from ming embarrassing speeches out my eldest son duri wedngeceptions and things like that. [laughter] >> and thethe serious stuff. the incepoke about fd prodtion, making a se for stainable farng and nouncing what he sees as a morn evi pticis and emics. >> wneed to face up to askin whher how we produce our food is actually fit f purposes the1st century. we cannotgnore that question y longer. [applause] >> untypically passionat speh which brout the audiee to its fee food h ben t runng theme thivisit. e prince exchanged irratio tipsith low-income families growintheiown produce. ck at georgetow h chatted tohe uversity chefs.
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princeharl may lac the star powe of william and kate, but the sincerity his message is respected. >> i wahed his speech on e web st. the conten was reay intestin it w an teresting way to look at obalation. he is doing wonderfulhing as fars stainabilityf food youcountry. i am so glad hisringg all ofhose wonderfuldeaso our ited stes of america. >> and so the pnce ales has made fends here. his day ende with one more sming encounter. two men with very different reons be cheeul. pridenobama will mak the return trip to britainater th mon. bbc new wasngton. >> the last knownombaveteran of world war i hs di in australia at thege of 1. he joined the british ral ny in 16. he witnessed the surnder of the german imperial fleett t end of the war.
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then he lat enlted in the royal australian ny and served the second world war we look back a his life. >> in the twilight an extraordinary le, sported b a lovi dauter, he may at last havsens his place in histy as gazed back acros e yes of conflict ended ventures. ed anadventures. ventures he relhed as long as his health would allow. his early yearsere spent on e se he first sned wit the royal navy at the age of 15. en, aboard the battleship h revenge, watching as caured german cws sk their vesse. >> they knew they di not have y mo chance. they d gin up hope it was left toso decide what was gng to happeno them
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en. >> aft post-rutie aboard e ny'sirst purpo bui aircraftarrier, he embarked on a new adventure and found new home. on attachment to the australian navy, he fell loveith life down under. he snt the secondorldar on the western border and eventually retiredhere after years in iform. one by one, hiseneration lt him, bu he rmain to tell his stories anto rish his memoes. >> i am lky, aren't i, to b surviving all th te? yes, yes. i have had a wonderful lif you know. if i had my te ov again, i would do exactly wt i did. that is what ihink aut my fe. no regrets none. >> he hasied the age o 110. u ar watchinbbc ws.
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>> hlo a welcome. >> s the news unfold, get t top oriefrom around the globe and click-to-py video rerts. to to exrience the in-depth, eert rerting of "bbc world ne" online. >> fdingas made possible b the eeman foundation of new yo, stowe, vermont,nd holulu. newman's owfountion. the hn dand catherine t. macarthur fountion and unn ba. >> union bank haput s globalxpertise to work for a
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wide range of companies. at can we do for you? >> "bbworlnews america" was presented by kcet loanges. 
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