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tv   BBC World News  PBS  July 7, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm PDT

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>> this is bbc world news. funding for this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe vermont, and honolulu. newman's own foundation. and union bank. >> union bank has put its global expertise to work for a wide range of companies. what can we do for you?
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>> and now, bbc world news. >> the headlines this hour -- >> top executives respond to the phone hacking scandal by closing down britain's best-selling sunday newspaper. the investigation continues with your porch with former adviser to the prime minister. >> dozens are killed in days of violent clashes in the pakistani city of karachi. >> and special atlantis prepares for its last journey to the stars. >> it is 9:00 a.m. in singapore. >> and it is to a.m. here in london. this is newsday.
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>> hello and welcome paired it is the phone hacking scandal that has stunned britain and today came the biggest bombshell of all. britain's best-selling sunday newspaper "the news of the world" is being shut down by murdoch's news international. the closure comes after a public outcry. but it has not lifted the spot line of the murdoch empire which controls 40% of newspaper circulations in the u.k. and has worldwide reach. the bbc business editor robert preston starts our coverage. >> rupert murdoch, 1969, shortly after he bought a newspaper which was to become his very profitable pride and joy. >> 4 give the individual, by all means. but you cannot forget. >> he may have well have made
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the remarks about the newspaper that has shocked us here in the paper that has been printed for 168 years became indelibly linked with the worst practices in british journalism. mr. murdoch says it could not be amended. >> clearly practices of certain individuals did not live up to the standards and quality of journalism that we believe in and that i believe in. and that his company believes in good this company has been a great investor in journalism, a greater investor in me yet in general and it is something that we believe very strongly in. clearly, certain activities did not live up to those standards. that is a matter of great regret, for me personally and to the company. >> there were revelations of the
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alleged hacking of the mobile phones of a murdered schoolgirl and the parent of the beckham and of the family of those who -- parent of the victim and of of the british shoulders killed in combat. this was hours before the kind of humiliation rare for the quintessential mobile. >> we have done a lot of good things. because of what happened by some people, unscrupulous souls who worked here before, those people have been thrown out of a job today. >> he is now the chief executive of news international. some feel that she should have gone. >> a lot of people are losing their jobs today. but one of the people who is remaining in the job is the chief executive of news
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international who was the editor at the time of the hacking. it is a big act. but i do not think it solves the real issues at news international. >> i am satisfied with rebecca and her leadership in this business and her standard of conduct. >> with a consumer company after big consumer company pulling darrent rising from the news of the world for fear of being tainted by association, it was looking bleach. will the parents rehabilitation occurred? >> there must be a full judicial-led a public inquiry. >> the other paper enjewel un."rt, "the so could there be a sunday without
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a murdoch tabloid? unthinkable. >> police in britain say they have identified 4000 possible hacking victims and hundreds more have not contacted them saying that they, too, may have been targeted. this report contains flash photography. >> this extraordinary affair may have spelled the end for britain's biggest newspaper. but the repercussions will continue. the police and the next commissioner are facing questions. the military has been shocked by new allegations. and hundreds of people may be victims of its practices. the police are striving to cope with calls from people who are concerned their privacy has been breached. on top of that, britain's senior policeman had a second inquiry into whether "the news of the world" documents proved that they bribed for stories. >> it is quite shocking.
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a small number of police officers may have engaged in this practice. i am determined to do what we should do and put them into the criminal courts. >> the former editor and a colton told the court last year as a witness that he knew nothing about it. the reaction from tom watson -- >> two weeks ago, news international briefed the press that it turned over documents that there were authorized payments to police officers for cooperation. someone did not tell the truth. >> discovering the truth could take months and going into the deep history of relationship between this fought and that newspaper. today, britain's military families became the latest group to erupt in ainger over the latest phone hacking. it is claimed in the press that those recently bereaved have had
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their boys mills intercepted. unusual, and a family has -- their voice mails have been intercepted. unusually, not a single family has come forward yet. >> we ought to suspend working with news international. these allegations are resolved. >> according to one soldier's father, e-mail messages that he received after his death had been read, he suspect by hackers. >> they need to be caught to account for what they have done and to suffer whatever punishment is appropriate. i am sure that will happen. it will take time. >> he is likely to be right. criminal investigations, public inquiries, the scrutiny of what
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went on at this newspaper could go on for years. >> for more on this, i am joined by someone who worked at a news international for 30 years, as "ll as chief editor @ at international news of the world." this must come as a complete shock. >> it was totally surprising. i did not see it coming. everybody i work with, everybody who knows the newspaper orwell could not see it -- newspaper well could not see this coming. it is an absolute standarstunne. >> could you give some insight on what it was like to work there?
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he describes a relentless pressure to get stories. is that something that you remember? >> absolutely. any journalist is under relentless pressure in a newspaper journalism bertinelli and newspaper pop journalism, a huge amount of pressure when you're on top of the pile, as "news of the world" always was. it is a collaborative hot house where people are working together with skills being shared. there after tried to get to the best stories entered and protecting them with the best scoops. >> but the phone hacking, as as something you have been aware of? >> no. i was not. just as in other papers, there were sophisticated techniques
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and devices used. but, all of them to my knowledge were legal. so the idea of phone hacking or voice mail interception was unknown to me and to the colleagues i had. >> the way this is being played out, what you make of the fact that it looks like rupert murdoch is sticking by rebecca barack. yet " and could be arrested tomorrow? >> it is a mystery to everyone who is close to it, quite wide rupert murdoch is so keen to clean to his -- to clean to his charismatic ceo. it is characteristic when chairman, the prime minister,
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clung to andy chorister. but that is the situation turned two days ago, "the financial times" in britain ran a leaders saying that her position was untenable. the very same day, robert murdoch issued a statement that made it very tenable. >> thank you very much for sharing your experiences. let's get some of the day's other news. dozens of people have been killed in violent clashes between rival political groups in karachi. >> that is right. the violence has continued for more than three days. in some neighborhoods, gunmen opened fire on buses. security officials say they have detained several suspects and were trying to take control of the situation. >> parts of pakistan's based
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city are under curfew. there have been several days of intense gunfire in western neighborhoods in karachi with clashes between rival political groups escalating. as the violence worsens, the bodies continue to arrive at the morris. dozens of people have been killed in the last three days of fighting. many more have been injured. dannon had even opened fire on city buses. [sobbing] >> some people started firing at the bus and killed my father. there were no security and so now -- there were no security personnel. how many fathers will be killed like this? >> anbar, the violence follows the decision of the parties -- in part, the violence follows the decision of the party in charge to resign. >> they will look into this issue, what is going on in
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karachi. people are brutally killed, people traveling in buses brutally murdered. aside from the political turmoil, the city is filled with armed gangs. authorities are trying to grapple back some control of the affected areas. it will be added very high price. >> the yemeni president soehnlein has appeared on state has appearedsoehnleisaleh on state television. he underwent a successful operations to treat his burns. he hopes to open dialogue to resolve yemens problems. the americans did department
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said ambassador robert ford had toured the city to show solidarity with the citizens. watching news day on the bbc, live from singapore and london. still to come, as south sudan prepares for independence, we spoke with one of the widows of the rebels. >> will the weather delay the final flight for shuttle atlantis? >> insurgents in -- surgeons in sweden have done the first transplant. >> this is how the world's first synthetic organ was made. take a glass mauldin to a liquid polymer which makes in the decoration of the patient's windpipe.
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it was made in london and flown to sweden. once in stockholm, the synthetic windpipe was bathed in a solution of stem cells taken from the patient's bone marrow. after two days, the millions of tiny holes in its surface were seated by cells -- seeded by cells. a synthetic body part has been made the patient's own. and the ability to create the three-d synthetic organic is a significant moment in this field of surgery. >> it does not realize it at all on intonation. you can have it immediately. there is no delay. most importantly, since it is a regenerative approach, you do not need pressure. >> the patient is being
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discharged tamara and knows that, without the transplant, -- discharged tomorrow and knows that, without the transplant, he would not have survived. this is a 1 meter long synthetic artery made in this machine in london in just 20 minutes. this material does have limits. it can be used to create complex organs like the heart, liver, or kidney. but scientists hope it points the way to more transplants without the wait for a donor. >> this is newsday on the bbc. >> these are our main headlines. news international, the media group in the center of the major phone hacking scandal, says that in this sunday's edition of "news of the world" newspaper will be its last . >> dozens of people have been
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killed following days of violent clashes between rival political groups in the city of karachi. >> on saturday, south sudan will become the world's newest nation, following a referendum in january. the people of southern sudan voted overwhelmingly to declare independence from the north. two decades of civil war between the two regions have left at least one put 5 million people dead. -- 1.5 million people that. >> just hours ago now. the new nation is born. southern sudan will become the republic of south sudan. we are here at the house of somebody who knows a lot about the struggle to reach this point. i am with rebecca garang. how are you feeling at this particular moment? >> thank you very much for the opportunity.
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it is a very great moment for all of us. we thank god that we are still alive to be here today. there are many colleagues and comrades who perished during the war. but we're here for their blood. so we're happy and grateful for their contribution to this nation. in our struggle, i know what was going on. but for the people of southern sudan, the ones for really rejoicing. i feel very happy to hear their voices on the streets of southern sudan. >> were there times when you thought we would never get to this point? where people could say free at last? >> for me, no. the man who build confidence in us, he brought in a lot of international witnesses. many thank yous. they were involved.
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there was no way out for hartun not to honor this agreement. >> some people say that the split is happening, but relations are very bad now between the north and the south. how worried are you that the struggle to really break free is not over? >> i am not very worried because the split people are talking about is that the level politics, the government in hartun. people in southern sudan are very humble. we have blood relationships with we do not see any problem with them. >> more then half a million people will view the shuttle atlantis's last liftoff. right now, it is the weather that everyone has their eye on.
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>> as you can see, storm clouds are looming over the kennedy space center. if conditions stay like this, it is likely that the launch of atlantis will be delayed for at least a day for safety reasons. over there, you can see that everything is ready for the launch of the last ever shuttle on his last ever mission. it was here that colombia was ever flown. and it was here that -- it was a was evercolumbi flown. it was supposed to be a new era of space travel that would make travel to cheap and common place. but, at $1 billion per laws, it was not cheap and it was dangerous.
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first of all, there was the challenger disaster when the shuttle exploded on launch. then there was the columbia disaster. but the shuttle program did have its triumphs. it said the hubble space telescope to orbit, opening your eyes to the wonders of the nurse. of course, the construction of the international space station. that was not enough to save the shuttle program. so, after the launch of atlantis, the fleet will be mothballed. it is not clear what will take its place or when it will be ready. >> the organizers of the mass rally in malaysia are calling for free and fair elections and say that the free demonstration will go on despite police crackdown. party members and activists have been detained, with six detained under a strict security law without trial.
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tell us about this rally being planned. >> they organized the as a rally. they say that they want electoral reform. among their key demands are longer campaign times, a voter registration system, as well as equal access to the mainstream media. they are calling on malaysians to come down to kuala lumpur in a peaceful manner, marching and calling for electoral reforms. government officials have dismissed allegations of electoral fraud. they accuse opposition campaigns to use this rally. in 2007, there was a similar rally.
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the prime minister has accused of the opposition of payoff. not only our campaign groups and opposition during the rally, but also pro-government groups who say they, too, will have a counter rally in support of government. so they have the full force of the law behind them. >> thank you. there has been quite a gathering in london. >> there have been lots of screaming in trafalgar square. thousands of harry potter fans packed the square on thursday to catch a glimpse of the stars of the maurmovie at the world prem. they pose on the red carpet and chatted with fans. some of them had been out there
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besides the enormous red carpet since monday. they camped out as well. "harry potter wrotand the deadly hellos" will be released on the 12th of july. this was found by the american historian here and bingham -- hiram verobingham. a traditional ink a ceremony was held at much too peachy. -- a traditional inca ceremony was held at machupichu. >> there's one more tradition we wanted to assure you. thousands of thrill seekers went to the streets in pamplona in
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spain as the annual running of the bulls got under way. the festival was demoralized by the author ernest hemingway. no one was gored in this year's race between man and beast. >> you have been watching newsday from the bbc. >> a quick reminder of our main news. britain's best-selling sunday newspaper "the news of the world" is to be closed after this sunday's edition. police investigating the phone hacking scandal at the paper have identified 4000 potential victims. that is all from us in london and singapore. of course, you can get much more on our website, all of the news of today's close of the world on the bbc news website. so take a look.
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>> make sense of international news at the >> funding was made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vt., and honolulu. andan's own foundation, union bank. ♪
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>> union bank has put its global financial strength to work for a wide range of companies. what can we do for you? >> bbc world news was presented >> bbc world news was presented
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