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tv   BBC World News  PBS  September 17, 2011 12:30am-1:00am PDT

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>> this is "bbc world news funding for this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. newman's own foundation. and union bank. >> union bank has put its financial strength to work for a wide range of companies, from small businesses to major corporations.
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what can we do for you? >> and now, "bbc world news." >> a plane crashes into the crowd at an air show. at least three people are dead. an easing of international sanctions. going to statehood, the palestinian president will ask for recognition next week. welcome to the bbc news broadcasting to our viewers on pbs in america and around the globe. taking charge. pakistan's prime minister says he will be the relief effort to millions of flood victims. charged with fraud and remanded in custody. the trader accused of losing a billion pounds.
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it plain has plunged into a spectator stands during a race in nevada in what what was called a mass casualty situation. it happened at the national championship air racing in reno. the pilot and two spectators were killed. more than 50 other people were injured. will grant has the details. >> at the airport at the nevada desert, aviation fanatics had gathered for the championship air race. what should have been the highlight of the calendar turned to tragedy as a vintage world into aplane plunged seating area at the front of the grandstand. the pilot identified as jimmy leeward was killed. dozens were injured. >> the plane was flying.
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there was speculation he had gone on a different areas as to what took place. different people see different things. there appeared to be some air flight problem with the aircraft that constitute go out of control. we all know what the end result was of that. >> the wreckage was spread across a wide area causing panic among the onlookers. have beenpital is receiving the injured. the fear is the number of dead will rise. the competition has been cancelled but the future of such a future races will be under scrutiny. pilot fatalities are relatively common with planes flying as low as 15 meters from the ground. critics say that with some of spectators it was on a matter of time before a serious accident happened.
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these are questions for later. for now reno is in shock at the terrible lands to the spectacle. -- end to the spectacle. >> joining me from los angeles is peter. do we know it anymore what happens to this plane and a caused it to crash? >> we do not know the cause of the crash. you have been hearing some of the speculation as to what might have gone wrong. most people are focusing on a mechanical fault. some spectators very experienced in watching this high-speed racing involving vintage aircraft, they believe that they noticed the pilot trying to soar as the aircraft away from the crowd at the last minute. it happened in a split-second. there has been some amateur footage as the aircraft goes up into the sky and nosedives into
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the crowd. it landed in a box seat area in front of the main grandstand. there were people seated in the vicinity of the main crash area. they describe it as being a terrific sound of wreckage and bodies strewn over a wide area. >> what do we know about the pilot? >> he was an experienced racing pilot. he is taken place in this event a number of times. he was in his 70's. not only an experienced racing pilot but a stunt pilot as well. he has been described as one of the best of this particular kind of flying anywhere in the world. he knew what he was doing. this was a terrible tragedy for his family. he had a large family. many of those people were watching what happened. >> it has been something of a controversial event.
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will it continue? >> that there is a question as to whether it will continue. the believers you believe it should. questions have been raised. sending this children to watch this. one reason why some people are frightened is that the low altitude that these planes fiat, something between 5,100 feet. that crowd is close to these aircraft as they pass through the sky at high speeds. >> many thanks. six months after it authorized military force against colonel gaddafi, the united nations security council has eased several the sanctions it imposed, freeing up the movement of oil to help the country. the resolution was passed hours after the u.n. general assembly
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voted with some objection to give the seat to the national transitional council. will grant reports. >> while the military forces struggle to make progress on the ground, their diplomatic forces have made advances. the first step was the formal recognition by the general assembly that the ntc has the right to represent libya. egypt led the calls for the resolution to be accepted. >> arguing against that would only prolong the suffering of the libyan people. and delay achieving justice. particularly as close to 90 member states of united nations have recognize the ntc, as the only representative of the libyan people. >> coming after jubilant victory, this resolution was
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always expected to pass. but for the transitional council, another important step toward full recognition by the international community. >> the general assembly is voting. >> the vote was far from unanimous. a block of latin american countries opposed the move led by venezuela whose president is a close ally of colonel gaddafi. >> we reject any attempt to transform libya into a protector of nato or the security council. >> hours later, another plan received universal support. the security council passed a resolution to ease the sanctions imposed on libya at the start of the conflict. to unfreeze billions of dollars in assets and then it -- and a ban on commercial flights. the no-fly zone will remain in place.
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the arms embargo will ease. >> the fighting in libya goes on. forces loyal to colonel gaddafi have put up strong resistance to a tax on to of their strongholds. bani walid. there's concern about thousands of civilians believed to be trapped. they have little access to food or electricity. [gunfire] >> this new assault began early in the morning. fighters loyal to the internal government fighting their way through the streets, trying to push forward toward their goal, the town center. it is slow and dangerous. close by, are snipers and other gunmen.
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there may be more fighters involved this time. it is still proving to be a tough fight for control of wood is a key town. a new front has opened up in the battle for the town of surte -- sirte. thousands of fighters closing in. breaking through the out for defenses, getting to within a few miles of the center and taking control. but here they're facing resistance from gaddafi's man. >> while his men are making what appears to be a final stand in the towns they control, here in the capital and tripoli, or leaders have been arriving to give their support to the new government. today it was the turkish prime minister. he was following in the
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footsteps of the british and french leaders who came here yesterday. he promised to help libya make the difficult transition to a democratic country. speaking in the heart of tripoli, he prays to the libyans saying they have proved it was impossible for any government to stand in the way of the might and will of the people. a barbed comment aimed at the repressive government and syria. another arab country in turmoil. >> human-rights activists say the security forces and syria have shot 15 people across the country. they say four people died during a raid. troops fired shots to prevent demonstrations.
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european union finance ministers have delayed until october decision on the payout of the second installment of the bailout to greece. the meeting in poland to discuss the crisis affecting the eurozone. the u.s. treasury secretary timothy geithner has urged them to act. the palestinian president mahmoud abbas has said he will push for full citizenship. he says palestinians were living a nightmare under occupation and wants to put an end to the injustice by claiming independence. united states says it will veto any application on the grounds that only direct talks with israel will bring independence. from jerusalem, jeremy reports. >> the palestinians want to try something new. in a speech broadcast from his headquarters, president abbas
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will go with the application. towe're going to the u.n. ask for the right of full membership. we will take with us this suffering and hope of our people. he is often the beleaguered and a threatened resignation. as he risks and, he was light- hearted. he was a man with his mind made up. palestinians say they have rehearsed a long enough. their security forces are ready for independence, along with all of the other institutions. but israel's stubbornness means negotiations are at a dead end. they're turning to the un . .
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in this year of change, palestinians want their share. the americans are not offering an alternative they like, just warnings they have ignored. >> and nothing is going to change. there will not be any more sovereignty. there will not be more food on the table. this gap between expectations and reality is dangerous. >> israel's campaign includes a video -- >> despite an agreement that actions -- >> blaming them for ruining negotiations by not accepting a jewish state. >> no, no, no. >> what about jerusalem? what about security? you give and take in an agreement. in jerusalem, they take. >> this is not what it seems. both sides are israelis. rehearsing for an attack by
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palestinians on the jewish settlement in the west bank. many predict a u.n. vote will touch off new violence. the ingredients of this conflict are the same -- the palestinians are trying to change the game in their favor. it is a risky strategy given the hostility of the israelis and americans. there is no doubt that as the temperatures are rising again. >> the conflict is going to continue. palestinians say they will want to negotiate. first bela have to face the consequences of throwing down a challenge to israel and americans. abc news, jerusalem. >> still to come, nasa warns of a satellite heading back toward earth. no telling where the debris might fall.
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police in south wells have confirmed that four men tapped -- trapped in a coal mine have been found dead. the miners all lived locally. the flood happened on thursday. three other miners manage to escape. >> they had felt their way through the filth and the darkness, defying exhaustion, straining to hear the faintest sign of life. tonight the team's fate crowded around the entrance are packing their gear. reflecting on the worst possible outcome. >> i can confirm that the fourth deadline has been recovered. -- dead miner has been recovered. i express our condolences to the families of david, charles.
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>> the pumps were still running but the flow of water had slowed. at last of the searchers could enter the maze of workings, digging their way through the silt and debris which blocked their path, hoping that someone had found safe haven. a mile away, families, friends, and neighbors gathered in the village community center, reaching out for scraps of information from the men as they arrived from another shift. tonight, the villages are in mourning. they have lost four friends and workmates who died in an environment they knew and understood. robert hall, bbc news. >> you can get more on that story and many others by going to of the bbc news website.
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a reminder of our top stories. dozens of people have been injured and three dead at an american air show after a plane crashed into the crowd. he died in nations security council has eased some of the sanctions imposed on libya at the start of the conflict. the city trader accused of 1.2 billion pound fraud has appeared in court in london. kweku adoboli, who worked at the swiss bank ubs was in custody after the hearing. the financial services authority is investigating why a ubs phillips to identify the transaction. here is our business editor. >> they all wanted a glimpse of kweku adoboli on his way to court. the alleged to trader whose unauthorized transaction cost ubs and 1.3 billion pounds.
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he wept in court as the charges were read out, fraud, abuse, and charges of false accounting. i am told that the dealings were carried out over many months and were relatively small which explains why ubs did not spot them until wednesday. and he had close knowledge of the administration having worked in that part of the bank before becoming a trader. also -- >> allowing us the authority to run up a loss, the concern is a 31-year-old with a degree emperor -- computer science. anybody without a background, and i would not give them my capital. >> ubs is one of the great names in world banking. combining a low risk to private banking and high-risk investment banking.
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in recent years, it has gone between controversy and crisis. it had losses of 35 billion pounds in the banking crisis of 2008. it was rescued by taxpayers. that is why there's pressure from the authorities to consider separating its investment-banking business. swiss and british regulators have launched an investigation to find out how a bank failed to spot the risks taken by one of its traders. >> it is incredible in the sense it will be hard to regulate away any of these actions. it is difficult to believe it happened just now when there's so much attention profound better enforcement and regulation. >> from testosterone trading in a bonus of life style to the inside of a cell. he is made history at ubs which
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may have wiped out of the bonuses for his colleagues and possibly the breakup of the bank. >> the pakistani prime minister has said he will take charge of the relief effort to millions of flood victims. monsoon rains have submerged thousands of villages in a region devastated by the floods. >> the waters have created ghost towns. we reached one of them. it was home to 90,000 people. by the roadside, an attempt at normality. he is to wash in contaminated water. all around, stories of loss. our crops and her cattle are gone. she and her family have had no help from anyone. she shows as were her village
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used to be. it has vanished. we took a boat across the cotton fields, adjoining the pakistan army. they have been racing against time to save a drowning communities. these rescue missions have been running from first light into last july. most of the people in this area have been evacuated. more than 2000 have been brought to dry land. some are still clinging to what is left of their homes, even though the water levels are still rising. >> most of the coastal village has already been swallowed. 300 houses have been destroyed. the village is now an island. in the primary school, we found generations of people who had stayed put. we were the first outsiders to write. the villagers prefer to suffer
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at home than languish in a relief camp. in her 80 years, she has seen plenty of hard times. she told me this is the worst. >> there was a cyclone in the 1970's. but our houses were saved. now there is nothing left. we eat only once a day. what is striking is what is missing from the landscape, a major relief effort by pakistan or anyone else. >> the american space agency nasa has warned a 6 ton satellite is heading for earth and could crashed down in about a week. the risk of the satellite hitting someone is higher than usual, about one in 3000. it could land anywhere.
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>> lift off of the space shuttle discovery. >> this was the moment that research satellite began its journey into space aboard discovery. 20 years later, the satellite is on his way back. scientists at nasa say it will crossland by next weekend. the trouble is, it is traveling so fast they will not know where it will come down until two hours beforehand. right now the target area covers much of the erse surface. >> it pretty much is in tyre populated world. there is a small percent above those plot -- latitudes but the vast majority of the people on the planet live within those latitudes. >> the threat of satellite scrap is making headlines. >> nasa says a massive satellite is headed for earth. >> most of the satellite will
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burn up, dozens components are expected to survive reentry. they could pose a risk to life. scientists say the chances are low. one and 3000. decommissioned, the satellite is the latest case of space junk crashing back to earth. a 90 ton skylab space station can down, showering parts across australia. the government was billed four hundred dollars to clean up the debris. nasa will be watching and waiting, hoping the satellite will plunge into the sea. >> and aluminum producer is fined $650 million for a giant spill of toxic sludge. it will appeal against the verdict. the government says it is doing everything possible to stop the company from going bankrupt.
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but the fine must be paid. it killed 10 people and caused huge environmental damage. the sludge escaped when a waste reservoir was greece. -- breached. >> starting a countdown before it hosts the football tournament. president rousseff kick off the event in a stadium alongside the retired football staff pele. despite a major difficulties, president rousseff promised the new stadium and other infrastructure of would be ready on time. a reminder of our main news. three people have died and dozens are injured after a plane plunged into a spectator stand during an air raid in nevada in the united states. the footage shows the plane plummeting sending debris over a wide area.
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this is a bbc news. >> make sense of international news at >> funding was made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. newman's own foundation. and union bank.
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>> union bank offers unique insight and expertise in a range of industries. what can we do for you? >> "bbc world news america" was presented by kcet, los angeles. 
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