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tv   Mc Laughlin Group  PBS  September 17, 2011 12:30pm-1:00pm PDT

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♪[ music ] ♪ [ music ] from washington. the mclaughlin group. the american original. for over two decades, the
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rethink possible. ♪ [ music ] ♪ [ music ] it is people like me who got off their couch and said i'm as mad as hell and i'm not going to take it any more. >> that is republican bob turner a retired cable television executive. he is the newest member of the united states house. in a special election this week republican turner defeated democratic new york state
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assembly man david wepoein. of the jewish faith. turner will now take the seat of resigned congressman anthony weiner. weiner's seat had been held by democrats for more than 90 years. it was also a district that went big for president obama. 55%. a republican and a catholic. turner's win and a catholic. turner's win was a referendum on mr. obama, many believe. jewish voter in the turner district, traditionally democratic overwhelmingly disapprove of fellow democrat brohm. they particularly are offended by what they see as bad policies and antiisrael rhetoric and get this. former new york city mayor ed koch, a die -- a dyed in the wool democrat crossed party lines and supported republican turner. >> president obama is a nice guy and i helped elect him and all
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those things. he threw us under the bus. koch sees the win as proof positive of president obama's mishandling of the united states -- israel relationship. >> question is ed koch right? has president obama thrown israel under the bus? >> pat buchanan and no he hasn't. he has been critical of netanyahu. netanyahu does not like obama and he moves very close to the republicans. but in this district, not only ed koch an orthodox jewish community there and new york daily post and news endorsed turner. this is really in a way an antiobama vote, i think. really sending him a message out there and it is a tremendous victory for republicans and what it says to democratic senate candidates and others is look the president obama may be a real anchor and albatross for you in your election. you better separate yourself from him. it is a terrific win for the republicans. a bad defeat for the democrats.
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>> why did koch say what he said? >> he said it because many in the jewish community feel obama is unsympathetic to israel in a weigh way that for example george w. bush was not. and obama is not sympathetic to israel. >> is turner sympathetic to israel? >> i don't know where he was. but he is now. >> sign me up. >> president obama has tried to adjust the relationship more like president bush's father, george bush, he has tried to get talks going, they haven't succeeded. the un is about to vote on whether to approve of the palestinian's state and the united states vote will be against that, one of the few votes in the world. i don't think you can say this president is turning his back on israel. but israel is nervous because of the arab spring and the relationship with israel isn't
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what it was. the republicans managed to turn this into a backlash against president obama and the jewish community there has said you know, very conservative and also some economic anxiety. so the white house. >> uh-huh. >> has lots of excuses. ed seat is going to go away, be rea portion. they didn't take it seriously. nonetheless, it is a warning for what lies ahead. >> and the un will declare palestine to be a state? >> if it comes to a vote most likely. >> an observer state. not a member state. >> observer state means there is a state there. james what is your take on the ninth district in new york? >> i think israel was important. i think there was an economic component to this. the economy is bad. republicans won in nevada. of that victory a good clunk of that was the terrible weak economy. 80% of the americans think the economy is going off track,
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over a cliff. i think that played a rudy guiliani role, in addition to israel. the gop contender beat democrat kate marshall 58-36%. by 22%. karl rove had an editorial this week he argued that was the race democrats should be more worried about. there were a bunch of weird local specific issues in the new york race that made that kind of a unique situation. but the nevada race, that was a district that barely went to john mccain last time around. the democrats hoped would be competitive. and they were running a candidate that they thought was a really good candidate who was kind of running the medicare playbook that worked so well for them earlier and it didn't pan out for them. >> nevada along with ohio are two great indicators now. really nevada. the population. a microcosm of the united states and democrats are getting killed there then they will be killed everywhere. >> nevada was one of the states that went for obama.
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that's right. the give was a dead even thing. obama lost it by 80 votes but by 22 points this time john. what it means it nevada is gone for obama, gone. >> i think it is too early to say nevada is gone. but that particular district, while obama came close to winning it, when is the last time a democrat had that district? it is traditionally a republican district. >> 22 points is awful big. >> well, yeah. >> do you think that has anything to do with the republican's plan, you remember ryan, for medicare. premium support? >> you think that you know nevada has an overpopulation. >> that didn't work. >> that is what i mean. >> that scare did not work. >> it did not work. >> the economy as peter said considering the economy has taken these guys down everywhere. >> wasn't the silver bullet. but with you going to hear more about it especially if the republicans talk more about
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cutting entitlements you know, people over 65 vote in great numbers. that is a very potent issue. >> begs the question. has president obama lost the jewish vote nationally? pat buchanan? >> the president won the jewish vote by 57 points the last timeout in 2008. he will win it by 33 this time. it will be much close and he could lose florida, because i think broward, dade, palm beach county are going to be going the other way when ed koch is down endorsing mitt romney, maybe not rick perry. >> is that surprising splay would go that way? >> the jewish vote is very important in florida, a tight swing state on the atlantic coast. >> jewish vote is important and medicare is important. the question is, is the president going to lose a jewish vote? that is a resounding no. but he is facing erosion in all his constituents. >> do you agree with eleanor on that. >> i think it is eroding. the action is going to be in florida, which could be again
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one of the key states. remember, despite all the social security, rubio did just fine down there. >> yes support for obama tanked among jewish voters but it tanked during the month of august. really the only thing that happened previous to that other than ed koch getting in the race and bringing up israel, the larger pictured was probably a reaction to the debt ceiling, all the bad economic news. in the same way obama support has been dropping among other democrat constituents, you say what happened with the vote in the new york district is more along the lines of what ♪[ music ] ♪ [ music ] issue two. take your best shot. >> the drug company gave thousands of dollars in political donations to the governor, and this is just flat out wrong. the question is is it about life or was it about millions or dollars potentially billions
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for a drug company. >> republican candidate and minnesota congresswoman michelle bachmann came out swinging at fellow candidate and texas governor rick perry. during a gop presidential debate monday criticized the texas governor for issuing a 2007 executive order requiring sixth grade girls to be vaccinated for the sexually transmitted disease called hpv, which has been linked to cervical cancer in women and cancer in men. bachmann accused perry of issuing the executive order as a kickback to the pharmaceutical company that produced the vaccine, merck. bachmann talked about a conversation she had with a mother whose daughter was vaccinated. >> she told me her little daughter took that vaccine, that injection, and she suffered
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from mental retardation thereafter. it can have very dangerous side effects. >> medical correspondent and m.d. nancy snyder man checked out the merck medication. >> the american academy of pediatrics and the cdc weighed in today disagreeing with the view saying over 35 million doses of the hpv vaccine had been given with a tremendously good safety record. the reason that is important to know is over 6 million young men and women will be infected with the hpv virus this year, and over 4000 women will die of cervical cancer. it is important to remember this is an anticancer vaccine. and the reason it is given to 11 and 12-year-olds, is that is when the human body produces the best immune response that will protect kids later, when they become sexually active. you want this on board. and in fact, it has been proven
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so successful, that there is now a call to vaccinate young boys too. so from a safety track record, from an efficacy track record and frankly, from a lot of different medical records today, a lot of august bodies, they have all said this is a very good and safe vaccine. >> question did bachmann get off message when she strayed into the question of hpv vaccine safety record? and does this completely clear perry from any charges against him? doesn't perry now look good? >> she should have left it at crone any capitalism tying this to contributions he has gotten from merck, where his former chief of staff is the lobbyist. venturing into the health area, i commend you for running nancy snyder man's comments in full, because this is a health issue and governor perry should be commended for his effort. i guess it failed, but his
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efforts to try to you know, get this into the population. you do have art, a noted ethics specialist, donating to the campaign if she can produce evidence to back up the claim she made. which she cannot. >> was this dirty politics? >> it was rough, she was very tough and went after him. >> what impact is this going to have on bachmann's candidacy? >> she wants to revive her candidacy and she is getting into this battle with perry. but this looks like to the christian community, what is he doing? trumping the rights of parents. what he should have done here was first take it to the legislature and frankly, secondly, tell parents you have to get your permission before we do it and he would be just fine. because i think overall it is a good program.
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>> there is, there is in the statute, i guess it is, there is an opt out provision. >> right. >> you don't have to have it done. but he wants to bring the full weight of the government behind the idea of having it done. >> right. >> you should have an opt in provision. >> i don't think you need an opt in. >> yes you do you don't do anything to kids like that. >> why put it in if it is going to be opt in? it is redundant. >> you can make it available. >> you make it available and that is what it will continue with a member of the audience here. >> not bringing the strength of the government behind the view this is going to prevent a lot of sickness. >> i'm in favor of the government saying this is a terrific program what you did on snyder man is excellent. >> i want my government to go further than that, and say what is the collective view of this government. and the legislature as he said afterward. he said i made a mistake. i shouldn't have done it the legislature should have done it. you can. >> he shouldn't have done it by executive order. >> you can cause people to be
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vaccinated. >> a dictator, he should have gone to the legislature. >> which is why he did it the way he did it. we know from experience on an issue like this if you have an opt in, too many parents do not avail themselves. >> elizabeth, let liz in. >> i was going to say the irony of all this was that bachmann's attack at the debate was actually the most effective attack i thought launched at perry that night and she did completely step all over whatever momentum she might have gained from that because the capitalism issue is real. >> you mean merck? >> yes, the fact that perry, nobody thinks that perry would have issued that executive order if his former chief of staff hadn't been allowed to. >> you think lobbying is a new phenomenon? >> no and nobody is suggesting that something criminal or you know, even that in any way it isn't just the way business happens. but that is not the image perry
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wants to project in this race. that is not an image that is going toen dear him in politics. >> what is going to be the bigger of the two emphasis out of this race? perry was right in saying what he said? about the chemical? or that she was, or that merck should not, should have had no trucking with merck? >> i think he took the winds out of the attack. >> but he has been hurt. >> he has been tort. >> the pharmaceutical companies are supposeding to to doctors and say this is what i have available. they do that routinely. try to sell the doctors on the merits of their heavily -- research. >> if perry was convinced by this lobbyist who happened to be his chief of staff it still was the right decision. >> he said he would have done it differently. >> you can see from the issue t work.
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and they never did. >> question. did the white house vet the loan for solyndra? is this a serious political black eye? james? >> i think it is. remember, people they look back at that original $800 billion stimulus and it kind of looks like it didn't create very many jobs. people are like how did we spend that money and not create jobs? why? because it was going to companies like solyndra, which is on very shaky foot and go even with the half billion dollars it still went belly-up just as many people predicted by 2011. all this energy subsidy $60 billion has only created a few thousand jobs. now we know why. >> john they didn't do due
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diligence on this thing. the phrase which is exactly what this is. this is a real black eye, frankly for the green movement. it was said every great cause eventually becomes a business and degenerates into a racket. >> they blew it clearly. i think the vetting was done by career people and the white house was pushing because they wanted to get this photo op, which was a mistake. but i don't think there is any twisting of requirements or anything like that. some loan guarantees are risky. this one failed. >> half a billion dollars. >> they are always risky. >> the bigger problem is what you cite. that is it gives more fodder to the republican criticism. you spent all this money and haven't created any jobs. >> there was all this attention paid to the fact they wanted this photo op with biden, they were urging them along to kind of make the loan approval. the bigger problem is the
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larger pressure you know to create jobs was probably something that was more of a factor in the sense that you know, they had this money going through and they wanted to see jobs created fast. that is a factor in all of these. >> green jobs have been oversold, but it is still the right thing to do. it is a huge global industry, clean energy in the future. >> if obama would have got his way and got this huge cap in trade program to raise the cost, without that, economic relief firms doesn't work and it doesn't work with solyndra and it is not working for a lot of these other ones. >> the rap has to rest on the office of management and budget. the fabulous omb, the most powerful part of the white house structure. and it is more powerful than a regulatory agency. they were told to rush it. they were saying we have to do due diligence on this. >> right. >> and they were told to rush it because obama loves green energy. he is going to be there, he is going to give a talk and he wants to make sure.
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instead of that it is totally rebounding. >> it looked like political pressure to get the photo op for biden, get the jobs on you. he overdid it and now you have a scandal. john, half a billion dollars is an enormous loss. >> it is not as much political pressu i have been issue four. -- issue four. tough love. >> the american jobs act. this is it right here. it is pretty thick. this is a plan that does two things. it puts people back to work and it puts more money in the pockets of working americans president obama took his jobs plan this week to two states, ohio and north carolina. the tab on obama jobs is $447 billion that is b, as in boy. billion dollars. ohio has an unemployment rate today of 9%.
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north carolina has absolute unemployment rate today of 10. 1%. both ohio and north carolina are key democratic primary states. on the flag scene the president's approval rating now stands at 40% positive, 52% negative. practically the same as ohio and north carolina. democratic party strategist robert zimmerman sees danger ahead. quote the alarms have already gone off in the democratic grass roots. if the obama administration hasn't heard them, they should check the wiring of their alarm systems. unquote. in the west, the influential 13-term democratic congressman peter defazio's, echoes the northeast the southeast and the central united states quote in my district the end news whereas imfor him has mostly evaporated.
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there is tremendous discontent with his direction unquote. >> another prominent democrat agrees. should president obama have a challenge? i say he should. it would make him a better president if he received a challenge in the democratic primary. >> question. the call for a presidential primary and is that now the common view of the gray beards? or the influentials of the democratic party? >> not unless they want him to lose. we would be getting into jimmy carter territory at that point and that is not where obama wants to be. there is no question he is in trouble right now. however, as his cam pain has pointed out, he still is winning in head to head match ups against every single republican candidate out there, outside of the margin of error. in a way when you look at all the economic data, everything going on, it is remarkable he is doing as well as he is. i think although democrats are starting to panic in certain circles, obama still has some
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cards left to play. >> the panic is predictable, because it is 9. 1% unemployment and the president clearly vulnerable. that was dennis whose picture went up. he did run the last two cycles and he is not going to enter the primary. any democrat who waged a primary fight against this president at this point would be charged with exactly what you are saying. >> you are right. >> that they would be undermining ms. clancy for reelection. so forget a primary challenge. not going to happen. >> who said nine lives? he did run for the presidency. >> he is not doing it this time. >> furthermore, he has to move out of where he is. am i correct in that? he is going into the state of washington? >> no he dropped that. he has been moved into a district the lake erie district and it is going to be very tough for dennis to win that because she is a hugely popular conservative democrat. >> what is the group opinion on
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dennis. >> i like him. he is a principled guy. >> you think he is an iconoclast? a man of th ♪[ music ] ♪ [ music ] predictions pat? >> palestinians will force president obama to veto their membership in the un in the security council and then they will go to the general assembly where they will get observer status with 150 plus votes. >> eleanor? >> senate race next year between elizabeth warren and scott brown will be the marked race. each side will turn out their base but the fight will be between moderate and independents, and had which can talk the talk for the middle of the road vote year talking massachusetts? >> massachusetts. a lot of middle class votes, irish catholic. james? >> a european financial crisis kicked off by a greek debt default will push the united states back into recession. >> liz? >> the president's jobs bill is
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never brought up for a vote from the house. peter. >> king republican congressman will announce he will run for the united states senate in 2012. bye bye. 
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