tv BBC World News PBS December 8, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm PST
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>> and now, "bbc world news." >> welcome to "news the" on the bbc. >> here are the headlines. -- welcome to "newsdays" on the bbc. president sarkozy says there is no second chance. the ecb makes the decision to cut interest rates. >> violence returns to virginia tech, the scene of the country's deadliest shooting four years ago. >> iran says that they have downed an american ground near the afghan border. >> we are broadcasting to our viewers on pbs and around the world, this is "newsday."
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the talking has started. it is continuing, the bargaining going on late into the night as the most european summit for many years. leaders including david cameron, they are all in brussels to consider a plan to ease the european debt crisis and save the common currency. the french and german leaders would like an agreement on a new currency. david cameron of like a deal that would protect british interests. leaders have come up with a new fiscal compact of tighter budgets and fiscal rules. >> officials described this as the most critical summit in the u.'s history with the whole world watching. the french president said that europe had never been in such danger. >> everyone knows that if there is no agreement by friday, there
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will be no signatures. we need a compromise and quick decisions. >> so, what are the french president and the german chancellor after? they would like to enforce greater budgetary discipline? -- greater budgetary discipline. such changes require a treaty change. threading his way through brussels european quarter, david cameron. he knows that a treaty change needs a british signature. back in the u.k., he said he would safeguard british interests, particularly financial markets. >> we need the stability in the eurozone that is good for european countries and good for britain as well. we also need to protect british interests. >> the prime minister has a dilemma. he said he would use his veto if u.k. interest were not
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protected. block a deal and he risks further economic turmoil with britain isolated. he also risks angering his party and dividing his coalition. chancellor merkel, speaking at a meeting, appealed for help from those not in the eurozone. >> i believe that we all want to overcome this crisis. i also ask for understanding for those that do not have the euro. >> there was house dearly to meeting british demands. -- there was opposition to meeting british demands. one said it would not favor any deals that favored the uk. david cameron was not the only one isolated. others had objections to a treaty change. >> treaty change or not, that is not at the heart of what we
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need to do. >> david cameron, president sarkozy, and angela merkel met for 45 minutes. the prime minister was very tough in setting out his demands and a long difficult night ahead was expected. europe's leaders have made it clear that the future of the single currency depends on the summit. europe is being asked to commit to a close step towards integration. the proposed changes touched on issues like sovereignty over national budgets. it is not only britain that has concerns. >> before europe's leaders had gathered in belgium, the european central bank cut interest rates to countries that use the euro by a quarter of a percent. the markets were not impressed. >> european central bank offered
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some support to your's economy today and to its banks. - some support to europe's banks and economy. >> they are offering support to the banks but not any significant support to the sovereign. since this is a sovereign crisis, the ecb is doing little to address the crisis. >> the central bank cut interest rates by a quarter of a percentage point. that pushed up european stock markets briefly they tumbled when investors heard from the ecb president. for italy, it was enough to wipe out of the fact of the u.s. treasury secretary's warm words. -- it was enough to wipe out the effect of the u.s. treasury
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secretary's warm words. there was a green light on more support for banks. to ease the crunch on the markets now, they are offering bank's longer-term financing on easier terms. they will not be rushing to buy more government debt. they will not cut costs on countries like italy. more importantly, and what the ecb president said that using the firewall to protect troubled governments. for example, lending to the imf. >> we have a treaty which says no monetary financing of governments. so, the issue on whether the imf could be used as a channel is complex. the point of fact is that there should be respect of the spirit of the treaty. >> for many listening, that seemed to rule out a lot.
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this is a man who much washed every word. --, who must watch every word. >> this does not mean that the ecb will respond. no, please. >> the ecb is there and it is not letting governments off the hook. if leaders do not find a road out of the crisis tomorrow, the central bank might yet have to do to rescue the sinking economy. >> we believe that the eu leaders are still meeting. you have more market reaction to the events in europe. >> indeed, i do. obviously, this is having a huge influence in asia. yet again, as you mentioned, european leaders hammering out a deal to save the euro in brussels. the european central bank dashed hopes of there would be
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financial help for the region. in asia, they are taking their cues from europe and the u.s. some of these stocks have given back some of their losses from earlier. you are seeing the nikkei, the kospi, australia down. the hang seng in hong kong is down as well. inflation data softened to 2.4% in china. u.s. markets have been on edge all week in anticipation of a summit deal. investors watching for statements that would be made at a press conference to be held in brussels. this is how u.s. markets closed. of course, it is no surprise that the eurocurrency has been falling against its counterparts. you can see the dollar yen
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trading. befora police officer has been t dead at virginia tech university in the united states. the gunman apparently approached the officer while he was carrying out a routine traffic stop. there are reports that the gunman then shot himself. 30 people were killed at virginia tech four years ago. >> a chilling sense of deja vu. the campus on locked down, swat teams patrolling the ground, and terrified students wishing they were somewhere else. the gunshots were heard before lunchtime, a key people were killed. one of them a university police officer, apparently shot dead after a routine traffic stop. >> they opened his door. he fell out towards the ground. i could see his face and he was covered in blood. >> the police say a suspect was
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seen entering a car park and when officers reached it, the man was lying dead with a gun beside him. the implication was that he had killed a police officer. >> no additional victims or shooting reports have been given to the police department. we feel confident that the situation is under control at this time. >> four years ago, the same campus was the scene of the worst mass shooting in american history when a student of south korean origin opened fire killing 32 people and then taking his own life. then, virginia tech was fined for being slow to lure students of the threat. the grim irony, and the university was appealing the fine today. -- of virginia tech was fined for being slow to alert students of the threat.
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>> state television in iran has shown pictures apparently of an unmanned u.s. drone aircraft which the iran military said that they forced down. they think that it was inside of their territory when it was captured. our tehran correspondent reports. >> a cash does not come much bigger than this. iran has put on display the american thrown it got a hold of on sunday. -- iran has put on display the american drone. >> they have sophisticated cameras and radars. they can go through any climate condition. this is a developed and sophisticated technology. >> two officers inspect it closely. they stand over an american flag with stars replaced by skulls. iran said that they had an
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electronic ambush, took control of the drone, and forced it to the ground. >> technology falling to the ground, separate and apart from this incident. when u.s. technology falls and the wrong hands, this is always a concern. >> this is what the drone might have been sent to spy on, iran's nuclear program. the iranian government says that their nuclear ambitions are peaceful. many in the west disagree. the spy plane might have provided valuable intelligence but the u.s. is now a drone down. a loss that iran is keen to exploit. >> one person has been killed and 25 others wounded after a number of air strikes in the gaza strip. the attacks are believed to have targeted training facilities of the militant hamas
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group. the israeli military confirmed carried out two air strikes. you're watching "newsday." cricket in crisis, sri lanka in citizens blame the government for ruining the game. >> buildings and cars have been damaged and schools have been closed. travel has been disrupted, thousands of homes in the west of scotland were without power. the weather has affected wales, northern england, and northern ireland. >> britain possible worst storm in a decade and it is not over yet. the sea hinted at what was to come on the land. as it swept eastward across the country, so the danger rose.
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in aberdeen, the christmas decorations came down early but no shoppers were injured. the owners of these cars had a lucky escape. a collapsing wall cost nothing worse than twisted metal and shock. many children got the day off into the school closed at lunchtime. -- many children got of the day off. the school closed at lunchtime. >> when you have this kind of information from the experts, and the police, it was appropriate to act the way that we did and the decision was correct. >> for much of the day, scotland was at a standstill as gusts from the mountaintops reached 165 miles per hour. police advised against all travel in central scotland. the waves and the wind have taken their toll as today.
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police say they have dealt with 100 major incidents on the road. the north of the country is covered in snow. engineers are struggling to reconnect more than 60,000 homes. after a tough day, it will be a cold night. >> the headlines. your's leaders are trying to compete with a solution to the eurozone crisis. are trying leaders to complete a solution to the eurozone crisis. >> a shooter killed two people on the virginia tech campus. let's turn to indonesia. the dutch ambassador to indonesia has traveled to a small village to apologize
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for a notorious massacre in 1947. almost the entire male population was killed to suppress independence fighters. how much of a landmark is this apology? >> it is a really significant apology. remember, since that massacre of 1947, the dutch state has never formally apologized for what took place in this tiny village. it was on december 9th, 1947, almost the entire male population of this village was massacred by dutch troops. indonesia was still under dutch rule at the time and there was a brutal and rather horrific battle for independence being waged in many parts of the country. dutch troops say they were
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looking for an independent leader in this village and they wanted to find his whereabouts but the villagers refuse to reveal his whereabouts and as a result, many of them were subsequently executed. the indonesian's say that over 400 men were killed on that day. the dutch say it was about 150. no matter the numbers, the emotions here are still probable. 64 years after this brutal massacre. in a few minutes, we are expecting the annual commemoration to began where we will hear the dutch ambassador make what is expected to be a formal apology for the first time. a significant moment in terms of the relationship between the dutch and the indonesian's. >> compensation had and offered by the dutch government to some of the victims in this, will
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what is happening there set a precedent for more compensation offered to other victims around indonesia? >> i was speaking to a lawyer representing the victims and what she said that it is very likely that that could be the case but the court ruling that says that the dutch state is liable for this massacre is extremely focused. it focused on the widows of the people that have been killed. the ceremony will start any moment. basically, what the lawyers said that in the future of such other cases should arrive, they certainly might have an opportunity to make the claim that it would have to be a very specific claim for it to be considered. >> we will leave it there. this is the village for the dutch apology is taking place. australia's federal government will appeal a court ruling for
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an extradition. a man is accused of killing people in nazi-occupied germany. can you give us some history? >> let's go back to november, 1944, when charles was a soldier in the german- controlled and berrian army. there is no doubt about that. what happened was when he was stationed in budapest. the tories claim that he and other soldiers dragged a man off of a bus. -- the authorities claim that he and other soldiers dragged a man off of a bus for not wearing his yellow star. they tortured him and beat him
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to death before throwing his body in the danube. he then immigrated to australia. >> what about the complicated legal maneuverings that still continue in this case? >> it was not until 2005 that the honduran authorities asked the australian authorities asked for extradition. they wanted him back there to question him. fast forward to 2009 and the australian courts to back him and said he could not be extradited because at the crime -- at the time, the crime of war crimes did not exist. today, the australian authorities have taken it back to the court. they have said that they must look at this again. they have given permission to appeal the decision.
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bear in mind, the accused is now 90 years old. i think this case will be expedited. he is willing to be questioned by the authorities but not in hungary. he is willing to be questioned here but the hunt during authorities say that they want him back in hungary to answer the charges. >> we will leave it there. now, you have a troubled tale in sri lanka. >> they love cricket, the sport is the one thing that brings a sense of unity both in times of war and peace. cents sri lanka co-host it and made the finals of the world cup this year, there are growing concerns over the integrity of the game. -- since sri lanka coasted -- 21
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>> it is better to be a promising youngster then a top star. the glamour of the annual cricket awards at the end of november. the popular former national capt. recently said that the sport in sri lanka is corrupt. he talked about the excessive political influence. the sports minister can veto the national team lineup. huge new stadiums were built to host the world cup putting them in massive debt. the players have not been paid since march. the armed forces have the job of maintaining the stadiums. another former national capt. is now an opposition politician. he says the government is too involved with many aspects of life in sri lanka.
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>> when it comes to the political interference whether it is court cases, cricket, or anything, some political interference. that is the biggest problem that we face today. >> this speaks of its growing influence. on the university system, the media, the world of business, the constitution itself. they say it is part of a government tightening its grip on this country. the government denies there is political interference in national life, including cricket. they say the armed forces involvement in the stadiums is limited. >> they are only doing the maintenance. >> until recently, people in this country have valued cricket because it gives them away from politics. now, people are disillusioned
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with what they see as political interference in their sport. this is a country still emerging from a long war. cricket is being brought back to the tamil areas as well. fans hope that such changes will cause a success on the pitch and deal with some of the issues off the pitch as well. >> let's take you to hawaii where volcanic activity is not unusual at all because all of the islands were initially formed through volcanic activity but these are quite impressive pictures. they are from the big island. you can see the loss of tyhe -- you can see the lava flowing towards the ocean. there is one sole resident who
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says a recently that this was about 500 yards from his home. he might not be there anymore. you can see the lava and its effect on the local environment. >> you have watching "newsday" from the bbc. >> just a reminder of our main news. the eu leaders are locked in late night talks to tackle the eurozone debt crisis and indeed to save the single currency. the key item is a plan on budgetary discipline with automatic penalties for nations that overspend. those sanctions would be imposed unless 3/4 of the nations vote against sanctions.
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