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tv   BBC World News  PBS  February 1, 2012 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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>> this is "bbc world news america." funding for this presentation is made possible by the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu. newman's own foundation. and union bank. >> at union bank, our relationship managers work hard to understand the industry you operate in, working to nurture new ventures and help provide capital for key, strategic decisions. we offer expertise and tailored solutions in a wide range of industries. what can we do for you?
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>> and now, "bbc world news.' >> welcome to newsday on the bbc. >> here are the headlines. this rivalry turns deadly at a football match in egypt. 17 fans are killed, more than 1000 injured. the violence began when the fans invaded the pitch. >> the u.s. hopes its troops in afghanistan can in their combat role 18 months before the commission is due to end. facebook will be on the stock market and could be valued as high as 100 billion u.s. dollars. >> broadcasting to viewers on pbs in america and around the world, this is newsday.
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>> at least -- supporters of the home side rushed onto the pitch to celebrate victory of egypt's top team. our correspondent reports from cairo. >> egypt's first football disaster when the country is in political turmoil. the deadly clashes between the bitter rivals have shaken this country to the court. it all started at the final whistle. they celebrate a rare victory against egypt's talked about a leak. it quickly turned violent.
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the had the run for their lives. the home fans charged in to attack the visiting supporters. this is not football, this is war, said one of the players. was this what sparked it? egyptian tv keeps replaying this picture. just the moment that goal is being scored. these assets of fans are known for their bitter rivalry and their use of violence. there are questions also about the role of the police. the live television footage shows them hesitating, clearly unable to control the situation. or was there an element of politics? the fans have often been in the forefront of confrontations with police in the last year. on social media, they are asking, was someone out to get revenge? as the trouble erupted, a fire
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also broke out at the cairo football stadium that might already be a sign that the violence is spreading. >> where are the security causes and the police. you can't call this a game of football. if you go anywhere else in the world, you wouldn't see 71 dead. >> reports suggest that ambulances had trouble getting access to the stadium. many of the victims were killed in a stampede. tonight, the military has ordered helicopters to help fans and players return home. everyone fears a new round of violence on the streets had an already tense time. >> the user to play for the club when he was a teenager and is now football agent. he believes that the violence
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was not spontaneous. >> the history of the two teams, it is not much, but they accept it. [inaudible] [inaudible] this happened for different
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reasons. in my opinion, the shelling of what happened will give people -- [inaudible] you can't do anything. the people polled, they come by shooting guns. it is like civil war. >> oil can's the security forces not stop this? there were calls before the match for supporters tuesday,. -- to stay calm. >> one week, [inaudible]
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the people stop them. for one hour, the ambulance starts to come over. it was really a very bad situation. >> speaking to me from cairo. chile -- the u.s. defense
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secretary says he hopes that u.s. troops in afghanistan can with more details, steve kingston. >> it is an aspiration of the than concrete policy at this point. there certainly signaling the way that the americans see it right now. back in november 2010, made a sign up for keeping troops for the end of 2014. he is not trying to shorten the base line, but he is spelling out what will happen between now and then. specifically, he is suggesting that american combat operations in afghanistan could and sometime between the middle and end of next year.
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they will move to an adviser- assist, and train roll. it will depend on how things go in the intervening time, a potentially worried about where the afghan government is going to start talking to the taliban. the timing is pretty obvious. what they are essentially saying is that the fighting is soon going to end. >> of the foreign minister alleges that her country is supporting the taliban in afghanistan. they are receiving and direct help from the pakistan the security forces. the study was based on the interrogations' of 4000 captured
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taliban and al qaeda supporters. how many friends you have on facebook? >> well, i have 36,000 friends, but it pales to your over 50,000. >> the world's largest social networking side has announced plans for a stock-market quotation, expecting to raise $5 billion, half the amount that many analysts expected. this is after the u.s. stock market closed. >> in just eight years, they turned a harvard start up into a social networking sensation. in the company's story begins in a university bedroom in 2004. he has now more than a hundred million users, the profits last
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year of $1 billion. advertising is the secret to their financial success. it has information about its center -- users to other companies. >> what kind of tv programs they are into, we are able to use this, it is more targeted and more relevant to them. >> more than disney, twice as much as nike. the shares will be in big demand, and giving facebook a new set of friends. >> i spoke to john from wired magazine. i asked if an ordinary person can buy shares in facebook. >> correct. for the first time, because the
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company is going public, the average investor will be able to buy shares. that has only been very wealthy investors because of u.s. laws have been allowed to own a piece, but when it goes public, anybody can. >> an investor will be able to on a piece of facebook. how much is it likely to be priced in either april or may? >> expensive as in the eye of the beholder. a company that goes ipo that launches an evaluation that facebook is expected to almost $100 billion, it means that any price that the share comes out, it is ha very expensive company. even if the share is $30 which seems to be betting on the
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street right now, no one knows really if it is worth that much. >> looking at the data, there are more than 800 million users. is there any growth left in the firm? >> that is only 10% of the world's population, and as 90% left to go. facebook is adding numbers that is astonishing. they have serious competition from google. how high is up? we got to know. -- we don't know. >> newday on bbc, live from singampre -- singapore and london. uncovering more than 30 british victims in sweden.
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now look at the international newspaper headlines in this thursday, we will start with the front page of the international herald tribune that details the launch of shares, it could give the company evaluation of the a $100 billion. the financial times says the european union regulators worry about the risk to competition and a blocked a planned merger. the merger would of created the world's biggest equity exchange. an emerging battle over the level of funding for the poorest regions. they warn that could be a shortfall this year, and it is making the case for a budget increase, something members are strongly opposed to. users are striking back in the ukraine. sites or shut down by waves of
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cyber attacks. >> this is newsday on the bbc. >> these are the headlines. 17 fans have been killed and more than a thousand injured. the violence began after the home team won and fans invaded the pitch. ending military roles and afghanistan for the last 18 months before it is due to end. the government is facing pressure to make changes to the controversial law designed to protect marquee from insults or theft. it has been used as a political weapon to stifle free speech. joining me now for more from the institute for southeast asian studies, thank you for joining us.
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your view is to end of this law? >> is a bold step from the type of people that want to see -- this law has obstructed free speech, especially when you come to our discussion. >> there has been a backlash of the academics. how do you think this will play going forward? can the government support it when they are keeping quiet about this? >> this young professor has come up and emphasized that this is to maintain the position of the monarchy. it has nothing to do with trying to overthrow the monarchy, but the opposition has come up with a lot of allegations. the current government has a
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position of not pushing for the reform. this is the close link between the government and the military. >> whether or not the law should be amended or not, what could be the repercussions in thailand? >> it could end tragically, this is no longer about the yellow shirt or the red shirt. this is about those that adopt. as we know, we're coming toward the end. there is a lot of uncertainty. i am afraid that it could get out of hand. >> can we see the king giving his blessing to amend? >> he said he is not above criticism, but nobody listens to
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what the king has said. a lot of hyper royalists have continued to exploit of the law and order to undermine. >> thank you so much for insight. >> of four british men that admitted the plotting to detonate a bomb at the london stock exchange are part of a group of modern pleading guilty to a number of terrorists. they were arrested in december 2010. >> they plotted to strike at the core of the country's financial sector. the london stock exchange, an international symbol of economic power. there were continuing the work of al qaeda. big ben and the london eye on a reconnaissance mission.
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all four are of bangladesh origin. he was described as the linchpin of the group. the other guilty men are brothers. at the flat, police found a cache of incriminating evidence. >> inside was a handwritten letter, and on that list were the names and addresses for the mayor of london and two rabbis. as well as the words american embassy and the initials lxc which stood for london stock exchange. this website, he had been researching how to make a pipe bomb. >> and introduce something, targeting iconic buildings.
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i dare say they were trying to frighten people and make them reluctant to go out. >> not involved in the stock exchange plot, they have admitted other terrorism charges. as the man moved around the country, they were constantly under surveillance. this came their first significant meeting. young men from cities his inspiration was said to lie thousands of miles away. >> now dead, then the leading figure in the peninsula called on western muslims to attack their home country.
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some heated his message, they haven't actually made bombs. they were intent on bringing terror and fear back to the uk. they will be sentenced next week. >> criminal gangs with links to the british and irish traveling families are forced to work as slaves. an investigation has uncovered more than 30 victims. many more are affected, describing it as a clear form of modern-day slavery. allison reports from sweden. >> this is the harbor, the key gateway. i am here to meet a british man that arrived in the country on a similar the icy day. >> it was cold, foggy, wendy. >> he has asked not to be
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identified. they were promised a good pay and in reality, they were forced to work like slaves. >> they heard from relatives from this part of the world, it was an easy place to make a lot of money very quickly. >> they work 14 hour days. until the swedish police officer culp, they were too frightened to escape. >> i have seen people threatened with shovels and pickaxes, i have seen people that kicked and punched off the side of a moving vehicle. they're waiting for the next thing to happen. >> what would happen when you arrived in an area like this? >> we were told not to take no for an answer. >> there have been investigations and at least six
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european countries. the pick of vulnerable, some british men, taking them abroad and force them to work in appalling conditions. these are the cases which we have heard involved in gangs linked to large traveling families. this is highly lucrative. in 2009, there was a conservative estimate that the main families doing this sort of work made in the region of 3 million pounds in a year. in norway, the estimate is 11 million pounds. >> these cases are just the tip of the iceberg. >> it is slavery, and it is profitable. very few perpetrators have been brought to justice. it is a way of exploiting people that are vulnerable and can't stand up for their rights.
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it is increasingly easy to find these. >> the family knows the full cost of such exploitation. the 22-year-old son died in a suspicious caravan fire. his parents later discovered that they would harm them if he tried to leave. >> he was intimidated, put in the hospital, and kept as a prisoner. it cost him his life. he is a hero, isn't he? >> it condemns slavery-and forced labor. if individuals are suspected, they should face the full force of the law. >> new rules restricting the carrying of firearms have come
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from the colombian capital. members of the private security firms are allowed to carry guns. police have arrested a man suspected of having 5 tons of glacial ice. he was transporting it. police suspect the ice was destined to santiago for up- market bars and restaurants. it is not easy being a presidential candidate. attacked with flowers, giving a campaign speech in paris, a woman throws a flower at him. he was in the middle of a speech about social housing. it was violated recently in a
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presidency lost by the former footballer. you have been watching tuesday from the bbc. >> a brief reminder of the main news, 79 people killed in clashes between rival football fans in the egyptian city. violence after the final whistle when supporters of the home side rushed onto the pitch to celebrate their team's victory as the cairo-based team. an investigation has been ordered and all matches have been cancelled. parliament will hold an emergency session to discuss the violence. back in a few minutes with asia business report.
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good bye for now. >> make sense of international news at >> funding was made possible by -- york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu newman's own foundation and union bank. >> at union bank, our relationship managers work hard to understand the industry you operate in, working to nurture new ventures and provide capital for key strategic decisions. we offer expertise and tailored solutions in a wide range of industries. what can we do for you?
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>> "bbc world news" was presented by kcet los angeles. presented by kcet los angeles.
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