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tv   BBC World News  PBS  March 17, 2012 12:30am-1:00am PDT

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>> this is bbc world news. funding for this presentation is made possible by -- the freeman foundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newman's own foundation, and union bank. >> at union bank, our relationship manager use their expertise in global finance to guide you through the business strategies and opportunities of commerce. we put our extended global network to work. for a wide range of companies, from small businesses to major corporations. what can we do for you.
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>> and now bbc world news. >> the american suspect in the killing of 16 afghan civilians has been named. a disappointing response, according to kofi annan, the special envoy to syria, saying missile movement was a cease-fire in the country. the head of the worldwide anglican communion is to step down after a turbulent 10 years in charge. hello and welcome to bbc news. we're broadcasting on pbs in america and also around the world. also in this program, the story of the moroccan girl who committed suicide after being forced to marry her rapist. and why was george clooney under arrest? the film star has been making a stand.
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>> hello, welcome once again, the american soldier accused of murdering 16 civilians in afghanistan has been named as staff sergeant robert bales. within the past hour, an air force cargo jet arrived at kansas city international airport, about an hour from the military personnel of ft. leavenworth in kansas where he's expected to be transferred. earlier friday the afghan president accused the united states of failing to cooperate into an investigation into the killings. quentin summerville reports from kabul. >> the blood of afghans spilled inside their own homes. they were killed mostly by a single shot to the head. the gunman, an american soldier. he gathered them together, including the children and burned their bodies. translator: we started with a prayer. when the villagers came to the presidential palace. >> 11 people were killed in one
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home, raged this villager. they were acting like animals smashing down doors. president karzai listened and appeared to agree that this wasn't the work of a single attacker. >> they believe it's not possible for one person to do that. in his family, in four rooms people were killed. children and women were killed. and they were all brought together in one room and then put on file. the afghan team did not get the cooperation zphected from the united states. >> the international mission here in afghanistan have always known the afghan people would only tolerate its presence for so long. two events in quick succession, accidental burning of the koran and killings and kandahar have poisoned that relationship. there's no more pressure ever before for international troops to draw back and have more responsibility for the tight to afghans.
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>> now to syria, the u.n. arab league envoy cofe yeah than said a new united nations' team is due to arrive in the country this weekend. mr. annan said the priority was to deliver humanitarian aid and he warned of the serious impact to the region, a situation in syria wasn't handled properly. from beirut, the bbc's john donaldson reports. >> in the northern city, opposition protests early this morning. this in a place where the government was believed to have regained full control. they're calling for immediate foreign military intervention. and in the capital, damascus, more demonstrations. their chance as god's enemy, we support the city of italy. the handmade placard say we call on russia and china to get asset out of the intensive care room so he can die in peace. >> later after friday prayers,
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the numbers grew. in the town of rickard, video posted by opposition activists showed thousands of people marching and then apparently government troops opening fire. >> meanwhile, kofi annan, the international envoy to syria, briefed the envoy syria council in his progress on pursuing the council. >> i discuss the council proposals i made to the city of the government that was aimed to, one, stop the violence. accelerate humanitarian assistance. and establish credibility and confidence for the political process when it's initialated. i will be sending a team in this
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weekend to pursue the discussions and the proposals we left on the table. and at the appropriate time when i deem sufficient progress has been made, i shall be prepared to go back to the region. in my discussions -- >> he spoke of getting strong support and despite differences of opinion from russia and china, he said hoped the council would soon speak with one voice. he warned of a serious impact on the region, if the crisis wasn't handled carefully. but he offered no immediate solutions. and on the ground, there is no end to the violence in sight and political talks seem equally far off. much of the syrian army's focus this week has been on the southern town of dora. and opposition activists say these pictures show security forces opening fire on
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protesters in syria's second city yesterday. the u.n. slepped a humanitarian mission to syria over the weekend. but it can only get aid in if it's safe to do so. >> in other news, the venezuelan president hugo chavez returned home from cuba almost three weeks after undergoing cancer surgery on the island. he had a second tumor removed from his pelvis region last month plfment chavis said he plans to undergo radiation therapy treatment but it's unclear when when that may begin. the 57-year-old president, due to stand for re-election in october. french police say one man has been killed and another seriously injured in an attack at a mosque in the northern town of aha. the 32-year-old frerkman of moroccan origin is said to assault worshippers with a baseball bat. a local islamic leader said the man had a history of mental problems. french soldiers stationed in the southwest of the country have been reported armed after two
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were shot dead and third injured in the town of mont aban on thursday. state prosecutors said the same gun was used in the killing of another off-duty paratrooper four days earlier. the leader of the worldwide anglican communion, rhone williams, announced he will be retiring at the end of this year. dr. williams, the archbishop of canterbury and therefore the leader of the church of england, has been in the office ten years. he will be taking up academic of post at cambridge university. here's our religious affairs competent robert pickett. >> even if demeanded to be let into canterbury that need ral for his enthronement, be williams was a reluctant leader of the church. >> this is why the christian will engage in passion p in the world of society and politics. out of a real hunger and thirst to see god's image, the destiny
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of human beings to become god's sons and daughters come to light. >> dr. williams said he wanted to capture the imagination of the public for christianity. >> let us greet our newly enthroned archbishop with great gladness. >> with the start he had to contend with deep divisions in the church of england and world wide anglican communion about homosexuality. >> it's just unfortunate that he came to be archbishop at a time when the communion was being driven apart by issues of human sexuality. i think what he's trying to do is to hold the church together wherever his own personal views. >> the order nation of gene robinson as bishop interveened in the crisis he had to manage for the decade. >> he had to deal with tensions that brings because he's not only working in this country
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with the western liberal people. but internationally as well. he's trying to keep a community together of both american liberals and african conservatives. >> many in countries resent the reinterpretation of the bible they see in the west. it was dr. williams' greatest achievement he held the communion together, especially at its conference in 2008. the market became clear he would not stay much longer. >> at that job for the church, next one will be 2018. between now and then, we will think about it. >> i can completely understand he after a long time in that very, i pay tribute to the
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country and the church. >> he leaves with the church in grave division and anglicans know he will be hard to replace. >> the very reverend president and dean of the church viv inty school of the pacific, leading anglican seminary based in berkeley, california. he said rowan williams faced a lot of difficult issues as archbishop of canterbury. >> i'm reminded of how the horses of history really allow none of us to be master of the conditions in which we offer leadership and surely rowan williams as archbishop of canterbury has endured, more than endured but led in the last ten years over a very divisive time in the worldwide anglican communion. clearly, it's no secret to anyone probably that followed the news of the church that the episcopal church of the united states has taken very different position and position of different consequences from the archbishop. he has led in a time of fierce
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opposition where he couldn't have pleased everyone in the worldwide communion at the anglican church. >> he said he still had much to do in the month that he has left in the job. what more is there to do? >> well, i think his leadership will continue, a passion, great passion. i have admired and will always admire for the unity of the church. he will pursue that with the same kind of pastoral and pastoral leadership and persistence he's given over last ten years. this has not been an ease dwrime. oufer church disagreed with the archbishop with consequences. but what cannot help admire his passion and theological leadership, in spite of all of that. >> what about the challenges for his successor. do you think they will be the same as those faced about dr. rowan williams? do you foresee other challenges on the horizon? >> it's hard to read that at this point and i think we will
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have to wait for time to tell on that question. i do hope and one of my sadnesses, frankly, during this last ten years when the issues that have preoccupied his leadership have been so intense and rather narrow, that we have not been able to enjoy the range of his capacity to lead us as a teacher on a variety of issues. i remember moderating a conference at trinity church wall street just two yoors ago on the topic of theology and economics because he was a brilliant leader and i thought at the time t. what we're missing by not opening the range to a wider scope of gifts that he can bring to us, and so i hope that in the year ahead during the rest of his time as archbishop of canterbury and maudlin and cambridge he will offer that pastoral and theer
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logical leadership for the -- theological leadership for the church. >> you're watching bbc news. still ahead -- >> it's st. patrick's day saturday. how many people will be celebrating in the irish language? certainly they can in this american classroom. >> some news in the united kingdom now and prime minister has held talks with chancellor george osborne and also his liberal democrat coalition partners to sink an agreement on next week's budget. it's been suggest the mr. osborne is arguing for a cut in the top tax rate in order to try to promote enterprise. brody clark, former head of the u.k. border force, reached an out-of-court settlement with the home office. mr. clark brought a case for destructive dismissal after he stepped down last november over claims he relaxed immigration checks beyond what had been authorized by ministers.
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eight men have been charged in connection with the death of a man stabbed in a nightclub in the early hours of christmas day. 31 jerald john lee barrett died from a stab wound in his back while he was at a party in the club. nateage foerster, 22 and from manchester, has been charged with murder. seven other men faced charges with violent disorder. they're due to appear before magistrates later today. the man accused of killing 16 civilian sbsing transferred to a military base in the united states. the international envoy to syria, kofi annan, warned the situation could have a serious impact on the whole region if it's not handled properly. and into that campaign in morocco called for protest against the country's rape law to allow the rapist to marry the victim as a way of avoiding
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prosecution. activists stepped up their campaign following the suicide of a 16-year-old girl in northern morocco last saturday. she was forced by a judge to marry the man who raped her. translator: a mother weeps at the gravesite of her teenage daughter. amenia took her own life a week ago. she was raped when she was just 15 years old. in conservative parts of morocco, it's unacceptable for a woman to lose her virginity before marriage and it dishonors her and her family, even if she's raped. the marriage of the rapist to his victim restores the family honor, but amenia's mother said the family is the man who raped her daughter were not interested. translator: he brought disaster to my daughter. i was obliged to marry her to him because i could not permit my dagget to have no future to
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stay unmarried. i went to talk with his family. they said he wouldn't marry her and she was a slut. they told me go complain to the authorities. we are not afraid. >> that's exact wlay amenia's parents did. when the case went to court, the judge ruled that the man who raped amenia could only avoid prosecution if he married her. amenia's mother told her she was being badly treated. translator: he raped my daughter. he mistreated my daughter. she complained to me that she was mistreated, that she didn't get fed, that he threatened to kill her if she stayed there. i told her not to be afraid, to be patient. to be very patient. >> the suicide caused snock morocco and women's rights activists are stepping up their campaign to scrap a law that allows rapists to go free if
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they marry their victims. >> voting is under way in east timor to choose a new president. the incumbent, nobel peace prize laureate is up against 11 other candidates. election is only the second sense the southeast asian nation became independent from independent indonesia and seen as a key test of the country's stability. belgium held a day of national mourning to remember the victims of the bus crash in switzerland earlier in the week in which 28 people, mostly children, were killed. flag were flown at half mast and church bells rang as the country observed a minute of silence. a former u.s. university student has been convicted of a hate crime after using a webcam to spy on his gay roommate who killed himself. a court in new jersey found 20-year-old man guilty of 15 accounts including bias intimidation after he filmed tyler clemente in a gay encounter and shared the images with fellow students.
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george clooney has been arrested in washington, d.c. he was taking part in a demonstration at the sudanese embassy accusing the country's president of provoking a humanitarian crisis by blocking food aid from reaching southern sudan. he was released a few hours later after posting bail of $100. this report from paul adams contains flash photography. >> amid-the sort of publicity few can muster, george clooney taking his case to washington's embassy row, standing outside the sudanese mission with two simple demands -- >> immediately we need humanitarian aid to be allowed into the sudan before it becomes the worst humanitarian crisis in the world. immediately. the second thing we are here to ask is a very simple thing, for the government in khartoum to stop randomly killing its own innocent men, women and children. >> the film star has spent much of the week in washington, including an appearance on
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capitol hill, arguing for action to stop sudanese attacks. >> when we got there we found children filled with shrapnel. >> he's just back from the border region and secret trip into the affected area. >> this was yesterday. >> thid video which includes graphic injuries of civilian injuries was shown to senators. >> you're very brave boy. >> george clooney has political clout and access among the guests at the white house for wednesday's state banquet in honor of david cameron. >> this is your third and final warning. you will be arrested. >> today's outcome was never in doubt. george clooney and his father, among a dozen activists deliberately defying the police, knowing publicly well what would follow. >> you got to listen. >> after years of activist on sudan, mr. clooney shows no sign of giving up. >> it's my first arrest. thank you for asking. >> he wasn't held for long. joked about his treatment by police and reminded reporters what this was all about. his bail was set at a modest
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$100. paul adams, bbc news, washington. >> britain's computer games industry has been hosting its annual award ceremony. a chance to celebrate the high achievers in a field where british talent has traditionally excelled. behind the scenes, falling sales and rise of apps are raising fears for many u.k. firms that it could soon be a case of game over. here's our technology correspondent. >> a big night for one of britain's success stories but as guests arrived for the bafta video game awards sponsored by a retail chain threatened with collapse, their industry as a fight on its hands. here's one -- i am playing what's called a social game mostly played through facebook. it turns you into a premiership footballer and there's lots of video shot from your point of view. the game earn moneys through advertising and selling virtual
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goods like boosts and energy drinks. it's one of the new breeds. that is shocking, amigos. quality don't see on saturday, yeah? >> social games didn't exist four years ago and now 300 million play social games every month. and continues to grow. so we've got to explosionive growth there. and on smart phones. >> what the hell do you think you're doing? >> in just five months more than 2 million people have signed up to play this online social game. >> keep the ball! >> so one small british company thinks its found the formula for success. but the games industry as a whole is in a bit of a state with plunging sales and doubts over its future direction. >> i need find cat woman now. >> batman: arkham city is another british-made hit but with sales of traditional expensive console games falling there's a mood of uncertainty. >> they don't know what people, perhaps games people will be
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buying or where they will be buying them from. it's both terrifying and exciting. i think we're going through this period of flux and we're not quite sure we will come out. some will succeed. some will fail. >> the new boss of the organization representing the industry is pressing hard for tax relief for games firms. >> u.k.'s had a fantastic tradition of producing quality games. really we need to make sure we're creating the right business environment to continue that fantastic heritage. >> big winners include some traditional blockbuster games. but this is changing rapidly and only nimblist players survive. >> st. patrick's day is a time when americans have long acknowledged their inner irish roots. whether those roots be real or imagined. mind you, few will be toasting in the true language of the emerald isle, unless that is they're students of ronan
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connelly. he teachize risch language classes at washington, d.c.'s collagic university. we caught up with him for a lesson. here's a first person account of why he's trying to keep gaelic alive. >> the reason i teach irish is given an opportunity to help other people connect with their identity. so many people asked me about ireland and have a real interest in irish language and culture and irish music. for me, i have an opportunity to teach them something about the country in terms of language. >> there's an old latin name for ireland and it begins with a hitch. through learning the language, many have a chance to connect with something from their past. most people who come to my classes have either a parent who's from ireland or they know their ancestors are from
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ireland. they are name may be an irish name. for them classes are an opportunity to connect with the identity. there's so much irish around us and in english, slang words and words we use, like the word galore, whiskey, these are irish words sofment we use some irish words without knowing it. >> students who are learning meet at the six-week course we will go out and celebrate and chat in a social environment. this is what language learning is about. be being able to take it outside the classroom and use it at a basic be level. >> i look forward to st. patrick's day. celebration of all things irish. >> we will be going to houses and having dinner. those are the thing izz enjoy. no one is going too crazy.
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maybe somewhere they are but that's not always the case. >> lots of glasses will be raised for the first-ever player in the history of the sport to score 100 international centuries. he's done it at the age of 38, achieving the feat in this one-day game against bangladesh. he been stuck in 33 innings, so everyone knew he would eventually reach this unprecedented landmark but still that inevitability doesn't in any way detract from how great he's been over the years and how many years he's been plauing. he's made his debut as a 16-year-old in 1989. he's widely regarded as greatest batsman of cricket's modern era, second possibly to the greatest, don bradman. reminder of our main news, american soldier accused of shooting 16 last sunday has been named by the u.s. defense
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department as army staff sergeant robert bales. he's now in ft. leavenworth prison. >> make sense of international news at >> funding was made possible by the freemanfoundation of new york, stowe, vermont, and honolulu, newman's own foundation, and union bank. >> at union bank, our relationship managers use their expertise in global finance to guide you through the business strategies and opportunities of international commerce. we put our extended global network to work for a wide range of companies from small businesses to major
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corporations. what question do for you? >> bbc world news was presented by kcet, los angeles.
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