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tv   Tavis Smiley  PBS  March 20, 2013 12:00am-12:30am PDT

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tavis: good evening. from los angeles, i am tavis smiley. twoght a conversation with exceptional musicians at opposite ends of their careers. first, miguel. we will then talk with charlie haden. he received a lifetime achievement award and had a 50- year career that continues to this day. we are glad you joined us. >> there is a saying that dr. always the right time to do the right thing. i try to live my life every day we know that we are only halfway to completely eliminating hunger and we have
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work to do. walmart committed $2 billion to fighting hunger in the u.s. as we work together, we can stamp hunger out. pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. tavis: miguel is having a breakout year irrigated his breakout album debuted at number one. now -- is having a breakout year. his breakout album debuted at number one.
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first at his single "candles and the sun -- in the ."n appear ♪ the sun, blowing in the wind. shot ♪ ♪ will it be too late ago,: not even two months and jeffrey osborne was on this program, and he was lamenting the death of r&b. this was before you hit the got a chair -- he got a chance to hear you do your thing. there were a lot of critics refer you as the new progressive
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r&b and norwich's. how you read that comment? -- r&b artist. how do you read that comment? >> i think there has always been a progressive spirit and more than anything it is the timing -- progressives, and more than anything is the timing. of thise we are tired that itial r&b music, has been all we hear in , the ofam music mainstream outlets. we are all wanting someone and a little more personal. you take the blues being the birthplace of rock and roll. we are seeing and knows john rock at the forefront -- we are genre at the
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forefront. i suppose it is how musical is cyclical and trends are cyclical. maybe it is that time when it comes back around. question,raises the and now to what extent do you think r.m.b. took meaning from hip &b took meaning from hop. . love hip-hop how much of the success came at the expense of r&b? >> it is a very visual thing. in the 1990's, all of the r&d styling, it was
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almost chasing this harder image, which was cool. i appreciate all of that. i am a fan of that. i grew up listening to that. it was all after the styling of hip-hop. to its credit, it is my favorite genre, and it is hard not to be influenced by the culture and by , but i thinkof it it never had its own identity. i thing now we are coming to a place where it is no longer about a collective identity. it is more like the individual perspective, and if the same time saying true to those sold
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by is driving the expression. -- to those sold driving its expression. it is built around my life style that kind of gives it a different edge. tavis: let's back up a year or two before people knew who you were. kelly clarkson said, i do not know who you are, but i want to sing with you. you got to a point where you decided to get more involved in taking control of your career. i am fascinated by people who decide they are going to manage themselves into success. you put out these makes tapes. -- mixed tapes. take a second to explain to me how you and your team who tofted the success by going
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social media and beyond and built this opportunity to get you out on the grammy awards. >> interestingly, another huge has of hip-hop culture but or almostost a staple an expectation for an artist, to put out free music, a mix tape, it is a collection you put out for free. on the one hand as a marketing tool, it can be extremely effective. at an artist like drake who was touring and making money. he took that and created his career as a musician. , who wasat frank ocean
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but wasbscure artist sitting in the wings waiting. he put his own music out and took the momentum of that, and made quite an impact on music. watching as my career at the time, it was moving forward. i was able to put out successful singles. i was not connecting as an artist. people did not know it was the same artist singing the songs. they did not know it was made. i was frustrated. i took a look at my peers and was watching who was making these moves and how they were , and it in a smart way commo wanted to do something simple but did not compromise my
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values. why would you pay for it now if ?t was free i came not with this idea to put out a series of eps. each one would have three songs. i would put them out over the course of three months and use them as a marketing tool and see what was the best way of releasing music. we did that last year. the first video we shot for the which ep was for adourn, has become the most life changing song in my career thus far. it was so exciting to watch people really connect with this
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video. andt the video out first, the anticipation kind of built up. tavis: there is a problem. there is something missing. >> when i was 8 years old recording songs or working all these years before i had a deal, i was not getting money. that is not the reason i make music. as a creative individual, i do this for my sanity. it is an inherent need. tavis: i love it. what has the success of being seen by 30 million people, how does that impact your career when you get to that moment?
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everybody is watching you, and you steal the show. >> i only knew i wanted to have a good time. i only wanted it to be everything i a imagined it to be. tavis: was it? >> it was more. we were right in the middle of the aisle. it was this moment of realization that it was related happening. i promise i was going to have a good time. haves been cool to want to artistic reach out and want to
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work. i suspect while this is miguel's first time on the program, it will not be his last. buying appreciate you the new stuff. remember the name. in case you did not see the grammys, i am sure somewhere online you can find a performance. in will find a lot more coming months and years. next, charlie haden has been doing it for 50 years. stay with us. jazz musicians do not get any better than the basis charlie
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aden, the recipient of lifetime in music awards. he turned to jazz in his early 20's and is credited with taking the base from a secondary instrument. it was revolutionary back then. he was also with arnett coleman as they made history when there free-form sound that ushered in a new era of jazz. he played with great artists like coal train when baker. i try to include all of their accomplishments in this introduction. never get a chance to talk. thanks for coming on the program. we young kids have no respect for history. how did it feel to be so honored
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by the grammys? >> the grammys do great work. they care about music. i did not realize about that now lifetime achievement award, it goes back to 1962. the last person who did that was being crosby. i said, i am in some heavy company. thank everybody. >> you log on that list. >> thank you. -- you belong on that list. why was the base of back from instrument before you helped push it out front now? -- background instrument before you helped push it out front? >> it has always been like that.
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blanton, he was the guy that really brought the bass out to the forefront. people really see how important it was. when i was a little kid listening to the radio with my family, i heard the bass. when it stops playing, everybody felt nauseous the debt left. left.t the depth that is why i am attracted to the instrument. have that without words thing. i love that. iowa. back to
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before you picked up this space, you were singing first. is it true you were singing at the age of two? >> my brothers and sisters would be walking around the house. she was a great singer. i started humming the harmony. she told me, when you started humming the harmony, i knew you were ready. old, i was22 years the youngest person in iowa to have a social security card. that is what they tell me. we had loads of fun. i was very lucky to be around to music. to fast forward,
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because there is no way i can do justice to your career. you got struck with polio. tell me about that. >> i kind of sainted. fainted. i had a temperature of 105. this was before the vaccine. the doctor came.
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it was called vulva polio. tavis: you could not sing. at 15 you could no longer saying. -- sing. in the throats area, it did not affect my lungs. all of a sudden i was doing birthday concerts with different
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people. and i back to the hotel, said, i have these devastating headaches. they took me to the doctor, because it was logical. they have a diagnosis. thank god it was not cancer. find anything they could tell me i had. the only ask because i had polio when i was younger, and they said, we think you have post
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polio syndrome. tavis: what you make of the fact it stayed and stayed for so long? >> i wish it would go back bay.the tavis: how has it impacted you since it has come back? >> i have a lot of trouble swallowing with muscles in my throat. i have a tubeso in my stomach. food in twolid years. >> i have special nutrition. tavis: you can still play your bass. >> that is true.
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people come to my house. tavis: how cool is that? if i got a chance to play with you, i would come by, too. the house's full of music all the time? >> all the time. with strings as well as sophisticated lady. dois: it is impossible to justice to your legacy commo, bu have played with some of the greats. what comes to mind? >> when charlie parker and dizzy gillespie were bringing bebop in , i met him at a club in l.a.,
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and i said, i heard you play. i would like to play some music with you. we got to his little apartment. over the frontl of the doorway, all over the dresser, so i took the cover off the bass. he reached down and said, let's play. i said, ok. was doing what i really wanted to do, playing the inspiration of a peaciece. reborn.ike being >> somebody said, let's play this. >> yes.
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a coverhat sounds like story. >> he was a beautiful person. , and then each other we went to new york. i tell this story. a jazz club in 1982. one of my students said, why you close your eyes when you play? i said, he was doing his reid, and when the other was getting his trumpet. i looked across, and it was everye, paul chambers, great bass player in new york staring right at me.
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so you play with your eyes closed? >> yes. space if i brought the and ask you to play, could you do -- the base and ask you to play, could you do it with your eyes closed seven? >> yes. tavis: let's see if we can work this out. can i tell you what an honor it was to have you on this program ?mont >> thanks for inviting me. keep: thanks for watching, the faith, and enjoy it. ♪
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today's show, visit tavis smiley at tavis: hi, i'm tavis smiley. join me next time for a conversation with author bruceing feiler about "the secrets of
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happy families." that is next time. we will see you then. >> there is a saying that dr. king had that said there is always the right time to do the right thing. i try to live my life every day by doing the right thing. we know that we are only halfway to completely eliminating hunger and we have work to do. walmart committed $2 billion to fighting hunger in the u.s. stamp hunger out. pbs station from viewers like you. thank you.
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