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tv   Tavis Smiley  PBS  July 18, 2013 12:00am-12:31am PDT

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tavis: good evening. from los angeles, i am tavis smiley. tonight, a conversation with amy grant. and her music has inspired people from all over the world. over the years, she sold more than 30 million records. she took a decade-long break in part to take care of her aging parents and is back with a new album of her own songs titled "how mercy looks from here." a conversation with amy grant, right now. >> there is a saying that dr. king had. he said, there is always the right time to do the right thing. i just try to live my life every day by doing the right thing. we know that we are only about halfway to completely eliminate
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hunger and we have a lot of work to do. walmart committed $2 billion to fighting hunger in the u.s. as we work together, we can stamp hunger out. >> and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you. tavis: the power of music to inspire and he'll, called the queen of christian pop, her albums have sold 30 million copies worldwide and counting.
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that when she was going through a difficult time, dealing with elderly parents, she has just released her first studio album in a decade. i love this title. "how mercy looks from here." here is a clip from the making of the album with help from sheryl crow and carol kane. -- carol king. several artists were invited to a benefit in los angeles, singing carol king songs with carol king. i said, i have been working on this project and i have the perfect song. she said, i'm in.
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♪ l have cheryl and caro both sat in that chair and i am glad to have you here now. how cool is that hanging out with your sister friends and studio? tudio?s >> it is great to have that many experiences. tavis: quite an experience, one that i hope to not have to redo. i have said three times but i will say again, i love the record and i love this title. how did you come up with that? >> you kind of have your game face on, and they feel like they
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know me. they will come up and say i have this, but this is the story of their lives. this is a story of their components. that is something. tavis: it has always been this way, ever since i was a fan. the lyrical content, the style, was that the intent?
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>> i saw beyonce two nights ago. what a gift she has. i was mesmerized, but that is her gift. trieds unique and i just to figure out the best way to do it. i was just reading the spoke about how important is slow and easy exercises. dealing exercise when you grow capillaries. you said that the music is healing and i thought, this is slow and easy. tavis: i would have loved to see that concert. did you get up and do that? i would love to see amy grant do that. it would be something to see. at the top of this conversation, i used a phrase that i have never personally used before because so many other people have referred to you as the
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queen of christian pop. we love labels. do you wear that or do not like that garment? airplane and i strike up a conversation with a person next to me, i say i am a songwriter, would you do? -- what do you do? there was a time i was filling arenas and amphitheaters and it was a lot of work. i think because it was one of the first contemporary christian artists, i just call led faith music. fate filters through all that, how it color is your opinion of other people. opinion of other people. there is a verse in the bible
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that ss don't think of yourself more highly than other people. even if you don't say that in a song, i can hear my great- grandmother and it is generational. i just sort of go, hmm. much: because there is so distance in the rearview mirror, i wonder what your reflections are about this period of your life. we were talking before you walked out and there were three of us in this conversation that all happened to be african- american. the saints got upset with amy? transitioning the from christian to secular. i hear your point calling it
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faced music and the lyrical content has never changed, but you look back, how do you process from this distance, what that face was like for you? i honestly -- i understand that everybody has an opinion. i am just doing what occurs to me.
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what do you think about that shade. i don't understand that line of thinking because it is just the same head and heart.
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a few years ago, i met katy. , i listened to you growing up. there was so much good music and i am sorry you missed it. tavis: i mentioned you have been absent for a bit.
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how does any grant navigate that decade? -- are not out front >> more important things would come up, i would record a few songs here or a few songs there. i know what is like to be
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married. i don't want to do that again. by --not caught a train potty-train my children. the owman helps raise money -- the woman that helps raise my kids did that. this is my last chance for this, for life, and that is what you write about. theirhave three kids in 20's, three kids in their teens. gonewould love me to be full time so they can be on their own. it has been quite a journey.
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tavis: i know the others, the dark side or the night side. what is the beautiful side? i have three sisters. those relationships. my children, my mom was staying with us for a while. my daughter sarah would skirt the edge of the room, the hallway.
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people, all through the night. it's sarah. she is watching her cousins, her mom, her aunt care for her grandmother. little by little, she is less afraid. me clean . -- clean you up. you have to be in the mass of it. tavis: after this title, we know that grace and mercy are unmerited favors. there is nothing we can do to rein it down on us.
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say how it looks from mercy or mercies are you most thankful for? >> oh. the gift of every day. let me tell you something, i have only told a handful of people. to walk, three days ago, so i walked out the back to walk up and down the street. i said, i wonder what adventure today holds. us,ister is staying with they have lived in my parents' house. can i walk with you? i said, yes. she said, i have a confession to make. i got an idea about a year ago
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that i finally have an answer to. ae said want to show you letter. she had written a letter to the chancellor of the university that i dropped out of after working for four years. i stopped 19 hours short. i asked about what it would cost to get you to graduate. i haveis talking to me, several kids in college right now. all of my sisters graduated. i feel this surge of the motion. my sister had no way of knowing that the only promise my dad me youked of me, promise will finish. he paid for four years of
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college. i am 52. i am not sure when i will go back, but at least the doors open. to me, that was merciful. he is in the car with them. i made that manner promise. -- man a promise. my sisteract that loves me and i knowingly helping me fulfill a promise to my dad, i'm in awe. when i get a project like this that comes across my desk, i take a seat the and i look at the front, i looked at the back, i open it up and read the liner notes. i want to read the lyrics. the first thing that grabs me are titles. your top and bottom are
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fascinating. if i could see what the angels see, and threaten me with heaven. threaten me with heaven. >> there is a story behind that. my older kids grandfather was toward the end of his life. .e was with his daughter how they were in the waiting room at a doctor's office. ?re you going to be ok baby, what is the worst thing they can do, threaten me with have them? -- heaven? it's so hi, i love it.
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a fun song. tavis: this is the first full- scale project in a decade. being back onel the road. >> it feels fantastic. so pleasant being in my 50's. what is that note again?
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tavis: 2 were three times, you have referenced, if not with specificity, made note of your advancing age. you still look amazing, number one. but you're 52 now. he said a moment ago that you are enjoying being in your 50's. >> every time i can't find my car keys, i think, oh, god. [laughter] i think what i mostly realize is just that life is unpredictable.
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enjoy the day you were at and make the most of it. people are going to come into life that you need. is part of the journey. it is a great way to live life. and we will make it. we went down the
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bloomington to go to the university. the new product from amy grant is called, "how mercy looks from here." i will ask her in the two minutes to decide what she wants to play. as she tunes up here, the new project is called "al mercy looks from here." that is our show for tonight, and as always, keep the faith. ♪
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♪ i sleep with a great guitar player, but i'm not one.
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♪ ♪
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[applause] you. >> for more information on today's show, visit tavis smiley at tavis: hi, i'm tavis smiley. join me next time for a conversation with oscar nominee james cromwell about his new movie "steel mind." we will see you then. >> there is a saying that dr. king had. he said, there is always the right time to do the right thing. i just try to live my life every day by doing the right thing. we know that we are only about
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halfway to completely eliminate hunger and we have a lot of work to do. walmart committed $2 billion to fighting hunger in the u.s. as we work together, we can stamp hunger out. >> and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like you. thank you.
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the following program contains language and subject matter that are adult in nature. viewer discretion is advised. ♪ "imagemakers" is made possible from a grant, celebrating the power of the


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