tv Tavis Smiley PBS August 28, 2014 12:00am-12:31am PDT
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good evening from los angeles. i'm tavis smiley. first a conversation with ed o'neill who stars in the abc series "modern family." his role is a major reason why the series is among the top rated shows on the air. "modern family" begins its sixth season this fall. we'll turn to a conversation with grammy and tony winner singer jennifer holliday. she's been absent from the recording studio too long. she released her first cd in 23 years titled "the song is you." she'll close the show tonight with a performance called "the one you used to be." we are glad you joined us. those conversations and a performance from jennifer holliday coming up right now.
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in fact, the sit-com won two best comedy honors for the last two years in a row. a major contributor, bam, three-time emmy nominee ed o'neill who is the patriarch of the family. we'll start with a scene from the season finale. >> hey, how you holding up? >> i have had better days. >> you and me, we're cool? >> we have some things we should talk about but maybe a less stressful day. >> this is not your fault. the fire was an act of god. not that god sent fire to keep you guys from getting married. there is no way any of this is part of god's plan. >> save something for the toast, dad. >> still having fun? >> i am, yeah. i have a lot of fun on the show. >> you are the man. "married with children" 11 seasons. >> 11. >> five on "modern family." >> finished five. >> good lord. that's an actor's dream to get one series. you're on two longstanding
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series. >> very lucky. >> yeah. >> very lucky. i kind of saw this one coming, i have the to say. the first one, everybody told me not to do it. they said this show -- "married with children," don't do it. no one heard of fox. it was a fledgling -- you know. i had a couple of tentative things going somewhere else. they said, don't do this. this horrible character, this horrible family. it's funny though. christmas was coming. i said, we'll do six is. they'll cancel us. nobody gets hurt. >> 11 years later. >> this show, when i read it, i told them i wasn't going to do it. i met with them. one of the crazy meetings. i said, i'm not doing a half hour. i have done a half hour. meet with them. why do we do this ? i'm not going to do it.
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i guess that's why they do it. i met them. i liked them. i said, i'll watch it. i'm not doing a half hour. they sent me the script. i read it and i thought, oh, damn, this is a hit show. >> what did you see on paper then that let you know it was going to be a hit show, particularly with things that are ahead of some americans, even today? >> yeah. you know, i noticed right away that the show had potential for what we call legs. because the three separate families. you can go to one, the other, the other. it's not one family in one room. it gets boring. i knew it had a construction that i liked. the way it was written was clever. the writing is topnotch. >> writers often times don't get the love and shout out they deserve. you were good at acknowledging the writers on "modern family."
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i read a quote from you when you make the point that five years in the writers did a brilliant job, paraphrasing you, balancing comedy with emotion. >> right. >> what do you mean by that? >> i didn't make this up. when i worked with david milch on a couple of shows. >> he's a great writer. >> great writer. >> david useded to say if you want the drama to work, it has to be set up properly. you have to earn it. our show is 22 minutes without commercials. to earn it in that brief period of time takes great writers. otherwise it's melodramatic. i think they have done a wonderful job with that. for the most part it's earneded. >> yeah. what do you make of the fact -- i want to go back to the good fortune you have had to be in two long-running series. both are family units. >> yeah.
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>> dis functional though they may be. whose isn't? your claim to fame is being part of two long-running series, both about families. what do you make of that? >> i don't know what to make of it. the funny thing is when they hired me in this one, in "modern family," i'm not sure that they knew quite what to do with me. as it was written the guy i'm playing now is a very successful businessman. i think they were thinking al bundy, shoe salesman. the pilot i was selling mufflers or something, they never said. it was a guy that works down on wilton, in the area that a self-made guy, in other words. maybe opened a couple of stores and now he's got six. they said, no, he can do the other thing, you know?
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my job is to let everything roll around me. i'm more or less reacting. in the first one i was driving. it's two different styles of acting. i prefer to underplay scenes rather than, you know, be big and drive them. sometimes you have to do that. but i like the more natural style. >> what do you think it says about the nation, that is to say the millions who watch you guys every week, that the country has embraced a show like "modern family"? >> it's remarkable. i remember when the presidential election was happening and obama and romney. i read -- and this has been widely publicized that michelle obama and her girls would watch it in the white house. and that mrs. romney, it was their favorite show. >> the only thing they had in
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common, huh? >> the only thing. >> they both watched "modern famil family". >> probably the only thing they had in common. it's probably because of the conservativeness of actually the gay couple which is the most conservative of the three families. then my character is more, probably business guy, who knows? conservative. we never say. i don't know. but it seems to appeal to a large spectrum of the country. >> because you have been through this once before quite successfully, 11 seasons on "married with children," and because you put your finger on the pulse that it was going to be a hit when you finally agreed to do it, what's your crystal ball tell you about how long a show like this can run successfully? >> if i was going to guess sitting here now i would say eight. so we are going into six. it makes sense to go eight.
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with an outside possibility of a ninth year depending on what i they need. they meaning fox and abc. fine with me. >> yeah. >> let's assume it goes eight, nine seasons. when you have had two. and you hit go here. two successful series. >> yes. >> between the two of us. you may never have to work again, i suspect. like most athletes. and you were drafted. you could have played for the pittsburgh steelers. >> that was so long ago. >> could have played for the steelers. unless you're like most athletes when you get done, i assume you won't ever have to work again in life. do you still love what you're doing enough to want to do it? >> you know, i go back and forth. i have a place in hawaii. when i get over there i think, oh, i could hang out here longer than three weeks, you know.
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but then i do like to do the work. it depends on what the work is. >> right. >> i always say -- i just started saying this recently. i don't know why. i say i'm the best actor in america who's never done a movie. i have done a couple of movies. i have never done a big time movie. because, you know, i got into it -- i'm not complaining really. a little bit i am. but i got into television and i'm a television guy. i have never had a movie career. >> yeah. >> does it even interest you at this point? obviously the part would have to be right. >> yeah. if it was the right part of course i would like to do it. it's tricky to break in from a place they don't know you from. >> at the risk of touching a sensitive spot and if i am, you slap me. >> i won't slap you. >> i was dumbfounded when -- as many times as you were on the program it never occurred to me
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that you have been emmy-nominated multiple times. you have been on shows that the shows won tons of emmys that they can't do it without you. you know write'm going with this. >> yeah. >> it obviously doesn't mean anything because you're doing the work. i don't want to say it. >> they're hard to win, you know? i tell young actors that come on. i had one actor, not to veer off too far, say what can i do to win one of these? i said, don't worry about it. >> exactly. >> then you start guessing what people want to see and it's the wrong way to approach it. i have never had a publicist. it's almost like -- >> there's the answer. >> "raging bull," he thinks he'll be champ without it. >> exactly. >> i don't know.
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i think about it sometimes. you think, this is odd. it's not what -- i don't go to bed at night thinking of that or wake up in the morning -- it doesn't concern me that much. >> "modern family" just wrapped its fifth season. we'll see how long they can keep it going. i think they will be around a few more seasons. ed o'neill is part of the brilliant ensemble cast. good to see you, my friend. >> grammy and tony winner jennifer holliday's voice has been called soaring and commanding. to be sure it is. it's been absent from the recording studio for far too long. that's changed with the release of her first solo cd in 23 years titled "the song is you." she'll close the show tonight with a performance of "the one you used to be."
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you do not want to miss this. i saw rehearsals and can't wait to hear it. i'm honored to have you on the program. >> thank you so much. >> you look great. >> thank you. >> i mean, this is such a huge issue in our society. we'll hit it and move fast. such a huge issue with people trying to manage weight. you're one of the persons who took the weight off and kept it off. it's been years now. >> since 1990. >> has it been a struggle? are you used to the way you li your life now? >> well, you know, everything is our mind. i have to change my mindset toward food. i love food for nourishment. i don't take home doggy bags, feel pressure to finish the plate. it's all mental for me. >> to my ear, and obviously i'm a huge fan for years. seeing you perform all across the country. to my mind i didn't notice any difference in your sound before and after. the instrument has always been there. but that's just my ear. you're the artist.
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anything different about your sound? >> well, yes. it did change quite a bit as a lot of entertainers will tell you. it's all mental. i couldn't fathom putting on 200 pounds again. so when i lost the weight, my voice was a lot thinner. so i began to work out. during my aerobics i would sing. i think now my voice is higher, stronger. but i had to work at it to sound like myself, to get it back. you know how people are. she don't sound the same. she looks good, but she don't sound the same, okay? she needs to eat some chicken, all right? >> not hitting the notes like she used to. yeah, yeah. what did the "american idol" appearance do for you? there is a whole new generation of young people who got to know you when you showed up on "american idol." >> yes.
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it made me relevant again. they were talking about the attendance in terms of watching. 14 million is 13 million 99 more than i had before. i was grateful. so many young people, people all over the world saw that performance with little jessica sanchez. and brought me back to this place where i could sing, now where i can perform live and have are some courage to step out there until i'm late. but i'm happy and late. in a better space. i hope god, as he would be in his grace would let me do this now another 15 years. >> for me it doesn't seem like 23 years. i find myself listening to your stuff all the time. >> thank you. >> that album "i'm on your side," i have listened to it so many times i could run the sequence of the songs onnen the record. >> thank you. >> i hear it all the time.
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you're always present in my ipod. >> thank you. >> yet it has been 23 years which leads me to ask what took so long for a solo proare project? >> well, life for me ain't been no crystal stairs. >> i love that line. >> when you first started your show i suffered greatly with depression. you had me on with dr. alvin and we talked about it. depression, plus i$kvns had mul sclerosis. that had its terrible effects of not feeling well. but greater than the m.s. is the mind. if you don't have a will to get the mind together i don't see how you can win. when i got diagnosed with m.s. and they said -- i asked, why aren't i able to walk. they said, your brain isn't sending a signal to your legs. i said, well i already have a brain disease. i have depression. one of them's got to go. >> mm-hmm.
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>> so i started really focusing on the mind, trying to get clarity. you know, trying to get ahold of my depression and not fight to be in the darkness and crippled. i can't be depressed and crippled. we've got to do something. >> yeah. >> so i have really fought mentally. it just took time. then music changed, you know. r & b no longer defined. we don't even own r & b no more. justin timberlake and robin thicke representing r & b now. it's another life now. i had to see if there was a time and actually that "american idol" performance, i'm glad you mentioned it. it gave me courage to say, well, maybe i should sing something again. >> the real charge for an artist lick you is not just that r & b was challenged during this
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period and may still be on some level but melody went out the window. >> yes. >> if you want something without melody you don't want jennifer holliday. >> right. >> let me go back to the issues you were struggling with before i make room for you to perform. i would rather hear that. >> okay. >> how did it challenge your fate? i have known you as a person of faith. you come out of the black church tradition like many other artists. how did the afflictions challenge your faith? >> well, i don't want to be disingenuous and say i had so much faith and i believed god would see me through. i actually didn't believe god would see me through. i asked him quite a few times what was going on. especially with the diagnosis of m.s. i said, i'm already struggling. i'm poor. i don't have music. during my dark time it was where god would say, i am the one who
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loves you. i will stay here and prove it to you and bring you out of this. so i fell in love with god in the midst of the illness. not beforehand. then my faith got even more stronger. >> 15 tracks on the project. the song is youment how would you describe this record? >> it is love in a way we haven't heard in a while. in the tradition of our great veterans like nancy wilson, etta james. >> every track on here, you dedicate to a particular artist. >> yes. we all get it from somewhere. just wanted to bring music back. also just because i'm so happy. i thought i would try again, too. i'm going to sing and try the lyrics. come on now. it'll get greater later is what i say. 50 is the new 30. >> if you're going to live, walk
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and not be depressed try it. >> hallelujah. >> we'll try some love tonight. jennifer holliday is in the house to perform for us after i tell you she has a new project out. while i understand what the delay was about it's about time. i couldn't be happier. i have been playing it like crazy in my car. jennifer holliday, "the song is you." for those of you that recall dream girls on broadway back in the day, she's still got it. if you were introduced to her on "american idol" she's got it. what are you singing? >> "theyou used to be," a song i wrote. >> she's going to sing it and she wrote it. she's trying everything, love, writing songs, singing songs. jennifer holliday, i'm honored to have you on the program. i'm honed to have you back system thank you. >> jennifer performing "the one
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you used to be." good night, thanks for watching. enjoy this. as always, keep the faith. ♪ ♪ seems like only yesterday ♪ you'd make me smile and take my breath away ♪ ♪ so in love with you ♪ so deep in love with you ♪ i remember how you took my hand ♪ ♪ promised me that love would always last ♪ ♪ we shared so many dreams together ♪ ♪ but we can make it through any kind of weather ♪
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did our love go ♪ ♪ do we even know, baby ♪ i thought we'd be together for life ♪ ♪ always walking side by side ♪ wish i could find the words to tell you ♪ ♪ how much i miss you, baby ♪ let's give our love another try ♪ ♪ don't take away my memories ♪ just let me hold on, baby ♪ to the one you used to be ♪ don't take away my memories ♪ let me hold on, baby ♪ i need to believe you will
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♪ i need to believe you are still in love with me ♪ ♪ oh ♪ i need to believe you once loved me ♪ [ applause ] >> for more information on today's show, visit tavis smiley at i'm tavis smiley. join me next time for a conversation with joan rivers about her book "diary of a mad diva." that's next time. we'll see you then.
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it's the first day. we have our first two interviews. do you feel that is one of the most important things...feeling good about yourself? at the end of the day it doesn't really matter if anybody else believes in you or doesn't. the most important thing is you feel comfortable with who you are. i was determined that volcom was gonna be the greatest thing ever, so even if we didn't know how to make clothes... we didn't know what we were doing, but we were doing it. (female announcer) state farm has made it possible for this documentary series to be shared on public television stations across the country. roadtrip nation would like to sincerely thank our friends at state farm for helping a nation of young people define their own roads in life. like a good neighbor, state farm is there. (female announcer) roadtrip nation would also like the thank the college board for supporting this series. the college board:
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