tv Mc Laughlin Group PBS January 3, 2015 12:30pm-1:01pm PST
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from washington the mclaughlin group. the american original. for over three decades the sharpest minds, best sources, hardest talk. it's the 33rd annual mclaughlin group year-end awards 2014 part ii. here's the master of ceremonies john mclaughlin. destined for political stardom in 2015. pat? >> elizabeth warren. eleanor has a leader and hillary has a problem. [ laughter ] >> eleanor? >> vivid murphy the newly
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confirmed surgeon general, founder of doctors for america who is a brilliant leader and entrepreneurial in global health issues. we're going to hear from him next year. >> is elizabeth warren your leader? >> i think she's bringing a very important message to the country that i think hillary is hearing it too. >> tom? >> susannah martinez. >> did you hear her answer? >> i did. >> the perfect political answer, right? mark? >> jeb bush. i'm still a great believer in what his political future is. >> the envelope, please. here it is. >> there you go. >> lucky. johnny carson style. a great american. passed away. destined for political stardom in 2015. british prime minister david cameron. this year he barely held the
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united kingdom together and had trouble keeping his governing coalition intact. next year cameron will redefine his country's relationship with the european union. that will counter the growing threat from the u.k. independence party while keeping britain in the eu. a tight rope act that cameron will pull off. do you care to comment? >> yeah, i don't think that he'll pull it off. >> you don't? >> no. does anyone think that he'll pull it off? >> i don't think so. he has a slight chance. >> i'm a fan of david cameron, but he's not a magician. >> that means a no. >> no? >> the answer is no. destined for political oblivion, pat? >> venezuela's nicolas maduro, john. >> eleanor? >> red state democrats. they all got wiped in and out november. >> tom? >> i like pat, but mcclegg the third biggest leader in the u.k. he's going to struggle next
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year. >> clegg? >> mcclegg. >> c-l-e-g-g? >> correct. >> mark? >> well i think nancy pelosi has seen her best days and i think she's going to decline steadily over the next four years. >> destined for political oblivion, harry reid former senate majority leader now in the minority after the year of the back bencher under the majority takes all rules, takes all, rules he created for the senate. reid a former was about to hawk his gloves and -- hang up his gloves and not run for reelection. best political theater. >> jonie ernst saying as a little girl they ought to send her to congress and she did. she's a united states senator. >> eleanor? >> bridge gate still swirling around governor christie and governor christie is always entertaining. shut up and sit down. when he doesn't agree with you. >> bob? >> gruber. >> mark? >> nancy pelosi.
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>> best political critic, kentucky democratic candidate allison lundergen-grimes refuses to say whether she or whether or not that she had voted for president obama during her run to unset the republican incumbent mitch mcconnell. she was trying to position herself as independent from obama. she invoked the sanctity of the privacy of voting. great political theater. >> okay worse political theater. >> i think it is president horan getting on the motor scooter with a crashed helmet going to visit his mistress and being photographed. he has indicated that it added about 10% approval. >> eleanor? >> president obama wearing his tanned summer suit stopping in the briefing room to answer questions and admitting that he had no strategy for isis. >> tom? >> too many people who were using the ferguson situation,
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which is a level for tragedy for their own gain. >> mark? >> well, i still think that it is the way the whole senate democrat reports on the cia and what they did during the interrogation of captured prisoners. so i think that is still going to be in my judgment a real issue going forward and something that is totally out of the interest of the united states. >> the political theater is president obama's prime time announcement of the unilateral amnesty for the illegal immigrants. it was political that no major television network carried the address. due to cbs, abc nor nbc. president obama was deprived of a huge prime time audience. okay most underreported story of 2014, pat? >> john, we have all seen the beheadings on television, but what is underreported is the hundreds of thousands, if not millions of christians in syria and iraq and across the middest east that are facing
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persecution, and something approaching genocide. >> eleanor? >> the republican-lead house committee that declared the administration did not commit any mal seasons. under reported in the washington post, it was on page a14. >> tom? >> many thousands killed in the central afghan republic. no one has heard about it or care except for the french to that credit. >> mark? >> i think the u.s. energy boom has been underreported. we've had a huge breakthrough in the technology of fracking. it has changed the whole world. it's changed our dependents on foreign oil, our alliances in terms of their value to us. it's weakened to the soviet union, russia to an extraordinary degree. i don't think we have an idea of how critical that is. >> you're right. something that i said last week. >> well, i try. >> that's right. >> that's right. and feel free to use it any time that you want. >> i would have given you
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credit, but i didn't have time. [ laughter ] >> most underreported story was the importance of manufacturing to the u.s. economy. and it accounts for one-third of our gross domestic partner. the manufacturing sector is a driver for other parts of the economy. this year a sharp upturn in manufacturing index to help generate the dramatic upturn in jobs at the years end. where is the reporting on it? that's what i would like to know. would you like to know? >> it has contracted dramatically over the last 40 years that i don't want to get in to it, let's move on. >> remind me to put it alone. >> okay. the most overreported story, pat? >> the post-ferguson protest of people lining down on the streets going in to the apple store in new york, block bridges, all the rest of it. the cameras are what is bringing up the crowds. >> eleanor? >> the missing malaysian jet. the tragedy for sure and cnn was so obsessed -- upset of covering it that the network became the butting jokes.
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>> tom? >> the ice bucket challenge. noble cause, but became so divorce from charity and became a populous selfie thing in the end, which was boring. >> what is this? >> the ice bucket challenge. a good cause, but people wanted to show off with it. [ laughter ] >> well, i think climate change is one of the most overreported stories that we've had. i don't really think that it is that predictable of an issue anyhow and there are so many changes that are going on now in terms of what produces the higher temperatures. so i think that is an overreported story. >> good for you. the most overreported story, the republican party's demographic demise. the coalition of single women, hispanics, afghan americans that were suppose to prevent the republican from becoming president ever again. but this fall the gender gap disappeared. the republicans, they drew as much as 37% of hispanic support. and in some races and men
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especially working class white men, the democratic constituency overwhelmingly voted republican. the time has come, pat. you went a little early. okay the biggest government waste. >> the $25 billion we spent building the iraqi army, which ran away as soon as isis attacked. >> the taxpayer funded suit to sue president obama for making changes in obamacare. >> tom? >> the fact that we have fantastic special forces who in limited numbers could provide a key fight against isis and we're not using them. >> do you hear pat's prediction? >> i did. >> what did you think of it? >> i love all pat's predictions. >> you didn't listen to pat's prediction. >> what prediction are you talking about? >> the statement or whatever it is. >> you think that the iraqi army spent $25 billion? >> we have talked about them many times on the show. >> well, they are reconstituting the iraqi army, i agree with him that it is improving now, it's not all of a loss. >> do you hear that?
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>> mark? >> i think ethanol subsidies are one of the biggest wastes that we have in our whole agenda of activities. >> you've never run in iowa. [ laughter ] >> it's a statement of mine. biggest government waste is a loophole in the earned income tax yes. the so-called refundable credit that allows you to get money, even if you do not pay any income taxes. allowing illegal immigrants to receive it. so people in the country illegally receive, get this $4.2 billion a year in the payments. the biggest government waste. okay best government dollars spent, pat? >> orion. the new american spaceship, which at the end of the year made a spectacular orbits of the earth and it went through the b. it was a total success. we're back, john. >> i never thought you would predict that. >> i didn't predict it, i just said it. best dollars spent. >> since when did you support
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orion? >> i was always in the space program. >> i agree with pat on orion, but i must sate earned income tax credit is one of the best programs that was started by president reagan, republicans, democrats alike supported it. it's not a waste of money. the best government dollars spent is the money to fight ebola in west africa, and it was enhanced in the laying duck session, voted by republicans and democrats. >> tom? >> at the joint direct attack ammunitions dropped on top of isis, which saved many lives. >> mark? >> well, i was going to say the money we spent on the ebola vaccine as well. >> you can say it. >> i think it's a fantastic important thing. i have a fallback position just in case that i knew that happened. we save these until after the show. >> no, it is really important. >> the partial funding of israeli's iron dome, which helped that country save itself. it taught us in what we could do in terms of being able to intercept missiles flying in
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from a hostile country. >> true. >> best government dollars spent the $10 billion that the federal government spends billions to protect cyber attacks. last year there were 228,700 cyber incidents involving government computer systems. $10 billion in prevention is worth $1 trillion in cure. okay boldest political tactic. >> putin loses ukraine and then goes in and seizes crimea. and also isis. i hate to say it, seized most of the iraqi army, astonishing success. >> eleanor? >> boldest tactic president obama's executive order on immigration, which will allow up to five million people, work permits, these are five million people who live and work among us and have been here for some time in the political group repercussions of this that are not good for the republicans. >> tom? >> hillary clinton claiming that the reset with russia under her watch was a success. >> mark? >> and it is the worse
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political tactic that has been the way they have been relating to the soviet union, now russia, okay? there are all kinds of things. this guy, who is running russia that he could create the havoc for the united states because he has no fear of what the united states will do. >> and here is the boldest political tactics. president obama's unilateral executive actions. such as the amnesty and broad epa regulations concerning the carbon emissions that the president of harvard university objects to as, "an attempt to seize law making power that belongs to congress." mr. obama is testing the presidency constitutional limits. a bold experiment in seeing how far america will grow in seating power to one ruler. you hear that, pat? >> yeah. >> what are you going to call them isn't the worse political scandal. >> it is clearly bill cosby. it's not political, but terrible and a tragedy. >> i hoped you listened to his wife's defense of him. >> i heard.
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>> the worse scandal i've got to give it to the scandal at the va, which cost general ericshinseki his job. but the new head of the va bob mcdonald i believe? yes, that's right former ceo of proctor and gamble is doing a great job cleaning up the agency. i looked down to read it because there is another bob mcdonald the governor of virginia and every thought oh my goodness i have -- and i thought oh my goodness. >> bob mcdonald. >> okay. >> tom? >> senate democrat selling the cia down the river because the political winds changed. >> the irs harassment of a lot of political groups in this country i think is a scandal. >> have they ever harassed you? >> not yet. harassed or harassed? >> it all depends on how it comes out of this show. >> the worse political scandal was the veterans administration scandal of falsifying wait list at the va hospital while
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veterans died waiting for medical care. okay best idea of 2014. pat? >> fracking. it helped to break owe -- opec. >> body cameras for cops. >> president obama's decision to retain in to 2015. >> mark? >> early on the ipo. >> the chinese. >> unbelievable company. >> the best idea was new jersey governor's chris christie to oppose that mandatory quarantine for those with symptoms of ebola. the mannedtorian quarantine was controversial and criticized by president obama. among the university poll showing 67% of the new jersey voters approved and 19% disapproved of christie's quarantine. okay worse idea. >> the war on cops. it's been developing ever since ferguson and staten island. >> worse idea making a movie about the killing of a living head of state, which is what sony did.
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and inviting a hack attack that has embarrassed top executives and really exposed the company to embarrassment and ridicule and lawsuits. >> bob? >> a worse idea is president obama's decision to produce the immigration reform executive ruling because it has destroyed political compromise. >> mark? >> the worse idea was pray maturely removing iraq from that part of the world. the worse idea was president obama's decision to turn over the control of i can internet committee for assigning names and numbers to the international authority that includes russia and china. okay sorry to see you go. pat? >> the funniest man of the 1950s. >> eleanor? >> robin williams, the funniest man of the 2000s. >> congressman mike rogers, an honorable man. >> mike mcnichols.
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the funniest man of all the people mentioned. >> yes. you know. the predictions. our predictions, salutes. sorry to see you go eric shinseki with the ill fortunes to head up the veterans administration when this year's scandal about the waiting lists broke. shinseki was an honorable man on top of the bureaucracy of dis'emablers. >> 15 minutes of fame. >> rg3 the redskins quarterback, the city is having a hard time on that one. >> eleanor? >> the nurse who stood up to governor christie and governor cuomo and went out and rode her bikes saying she wasn't showing symptoms and she wasn't going to cave to their ridiculous quarantine. >> all right tom? >> former secret service director who was brought in to shake up the agency, but had to leave when an intruder managed to get inside the white house.
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>> mark? >> the owner of the, the new owner of the new republic magazine chris hughes. >> he's changed the magazine. >> yes, he has. >> he's turned it upside down. >> is it going to work? >> i would never comment negatively about anybody else's efforts in the magazine. >> yes, i know. and he would like it to last at least another two years. >> 15 minutes of fame wendy davis the texas legislature who has run for the governor collapsed when discovered by the dallas morning news that her biography was wildly inflated. you've got to be careful of that stuff as we told you about that. only last year she was known as a rising star in the democratic party. okay best men of the year. >> hands up don't shoot, it never happened, john. that way in the streets of ferguson. >> eleanor? >> speaker boehner on why he can't bring a vote on immigration in the house. his members come to him and say oh it is just too hard, don't make me do it. >> mimicly elected?
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>> yeah that was the mimicry, but i think that people get the point. >> the mimicry is better than the real thing. >> tom? >> president obama's narrative to the republicans are responsible for the lack of progress in bipartisan government. >> i love this guy john gruber when he falsified his assessments. "i just wanted to make myself sound smarter." i love that. to validate a major piece of legislation. >> and he complicated the legislation. he was the one that could explain it. >> right. >> now that they found out what he has done has undermined a lot. >> you cannot predict the amount of money that he has made. >> he made almost hundreds of thousands, $6 million. >> on the healthcare. >> connected to things. yeah. >> oh. >> and they knew what was going on. they needed to ask it. >> the whole thing is a ridiculous story. >> does it fall back on to obama? >> no, it rolls back on
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obamacare. >> the romney care. this is bipartisan. >> okay. the best spin of the year. president obama's spin at the recent beijing summit that china has agreed to cut its carbon emission. the spin worked. the press gave him a pulling headline. the facts are that china did not agree to cut carbon emissions at all. he agreed to consider cutting carbon emissions, possibly by 2030. 15 years from now. but no commitment whatsoever for the immediate future. best spin of the year. okay the most overrated, pat? >> hillary rodham clinton and her memoir and performance. >> that was last year. next year will be different. russian president vladimir putin who has basically destroyed the russian economy. and he is on the world stage. >> did you find her remark to you insulting? >> no.
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>> she said that. >> no, in 2014 maybe, but not 2015. >> okay. >> okay. >> pat and i know what we're doing. [ laughter ] >> tom? >> i don't think putin is in as much trouble as he should be because of the psychology, but i think the real issue here is thomas, the french economist who i think is overrated. >> i was going to refer to the great leader of russia whom i don't think is underrated, and i don't think that he is overrated. he's done an amazing job with very little other than fear to help him manage his way through a very weak soviet, russian economy. >> most overrated the democratic liberal coalition of young people. single white women, african americans, and hispanics. this liberal coalition at the agents of 2010 showed signs of distress in 2012 and collapsed completely in 2014. women have defected in droves working class whites have left
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the party, and young people and hispanics are drawing away. okay the most underrated. pat? >> the president of syria. obama said it a couple of years ago he's got to go. everybody says he's got to go, the guy is still there. whatever you say about him and he may be a very bad man, he's one great survivor. >> most underlated is president obama. who will be credited for bringing the economy back from the depths of a recession and the economy is about, it is taking off, i think that it will do very well by 2016. and that coalition that you were talking about, that spraying, it re-elected obama in 2012 and it will be back in 2016. off-year elections are republican territories. the main event, the presidential elections, it is still benefiting the democrats more. >> well, i feel somewhat better after hearing you. >> it does appeal to what they were hearing me. >> well, okay. it's a little better. >> okay. >> he is the leader of the
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iranian revolutionary call, essentially now the leader of iraq because of his power with militias inside iraq. >> very insightful. mark? >> i believe mayor bloomburg of new york was underrated. in part when you compare him to the current mayor of new york who is doing a terrible job in my idea. he looks absolutely underrated in terms of the way that he was reviewed, even though well reviewed when he was mayor. >> he could run for president. >> boy, i'll tell you that he would be terrific. >> he's not too old. the most underrated is the positive impact of america's energy boom on the u.s. economy. manufacturing and jobs. and the u.s. national security. the energy boom unleashed by hydraulic fracking is a global game changer. energy independence means the u.s. no longer has to rely on middle east and oil fields. it is the most underrated
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phenomenon of the year. okay, predictions. >> break up of the euro zone. >> the two candidates who looks like they are going to represent their parties are the establishment candidates jeb bush and hillary clinton. jeb bush is going to run against the basics of his party and hillary clinton has got to embrace the base of her party. they each have two different challenges. >> so jeb is running? >> it sure looks that way. >> tom? >> the new acts of aggression on the part of president putin. >> mark? >> as a prediction, the economy is going to grow. somewhere between 2% to 2.5% over the next several years, that's a very weak recovery. >> if you want to call it a recovery, it's not a decline, but yes. >> and that they could get it, lately on the job market which is terrible. >> but it similar proving. and it will be that america will regain their economic footing next year. thanks for the energy boom. unleashed by the record oil productions on hydraulic
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fracking. steady growth that will restore america's confidence. they have spent the past five years predicting the inevitable ability of their decline. okay, new year's resolutions. pat? >> take a vacation, which i didn't do this year, john and finish my nixon book. >> where are you going to go? >> to the eastern shore. >> treat the 24 republicans considering running for the president, respectfully even though i think most of them belong on the clown car, it takes a lot of courage to enter the arena of politics. you've got to stand up and have the courage to fail in front of a lot of people, soily treat them all respectfully. >> tom? >> retain my british accent so i could continue to do tv appearances at the same time build my writing portfolio on domestically. >> very et fewing. mark? >> i'll take up long distance running again this year. my back has finally healed and i'm going to run three to five
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miles every day. >> central park? >> central park. >> my new year's resolution is to keep the mclaughlin group a spin-free zone where the latest issue talking .s of the day and the line of the day are banished. you'll find honest analysis, divergent views, and independent thinking. happy new year. bye bye.
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next on "kqed newsroom" a look back at 2014. plus, after four decades of public service, george miller reflects on his his career. >> the passage of the affordable care act is key to me. that was a huge milestone. good evening. and welcome to "kqed newsroom." i'm thuy vu. tonight we reflect on the last year. joining me for the discuss are michelle quinn
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