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tv   Mc Laughlin Group  PBS  July 25, 2015 12:30pm-1:01pm PDT

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talk. ♪ from washington, “the mclaughlin group,” the american original -- for over three decades, the sharpest minds, best sources, hardest talk. ♪ john: issue one. obama. president obama will get a warm greeting when he arrives in kenya, a nation of 45 million people. hello in swahili. the presidents scheduled to arrive in nairobi where he will meet the controversial president, uhuru kenyatta. he was recently under charges from the international criminal court for funding political violence in 2007 and 2008. those charges were dropped late
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last year after kenny kenya refused to cooperate with investigators. president kenyatta has drawn international disapproval for his stance against homosexuality which is illegal in kenya. killstill kenya is key american ally against al-shabaab. in recent leers, al-shabaab has killed hundreds of kenyans in attacks on malls universities. but mr. obama's trip isn't ending this kenya. he will travel north to ethiopia, a nation of 96 million. the capital addis ababa is the new home of the secretariat focused on expanding trade and stability. president obama believes the 14-year-old organization can improve many lives. question, what is the reason for president obama's trip to kenya? pat buchanan?
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pat: a number of reasons. his father was from there and going back in effect like jack kennedy going back to ireland and also to support kenya in the battle of al-shabaab that did the horrible massacre in the mall and he wants to stand with the african folks standing with the united states against terror and also up against the chinese in a sense they are moving into africa. ethunderstorm must suchs of -- they have enormous sums of wealth and he is trying to say your future should be with the west and when you slept with the devil meaning the chinese bring a long spoon. john: what is the ref of the policy objective of the trip? eleanor: you look at the two countries ha he is visit and both have booming economies. accompanying the president on air force one, investors and a congressional delegate, and i think the presidents looking on africa as a continent that is going to come into its own. and visiting these two countries
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aside from the obvious roots expedition to kenya, is part of the way the president addresses diplomacy. you don't just talk to your friends, you talk to people who are not hisly on your side and he is doing that here andle get some crisis many for it. and rivalry with china is also a big element. john: the reason principally is trade and trade between africa and the u.s. ams to $73 billion a year. how does that compare to trade between africa and the e.u. or china? i ask you? tom: the united states is trading more with the european unions. the size of the trade at the moment with africa is small based on their size and growing economy. south africa is another examplele. both elwho are and pat mentioning about the china angle and struggling for geopolitical power and an issue in the china element that president obama wants to say china is offering a huge amount of investment but we
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can offer the rule of law in terms of considers. we will do what we say and won't essentially try and screw you because the chinese will. and if you look at the security committed a number of attacks as well as westgate mall aaccompanyingattack and that element he wants to prevail. john: trade promotion is the principal objective of obama's visit. would you support that? mort: another dimension which means understandable. his father was from kenya and sort of reengaging with the origins of his family life. john: he didn't spend any time with them. >> you are there in the country and you get a feel for it and he get a feel for you. seems that is perfectly normal and natural. eleanor: he did visit his homeland once before as a younger man and this is his fourth trip to the continent as rhode island.
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president. one was for mandela's funeral. he is sort of making up for lost time and in the laugh 18 months of the presidency he -- last 18 months he is not going to be worried about people in america making fun of him for actually supposedly having been born in kenya. that is all in the past and it is silly. >> $73 billion in trade is peanuts as far as united states of america is concerned. but heavens we have more than a $300 billion trade deficit with china alone. john: what is your figure? >> $73 billion. john: $140 billion a year. african chinese trade was $200 billion a year. that may change substantially. >> the united states trade with the european union. >> presidents looking to the longer term. eleanor: looking for the big project. john: the african-u.s. amounts to $73 billion a year. mort: that is what i said.
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john: in ethiopia same sex relationships are subject to prison. should he speak out on gay rights? yes or who? >> if you press the issue he will get a backlash. eleanor: he will speak about human rights and make views known in private as well. >> those beliefs are product of many cases of tribal culture and anything he says is not going to necessarily have strategic effect. >> i agree. this is something he will stay away from. he will find other ways to in a sense suggest a little bit more than actually just really going a after the issue yeah,. john: i think he will stay away interest it. issue two. i'm here to stay. >> he is a war hero because he was captured. i like people that weren't captured okay, i hate to tell you. he is a war hero because he was captured. okay? john: donald trump is questioning senator john mccain's war record. senator mccain is a former
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navy pilot who is shot down over hanoi north vietnam in october of 1967. then lieutenant commander mccain was tortured for five and a half years. now, mr. trauma season is catching fire for -- trump is catching fire for his comments. here is senator marco rubio. >> it is offense eastbound and ridiculous and i do think it is a disqualifier as commander this chief. john: g.o.p. presidential hopeful rick prosecutorry called trumps comments "a toxic mix of demagoguery and nonsense". revealing "the cancer of trumpism". trump attacked perry in kind. >> he put glasses on so people will think he is smart. laugh. >> and it just doesn't work. people can see through glasses. john: now mr. trump has established a hotline.
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855-dets-352 for veterans to offer suggestions on reforming the veteran's affairs administration. mr. trump pledged that if elected president he will talk care of veteran complaints "quickly and efficiently like a world class businessman can do what a politician has no clue". was mr. trump m.a.c. australian machiavellian or ill informed when talking about mccain's hero status? if something else, what is it? pat buchanan. pat: i think trump was badly served here. he manufacture said he was not a here -- he never said he was not a hero. he said he got captured. four times he said he was a hero and the press jumped on him and said he has to get you o of the race and other republicans have to get out of the race and a figure in disgrace and defied them and all week long gotten big he crowds than anyone. the country knows what is being done here which is that the
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political establishment is appalled and frightened by trump and they want to drive him out of the race, un. and the vast or not the majority but a big plurality or a large number of americans want to see him in the race and he is doing well. eleanor: about he wants to play with big boys and girls he should be able to answer criticism and to say the press is piling on to him, the press is misinterpreting him is nonsense. he loves every minute. he lobs being in the spot light -- he loves being in the spot light and mccain not only the fact that john just put on the screen but the fact that he was offered early release a null of times and wouldn't jump the line on fellow p.o.w.s, ha to me makes him a hero. and there are problems with the v.a. yes. john mccain and lindsey graham is it their fault? no. >> he called these guys a bunch of crazies. eleanor: look at the veteran
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groups who they are defending and they are not defending donald trump. tom: mccain was brutally tortured. if it there is a notion of anything patriotism is the thousand oaks you spent fivemotion youspend five and a half years getting tortured. that was a disgrace. it was pathetic. john: mccain was put into solitary confinement for two years. he was tortured. they used rope bidings to put him into prolonged painful poss and severely beat him every two hours all while suffering from dysentery. his ribs were cracked and teeth were broken at the gum line and his left arm was refractured lying in his own weight. his spirit is broken -- his own waste. >> no one denies he served his country honorably and well and went through hell as did the other p.o.w.s. trump did not say he was not a hero. and secondly, why are people
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using this incident to keep pounding him and pounding him and pounding him but that to tribedrive him out of the race. eleanor: what he said was loathsome. and his campaign is attracting people because there are a lot of people who want to give the middle finger to the entire political establishment. i think you are probably one of them. >> the political establishment should they be doing this trying to drive a guy out of the race? >> for what he said? do you think this is a way to distinguish yourself if you are the president? he deserves the criticism he gets. he earned every bit of it. >> should he be driven out of the race? >> nobody is talking about driving him out of the race. >> the public will drive him out. >> the public will and should. >> he drives up ratings. nobody is trying to get him out of the race. he will get himself out of the race. >> why do you think. john: excuse me. i want to add something to john mccain in prison. first of all the statue of
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mccain erected and you can see the lawcourt lake or the water where the plane plummeted and when you goethe the available viewing area -- when you go into the available viewing area they charge admission tore that i mean that i guess it is a money maker for people, you see the horror that is just incredible on that description of the concrete. it is kind of quasisteps and strapped to the old concrete and all kinds of things bulging out of it and there is another prisoner in there in a cell and he doesn't get much notice but they did talk back and forth. he this was there day and night without sleeping -- sleeping in his own waste. what horror. >> it was horrible. and he handled it with more courage than anybody could imagine. i just can't even understand how he was able to endure it all. and came out and is still if i may say so a wonderful human
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being and does not deserve to be attacked. >> and donald trump actively sought to keep hipself out of vietnam. >> everybody knows he shouldn't have said that about mccain. he didn't say he isen a hero. what gets me is why are people still trying to drive him out of the race because of what he is saying about the border and trade. >> five years of that -- >> questioning him. >> five years of it. john: king trump. mr. trump is a graduate of the prestigious school of finance. he says he has amassed a "$10 billion" business empire in real estate, airlines, captured see thoughs, hotels -- captured see thoughs hotels and entertainment industry. he has more business experience this cree yeahing jobs than any presidential candidate in the history of this nation. does mr. trump's business
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accompanyingacumen strengthen his presidential -- >> we are talking about the political lack of acu men. i can not forgive somebody who says what he says about a man like john mccain. it jut is outrageous. eleanor: he should be uses using -- >> you called him a clown when he announced before he made the statement about mccain. >> i don't determine what is on the toronto page of front page of the daily news. it is the editor who controls the front page. >> i agree with pat in the sense why he is generating a popular because of immigration. this is why i hope he is in the debay because i hope the other republicans will say you are not a republican because the idea of making mexico go to war sounds great but people are being pet aah lent. aah lent. you need to challenge people on
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the merit. it is stupid politics. >> i was arguing for a fence on the border 5 years ago. it has -- 25 years ago. it has never been done. people are fed up with the republicans and democrats. >> and trump says he will get the mexicans to pay about it. i would like to hear more about the policy. >> that is what i says. >> i bet he would build a wall. john: hold on, please. eleanor: he couldn't get enough illegal labor to do it. john: will trump recover because -- >> recover? he is leading john. john: i mean -- >> recover his integrity. john: recover his integrity and this is the way he is doing it. putting some money into the veteran's administration and he are going to have a review of hospital scandals. isn't that a smart move. eleanor: that is if he is elected. put the money in now i will change my view of him. john: i think he is. that is the way i'll reading the
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report. >> nobody trusts hill. john: "usa today" reported the hospitals short 41,500 medical personnel. as a result the v.a. cost overrun of $2.6 billion. pocket change for trump laugh year. >> the v.a. is a huge problem area. area. john: he promises to appoint an apprentice to shake up the v.a. >> you have to be the president of the united states to shake up the v.a. john: if he wins the republican nomination what would be the biggest challenge in the general election? one word, please? >> hillary clinton. >> himself. hillary. one word. john: do you think that is it? >> himself. eleanor: he will have to run against another. >> or his opponent. he will lose by a large margin. john: i think you are probably right. i don't think he will lose. >> i don't think he will get the nomination. it would be the end of the
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republican party. john: issue three. terror in turkey. >> on behalf of my people i curse and condemn the perpetrate hes of this brutality. john: acivil war in syria has come north on a bomb on a town in southern turkey islamic state isis terrors killed 32 and wounded dozens more. then on wednesday, two police officers were killed and on thursday isis terrors killed a turkish border officer. isis is believed to have staged the attacks in retaliation for recent curd successes against isis in syria. the attack in southern turkey may carry major ramifications. the turkey president has threatened to invade syria and it as threat that shouldn't be taken lightly. the president of turkey has long despiced the syria leader bashir
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al-asaad. he was not responsible for monday's attack and another development in recent months saudi arabia talked about possible military operations against syria and the jihadists in syria. the saudis fear if asaad's proiran government prevails iran's region of power will grow, thus threatening the saudis. if they both intervene in syria iran may also intervene militarily making a new conflict in an already very unstable middle east. all this of agitation is the background for the late of development namely that turkey is contemplating construction get this of a wall 560 miles long separating turkey and syria at their worders. question do the terrorist
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attacks in turkey significant that will an escalation by isis? tom? tom: isis is about the purity empire. this was inevitable and finally forced the turks to wake up and know that they have to face down the threat. hopefully they will allow american basing to project power. it is about iran and politicalization and sectarianism. we have to be focused on a broader strategy in the region. eleanor: this is turkey's pete and the core of president obama's strategy is to get countries in the region to put boots on the ground and may lead to that. isis may have escalated the fight but brought in a serious foe. mort: they have an army of pal a million. put the army together they could take them out in three days marching in to syria. i hope the americans, this is a great benefit for the united states. antiisis. i think it could about he a turning point against isis
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depending on how deeply the turks go in because they could finish isis. tom: and they want assad gone as well. eleanor: i don't think they can do both. that's right. that's right. john: what is the military significance of turkey allowing the u.s. to launch air strikes from is its bases? mort? mort: determined to use military pressure against isis and some of the people whom they don't like and they have been aroused by what isis has done in turkey. they acknowledge now it is a terrorist strike. and they will not live that way. eleanor: they odd p p wouldn't let u.s. use that base because the obama administration wouldn't commit to going after assad. now they realize defeating isis is more problemmattical. john: what is the meaning of isis? tom: greater syria, the -- it as global project. john: a lot of people might not
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be aware of what isis is. multiple choice. exit question. how likely is a large --ic in vision of syria? a turk irk invasion of syria. inevitable or highly likely or some what likely or unlikely or so far fetched as to be inconceivable? >> some what likely they will be moving in. eleanor: c. >> i would say it will be b. i think the turks are in a rage over this and they will go in and do something. >> c. john: c? c plus. issue four. unplanned parenthood. >> it has been years since i talked about -- let me figure out what others are getting at. i don't know that i will ever be -- john: mary who up until 2014 was president of planned parenthood
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for america speaking to an undercover activist from the antiabortion group the center for medical progress. she now serves planned parenthood in an advisory leadership position. this video is the second of its kind in many weeks. last week the center for medical progress released a video of another plan parenthood official speaking of tee tee tal fetal matter. >> depending on the facility and what is involved. >> $30 to $100 per specimen we are talking about right? >> yes. john: but planned parenthood insists the videos were edited to misrepresent its position and say the discussion of financing referring to processing costs are legal. here is cecile richard, the president of planned parenthood. >> the allegation that planned parenthood profits in any way from tissue donation is not
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true. john: planned parenthood receives tens of millions of dollars in federal tax dollars each year and received over $200 million since 2012. while the organization is prevented from using federal funds for abortions the funds nevertheless allow planned parent hood to use its own funds on abortion. the question, what fetal specimens are being sold by planned parenthood for $30 to $100 each? want to try that? eleanor: that is for storage and shipping. and i acknowledge that listening to them talk about this in what seems to be a callous way is disturbing but these are tissues and fetal organs where the women have given their permission. many of them get great comfort thinking this can go to help someone else. the drug companies do research with this and that is how we get
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cures and these were edited in a way to make it seem as though planned parenthood is st. louising thissellingthis and that is illegal. it is not happening. it is a continuation of the abortion debate in the country. planned parenthood delivers very many health services to women around the country and i think it is a tragedy that they are now once again going to be the center of attempts movely by the right -- mostly by the rye to try to defund them entirely. >> we grew up in a generation if we heard a woman talking on film describing how you crush the top of the unborn child, crush the bottom in order to preserve the liver and the heart and the lungs really valuable pars, this is how we do it sipping wine and having a salad, we would say this is something that belongs not in the u.s.a. but belongs in nazi germany in the 1930's. >> this is how medical protectionals talk. >> it may be. eleanor: it sounded callous but if you heard any kind of surgery
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described graphically you would be repelled as well. tom: the problem as well. eleanor: i want to say one more thing. a physician who wrote in to the "new york times" said that he worked in a unit with seriously ill babies and in the morning they would ask the question how many babies did you box last night. that means put in coffins. grotesque but this is how medical professionals talk among themselves. tom: has to be work it for me which suggested a personal incentive beyond the store and element. eleanor: i don't believe anybody pros from this and i would westbound the hays on capitol -- welcome the hearings on capitol hill. they will find that planned parenthood did nothing illegal. tom: conservative rhetoric on social issues has been problemmattic as well. i think conservatives have an opportunity to articulate the moral a angle. john: senator rand paul introduced legislation to defund planned parenthood by attaching
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an amendment to h.r.-22 the federal highway bill. it succeed? i ask you? mort: has a fighting chance because a lot of americans don't believe we aah to fund organizations that kill babies in order to get their body parts. eleanor: if the republicans turn this into a topline issue going into the 2016' election it will be a loser for them because a majority of americans support a woman's right to have an abortion in the early stages of pregnancy. anchor1: predickdicks, pat. >> isis will attack and will be attacked in ramadi. eleanor: rick perry's forceful and artful denounciate, of trump will give him enough of a bum top make it into the top 10 for the fox news debate on august 6. >> i will extend that. rick perry will do well in the debate because of the clear record ofkyconservative success of
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governorrance in texas. >> the dramatic increase of low paid jobs will cause a major review of how we epihans the growth of the economy. john: when bridge water associates told investors to steer clear of china it marked the beginning of a major economic reversal for beijing. the meltdown will inflict deep damage on the economy dealing a severe setback to china dream. that is a prediction. bye bye.
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good evening, welcome to kqed "newsroom," i'm joshua johnson. the high cost of housing is one of the bay area's biggest problems. where, how and who is going to pay for affordable housing? let's examine the battle over affordable housing in san francisco where rent and home prices are the highest in the nation. the medium rent for a one-bedroom apartment is $3,500. nowhere is the affordable housing debate more heated than in the mission district. historically,itis been home to the latino


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