tv The Mc Laughlin Group PBS May 14, 2016 12:30pm-1:01pm PDT
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>> from washington, "the mclaughlin group," the american original -- for over three decades, the sharpest minds, best sources, hardest talk. john: issue one, blank vote. do thatust not ready to at this point. i'm not there right now. and i hope to, though, and i to. john: although he had a quote/unquote very positive trump thish donald week, republican speaker of the he cannotl ryan, says yet endorse his party's presumptive presidential nominee. mr. ryan isn't the only republican to say so. two former presidents, george h.w. bush and george w. bush, have also rejected trump
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senator lindsey graham, and a number of senior evangelical conservatives. yet, other republicans, like john mccain, who mr. trump once strongly are now supporting the businessman and some say even president obama might happy mr. trump is the g.o.p. nominee. after all, mr. trump is seen as more likely than his defeated challenger, ted cruz, to legacy. mr. obama's question, is the g.o.p. imploding? pat: no, it's not, john, it's in the process of coming together. let's talk about ryan. a terrible mistake. won, trump went out there, ten million votes, swept all the primaries and caucuses and he's nominee and he says i'm not sure i'll endorse him and they call for this meeting and what is ryan is ino
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effect holding donald trump up to make concession about his positions which trump is not going to do and ryan is catg to have to walk this back and so i think, i mean, ryan, in the meeting this week, almost pathetic coming out and he's going to have to move back but eventually i think the republicans i think and trump is open to it, all of them are going to come except for maybe the bush family because of what happened to jeb and -- but there's no about it, trump has an agenda on immigration and trade abroad and onon entitlements which contradicts ryan.enda of paul john: when was the last deep conservativen the movement and the g.o.p. presidential nominee. last deephen was the rift? that's true, that's true. when pat buchanan won the new hampshire primary. there was a lot of nervousness that.
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i think that what paul ryan is trying to preserve some leverage over donald trump and to protect hisg caucus. there are a lot of people going to beare not comfortable supporting trump and who are going to have to so they'restance and all saying we'll support the nominee of the party. they won't mention his name. democrats are going to keep reminding every republican that if you are on the ticket trump, that you support all of the odious things that you can't just skitter away so yes, i think the republican party is imploding on issues because trump does represent a set of issues that's the more in alignment with country in a number of these areas. be a new republican party coming out of this and it won't take a victory by donald that tom: i couldn't disagree more strongly with pat. think if the
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party -- it's not about the party. it's not about an individual, an ideology and belief of what conservatism for.s trump has won the nomination but require the other members of the party to bend to him. if you think about the policy disagreements, that's one issue trump's the nominee. you can have those perceptions behind the scenes. the real issue ryan is concerned about is the notion of republican politics, the notion of the party of lincoln and when people who areg mentally disabled or are muslims, women, that at some so repugnant and so abhorrent to those values that i should standatives for you have to say it and say to trump back off on that and apologize or bye-bye. clarence: the wrestlemania trump's personality. national review was correct to cut off any support for him. are correct to criticize him for that. but one thing that trump has not a trump
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supporter but he has brought up that working class republicans care about that have not got much attention before. on trade,e saying, immigration, these other issues have affected what -- workers in america and both parties have failed to pay enough attention to these issues. pat: do you know how arrogant it sounds when you say trump is aing to have to apologize to congressman on capitol hill who has been offended. tom: because he's representing conservatives across the country. pat: trump won the nomination, he's won the largest number ever. nobody has asked paul ryan to recant a single belief or a single statement, if he wants to stand by his position, fine. the second and third man in the house will work with trump. they ought to work around this road block but eventually you watch paul ryan, he'll come into camp. eleanor: what paul ryan is about is his own
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personal political future. he doesn't want to tie himself to a donald trump who's going to the cliff in november and he wants to grab a little moral high ground and even if he ends up supporting the nominee, him on ay, i opposed lot of these issues. tom: what planet is conservative trump doesn't want to reform entitlements which will future of the country. pat: what would be a joke is walking out there and saying medicare.g to cut tom: we're talking about reforming it for people under 55 has proposed. pat: ryan's agenda is on trade, staying out of foreign wars, america first, immigration reform. this has the country on fire and anti-establishment is the line that trump has got. why would you give that up and come begging to paul ryan? eleanor: we're talking about paul ryan's agenda on entitlement reform. they do need to be reformed. but taxes have to be part of that. he only wants to do it on his
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terms. tom: keep raising taxes. going to be left to the next president. john: the conservative dodgers about ronald reagan in 1983. as. reagan is now seen untrustworthy by many conservatives who believe he has principles inwn an effort to appease his critics. " that was in the "new york 6-26-83. take comfort of getting the same treatment from movement conservatives like paul ryan that reagan received. and the conservative digest i know all those guys. john: the conservatives will come around as they did for reagan. choose not to go off the cliff waving the flag. did grenada,gan they all came home, the economy took off and they went along
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with it. what ryan is risking doing, playing the nelson rockefeller spoiler role, showing up at the convention, condemning extremism. he wound up a dead dog. went all out for goldwater with twond wound up nominations for president and the majority. eleanor: paul ryan is no nelson rockefeller. john: elections. get this. due to changing demographics, more states are predisposed democratic party. post"says "the washington reporter, makes mr. trump's path 270 electoral college votes, a big challenge. mr. trump's problems don't end there, because the magnate has poor
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favorability ratings with women, and minorities. republicans also fear that if be far moreuld likely to retake control of the in november. perhaps there's light at the end of the tunnel. weekw polls released this by quinnipiac poll agency, donald trump is within the error against hillary clinton in florida and and ahead of the former first lady in ohio. does donald trump get to 270? eleanor clift? eleanor: he thinks he can double down on male grievance in this mobilize these forgotten middle class of mostly working men and that he can take a couple of midwestern that haveates
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basically voted democratic in the last half a dozen elections put up one poll that you from ohio, he did better than hillary clinton because he did better among men than she did among women but women are the electorate and his numbers among women are -- gets the republican base which is probably 250 votes and then he's got to do pennsylvania or michigan or some of those blue states and it's going to be beough climb and it will very narrow if he does it but it can be done. it is possible. singlee: he's got to get women who are probably the most important post-labor day swing contingent and more women turn out for the general election than in the primaries. and he's got to win ohio. no republican gets to the white house without winning ohio. tom: kasich in the v.p., maybe? to get: he's got suburban republican women who are not in his camp right now. two, cities of peace
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attacked. weeks after the ancient syrian of palmyra was recaptured by syrian and russian forces, it threat, namely by isis, also known as isil, and daesh forces. we were thrilled with the russian president putin's gift syrians, symphony orchestra from st. petersburg. news from thebad iraqi capital, baghdad. detonateday, isil three bombs, killing at least 93 iraqis whom daesh apostates.ere apost the attacks come at a particularly difficult time for iraq. led by a shia cleric, muqtada protesting the government of prime minister haider al-abadi demanding sectarianainst
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patronage. during the 2003-2009 period in iraq, mr. al-sadr's shia jaysh militia regularly battled the u.s. military. mr. al-sadr has reinvented himself as a populace.t but complicating matters for him, iraqi kurds in iran are opposed to those reforms. they fear their loss of influence will follow. pat, will you summarize? pat: what's going on, john, if talking about isis or daesh, is they have lost the in syria and iraq combined have lost 40% of their raqqa and syria, the capital of isis, and syria is great pressure, as is mosul. however, the problem the americans have and the others have is they don't have the ground forces to take mosul or raqqa.
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one's doing real fighting in and thentries are kurds kurds in iraq are very pro syria,n but the kurds in the turks regard as terrorists. and the turks are having also with there simply is, if you talk therethe good guy forces, is simply not enough ground forces right now to annihilate in iraq and syria and that problem's going to exist when leaves office. john: eleanor? eleanor: iraq is struggling within itself because the is collapsing and you divide inunni shiite all of these conflicts so i think if there's an overriding that america it's should not get more deeply involved and i think the hoe that is trying to line so he does not hand his successor a worse situation than what he was handed. tom: i think the opposite conclusion. i think it shows the united states needs to get more inolved, not necessarily
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ground forces. i think that is the lesson in moreush administration but special forces. more importantly, in terms of baghdad, heart of all this, is consolidating a body to make the reforms he needs to make potentially dealing with that.r, we should do he was our enemy, things change. the problem at the moment is the iranians are supporting, they abadi tryinggainst to make reforms to make iraq a more stablean, state, more like lebanon instead tehran and that requires our influence and we had it until we withdrew. to see ifi'm waiting this will be an issue in the november elections because the clinton has the reputation of being more hawkish than president obama and trump in that direction of being more dovish, at least me to anything. eleanor: he's saying he would dispatch with isis real quick, like that.
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clarence: how he's going to, we don't know. pat: obama has been gradually building up american forces in iraq, i think we're up to 4,000 or 5,000 there. kane from virginia has demanded the congress of the united states speak to the fact, war, if so, authorize the president to fight a war and this.e refused to do the constitutionist party, republican party, will not tohorize the president to go war. eleanor: it's a wonderful diversion to argue about it. how security battle describes iraq's against isis. "the current descriptor is, quote, country-wise strategic stalemate, unquote. trying toment is mount an offensive to retake but political turmoil in baghdad is interfering. what are your impressions?
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pat: the mosul, not fallujah. if you can't take fallujah, to takeot be able mosul, the second largest city in the country and you need more troops. the kurds are not anxious to go far outside of kurdish territory, what they'll have for state and fight for it. tom: but they're trying to take territory, as well, now. of americance relationships, people know a lot about coker, theyan ambassador. that's what we need. need the intangible presence on the ground to form that compromise. many american troops would you send? tom: i would send probably two, talk about two more squadrons in terms of direct guys, and i would probably send 5,000 troops. with asul is a city million people. tom: to embed them with the iraqis. send an american
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marine battalion into mosul. eleanor: real easy to decide these issues in the comfort of pat: then you got the problems with the russians and the south china sea and a lot of folks want to get into a dust-up with iran. them the world. pat: we're stretched pretty thin. our assignment? john: we'll live in expectation. facebook vs. conservatives. >> the fact is that we have listing,of them black in a lot of cases, conservative news. john: facebook is the popular social media website used by peoples of millions of every day but facebook is conservative so says michael nunez, editor of website,y news gizmodo. mr. nunezt this week,
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outlines claims by former facebook employees that facebook news curators block conservative cws events such as the annual pac conference from appearing on news feeds. notable, says mr. nunez, asserts thatook its news feed is operated under algorithms,mputer not human editors. while facebook denies this, to is furthereport evidence of media bias towards liberals and against conservatives. is facebook not only anti-conservative but pro-progressive in the news are trending?aims i ask you, tom rogan? but the media is manifestly biased towards liberalism inherently. tapper, one of the finest, used to work for salon, he is anbably liberal but
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exceptional journalist, wrote consensusessential from a lot of journalists would say, yeah. correspondents, a poll there. there is inherent bias but the way to deal with bias. eleanor: some of the most popular -- the most popular cable station is fox. it's got a bias towards conservative. former republican congressman with a morning show that's very popular. i think this show is biased the right, you know. you want the whole world? john: eleanor, you've hurt me. eleanor: deal with it. it. you deal with eleanor: and the editorial page is conservative. pat: eleanor, you got "the post" and nbc and abc and cbs. eleanor: i wish. said this 50w years ago and it's been true ever since. clarence: where is he now?
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but this is always a great in this argument wonderful land of ours. mean chicago. clarence: i mean the united states of america, john. professional a journalist should not reveal his or her bias. pat: let me ask you. willnce: everybody suspect. pat: white house correspondents dinner, would that be more liberal or right-wing dinner? clarence: there were people up on the stage from fox news, as well. tom: eleanor's reporting to the "daily beast." read eleanor's recall from the "daily beast," you idea of political viewpoint. clarence: we'll follow the becauses in that sense for almost 100 years we believed in this country almost religiously. it's going by the wayside now led theink fox news
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way. i'm not saying it's necessarily bad. some people say it's better to biases up front in your peopleut i think most want fairness. followed,ews clarence. the reason they created fox news is because the whole thing was way.ther clarence: it was ingenuous marketing on his part. that was a claim. it gave him a great excuse to be far more biased to the right, explicitly so, while the other media were trying to look objective. trump wins the zuckerberg will mark use facebook to try to undermine house?te you got it? pat: if donald trump wins the presidency, he's going to have a hard time from left wing journalists, yes. eleanor: no, mark zuckerberg has a very popular site. on political bias
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one way or the other. tom: people on facebook are more interested in what their friends are doing. clarence: the old story about the most important part of the car is not buying the wheel but putting data on to facebook that have the biases and that's the way it's supposed to be. is soi think the question fascinating but i'll leave it alone. legacy and hiroshima. august 6, 1945, under orders truman, thent harry crew of the enola gay drops an atomic bomb. their target, the militarily command city of hiroshima. at least 70,000 people were thousands tens of more wounded. another atomicr, bomb was used against the nagasaki.ity of
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the shortly thereafter, japan theendered, thus ending second world war. in the wreckage of hiroshima, great controversy was born. since then, historians have debated the moral and political truman's president actions. this month, is the first visit a sitting president, barack obama, will visit hiroshima and people.the japanese the white house insists that apologizeobama won't for the u.s. bombings. still, some believe the will signifyisit u.s. regret for what occurred 71 years ago. question, is this visit a good idea? rogan? tom: no, i think it's a very bad idea for a simple reason. the president, if he was going to go, should have explicitly said it was the right thing to for harry truman and the fact that he's going and hedging and apologizing means it will be
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sort of apology and it's unpleasant for the men and women of the military who expect a commander-in-chief to take a firm stand. military doctrine. eleanor: the decision to go ahead with the trip and it's long overdue. underscores this president's and this country's commitment to spread of nuclear weapons and it acknowledges a terrible time in japan's history our history. he's not going to relitigate it. he's not going to explain the decision. he may put it in some context. it's not an apology. has a very strong -- has forged a strong relationship the japanese. i think this is actually a beautiful moment that countries war can come together. john: hold on. are a couple of recent examples of president obama apologizing for the actions of
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his predecessors. this year in argentina, he involvementor u.s. with the military junta in the the 1980's. has he ever apologized for the u.s. in front of a multilateral body? yes, indeed. he apologized for the u.s.' dictating to the g-20 and also made a global apology for on terror. clarence: did he use the word apology? going to apologize at hiroshima. the word did he use apology? john: it was in the context of a apology. clarence: context -- the right obamaen accusing repeatedly of apologies he's never delivered. just because you're trying to history, doesn't mean it's an apology. you're talking about a president enemies who want
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to mischaracterize the way he's treating history. pat: you have douglas douglas hands. macarthur shaking mcarthur said i would have so did other generals. frankly i wish they had dropped the first atomic bomb at the end a demonstration of what's going to happen before you dropped it on that defenseless city. tom: they were not confident. didn't want to be accused of bluffing. tom: and the invasion operations were very much -- the psychological impact. pat: how many hundreds of are you allowed to slaughter to prevent an invasion which even more may die? you just kill at random morally? was the but what military assessments of casualties invading the
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mainland? eleanor: it's fine after the fact and there's no perfect is not going to go over that ground but to go there and acknowledge america's role ask the world to accept this country as the leader in nonproliferation so this never happens again. john: force prediction, will donald trump pick newt gingrich running mate. pat: i say no. eleanor: no. clarence: no. tom: no. john: five nos. bye-bye.
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>> leon panetta 2016 lecture series, the challenges facing a new president. this lecture discusses partisanship and executive action. gentlemen, please welcome mrs. sylvia m. panetta. [applause] >> good evening, everyone. welcome once again to the sunset cultural center in beautiful carmel for the leon panetta lecture series. we are now more than halfway through this
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