tv The Mc Laughlin Group PBS May 21, 2016 12:30pm-1:01pm PDT
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>> from washington, "the mclaughlin group," the american original, for over three the sharpest minds, best sources, hardest talk. one, the torment of travel. i use the plane. john: lengthy security lines plague travelers at the nation's airports this week. while the obama administration says it will add nearly 800 new security officers summer, many passengers say that's too little, too late. and so, a rising chorus of for more asking efficient screening processes move towardsly a
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privatized security screeners. such asay the tragedy, this week's crash of egypt air flight ms804, mean that must take over airport security efforts. 56 passengers and 10 crew members on the paris-cairo flight lost their lives when the plane disappeared over the sea.erranean is it time to disband the t.s.a. and use private security firms instead? buchanan? pat: not likely, john. let me say, though, this week's going down in the mediterranean just off alexandria, egypt, is going to make this problem of security at andorts even more difficult harder to enforce but as for the idea of shifting to private concerns, you know, first the insurance and the liability of did thatte firm that
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would be extraordinary, the bece would have to dramatically increased for what they're doing, i think. i'm not sure folks would take it not sure most americans would even want that kind of risk so i don't think get change and if you're going to get any kind of change you're going to get is probably you might get more folks working for t.s.a. eleanor: you've got -- air considerably. lots of people are flying. vacation season is here. resourcesuld get the to be able to handle this. congress doesn't want to fund anything and that's a problem. to and to think that a private monopoly could take over and somehow magically make all of this better is really a fool's errand. given what's happened in the egypt, you see t.s.a. officials. they are in touch with their counterparts around the world and as the f.b.i. director, james comey said, the world is getting smaller.
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these are really like virtual security agencies now. justis no time to try to overhaul everything and bring in profit-making overseer in what is really a regulated entity. john: tom rogan. tom: i disagree with eleanor and pat. good examplesare in the u.k., heathrow and which private security firms can do a better job. go to airports across the country and you see t.s.a. officers, some working very sitting around and i would say it represents the failure of government, that a company,ecurity because it is attune to the need airport atat that that time rather than to a bureaucrat in washington, it's government. government doesn't work as well as the private sector in a lot of places and the critical issue and local lawb.i. enforcement, joint terrorism task force, have control over
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securityl operational in terms of counterterrorism so it's two together and look at the lines we're seeing. is ridiculous. clarence: funny you mention that because last time i was in planes, ihanging missed my plane because of a long security line and there was never an explanation as to why we were in the same terminal. tom: have you been to dulles recently? clarence: yes. tom: dulles is a disaster. the united states rightly has a reputation. clarence: last summer they had a surprise t.s.a. inspection and recall that 98% of the objects they were trying to sneak through got through. so t.s.a. was terribly embarrassed, but what they've now and whenen up they tighten up, you get long lines. need more facilities, like eleanor said and we've actually cut the funding of t.s.a. in we're going tod have to build that back up. pat: if we have an egypt air incident here, i do think folks
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saying let's bring in private enterprise but they'll say bring in more government agents and the rest of it. when you're dealing with something like airlines and lives and safety and security, to government.n eleanor: you do not outsource isional security and this essential national security. tom: the police officers and the operationalhave control over no-fly lists. agents -- i would agree with you but look, the risk is seeeasing and now we charles de gaulle, the great concern about the egypt air flight, we don't know exactly at the moment, al qaeda is staying quiet. what if there are more plots in the pipeline. eleanor: you prepare for the necessarilyu don't tweet it out as fact, not mentioning any names. clarence: the issue with the really, the bag checks is what it is. and the x-ray machines that we go through. that whole procedure needs to be bolstered and sped up.
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tom: the sad thing is, at some point people will be able to get through. pat: what a horrible success 9/11 was in terms of what it's this country, not only bringing down the buildings and killing all the people but the enormous cost imposed to people with the airlines and the waiting. eleanor: the people who lost their lives on that egypt air flight would be happy to stand line for hours if it meant they would be safe so i think we this in perspective. john: there are baggage fees and $25 and $35 baggage fees. pat: you sound like you've been recently. john: they should be waved because they encourage luggagers to take through security, creating delays. congress should take action to ban the fees. do you agree with that? clarence: i like the idea find peopleo bringing more and more bags,
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including me. john: issue two, obama's overtime. calls abarack obama minimum wage increase for the rules class, new federal on overtime pay were introduced overtime is defined 40 hours aond the week. the changes mean that employers to pay time and a half whos to 4.2 million workers year.ess than $47,476 a and note this, according to the ofartment of labor, 56% those eligible for new overtime pay are women. 53% of those eligible have at four-year college degree, and 1.5 million are under children but, while liberals are
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news, others are less happy. today," treyu.s.a. kovacs of the competitive enterprise institute, argued the impose a, quote, huge on employersrden who face pressure to cut back on benefits and full-time employees, unquote. question, will this policy raise or cap salaries? tom rogan? it will capamacare, salaries. i mean, it's just unbelievably stupid. you look at what's happening already with obamacare with peoplecutting wages, putting people on lower hours to avoid the mandates, that's going to happen here. it sounds great on paper but it will be very bad for business the proof will come in two years. we'll see what happens with texas and california. affect: it's going to over 12 million people. it turns out business has been
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as managerspeople when they don't manage anybody and when you have managers earning less than the people who them, something is awry. the whilve --wing whistle on the practice. raise wagesmpt to that employers have kept their foot on to keep down. a punch ofea that politicians, most of who have theircreated a job in life, can determine exactly how business can be managed by millions and millions of businesses every day. somebody will get a pay raise. other employees will be dropped off. will say let's get out of the u.s. and all these regulations and move to mexico. it's going to be all worked around by millions and millions of people and congress will say, look at what a wonderful thing we did and it's the same old nonsense. country's in economy turmoil. clarence: why there's so much to your protege, donald trump, because working
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upset over the growing wage and pay gap and this is one way of addressing it. but those folks who say washington isn't aware of what ordinary people are there --ough out pat: how can washington decide exactly the terms by which a with itsitting there books -- clarence: last resort, pat. people haven't had an increase in 30 years. pat: everybody's paid $50,000 and get it over with. eleanor: what they've done is labeled everybody a manager so overtime. have to pay that's not fair. afford't pat: the hacks up on the hill. it,ence: can't afford either. pat: how about employees working with the employer and the boss to quitting and moving another job and striking, all these things -- people work out problems themselves without the help of those clowns up on the hill. with a highlks school degree or less don't have the negotiating power and that's
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why they're getting screwed. obama isbarack president. pat: how many jobs did he create? eleanor: how many jobs did you create, pat? clarence: more jobs created administration than were there when he came in. tom: it is one of the slowest we've evercoveries had, well, it is. clarence: that's what the critics say. at least it's a recovery. better than zero. than zero but tom's 3%.t, one year has it gone 1984, reagan hit 6%. country is doing better? eleanor: it's a worldwide inwdown and this country is very good shape. tom: we need productivity and productivity is in the toilet and that makes it -- that's why we can't increase wages. employees don't have the economic gain --
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eleanor: america's workers are the worldroductive in and the employers aren't appropriately rewarding them for productivity. pat: why did we lose six million manufacturing jobs in the first years of this decade? eleanor: because we don't want of meniale kinds labor. pat: they're manufacturing jobs, peoplet jobs working have, gone. clarence: if you impose the to impose, want we'll keep all of our commerce here but that won't increase overall productivity, either. pat: under mckinley when we had a huge tariff, growth was 7% a year, 6% a year under reagan. i think barack obama is a community organizer and should have gone to business school. eleanor: the nature of work is changing and you're not going to assembly line jobs. pat: the donald will. eleanor: we'll see. i don't believe that. john: will obama's -- excuse me.
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president obama's overtime rules then overall boost to economy or an overall drag on the economy? pat buchanan? pile-ons just one more regulation which will slow things down. eleanor: it's a boost to the it and if it's a drag on employers, that's what will build, a minor move. clarence: i think wages have depressed so long, we're not going to notice the difference as far as overall productivist -- productivity goes. wages were suppressed a long time, this move will be modest. been insident obama has power for eight years. clarence: president obama has increased employment. you said 10 years. he hasn't been in office 10 years. is that there republican congress that doesn't do anything. [laughter]
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john: sounds like a perfect crime. they will be a drag on the economy. issue three, bernie versus the party. senator feinstein: it worries me a great deal. i don't want to go back to the convention because i worry about what it does to the electorate as a whole and he should, too. are roiling in the sea of political turmoil. senator bernie sanders is generateg to excitement and strong showings in the ongoing democratic refused to drop out and endorse hillary clinton and many senior democrats fear the longer senator sanders stays in the race, the more have hillary clinton will to spend defeating him. the party officials want to clinton and hillary refocus their fire on someone presumptive, republican presidential nominee donald trump. are onlye tensions
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increasing. mr. sanders' supporters have been accused of threatening democratic party says his, mr. sanders party is disrespecting its liberal base. happened between clinton's supporters and theers' supporters at nevada democratic convention? eleanor, you want to speak to that? awardingwhen they were the delegates, the sanders' people felt that they were in the proportionality of how the delegates were awarded sanders' person threw a chair or something. anyway, sort of a minimum of erupted. look, i think that bernie sanders has every right to stay in the campaign until the end. he could even win california. hillary clinton won california in 2008. she was winning primaries at the end. she had a stronger case against obama in 2008 than sanders has against clinton in has won three
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million more votes than he has. she's won many more primaries, big-state primaries, and i think thingsne wonderful energizing people, focusing the message. that's all good. taken ahe's kind of turn where he's suggesting that the nomination, that that's a rigged process and if voters believe that he has really been screwed out of a -- nomination, it's going to be hard to get them to back her. he's got to begin making that turn. i think he will but there's tense times here. pat: first off, it is a rigged thing with these super 500 of them immediately going into hillary's basket. ms. feinstein talked about the 1968 convention. democratice 1968 convention and it will not be like that. i was on the 19th floor of the conrad hilton.
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like thatoing to be at all but i will say this. bernie -- this is the last hurrah of bernie sanders. he's 74 years old and more and has the aspect of a kamikaze pilot about him. he's going to take this thing way into the convention, right through the last ballot. he wants to be an influence upon party in the way senator goldwater was who lost the badly butn 1964 influenced the future and i can't blame the guy. he's been fighting for these his whole life. he has an enormous following. theas every right to go to convention and speak at the convention and i think he's going to say it was a rigged process. he'll endorse hillary but it was a rigged process, eleanor. eleanor: she didn't rig the process. she was a victim of these rules so he -- eight years ago -- so he leaves some impressions. clarence: it was an uphill climb for obama eight years ago
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because of these rules. had all the super delegates initially and he had to earn the gains he made and nomination. bernie faces the same challenge. pat, i you're right, think he's not going to get the nomination and he wants the anerage to have as much of impact as he can on the platform. the whole question is, though, togethere party pull afterwards? the party that's the least unified is the party that loses. we have the difficulty here is the anger on the part of those sanders' supporters is feel theyand they do are being steamrolled over but the establishment and the theectivity between perception of hillary clinton as versus bernie as the genuine guy is real and i going to be hard for them to unify and donald trump stands to benefit. eleanor: he has a legacy to worry about. doesn't want to be seen as the guy who cost the party the presidency, number one, and be seenwo, he wants to as someone who changed the party rules. and they can give him that.
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delegates, have open primaries. millenials now are as agitated and angry as the outsiders and liberals were in the convention in chicago. they're not as violent, but as angry and feel a shift. of course, bobby kennedy had been shot. gene mccarthy was knocked out mcgovern and humphrey took the nomination. is bitterness here. clarence: go ahead. to point out that the rift between the clinton clintonites. tom: sander istas. worsening.ep and sanders' says d.n.c. chair, debbie wasserman, chairman of backsn.c., unfairly clinton. tom: that's true. john: colorado, just a moment --
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sanders' delegates are getting threatening calls from clinton backers. clarence: they're behaving like trump people. shame on them. the fact is that -- if bernie stand up there in the end, hold up hillary's hand and say unified, this goes away. pat: would it be like teddy at the 1980 convention, walked on the stage and off. saw it.: we all excused.i please be eleanor: president carter wouldn't debate ted kennedy and far behind inr, delegates. he had no hope and he was angry lose,rter was going to unfortunately. tom: we'll get another debate. clarence: one advantage bernie has is there's no attack ads against him. the other democrats don't want attack bernie but they're attacking hillary and we wonder why hillary is doing poorly in the numbers. pat: one poll this week, trump is five points ahead of hillary.
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it,ence: i can't believe either, pat. 3.5 the average is still hillary. eleanor: the speed with which the republicans have unified him because they smell maybe he's not a big losers, maybe he'll win -- that's what's on here. pat: that brings a lot of people together. clarence: we have to learn to talk trump. john: issue four, castro's conundrum. he's energetic, he's handsome possibletouted as a vice presidential running mate for hillary clinton. no, it's not pat buchanan. it's secretary of housing and development, julian castro. but mr. castro has a battle on his hands because some progressives believe he is too conservative or perhaps too to join wall street mrs. clinton's ticket. in an alliance of activists new york, philadelphia, los angeles, and san francisco mr. castro to
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adapt his department policies mortgages toad wall street. this week, mr. castro showed he the secretary introduced new lowerthat would require principal costs for affected oneowners, a five-year fix interest rates and a restriction to prevent firms from abandoning properties. not everyone is happy. some say mr. castro's actions will discourage investment in impoverished neighborhoods. question, is castro making a view to seducing hillary clinton? you want to speak to that, eleanor? policies hese are inherited from his predecessor. maybe a year and a half, two years, and he's been working to change these policies got there so i don't think this is done with an -- to seducing hillary
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clinton but i think he clearly ticketike to be on the and he's apparently on the short list. former mayor of san antonio, not a strong mayor position, and i think the main it is that he's very young and doesn't have a lot of appealing but he's an figure and he's hispanic and play acs are going to huge role in november so he that- he would energize constituency. pat: he would not even be this as thef secretary of housing and mayor san antonio were he not hispanic. as we were talking about the obama --m -- barack hispanics are 16% of the population but only 7% of the so you can energize the hispanic base and maybe he can do it to some degree. it would be enormously helpful in swing states where hispanics
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numbers -- in virginia would be one, north carolina would be another, florida would be another. but that's his attraction. clarence: i think we can tell the veryhe's doing by fact that people are trying to put out dirt on him, trying to seedyim with that unseemly side of the washington connection. charge.ontinuous tom: the challenge becomes -- clarence: the same charge the are making against hillary clinton. tom: the challenge becomes if at -- we need someone to buy these properties and the restrictions is that wall street or any other business won't buy them and then government payrolls controls it so you have that decline and despair, the entrenchment of poverty. and not much risk enough reward.
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you on the side of his policy or opposing it? tom: the key is you have upward mobility. buying and selling is a problem businessu have interest balanced with the public interest, that's what you want. and freddienie mae mac can't hold the mortgages toever so they'll be sold bank of america. if you're a bernie purist, you probably don't like it but who to?d he sell them i think it's an appropriate policy. john: what about hillary? she need a latin american veep? he'sthat's the only reason under consideration. he's a prominent, popular, attractive hispanic and he's young and next generation. eleanor: we call it identity and obviously he comes under that category. she's got a lot of other picks someone tods energize young people and he it.t be able to do john: the answer is no, trump has it locked in and she doesn't
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latin veep unless he's american. pat: cuban american will not help her as much as a mexican-american. eleanor: cuban hispanics or mexican-americans are not necessarily allies. clarence: you're right, trump is ally.ggest john: forced prediction, federal reserve's interest rate hike next month will be the last this year. or wrong?is right say no. eleanor: i agree with the dog and i say yes. not raisinge interest rates but what a wonderful dog. john: the answer is wrong. be another interest rate hike in november. we at "the mclaughlin group" heartfelt condolences to the family and friends of cbs safer, with arley landmark reputation for
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♪ ♪ hello and welcome to kqed news room. coming up, how donald trump is affecting california gop efforts to rebrand the party. and a personal look at life on the streets. in the words of one homeless man. plus, troubling new findings at sonoma county jail. a kqed investigative report. big news coming out of san francisco, the city's embattled police chief stepped down yesterday, hours after the shooting death of a black woman by a san francisco police officer in the bayview district. it was the third officer-involved killing since december and came amid growing calls for chief greg suhr's resignation. mayor ed lee made the announcement yesterday after meeting with suhr. it was an
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