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tv   Tavis Smiley  PBS  May 23, 2017 6:30am-7:01am PDT

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the satellite news trucks and celebrities may have left standing rock but the struggle is far from over, tonight we talk to winona laduke and get an update on standing rock. and then we pivot to faith evans with her duet album with her late husband the notorious b.i.g. we're glad you can join us with winona laduke and faith evans in just a moment.
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>> and by contributions to your pbs station from viewers like up thank you. >> winona laduke is a native american activist and long-time warrior for the environment. she is subject of new documentary called first daughter and the black snake here are clips now from that fi film. >> with eight pipelines that are already in right now the ambridge company with pretty
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much the state of minnesota wants to add two more pipelines and open a brand new corridor and run it through some of 9 heart of our best wild rice and heart of the 1855 treaty. that's what we're fighting for. >> pretty aggressive commercialism. let me ask you specifically about the standing rock matter. i was in standing rock with late great film maker our last work together was at standing rock on december or 4th when the announcement came when there was going to be a stay in the pipeline and there were cheers all around standing rock as you well know but the grown shifted again no pun intended what's the announcement on standing rock. >> as you know trump moved ahead to put the pipes in.
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they did not have a leak. in mid april they had a leak so they are still trying to make their dysfunctional system work. there's a lot of questions if they will need that pipeline only 9,000 barrels of oil are coming out of standing rock, coming out of north dakota right now. projected in two years 9,000 barrels come out. so don't know why they need 507,000 barrel a day. so 840 people were charged in north dakota for defending water. we call it the deep north up there. a lot of people are facing trials and north dakota continues to try to move ahead with that although we did have acquittals. so very stuff. spring has come to standing rock. still some big questions like, i did some math $3.9 million they spent on that pipeline could
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have done a lot better stuff like 323 two-mega watt wind turbines. solar panels for 61 thousand houses. what do you want to do with your money. it's really a pipeline to nowhere and a bad project but it's moved ahead with 9 trump administration. >> two things i want to go back to. one the these leaks, the very thing the native americans were concerned about were these leaks not just going through the native lands but these leak that's are bound to happen and now they're already experiencing these leaks that's precisely what the issue was. >> exactly right. and intd industry is saying pipelines are safe it's not safe. there's leaks every week. look the the pipelines all across this country we need to clean up the old mess and not
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make a new mess which is what the industry wants to do. but the pipeline has not been doing well for energy transfer partners. >> the other is the person arrested and charged with felonies, i want to come back to that. because this is what happens when the story shifts, the narrative changes, the media descends on a particular place and we all scatter and leave and you have all these persons putting their lives on the line with courage, commitment to make it nationally and ichbt national internationally known and the are arrested and charged under the obama era. the trump administration continued this but they were arrested during the obama era what happens to those persons who were exercising their rights and ended up being arrested. >> 340 people were arrested,
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stripped, cavitiy searched some put in dog kennels this is not the way things are supposed to work in civil society and trump administration is trying to criminalize civil descent and make standing rock an example we don't want that example we want justice for the water protectors. i have a couple beautiful young blond girls facing felonies that's not right you don't get to mess with those people's lives because they were doing the right thing. i encourage people to honor the earth with fresh app doing legal representation, they are going to need good lawyers. the other thing, freedom riders come back to north dakota. join us. there's trials every week. be at the morton county courthouse and be there with
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your people so there's observing of this. the national jury did a review 82% of the jurors felt the water protectors were guilty. >> so much for a fair trial. >> exactly right. so i'm saying we want to stand with our people. we are not leaving them. my organization honor the earth is going to be there with them. i got board members and family members charged, we're out there. what happened at standing rock we learned a lot of lessons. another thing, tens of thousands people went to standing rock and when they came out were inspired. all across this country there are people protecting their water and fighting pipelines. >> have there been enough trials to know what kind of sentences they're getting. >> felony charges are not gone forward these are largely misdemeanors but there are some serious cases.
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flrz was a daple security guy kyle thompson was out there with 30 rounds of ammunition walking through the camp he got disarmed, the people who disarmed him are getting charged. justice in north dakota is not coming and we'd like to have justice. not only justice in the court system but also justice for the people in standing rock. those guys got a 50-year-old clinic. the road they're fighting over doesn't even have a shoulder on it. the people up there freeze because they can't pay the heating bills and the infrastructure is bad. to me $3.9 billion let's see what we can do. i'm really interested in infrastructure for people not for corporations if i were to ask you, winona to give me just a short list of issues, action items on which the native american community is going to grade donald trump what are you
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grading him on. how will you know in four years if he survives four years that donald trump has done good or not good job by the native american people. >> you know, donald trump is kind of an indian hater. you remember the donald trump relief act so that they couldn't get the casino. from the get go he's trying to privateize, take things from us, national monument direct hit at that first tribal national monument in the country he wanted to take that down, he's approving pipelines willie nilly. sforz what we would like is we would like some justice to hold our land and territories, protect our environment. ensure our school lunch program. how those kids going to eat. there's a lot of things like that. i don't know how i'm going to ju judge the guy i'm trying to
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figure if he's in school. >> tell us about this documentary we showed early on what do you expect to get a cross. >> for those watching, for you tavis, we beat pipeline last year sand piper, in north america came in with a proposal. first daughter black snake is about that battle. it is a four-year battle. every year we prayed, rode horses, went to every hearing and he lawsuits were filed as a result we keadefeated 640 thousand barrel pipeline coming out of north dakota called the sand piper. what i want to say is you can stop something people can win over corporations but you got to be really persistent and pray
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and know your terrain. we were common people who fought these guys and no one said we could. we're stale faill facing same t with line three, will be coming in 915,000 barrels a day. same route. so i'm going back to fight round two, same damn corporation. corporations like to talk about how much we need them but what i want to say is look, you know, between the good guy up in canada and mr. willie nilly donald trump they approve all these pipelines, just here, approve this, approve this. the fact is they approved more pipelines than there is oil. same in north dakota. they have more pipelines than oil. so big reports between approving
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the keystone xl permits to go ahead, the ambridge line three and one in eastern canada and mr. trump approved 2 billion barrels more than needed for the pipelines. no guarantee that oil will come out of there, one because the price of oil is low and two because it is dirty oil. >> why would you approve more pipeline than you have oil? that's beyond greed to me. >> it is beyond sfgreed and bad mouth and absolutely no context so we're saying what you need to do america is clean up your mess. right now they're saying 15 to 25% of the oil we're getting in these pipelines we're wasting it, it's blowing off in these
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different places we need to clean the pipelines that are here and not abandon them and not build new ones. i told you about the math in north dak if you want energy self sufficientry you need to be like germany last weekend produced 85% of its power from renewable energy why is america arguing about stupid pipelines when we to could be like cool moving ahead. >> appreciate you telling us about these pipelines we toent need. don't need. winona laduke thank you for your service and sacrifice. good to have you on this program. >> thank you. >> coming up singer faith evans stay with us. so pleased to welcome first lady
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of hip hop, with her new album "king and" "celebrating her life with the late notorious b.i.g. here now video from "legacy" from the king and i. ♪ i could tell from the very first moment you were for me ♪ ♪ i could tell from day one ♪ you were for me ♪ ♪ >> this is you and biggie together in a way that i could never have imagined. the idea for this comes from where? >> i was inspired by when i heard natalie cole's "unforgettable" and i remember selling miss wallace that would be great if i could do that, she's like you should, and then couple years ago my attorney remind med.
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>> yeah there's a project faith that got your name on it. how did you find the doing of the project? was it therapeutic? painful? inspiring? what was the experience like? >> well, to be quite honest, like you said in a way you could never imagine also i thought it would be great to do. i never imagine when i did get a chance how i would do it. every day when i came out of the studio i was so thoroughly surprised like wow it's dope. like i didn't feel anyway but happy and excited to be able to have the chance to do it and then probably one time when i thought i was done recording towards the end of the recording i had an emotional moment it was more pride. big tapped me on the shoulder and i went around the room and thanked all the people in the room that were on the album and
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i was like i think he just told me to do that but it was more playing the album back and seeing everybody's response it to it. i never knew what to expect. wow i think i did a pretty good job. i think he thinks so too. >> when you did it you really did it, nobody does 25 tracks. 25 tracks on this thing. >> well, you know what, i didn't know, you know, exactly what i was going to have to work with when i went into this deal and as it started to come together, you know, the thought came like let me really take it back to how we did it. i'm sort of known for my interludes and stuff so i started to put the story together and added in those interludes and miss wallace pieces to help complete the story so it ended up quite a longer album than expected. the label was like maybe we should put out a short version but that wouldn't tell the story
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we fit it on the disc that was the biggest concern. >> the fanls afans are going to love it because sometimes it takes time to tell the story. what's the story people will hear. >> i would say i'm taking people on a musical journey, it's a musical movie. it chronicles our relationship loosely from beginning to end, and thereafter, full of a lot of highs, some lows, and really serious blows but the fact i'm able to be here to do in project, back when i said it would be great it was just that, not like i had a plan or blueprint but so much has happened since that time that, you know, it was certainly in
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many ways very therapeutic. you know, i didn't expect it to be but i guess me not being such a, i try not to be so deep, i'm not a big cryer, maybe that moment in the studio i needed because i held things in so long to keep things going, so i hope people when they listen it to it they get those same emotions. so far people that have gotten a chance to hear it i have listened through it with people i n have the seen in 10 or 15 years and saw them cry and laugh when they were listening to things. that's really what i want. >> what's your relationship with biggie since he passed away? >> well, i feel like our bond is something that no matter how much time passes it's going to still feel the same in many ways. there was just something about the fact that i knew he always
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knew he could depend on me and i tried my best to uphold that, you know, after his death. i wanted to make sure that the people that i felt he would want to make sure were taken care of, especially right after his death, i tried to do things to make sure those things were in place. you know, i don't know if i could really describe the bond. you know, but our relationship has certainly, i don't feel any less love for him, any less regard for the moments we have. for example, 20 years later, and i'm sure 20, 40 more years, all of his close friends and i still have the same relationship. that's just a testament to the person he was and the fun we all had together, the moments we shared and knowing what he was trying to do by bringing all these people along with him for his ride. those are people that still
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remain therefoin thereafter. >> did you have any pain or second thoughts about being so open about this relationship? >> i did not. no. i did not. >> what did momma say? >> i was going to tell up you know miss wallace is on a few of the interludes i told her she was on the album and she wanted to know what she published on her. >> i like that. >> am i getting published. when i sent her a copy and she heard it she's like you're a brave one. but i think she was speaking in regards to that candor. i think so much about our relationship is documented and some of it not accurate. you know. some of it semi. but i mean there's nothing wrong with coming through with your truth. and it was a way to be creative
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as well. all of those things go hand in hand. didn't feel like there was pressure because i'm just talking about things people probably already know or heard about. you know. >> track number 19 is powerful song. busta rimhymes is on this. >> shout out to all the people did this on the love snoop do dprks g is on here, busta rhymes, lil kim is on here. a lot of good folks on this project. but this track somebody knows we get a chance to hear youkim is . a lot of good folks on this project. but this track somebody knows we get a chance to hear youlil kim. a lot of good folks on this project. but this track somebody knows we get a chance to hear youis on h. a lot of good folks on this project. t a chance to hear you tell s we the night biggie was shot outside of the peterson you all were here and weren't all really talking that weekend tell me what that weekend was like, tell me what making this record was like, tell me how you process
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looking back on that weekend you were at the same building at the same party but weren't talking. >> no. big and i were obviously very young and so much happened so soon and we just had a certain rebellion with one another. you know. >> yeah, yeah. >> and i ran into him in passing a few times that weekend. and you know, probably didn't say anything. and that particular night i remember when they came in the club and i was already there and my friends like you saw big and he came over few times like what's up you all right i knew he sent him over there, at some point i was going to make my way over into the vicinity where they were sitting without looking like i was pressed to go see him. >> of course not. >> but i think throughout the night i seen so many people i knew and we were having fun and it just never happened. and how the song came about
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salon remy who produced it i went to miami few times to work with him and i would send him updated material i didn't record with him throughout the process and he's like i been listening and i have my finger on few things you don't have on the album one was a song with a reggae feel and this one he immediately played the music and then played the biggie "who shot ya" it is totally different from what the record feels like. i said all i want to take from his song is who shot you and make this song about that, about the case or about his murder and as we got into writing the song, you know, i borrowed a couple more phrases but it was initially about okay i think this is, i wanted to do a song about it to some extent but not really knowing from what angle and initially my thought was to get jay z and busta on it
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because they were both brooklyn and people big respected and i wasn't able to get in contact with jay in time to make it happen. when i talked to busta when i finished my portion of the song he heard it and we had a two hour conversation, like, i'm scared what i was going to say, he recounted what he ran into and little people saying funny stuff. i was just like say what you want to say. i'm pretty sure it's going to come across exactly how it should. and after our conversation i think by the time he went in that booth he did his own tactfully honest edit because when i heard it back i -- i -- it just -- i heard all of his emotions. it's like busta but it's not -- you know, it's a different feel for him. but it's still very heart felt and it's like he held that roar back until the end. you could hear it in his voice.
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you know. i felt all of the emotion and i was really pleased with what he did with it. >> i think you'll be pleased too. it's creative, innovative. it's powerful. it's honest. faith evans. notorious b.i.g., the king and i. i love it. >> thank you. >> thanks for coming to see us. >> thank you. thanks for having me. >> that's our show for tonight and as always keep the fanl. and as always keep the faith. i. and as always keep the faith. >> join system next time to take a deep dive what's happening around the country that's next time we'll see you then. ♪
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