tv Charlie Rose PBS June 22, 2017 12:00pm-1:01pm PDT
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>> rose: welcome to the program. we begin tonight with politics and a look at yesterday's run-off in georgia. we talked to phil rucker of "the washington post" and al hunt from boomberg view. >> it was a defeat. >> demoralized not because they thought they were going to win this race but because they thought they were going to and it sent shock waves through the political system. >> rose: we talk to christopher hill and david sanger about north korea. >> views itself to be unlucky enough to be sitting in office at the very moment that the north koreans are about to go merge two technologies they've
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been working on for many years. >> rose: we continue with salma hey yak and john lithgow. >> we're both very however gripping to see characters from two completely different and almost opposite worlds engaged. you don't see that in movies. you don't see it in plays or in real life. >> rose: we conclude with don auerbach waiting on a song. >> it's that creative process i'm so addicted to and that's the beautiful thing about it. >> rose: georgia election, north korea, salma hayek and john lithgow and dan auerbach. all of that when we continue.
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>> and by bloomberg, a provider of multimedia news and information services worldwide. captioning sponsored by rose communications from our studios in new york city, this is charlie rose. >> rose: we begin this evening with politics. republican karen handel defeated democrat john ossoff in the special election run off in georgia's sixth congressional district yesterday. it was the most expensive house race in the history. it drew national attention. viewed it as a referendum on president trump and his agenda.
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for democrats ossoff lost raises questions about its strategic and leadership. it may the strengthen efforts to push their ambitious legislative agenda forward. and the president is all smiles. joining me from washington to talk about the results of this race and what it mean for both parties is al hunt from bloomberg view and phil rucker from the washington post. i'm pleased to have both of them on this program. albert, tell me what this means for the republicans, for president trump. >> well for the republicans an escape for what would have been a devastate dealing feet. democrats are demoralized not because they thought they should win this race but because they thought they were going to win the contest and it would send shock waves through the political system. it would energize their base, bring in more money and it twenty two really set panic among the republicans and congress might even effect passage of the healthcare bill in the senate and various members will be debating how much do we distance ourselves from trump. it didn't happen. it was a lost opportunity for
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democrats. i'm not sure it says republicans are in much better shape than they were two days ago but they certainly dodged the bullet in georgia. >> rose: it was a lost opportunity one because they had a lot of money. >> they had a lot of money. both sides had a lot of money. money wasn't a factor and i suppose democrats will still be able to raise as much money they want. perhaps they would have raised more if they had won. if they had picked 25 districts on november 20th after the presidential defeat it was the most likely and most competitive they could take back in 2018. this probably wouldn't have been. but within the next year and it's the kind of district where republican leaning the highway educated if they want to win back the house they have to win some of these seats. >> rose: what kind of candidate did ossoff present himself to be. was it good enough to win a republican. >> he was a fairly ineffective candidate actually. he seemed like a poor fit for
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the district which was a highly educate district but also suburban. these are traditional chamber of commerce moderate republican and ossoff was this young guy who didn't really seem to have natural roots in the area and was easily tagged with being an associate of nancy pelosi and all the national liberal democrats. i think the way he ran this chain was really troubling for democrats because there was a huge opportunity. this was a district that only went for trump by one percentage point back last fall. and we've had five months of really horrible headlines in the news about the trump presidency and the administration. the republicans should have been very vulnerable here and the democrats were just not able to take advantage of it. >> rose: that raises a very basic question. can they run on an anti-trump campaign or do they need to point out that they are in favor of. do they need to have an active agenda as to what we believe in
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not simply that we're against trump. >> you're exactly right. i think no, being just anti-trump is simply not enough. they need to have fresh ideas, fresh thinking, fresh leaders, a fresh face. the democratic party of hillary clinton and nancy pelosi, they are trying to do that, trying to reinviggo rate this party come up with new ideas but it has to be more of an agenda than simply hashtag resist and resistance movement to trump. that's not enough. >> rose: who are those leaders out there trying to figure out where does the democratic party go. >> let me get to that in a minute charlie. i agree with phil you can't just run an anti-trump campaign. i'm not sure that's what ossoff d he had deficiencies as a candidate. polls showed trump dropping 9 points in the last few months. he was not popular in this district. karen handel didn't campaign
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with trump. she had him in for a fund raise her. this doesn't tell you much about trump. what it tells you is republicans can win when they don't face a good candidate and it doesn't matter if trumps an albatross. for those leaders they need new faces, they really do and the problem is neither pelosi nor schumer has done young congressmen who are attractive, congress women. and when the fast is pelosi and hoyer and schumer, great politicians that's not the face of the future. >> rose: phil at the same time, should donald trump, should he say to himself this morning look i keep telling you, i keep saying to my base and my base is strong, and so we'll get to whatever our problems are, we'll get through them and we'll build an agenda.
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we've got perhaps something coming out of the senate on healthcare. we'll get trump through tax reform and we'll get to infrastructure and all those things. but things are not as bad as it seems because i don't have any strong legislative victories to point to. >> that's exactly what the president is thinking and saying today. i talked to a number of white house officials today who say that same point. they're saying look this is proof, this is evidence that the country doesn't really care about russia and doesn't care about all the things that us in the beltway are upset about in the media. that's a flawed analysis. i think there really are vulnerabilities for president trump in the country. the approval rating is historically low for the president and there's resistance to his leadership style and some of the decision he's made in office. i think in order to satisfy his base and keep them galvanized and energized, he's going to have to accomplish something.
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my colleague jenna johnson was out talking to trump supporters and voters and again and again she was hearing that people just want to see him govern, they want to see him get things done. so far there's no big signature ticket item and he needs to have that. >> rose: can he though, as you say that, can he make the argument look i'd have a lot more done if i wasn't distracted by these investigations and all this stuff which there's no evidence yet presented that i or anybody on my team colluded with any russians anyway. >> that's exactly his kneeling about it. he feels like this russia cloud. that's the word that he has used stands in the way of his agenda is blocking him from being able to achieve great things as president. but he's going to have to find a way to muscle through it and compartmentalize what's happening with russia and i say russia broadly, i mean russia comey everything prevent that from affecting the legislative agenda which they're trying to move forward here with
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healthcare and tax reform later this summer and infrastructure down the road. >> how do you see that? >> well, i think phil makes a good point. almost all of these, of this cloud, if you will, if he can self inflict a cloud, he's done that. and i think the russian issue's going to be there. i'm sorry, there's a highly respected incredibly effective special counsel, what he finds he's going to find. trump can say whatever he wants to say. what they have to do is put together coalitions of republicans, if you will, to be able to pass healthcare and any kind of tax reform. i don't think there's any chance in the world they'll pass any real tax reform this year and healthcare is dicey. they might get it through the senate. how they get conservatives and moderates to agree the senate final version i don't know. but i think russia becomes an excuse rather than an impediment for trump.
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>> rose: albert, thank you, phil, thank you very much. >> thank you charlie. >> rose: we'll be right back, stay with us. >> we turn now to north korea 22 american student died on monday less than a week after being brought home after being held captive for 17 months. he had been in a coma at least for a year leading up to his death. they were quick to condemn north korea's treatment. secretary of state rex tillerson the u.s. holds north korea accountable for its unjust treatment and unjust imprisonment. while john mccain called his death murder by the north korean regime. this is tension between north korea and u.s. relations. they pressed their chinese counterparts are for more that's correct on north korea to rein in on his pursuits. china's efforts will help out with north korea has not worked out. joining me from washington david sanger. he's national security correspondent for the "new york
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times." from flash christopher hill he's a former ambassador to south korea and currently the dean of the international studies at the university of denver. i am pleased to have both of them. let me just begin with this what . what has this done in a serious way to the ongoing lack of relationship between the tension of north korea and the united states. do we expect the united states because of the death of this young man to take measures that that it had not been prepared to do before. chris. >> i'm not sure this horrible incident is going to affect the overall lack of u.s. north korean relationship. the lack of that relationship is caused by north korea's pursuit of nuclear weapons. they have shown zero interest to the negotiation. frankly they've shown zero interest in any serious discussion about a scuk about nuclear weapons.
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instead, they've wanted to talk to us as one nuclear power to another. the u.s. has worked dill jectly with china. they don't have much to show for it to be sure but i think that further, that is further exacerbated the u.s. north korea relationship. so even if they had returned otto warmbrer's, this isn't going to lead to improvement. there's a sense in the trump administration there's just nothing that can be done with north korea. i think you'll see them doubling down really on china notwithstanding the president's tweet. >> rose: david. >> i think they'll double down. i read the tweet differently than chris did. i read it that the president who had said to me in an interview
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last year he thought the chinese have complete control over the north koreans is now coming to the conclusion that every one of his predecessors came to which was the chinese control may not be complete and that even if it was, they are unwilling to use it because they don't want to destabilize north korea and have a collapse with north korea on their border and perhaps absorbed by the south. the one tragedy and it's a huge tragedy as more to the emotional impact here. remember when the president decided two months ago to bomb syria, even if he did it only for an evening and did it only in one facility, he did it in part because of the emotional impact as being children who has been suffering most and killed
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by syrian chemical went instances. the conversations he had with the warmbler's may have severe impact on his thinking. we don't know if the president is driven by these kinds of incidence but the early indications are it does have an impact on him. >> rose: chris, what would make a difference to him if anything other than a military start. >> first of all, it is not at all clear there is anymore of a military option today than there was yesterdays. i mean a military option is extremely problematic given the 20 million or so south koreans who are in harm's way. so any kind of direct action of that kind by the u.s. would have to involve some kind of process with this new south korean government. i think it's going to be a very delicate game working with this government. of course the south korean president will be in town in washington next week but i think it's going to be, require a lot
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of tact and some will deft approach which i'm not are sure the trump administration has been able to display. so i think it's going to be very difficult working with the south koreans and at the same time i think when the trump administration looks at north korea, they're not really sure that they have much to work with there. what could move the north koreans, it's hard to say but i think really a prolonged and deep and clear bilateral understanding between the u.s. and china will eventually get their attention. now whether that's on a track that would move as fast as north korea's nuclear aspirations, it's hard to say. but i think when the north koreans get the point that the chinese really are serious and that the chinese and the u.s. are consulting on ways to directly impede and repardon that program i think that would start to get their attention.
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this requires i think a real full corps press with all hands on deck approach with the chinese. and there again, i think this administration has difficulties with that kind of sustained effort and simply don't have enough of a team to do that. rex tillerson is drawn in six different directions. he really doesn't have the people to draw on. so i think they are together going to find that this issue that they kind of fingered as their number one issues is indeed going to do that. they could be looking at a north korea deliverable weapons within a part of their first term. >> you know charlie, i think this administration that right now views it self as having been unlucky enough to be sitting in office at the very moment that the north koreans were about to go merge two technologies they've been working on for many years. one of those is shrinking a nuclear weapon to the size that
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could fit atop the war head of a missile and the other is getting that missile out and shooting it as far as the continental united states even if it is the united states just showing it has the capabilities. the thinking is everything changes at that moment, it was then vulnerable to such a weapon. now there's an america first element to that, because the japanese and the south koreans had been vulnerable to north korean missiles that probable can have nuclear weapons on them for some number of years. but clearly president trump has said he cannot tolerate this. and president obama before him said he could not tolerate this. so what did obama do? he refused to negotiate with the koreans but we did accelerate in the previous shows a cyber program that was aimed at trying
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to sabotage their missal launches. and then 2014 and last fall, that looked pretty successful. in the most couple months, and going on mr. trump's time in office, the north koreans had been more successful now at conducting tests, mostly with new solid fuel rockets. and if the american program is still active, and we believe it still is, it has been less successful so far. if i had to bet on that end of it, you're going to see president trump reach for the cyber option even more aggressively. it's the only thing he can do shy of a direct attack that has all the effects and all the down sides that chris just described. >> rose: chris, on the other side as a diplomat is there anything you could offer him, not punish him but offer him, the carrot and stick thing here that might make him amenable to
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a denuclearization argument. >> well first o of all i think it's po important to keep on the table the commitment to a negotiation of a 23450 clear free korean pense law. i think even the trump administration is able to do that, it's not off the table. that's important to say even if we worked much more assiduously with the chinese, not so much on looking for ways to coach the north koreans back to the table but rather looking for ways to retard program, whether cyber attacks or whatever, the space between peace and war. so i think we have to do both. i think we need to signal to the north koreans that we will, we will be receptive to an approach, provided they understand that they can't just come to talks and say we're a nuclear power now we're going to deal with you as the soviet union does with you. so i think the problem is north
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korea has failed to make any kind of commitment or at least kim jong-un, i think his father was looking at a solution but he does care what china thought. what is quite striking about this new north korean regime is they don't seem to care what the chinese think. so i think the chinese are going to have to get their attention and be far more aggressive than they've been. the problem there is i don't think there's really consensus within china on going ahead with that. i think there are chinese who would love to throw the north koreans under the bus and do so immediately but there are many other chinese who believe that somehow the demise of north korea would be, would mean a victory for the united states and a defeat for china in the eyes of many chinese. i would like to mention one other point about this idea that north korea could reach out and
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hit the u.s. with a an rcbm, nuclear rcbm. this does have profound implications for japan and south korea because i think the purpose of that technology is not to somehow thwart a u.s. attack on north korea which we all know it's not going to happen unless they attack us. the purpose is to somehow create a situation where the u.s. does not live up to its treaty obligations with south korea for fear that north korea will uleash a nuclear attack on the u.s. sounds a little farfetched but i mean would the u.s. be prepared to lose an urban center in the western part of the u.s. with the satisfaction of having obliterated north korea i'm not sure that's going to do. any president, this one and the one who follows would certainly have a quandary whether the u.s. should be engaged in helping south korea when in fact the
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penalty of it could be a north korean nuclear attack against the united states. so the u.s. will probably be looking at these treaty commitments and if it isn't, at least the south korean people and the japanese people will be wondering will the u.s. get themselves into a conventional war and risk this type of counterattack. >> rose: thank you so much. we'll be right back. stay with us. >> rose: beatriz at dinner is a new movie as a working class mexican imgrunlt who attends a dinner party at one of her wealthy clients. be trifs is introduced to dug strut a real estate developer played by john lithgow. the two quickly spar over many issues including immigration, cantism and the environment. the film is called the first
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dramatic comedy that sits an explicit al gory at the age of trump. here's the trailer. >> this is my dear friend beatriz. >> hi. >> beatriz is a healer. this woman is a saint. it's like birds fly on it of the skyeand land on her shoulder. >> can i get another bourbon. >> no this is beatriz, she's staying for dinner. >> you were hovering, i just figured you were part of staff. >> do i know you. >> we've been on the news. >> i think i know you. >> ever dance in vegas. >> thank you for having us at your stunning home. i couldn't be more pleased at how smoothly this whole process has gone. alex if any of those efforts were illegal, i do not know you nor was i or tonight. >> nor i. >> it was my house. >> thank you for having me. when i first came to the united
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states a long time ago -- >> did you come legally? >> yes. >> tenderloin was amazing. >> so was the fish, so buttery. >> you own a hotel. i always had the desire to be a healer. >> good for you, you're working, you contributed. >> going to south africa. those animals would be did gone if it wasn't for the hunting. >> man and beast, struggle for survival. >> you think it's funny? i think it's sick. you think that's hard. try hitting. it could take forever to x it. >> like you have a pretty tough job. >> you think you can hide up here behind these gates and that everything is going to be all right. >> the world doesn't need your
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feelings, it needs jobs, it needs money, it needs what i do. >> he is a great philanthropist. >> okay, you're done. >> thank you very much. >> what were you thinking. my relationship with that guy paid for this house. >> i feel like i don't even know you. >> you don't know me. >> can't possibly end with. >> rose: all right, all right. joining me now the two stars of the film salma hayek and john lithgow. thank you for coming. great to have you here. thank you. so john, what do we have hear, the story. >> well it's the story of a dinner. a dinner for six very wealthy people. and by a couple turns in plot, there's a seventh guest and that's salma in the role of beatriz who is a mexican emgrunt legally immigrated to the
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states. she's a healer. in the course of this film character and mind becomes antagonists look on with befuddlement. it goes on with being wry and comic to being complex. it goes from being a comedy of manners to a film about much much larger things. and yet it's just about these people. >> rose: it takes place entirely over the course of a dinner. >> in one set. one costume for each of us. brilliantly written by mike wright and miguel, the two of them worked together often. they presented it to salma as nothing but an idea. she said yes and here we are with a wonderful film. >> rose: why did you say yes. >> i would have said yes, it's one of those you have me at hello. i'm a huge fan of them. i almost worked with miguel once
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before in a movie that he wrote in the film and it didn't happen and i hired him for ugly betty as the director. finally mike one day had this idea. they called me up, came to the house and said we want to do something together. we have this idea we want you to be in it. i said okay let's go. i said what is it, what's it about. what's a dinner. it's about a dinner. yeah. immediately i thought for sure i'm the cook, you know. and then i said what do i play. and then he said nothing else. nothing. he would not tell me. two weeks later on the day of my birthday -- and he hasn't written anything. it was a vague idea. he gave me the script. what prompted the idea was the dentist that killed cecil the
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lion. >> rose: that's right. that was at the time. >> yes. this is before the -- we were out raged because we all love animals. and he thought what would i do if i go to one of these parties one day and i realize that i'm sitting down with this guy. would i just act normally like nothing happened. what would i do. and so that's where it all began. >> rose: to know you is to know you about the battle of ideas. it is true, isn't it. >> for a long time. >> it was written for her and it was inspired by her in many ways. although she's somewhat represents both mike wright and miguel. >> rose: in terms of their values and how they see the world. >> on the other hand they're not sternly judgmental of the other characters. that's what makes it such a provocative film.
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>> rose: they also made you interesting in a way. it's not just someone who got rich. >> it's very interesting the way miguel directed my character. from what we've already told you, your reflexive response would be doug struts the alpha guest at this dinner is the villain of the piece. but he goes beyond that almost immediately, miguel. >> rose: what do you mean, what did he do to go beyond that. >> the first time i spoke to him about the character on the phone, he talked about doug strut with great affection, great injoint, a man who loves life. >> rose: he pays his taxes coy. >> he doesn't think of himself as a villain, why should we. >> paying taxes and creating jobs, it's a wonderful thing. it is important too.
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exactly. i think it's done with a lot of respect both sides. the arguments are equally eloquent and smart on both sides. they're written well. and there's something charismatic and intelligent and warm and smart about this guy. >> the interesting thin is a real connection does, as contentious as it is, a real connection. >> rose: what's the connection? >> we're at least engaging. neither of us is afraid of arguing our case. everybody else in the room is but we're not. we're actually both very powerful characters. and it's quite gripping to see a
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movie in which two characters from these two completely different and almost opposite worlds actually engage. you don't see that in movies. you don't see it in plays, you don't see it in real life. >> rose: were you thinking of anybody. >> that's a leading question. he's a billionaire real estate developer and you just say that word. these days you think of one thing. but your viewers don't need to be told donald trump is not the only billionaire real estate developer in the world. and doug strut is far more different than similar to donald trump. on the other hand, at this particular historical moment, you you cannot look at this film and look at the things you and i are thinking about all day long. >> rose: where the american conversation is about because of the trump administration.
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>> we made the film in august and september of last year. it's thinking that there would be such a political change coming. november 8th came along and suddenly the movie was the same but the perception of it renew was going to be completely different. suddenly much more urgent film. >> rose: she's empathetic. she's an outsider in a sense. more than just as an outsider of the party but an outsider in terms of what. >> i think it depends who is looking at it. exactly because i think for the other people she's an outsider. she doesn't see -- no, she doesn't feel so separate than everyone else. actually she's not even having a complex to the fact they are beautiful and rich and well dressed and powerful. and she was dressed like them and she wasn't comfortable in the same social setting.
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she doesn't come in with a chip on the shoulder. >> she's very direct. interestingly enough, she does not have as much sense of humor as doug strut does. >> he does have a sense of humor. >> so our interaction together, she takes everything literally and seriously and i try to, for me it completely works to dismiss everything to make fun of everything. >> rose: do we have to tell why she's at the party. >> she's at the party because she comes to give a massage. to this woman. and i have treated her daughter when she had cancer. so they fill in that too. the daughter is now out to college and i continue to come so she feels like i'm part of the family and what's brilliant about that character, it's a woman she wants to feel like she's a really good person doing the political right thing. but not for real, just for her
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to feel good, you know. and that's why a lot of people identify with it. and then my car breaks down and there's no way out and i live very far away. so she ends up -- >> rose: staying for dinner. >> stay for dinner. they'll love you. >> rose: we have a sense of idea. you got to have this go somewhere. where does it go or is it just an evening of the relationship between two interesting characters coming from two very different views. >> very very slowly and incrementally the tensions ratchets up. >> there's a lot of tensions. there's one of the most brilliant things about miguel. >> and there's a lot of alcohol. >> alcohol fuels all the best in a fine drama. >> rose: -- all inhibitions.
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>> my character is like an existential crises and a melt down. eventually there's a little bit of marijuana. and her reaction because you don't know what they're going to do. wouldn't you say that, john. and they can be anything. i mean if somebody told me asked me yesterday if there was somebody that was completely, you know, extreme right, would they hate the film? they wouldn't because they would just think that it's a movie about this great guy who had dinner with this crazy insane mexican, you know. that it was like sneaking into
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the country i sneaked into the dinner and destroyed the dinner too. >> rose: when he first meets her he thinks she works with the staff. >> that's how they meet. >> he says i thought you were staff. >> rose: because you were hovering around. >> it's the most exciting dialogue. >> sexy. that's why they say it's the first -- >> the dinner itself which is a big set piece in the middle of the movie is an incredibly study in social awkwardness. the whole story is told -- >> rose: in the context it's reason -- >> the pacing is wonderful. it builds builds. >> rose: he sales and say things quite innocently and for her- >> he does it with a cliche.
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she says things quite cynically. >> rose: it's cynical for him. >> and she's too smart to be offended by it. >> rose: she knows. >> and has compassion. so they think she's stupid. so they are more comfortable. but you see she doesn't react personally. >> she doesn't take it personally. >> no. she doesn't even judge him. she not only has a sense of humor but a sense of joy and easy goingness. when she starts realizing what he represents not for her for the world. that she starts questioning things. >> rose: go ahead. >> i just have to compliment salma with such a fantastic and bold performance. it's completely unlike her yet so like her. >> rose: you're getting great reviews too. >> i want to be compliment him now but it would sound too
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choreographed, john. >> rose: i'll do it. this is from owen leashman -- knows he's going to crush you anyway. this actor understands power from the inside. doesn't just act it, he choose on it and savors it. you said from most of the conversation between the two americas because i don't understand how people think they are very different than we think. >> yes. for me the most scary part about the situation personally realize the america we're in, is my own inability to completely make sense of a part of america that
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is considerably in size, and i don't quite understand the logic of mentality very well. and this is scary to me. that i don't understand it. >> rose: what do you mean you don't understand. you don't understand politics, you don't understand the class -- >> i don't understand the philosophy. and it represents in many ways. for example i don't, we didn't know that racism was so strong until recently. the land of the free, the land of the home, the land that celebrates -- >> rose: -- pretty strong all along. >> to this degree. >> rose: oh yes. yes, and especially the people who are the victims of racism, i think they knew it. it's just it's more apparent now because of the president's
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cameras and it's no longer hidden. >> -- that is building a campaign on calling out the haters. >> and building a wall. >> an imagery wall that is not logical and that it's not going to be big. >> in an atmosphere like this it's inevitable talking about this movie leads to this place. you just can't watch this movie without it stirring those feelings, those thoughts, those arguments. which for -- >> it's not just politics. >> but it makes you look at politics from a completely different interactions of people and what people really need to hear. >> rose: i hope this conversation makes us want to go see the movie. that would be a very good rat.
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>> the quality. this is one of the main films. believe it or not. but of course the other things takes a lot. >> rose: good to see you. thank you. >> wonderful as always, charlie. >> rose: we'll be right back. stay with us. >> rose: dan auerbach is here is an award winning producer and front aman of the garage rock band the arc. he returns with his first so low album in eight years, it is called waiting on a song. the album's been called a love letter to the city of nashville. here is dan auerbach performing a track from a song right here in our studio. ♪ music i've been thinking and i've been strumming ♪ just
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you can look up at the stars ♪ bow your head and count the cars, you'll still be waiting, waiting on a song. might be a blue bird or a crow ♪ on a cord between two poles. they're just waiting, waiting on a song ♪ songs don't grow on trees, you got topic them out the breeze ♪ ♪ null down on your knees and pray one comes along ♪
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when those railroad gates come down, you got to stop and turn around or you'll be waiting, waiting on a song. you'll be waiting, waiting on a song. >> rose: i'm pleased to have dan auerbach at the table for the first time. welcome. >> thank you important having me. >> rose: you said you put everything you know in this album. >> almost i spent my whole life preparing to make this record in a weird way. just listening to all the records i did putting together this studio and then i meet all these great musicians in
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nashville and they're congregating in the studio and being in nashville and living it. >> rose: a long time since your last solo album. >> yes. i had success with the black keys and we went on the road and we hit it hard and we never stopped, you know. so i mean the black keys i think, we took a break last summer and we've been touring for four years solid straight. stopping once in a while to make a record change the oil. >> rose: what is it different for you going solo after being with the black keys. >> i guess for me when i'm working alone on something, it changes every time i go into the studio. it's whoever i'm working with that day, you know. when you're in a band, it's you too but you have to work
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together. >> rose: you're a master of many trades. you're a producer, you have your own label. you really, you do it all. >> yes but it's all connected, you know. it's all sort of the same thing. when i was producing records and giving them labels, you know, i was handing in the finished product, i was finding the photographer, i was helping find someone put work together. i mean it's like sort of making records is what i like to do since i was a kid. >> rose: you write songs along with -- >> it was about last summer i just started to take a break from touring. i needed to be at home. for the first time, i lived in nashville almost eight years and i never spent much time there because i was on the road so much. >> rose: it's become america's most favorite cities. >> it's become one of mine too. i got to settle in and not
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leave. kind of settle into the way of life and check out some of the rose: your music videoe.d shine on me with your interview. >> yes. that's one you might find familiar. ♪ >> absolutely. >> rose: why did you do that? what did you want to explore. >> the video was an animated video by a great director named steven mertin out of los angeles. he sent me the treatment and i loved it and i loved his artwork and he put it together and it was so great. >> rose: where do you want the music to go from here. >> music is where i am. i played music growing up with my family so music's just what i do, you know. it doesn't need to really go anywhere. >> rose: but does it tell you rather than you telling it.
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>> every day's different. every day i go in it's something new, you know. and it's that creative process that i'm so addicted to and it's just that's the beautiful thing about it. >> rose: is any part of the process harder than others. >> well, yes. i mean touring is i think very difficult for me personally being on the road all the time being away from the family turning into ground hog day, it can. >> rose: how do i start. >> we sit in a circle and start the ball rolling. if you have chemistry and the gods are smiling on you, you come up with something. >> rose: let's talk about the song waiting on a song. what's the origin. >> john said i got an idea. i said what you got. he starts strumming. it's just three chords. he writes songs with three
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chords. he said i've been hubbleing and strumming waiting on a song. he head i've been hitching i've been thumbing and i said i can almost hear one coming. that's it, we just kept going and finished it up that day. >> rose: for you the creative spark comes from living your life. >> yes. i got hooked with my guitar and that music really early. it was the thing. all these musicians, you see all the musicians on the back, that's all the guys you know. there's duane eddie and john fine. gene chrisman and bobby wood. that's kenny malone. gist so many great people. all those guys made some of my favorite records of all time and they participated on this. almost all of them played music with their familiar lisa growing up. pretty much every single one of them grew up in a musical family. >> rose: i didn't. that's one of the great regrets in my life. i grew up with books but not
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with music. >> i think it's something with all these guys we feel at home playing music together because i think we all grew up. >> rose: who had the most influence. >> my uncle taught me how to sing at firms. he song blue grass songs. my uncle jim. >> rose: this is what you said, living in nashville definitely changes the way i think about music and the way i record it. >> i feel that way. i never felt, i've never felt more inspired being in the studio. i just can't wait to get there. i really feel like i met, all these guys, some of these guys are in there 70's, they meet me at the studio at 9:00uo
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i know it's probably isn't going to hurt anybody if i don't get up and answer the door ♪ i believe i stay here on the floor. i'm going to stand by my girl ♪ ♪ don't think i won't. i'm going to stand by my girl ♪ ♪ because he'll kill me if i don't. i said she'll kill me if i don't. ♪ i never should have messed up. i should have gone ahead and
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fessed up. i look good dressed up for my own funeral ♪ i'm sure she'll look beautiful. i'm going to stand by my girl ♪ ♪ don't think i won't. i'm gun going to stand by my girl because she'll kill me if i don't. i said she'll kill me if i don't. ♪ i love that girl with fire in her eyes. that's what i used to say. but now i've come to realize if
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i want to live another day ♪ i can't be living that way. i'm going to stand by my girl. don't think i won't t i'm going to stand by my girl. because she'll kill me if i don't. ♪ i'm going to stand by my girl. don't think i won't. i'm going to stand by my girl, because she'll kill me if i don't. i said she'll kill me if i don't.
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♪ ♪ >> rose: more about this and other episodes visit us at and >> rose: funding for "charlie rose" has been provided by: >> and by bloomberg, a provider of multimedia news and information services worldwide. captioning sponsored by rose communications captioned by media access group at wgbh
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>> the following kqed production was produced in high definition. [ ♪music ] >> it's all about licking your plate. >> the food was just fabulous. >> i should be in psychoanalysis for the amount of money i spend in restaurants. >> i had a horrible experience. >> i don't even think we were in the same restauran
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