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tv   Journal  PBS  July 26, 2010 5:30pm-6:00pm PST

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>> hi, everyone. welcome to the journal. >> coming up in our program, an investigation is launched into the disaster at the love parade in germany. >> classified documents on the conflict in afghanistan are leaked onto the internet. >> that you approve the package of new tough sanctions against iran. captioned by the national captioning institute >> the death toll from saturday to lead a parade tragedy in germany has risen to 20. on monday, a 21-year-old woman died from her injuries. the deaths at the the parade
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were caused after panic broke out in a tunnel leading to the festival grounds. an official investigation is now underway. >> this is a city in mourning. people have been paying their respects to those who died on saturday. but there are also signs of anger and incomprehension at have such a tragedy could have happened. >> how can you only have one entrance for thousands of people? you do not have to be a genius to know that it will end in tragedy. it pains me just thinking about it. >> investigators are looking at several issues. among them, how tunnel was allowed to become a deadly bottleneck for those entering and leaving the site of the love parade. it is still not known just how many people work on the festival grounds when things started to go wrong. public prosecutors in the city have rtc's possible evidence.
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>> we have confiscated documents from the organizers and the city authorities. they are being analyzed right now. >> that investigation could take weeks or months. they plan to have a commemoration march next saturday for tho who dd. >> we will take an in-depth look at the low parade tragedy later. the afghan president says that a missile fired by nato forces killed 52 civilians last week humvee karzai says the incncent happened in the sunken district blast friday. nato has not confirmed these claims. the u.s. government has condemned the leaking of tens of thousands of classified documents on the conict in the ghanista saying it could threaten national security. they were published on the internet by wikileaks, which is an organization that specializes
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in publishing anonymous sensitive documents. >> there are reports from the from lines and have set on the afghan conflict. -- from the front lines and have sensitive information on the conflict the leader of the taliban is a list of ordering attacks. the documents could be the tip of the iceberg. >> they do not include most reports from u.s. special forces. they do not include report by the cia. they do not include reports by other coalition bodies. but they do include the majority of regular u.s. army activity. >> the news out let that had
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access to the documents said that the u.s. special forces units had targets to be killed bin areas controlled by german troops. it insists it is not involved in targeted killings. >> the purpose of the list is to identify insurgents. our exports -- our special forces with of the afghan authorities work to capture them on the ground. >> the documents also real th germany underestimated the security threat to its forces in the north, suggesting that berlin naively stumbled into the conflict. >> in response from the white house, robert gibbs said that the leaked material relieved nothing there had already been discussed before in the media or by government officials. but he underlined that the leaks were a breach of federal law and had the potential of harming the military and people
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cooperating with u.s. forces. >> it is not the ctes mu as it is that there are names, operations, logistics, sources, all information that are now have the potential to do harm if someone is cooperating with the federal government and their name is listed in an action report. i do not think it is a stretch to believe that that could potentially put a group or an divial at greapersonal ri. >> earlier, i spoke with our washington correspondent. i asked him what more details about the reaction in the u.s. to those leaks. >> robert gibbs says that the president is very concerned about this breach of national security. but, as you said, he pointed out that nothing is really new.
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in particular, the idea of how the pakistani intelligence doe possibly corporate with the taliban -- he said repeatedly that the president, in march 2009, said that we know pakistan has mixed records here. we do not issue a blank check. that suggests that the american aid for pakistan is not changing after the release of these documents. they are also trying to discredit the founder of wikileaks. in the interview, the founder said that this compares to the release of the starshe arives in sterma. robert gibbs says that we completely disagree with that, comparing u.s. soldiers with east german secret police. >> will be any consequences for u.s. military strategy in
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afghanistan? >> the national security adviser says that nothing will change. the white house also pointed out that these documents that were revealed are from a time span from 2004 to 2009. presidt obama, ter th, d change the strategy in afghanistan therefore, this is irrelevant, the lead from wikileaks. >> thank you very much for that update from washington. >> the eu foreign ministers have approved a tough package of sanctions aimed at convincing iran to stop developing its nuclear program. the sanctions target iran's oil and gas industries, which are key elements of the country's economy. it includes a ban on eu companies selling energy roduction equipment to iran. >> finding consensus is not always easy for eu foreign ministers. but on monday, they should
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resolve to get to run back to the negotiating table. the decision to -- to get tehran back to the negotiating book. >> the european union stands together in sending a strong signal to the iranian leadership. we are asking tehran to return to dialogue and cooperation and to turn off the road leading to nuclear armament. >> the eu underlined that the sanctions are designed to put pressure on the iranian leadership, not the civilian population the sanctions tight restrictions on trade, transportation, and finance. a ban on new investment in the country's oil and gas sector is seen as europe's most effective leverage. >> i think the energy sector is the key point to the sanctions. it is the strength of the iranian economy and the greatest of vulnerability because they are so dependent on it. it can hurt their energy sector, then you hurt the iranian regime. >> the eu hopes that iran will
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seek the opportunity to allay concerns about its nuclear program and will set a date for reviewing -- resuming talks. >> a tribunal has convicted the first former khmer rouge official in connection with atrocities under pol pot's activities in cambodia. he has been sentenced to 35 years in prison for crimes against humanity. but he will only serve 19 years in jail as he had been held illegally pending tri. almost two million people were harmed by the khmer rouge in what was known the killing field. there might be a change of leadership at the bp oil company. >> it certainly looks like he is going after all, according to british media reports. the c o of bp, -- that ceo of bp will be stepping down.
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he has not made an anunment yet. head bn a lightning rod of criticism since the gulf of mexico oil spill began in april. >> senior management at the bp want to keep discussions under wraps. but there appears to be plenty of information getting out. british media reports that tony howard -- tony hayward will be gone by october 1 at the latest. hayward has been criticized for showing insensitivity to the victims of the oil spill. also for playing down the dimension of the disasr. >> i think we have made progress. we follow through on the program. we demonstrated it can work and achieve some early success. >> but under water, the oil continued to gush at a furious rate. >> the important thing is having a new ceo and getting rid of the
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person that has been tarnished by the bad spill brush. that is a good thing. also, a lot of americans will be pleased to see that the person that is the favorite to replace tony hayward is an american himself. that will certainly help the image of the company. >> of dudley, an american bp executive comes from mississippi. he has been in charge of cleanup operations in the gulf since june. america's worst oil spill is turning out to be an economic and public relations disaster for bp. on tuesday, the company presented figures for the second quarter. >> european stock markets to give a ctious thumbs-uto tho banking stress test results on monday appeared 19 european banks were given the once over to see how stable they are. but deutsche bank shares were published -- were punished because it refused to publish a much sovereign debt it owns.
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why the secrecy? >> butcher bank shares were among the biggest losers in frankfurt -- deutsche bank shares were among the biggest losers in frankfurt on monday. but tests have been widely criticized for not being tough enough. some analysts in london say they will make little difference. >> it has been nice to have the people from that eu, but it is meaningless and worthless. it is just an exercise. it will not satisfy the international markets. >> only seven of the 91 european banks that were put to the test actually failed to make the bread, a man them, five spanish lenders. -- among them were fivespanh lenders. quest for a wrap up of today's
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-- >> 4 rap up of today's talks change -- for a wrap up today's stock exchange -- >> another topic will become important this trading week. second quarter earnings reports season is only about to start here in germany. smaller companies already came in with relatively good figures, like companies fromhe gman engineerg sector. also commercial tv stations came in better than expected. but tuesday will bring these d firstax -- the first dax companies and that is what they're looking forward to appearin. >> dathe dax clod today at 273. the dow jones is currently at
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9735. the euro is trading at $1.29. germany's second-biggest airline is joining the one world alliance. it has reached a basic agreement with british airways to join the alliance. more details are expected tuesday. the company plans to offer customers more destinations in the u.s. and around the globe. the one world alliance is one of the top world airline alliances and includes 11 members, including american airlines, cathay pacific, and qantas. almost 70 million vehicles have been produced this year and that is 20% more than last year. it is mainly thank you to the chinese market. nearly 6 million cars were sold
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there from january to may. a third of those are german cars. to keep up with demand, they put on extra shifts and bmw is thinking about shortening company holidays. megan has an unusual story force. >> yes, i do. a spanish man who underwent the world's first transplant of an entire face has appeared in public for the first time since his surgery four months ago. the 31-year-old patient thank his medical team and is the owner's family. the opation lasted 2hours d to two yearso plan. the surgeons say he should develop facial movement and speech over the next 18 months. he had been left unable to breathe on his own or swallow following a shooting accident five years ago. we have soccer news. striker role has left the club after 16 years there.
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the 33-year-old was the huge favorite at madrid. the former captain when the spanish league six times. he scored 323 goals and almost 750 appearances. he has been linked with a possible move to germany or england. finally, a catamaran made from thousands of plastic bottles has arrived in australia after travelling around the pacific ocean. the plastic he set off from san francisco in march. 12,500 plastic bottles went into making the vessel. it had a crew of six. the sas were also made of recycled plastic. >> it looks like a pretty sturdy boat. stay tuned for in-depth coming up next.
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euromaxx. >> a germantown is grieving after saturday's love parade tragedy. 20 people were killed. authorities are coming under increasing prsurever th organizational and security arrangements. police in the city have defended their handling of the situation. they say they had been controlling the flow of visitors all along the pedestrian tunnel all along. obviously, " somethinsomething t horribly wrong. politicians are already calling for consequences to be drawn. but many people who were on the scene are already drawing their own conclusions. > the people started climbing
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onto the ceiling with their bare hands. that is pretty serious. those who were in charge did not open up the fences. i do not understand it. you cannot lock people like that. they should have moved to the fence is a way much earlier. >> when i looked around, when i looked do, i saw lots bodi just ing there. i cannot believe it. people just died there. >> who is to blame? the organization. right from the start, the location was not big enough, in my opinion. i cannot see how that area would be big enough for 1.4 million people. i do not think it is right to blame the police alone could i think the planning should have gone different from the start.
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> the only explanation i can come up with is that the organizers built up a huge amount of pressure related to the region being the european capital of culture this year, bringing in the media and appealing to politicians. >> if security issues are dodged for commercial reasons, that is punishable by law. if the venueis said to be suitable for a 200,000 to 300,000 and then a 1.5 million shot, that is way too many. i am sure that heads will roll because of this. -- 1.5 million show up, that is way too many. i am sure that heads will roll because of this. >> people there sounded very angry.
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my colleague, and young, was in the city over the weekend. we ask them about the sense he got. >> when i was in desperate last night, sunday night, talking to people who had come down to the site, it was to express their grief and to express anger. they filled that the -- they felt that the organizers and the police bear the responsibility for this tragedy. everyone called for a quick investigation. everybody was very disappointed about the official reaction, the press coerence held stery. the auorities did not seem to be ready to take their share of the responsibility end of people we spoke to said that that was a scandal. it was quite clear that organizational failures had happened. there was a lot of criticism of
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the police. >> officials are under a lot of pressure over the arrangement. i love people had warned that the site for the festival was inappropriate. -- a lot of people had warned that the site was inappropriate. >> yes. bloggers on the intnet and know all about the love parade had been saying for weeks that they thought that this site at the railway yard was not appropriate for holding and nant of this scale. most of the criticism is on the plan of the one tunnel being used for exits. alternative emergency exits were blocked with the emergency vehicles. so it is hard to understand how at cld he en the ce. also, there is the question of why they did not have any space% for emergency vehicles to get in
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if there were any incidents. that was one of the real problems, they could not reach the dying people. questions remain about the organization there. >> below parade took place in berlin for many years without any such incident. what was the difference? >> the key difference is that this is a smler city in. --maller city. it was the first time that the leopard had come there. it had been held at different -- the love parade had come there. it had been held in different places over the last few years. they did not have the experience or how the visitors of the love parade would react. they said that they expected only a quarter of a million people to enter the festival, the party area at any one time. i do not see how they could have expected that igivethat everyone knew that more than a
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million visitors were expected. the authorities there were a little bit out of their death. >> simon young, we thank you for that. the love parade was billed as the biggest techno party in the world. it is now over for good. the organizers say they're discontinuing the event. however, the issue of crowd control is not a new one. it is something that plays a key part majorvents around t world. the love pare is not the only large event organized here in germany. officials have a great experience in crowd control here. there is the munich octoberfest or sports tournament, like the 2006 world cup which was hosted by germany. >> 2006, the soccer world cup in germany -- fans across the country turned up in the thousands to watch the game in
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public viewing areas. in berlin alone, milons watched germany against in the tournament. the events passed without incident. the location was key, surrounded by the park. there was a safety buffer all around it. people could easily escape and emergency services had easy access. safety precautions were missing at the love parade. panic has been avoided at many other mass gatherings. in 2005, 1 million people took part in world youth day, a catholic festival held that year. lessons from panic research work followed in planning the event, helping to what problems, especially in the narrow lanes of cologne's old town. crowds were sent through one-way areas to make sure they cannot co-lead -- they could not
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collide. millions of pilgrims converged on the saudi city every year. on many occasions, many lives have lost. the major disaster was in 2006 when more than 350 people died and many more were injured. the saudi authorities responded by seeking advice from the german researcher who had been consulted for the world youth day in cologne. it was an enormous challenge for the experts. but they were able to come up with a concept that brought structure and order into the chaos of the haj. so far, that concept has worked. but even the experts said met -- but even the experts admit that it is difficult and risk to life and limb is always there.
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>> thank you for watching. >> the weather forecast from ermany, contionwill remain changeable with overcast skies and not much sun. there will be grain in the west and south. the next few days will be the same, but friday will be drier. elsewhere in europe, northern countries will be cloudy and wet. russia and mediterranean regions, the weather will stay fine. here is delicate the forecast for cities around the world -- here is the forecast for the cities around the world.
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