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tv   European Journal  PBS  November 21, 2010 11:00am-11:30am PST

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♪ captioned by the national captioning institute ♪ >> politicians are making headway in europe spreading nationalism across frontiers. hello and welcome to the brussels studios of dw- and "european journal." poland it tries tcompete with ro de janeiro with the world's biggest statue of christ. those in prison face grim prospects even when they are released. the hotels of privileged men when women are allowed only sometimes. when the u.n. secretary general addressed parliament, he
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described integration as the greatest challenge of your. he criticized the rise of populist politicians playing on fears for support. that kind of populism has been on the rise in europe. nowhere more so than in the netherlands. geert wilders has been spreading his anti-islam message to germany. >> it is a land of beauty and tranquillity. the far right danish people's party believes the tranquillity is under threat from muslim immigrants. in the latest move, the party is calling for a ban on satellite receivers that could be used to watch arabic tv programming. the muslims in copenhagen hardly know whether to laugh or cry. >> this is insane. come on line.
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-- come on. >> i think actually want to do that. sometimes they bring out things you would expect as a joke. i think they're very serious about it. >> few here doubt that they are serious. the far-right party has stoked fear among the immigrant population. >> i do not want to make my job chances that in the future if i say something negative. they might come after me when i am done with my education. >> the danish people's party has been in parliament for over 10 years. the conservative liberal coalition is a minority government. it depends on the support in parliament. it has considerable influence. the members are happy to advise other like-minded politicians.
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it has close ties with geert wilders in the netherlands. >> we exchange views. we exchange ideas. we have had talks about experiences from denmark that could be useful in the netherlands. >> geert wilders helps to keep the party funds flowing. one analyst says much comes from groups in the u.s. that opposed the islamic natiozation of the . >> she asks people to donate to her organization. she gives that money to europe. they represented in europe. the pay his salary. >> after receiving support from denmark and the u.s., he is now keen to help right-wing groups in germany. [applause] >> despite my full calendar, it
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was important for me to come to berlin today. i believe that germany needs a political movement that defends the german identity and works against the islamizataion of germany. >> so far, rightwing populists do not have much political clout in germany. he clearly believes that could change. >> it is an international vessel. people also struggle against islam. it is important to note we are not part of the extreme right- wing political party. >> rightwing populists have cultivated a more modern image. he supports gay marriage but is even pro-israel. he has distanced himself from the far right english defence league, even though they demonstrated in support for him. the far right belgianarty also
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supports them, even though many of its policies do not fit in with his own. >> it is split between those who want to retain the old nationalist anti-semitic line and those who want to modernize. for them, he is a role model. >> the differences between the various far right groups are often blurred. his new adviser is linked with the flemish extremists. in denmark, people can still relax fothe time being. a ban on satellite receivers is not likely to find much support outside the people's party. the country's rightwingg populists are always active. many wonder what might come next. ♪ >> the scandal of child abuse by catholic priests and nuns has rocked the church and embroiled
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in costly compensation claims and a number of countries. in some countries, the sums involved have yet to be agreed on. negotiations continue. austria has reached a deal to set up a foundation to help the victims and make compensation payments to them. the amount each victim receives will be decided by independent commission. >> the sexual abuse scandal that engulfed the catholic church has not spent austria. at least 400 people were abused in various churches institutions and affiliated schools here. the crimes may have been committed decades ago, but they have left a legacy of shame and fear. he was subjected to abuse for years. it started at the age of 13. he is now 47. the emotional scars have yet to heal. he is one of the few who went public to tell their story. he knows of at least 25 other former pupils who were beaten and forced to perform sexual acts on their religious studies
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teacher, a priest. >> i have to undress and help to masturbate. i was a child. i did not understand. i assumed it was ok because my mother said the priest is the best. the wild beatings he gave me triggered a nightmare in me. he said it would be a mortal sin to tell anybody. >> the priest was removed when the story broke. he died earlier this year. the valor of secrecy survived him. -- the vowel of secrecy survived him. he is the only one to speak out in his group. some people refuse to believe his story. he feels only discussed. -- he feels only disgust. >> experiences like that can see you chased out of paradise. children cannot understand it. what they experience is
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completely different from what they are told. you are played by doubt. when you can on this date the doubt, you can suppress it or kill yourself. -- when you are tortured by the dow, you can suppress it or kill yourself. it is terrible. >> this is where it happened in the picturesque town in central austria. there were rumors about the priest's dubious method of education. the locals had an idea that something was wrong. now they tend to give him a wide berth. >> i was the only one in our village to report what happened. there is no evidence that at least 25 others were abused by the priest. that is not in the tip of the iceberg. -- there is evidence that at least 25 others were abused by priests. people are afraid of destroying family life. they have to maintain the image of innocents. they're plenty of reasons why people do not come out. >> he considered jumping off a
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bridge. in his mid-20s, he became a recluse. he wrote about his experiences as a way of liberating himself. he is still in therapy. the priest was based at the nearby abbey. an official apology has been issued but he remains wary of the church. in the spring, he met the local abbott to discuss the matters. at that point, the church was still eager to sweep things under the carpet and he gave responsibility. -- and invevade responsibility. an independent group was asked to coordinate claims. this has minimize red tape. victims are given some benefit of the doubt. >> it is clear or extremely likely that the abuse took place. we know the victim is traumatized. we see to it that there therapy costs are covered. it does not matter if the time
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for bringing proceedings has expired. there are cases for years old. that means the statute of limitations would apply. -- there are cases that are 40 years old. that means the statute of limitations would apply. we do not only consider abuse as the cause of trauma. >> we are therapy is beneficial, this money is a means to an end in can be helpful. if they were to give me 10 million years, that does not mean i could forget it. -- 10 billion euros, that does not me i could forget it. >> at least 5000 euros is available for each individuals without an upper limit. it is a model for other places facing the same problem. ♪ >> when you think of rio de janeiro, you probably think of the huge statue of jesus christ overlooking the city. they're similar statues elsewhere. poland is topping the mall with
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a huge statue on a huge base that raises the total height. the town got the agreement of local residents and businesses who hope to gain from pilgrims and tourists coming to visit the new and large attraction. >> this is the best known statue of jesus christ in the world. it towers above the day's janeiro -- rio de janeiro. it is 30 meters high and an icon for the city. at 34.2 meters, the tallest statue of christ is in cochabamba, bolivia. it will not be that for much longer. poland is about to inaugurate its statute in a town of 23,000 -- 22,000. when completed, it will measure 36 meters high. it will make it the biggest in the world. ♪
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the statue would not exist without this man, the local priest. he can clearly recall the moment five years ago when he decided to build it. >> a voice spoke to me and said to build a statue. build a monument to christ. i immediately knew it was my calling. it would have been a great sein to refuse, so i set about my task. >> the statue took 2.5 years to create. no public money was spent on it. it was all paid for by donations. the money flowed in from around the world. christ the king weighgh470 tons. it measures 26 meters across from hand to hand.
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the gold-plated crown alone weighs 800 kilograms. exactly how much it cost remains a secret. it is a matter for speculation in the polish press. >> the sums reported by wournalists are nonsense. even i do not know how much it costs. if i do not know, how do they? i would have needed to employ two accounts to do the job. all the figures you read in the papers are wrong. >> he visited the building site every day during c cstruction. talking, organizing, and motivating. ♪ he also toooo pictures at every stage of the process for posterity. ♪ it took this claim and two
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attempt to lift the head into position. most locals suppppt the project. there are still some doubting thomases. >> it is impressive. we will have to see if it turns out to be a white elephant or really turned this into a place of reflection and contemplation. >> as a devout catholic, i am touched by the statute. >> it is very big for a small town like this. it would be more suited to a pilgrimage place, but it is here now. we will have to get used to it. >> she probably does not have any choice. the statue can be seen from every point in the town. the father has said that anyone who does not like it should move away. but what about the criticism that the statute is too big?
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>> there is no megalomania. anyone who says that is wrong. the statue is not that big. on the contrary, it is too small. it should be stretching up to the heavens. >> thousands of people have already come to see the statue. there have been traffic jams stretching for kilometers. the mayor is very happy with the attention. it is bringing in a lot of money. it has put his town on the map. soon christ the king will be the biggest statue of its kind in the world. it can be seen for miles around, even at night. it could start to draw visitors away from rio de janeiro to a small town in poland. ♪ >> going to prison anywhere is a grim experience. it is especially so in lithuania. the baltic states have unusually
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high homicide rates. liliuania tops the list with 8 murders per hundred thousand residents every year. the prisons areld fashioned. the prisoners are crowded into group cells. drugs and violence are common. even when they are released, the convicts have little chance of a return to normal life. >> the last few hours in prison. he was 29 when he was first convicted. he has been incarcerated twice since then for totaled nine years. now he is finally scheduled for release. he has been looking forward to this day for weeks. his anticipation is overshadowed by doubt. after so many years behind bars, he is no longer the same person he was before. >> someone is always staring at you. the officials, the cameras, but especially cellmates. a matter what you are doing, someone is always watching.
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there are 40 men in a cell. there is no room for privacy. there's nothing to call your own. it is very unpleasant. the worst part is that you get used to it. >> for him, freedom is just past the windows. they're still 1300 inmates here in what is known as the toughest penitentiary in lithuania. 95% of the convicts are said to be drug addicts. smuggling is common. the food is poor. fights are common. visits to the infirmary are a daily event. most of the convicts here are violent offenders. his release is only minutes away now. for the duty officer, is all in a day's work. he has seen too many of his former charges return for another prison term. with the recidivism rate of nearly 80%, the guard does not bother with final words of encouragement. he gets a tiny sum of pocket
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money from the cashier. he is sent on his way. >> and walked through the gate and close the door on the last nine years of my life. it feels like i have been born again, like i have been beamed back down to the real world. but how will it cope with my real life? that is what worries me now. >> he arrives at his mother's house. his quickly urged inside. former convicts and their families are often the target of village scorn. his mother has already been forced to move once. her former husband, his father, it is a convicted murderer. to spare his wife and children from gossip, he has little contact with them when he was in prison. he did not even send letters home. the family wanted the neighbors to believe he was working
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abroad. little remains of his former life. all of his possessions can fit in a small cabinet. he is worried that his wife and children will refuse to see him. right now, he has nothing to offer them but his promise that this time, he will make it work. there are also happy memories here. on the hillside is where he remembers his first amounts -- romance, is first kiss. he was an athlete, popular and successful. over the years, alcohol came to rule his life. his first sentence of rape resulted in a prison sentence of four years. after seven months of freedom, he got another 4.5 years for a attacking a police officer. now he is suddenly expected to master normal life with no outside support. there is no parole officer to offer advice. there is no assistance from an
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employment bureau. the state coffers are empty. former convicts have to make do without rehabilitation programs. but there is no helping hand. i have to manage on my own. i have to get a job and earn some money. somehow i have to pull it off. >> for now, his wife agrees to let him pick up their sun from school. his young son acknowledges the father he hardly knows. it is an enormous weight off his mind. the first day of freedom ends on a happy note. he knows that many more challenges lie ahead. ♪ >> if you want an exclusive place to stay in paris, look no farther than the hotel paiva. that is if you are a man and have been personally
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recommended. based on the slightly faded champs elysees, it is a member of the travellers club. only men are allowed to enter and only if an exempted -- a member has invited them. no women are allowed. >> it is a famous street. the last of the night owls are driven away. when they have finished, the champs elysees looks again like it does in the travel brochures. is the most beautiful avenue in the world. he comes along here on his way to work every morning. his office is in perhaps one of the last really mysterious buildings on the champs elysees, the hotel paiva. it is the last of the many mansions that once stood here. the builder was legendary.
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it was a courtesan. looking at the mansion she built, it was clear how good your business was. >> she was an extraordinary woman. when i climb the stairs, i often think how many of her admirers most of what these same stairs as rich men and come down much poorer. >> today, the hotel paiva as a morallllflawless reputation. otherwise, he would not be working here. however, as far as the visitors finances are concerned, little else has changed. it is home to the exclusive travellers club. no women can join. membership is by invitation only. the clientele our camera shy to say the least. he is the manager of this extravagant club hotel.
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>> we have around 700 members worldwide. unlike conventional hotels, they feel comfortable here. it is a second home. the staff must attend to the wishes and needs of our guests. >> the hotel also has rooms available to members cannot live in paris. there islands apiece amid the hustle and bustle of daily life. -- they are islands of peace amid the hustle and bustle of daily life. it only opens its doors to non- members on special occasions and for brief visits. the interior of the building is very grand. there are plenty of anecdotes connected to the former owner. >> paiva led what you might call an amorous and independent life. she was a female dandy. a lot of her time was spent in a
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horizontal position, if you know what i mean. >> if you do not know what that means, you can look it up at home. that is not the only surprise that the building has in store for visitors. some walk around -- she used to walk around the dining room naked. it was her bathroom. the bathtub now serves as a bench for club members. >> paris has unusual buildings. this one is memore than merely unusual. it is not that big. you could live well there even today. >> he stays away from the visitors. he prefers the exclusive character of the establishment. he values his select few guests. for them, hotel paiva is an
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oasis of peace away from prying eyes and cameras. the club members can make for a discreet check or a round about them and over a drink. ♪ the manager checks to see if there is enough champagne. >> we have ordered magnum bottles of champagne for the governor's reception. they need to be in the photographs. we have to have them in stock. >> as hea looks out onto the champs elysees through the service entrance, -- as he slips out onto the champs elysees, thousands passing have no idea what is behind the walls. ♪ >> i would not want to stay in a hotel were ladies are not allowed. where's the fun in that? join us next week for another "european journal."
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goodbye for now from brussels. ♪
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