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tv   Journal  PBS  December 17, 2010 6:30pm-7:00pm PST

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hello, and welcome to the "journal" on dw-tv. the top stories, at the end of the summit in brussels, eu leaders say the will do everything possible to save the euro. many flights are grounded as severe snowfall causes traffic disruptions. and german business sentiment has reached a high in december. european leaders were upbeat
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at the end of their two day summit in brussels, which aimed at providing long-term stability for the euro. they have agreed to set up a rescue fund for the eurozone as of 2013. despite division on issues, german chancellor angela merkel said the eu had made an import decision for the future of the euro. >>s the german chancellor and other european leaders overcame most differences. and have agreed to set up a permanent emergency rescue fund to take effect in mid 2013. the 27 members were more -- will more closely coordinate their economic policies, the basic agreement, but there are no details yet. >> i cannot offer any definite points today. this applies to all political areas. we're looking to see if there is a good amount of common ground and where we still have work to do. >> the summit was meant to calm
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things after summer in which the euro was threatened. but it is not clear how long the agreements will stabilize the european currency. there were negative signals from the market. moody's once again once again downgraded ireland's credit rating. >> what we're looking at is the real economy in ireland and how it is doing. >> so werhoping fomore substantive progress. bu>> this would win additional liquidity for europe and that could easily lead to lower interest rates, even lower than they are in germany. q>> but berlin remains opposed o the euro bond solution.
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e.u. leaders have a great candidate status to the country of montenegro. an official report released last month says of montenegro will need to bring its justice system in line with european standards and that insufficient protection for freedom of speech and the press, and widespread corruption is also a problem there. th north korea has threatened to strike back against the south if they go ahead with a military firing drill on their island. north korean state tevision said retaliation would be deadlier than the previous attack on the island last month. the south said it will go ahead with their drill in the next few days. in november, for south koreans were killed when the north shelled the island. japan says it is radically changing its defense strategy in response to what it views as
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north korean aggression as well as the military rise of china. the government has approved plans to move its military focus from the north to the south of japan and will expand its submarine fleet and upgrade its fighter jets. beijing has condemned the plans as irresponsible. china says they pose no threat to any nation. old man winter is not letting up, heavy snow and ice conditions causing major disruptions across the continent. transportation has been severely affected in every sector. hundreds of flights have been delayed or canceled at major airports, including frankfurt, which is one of europe's busiest. >> at frankfurt international airport, snow removal crews have been out in force, clearing the runways and de-icing airplanes. still, more than 300 flights were canceled friday. heavy snowfall is causing chaos
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for travelers across europe. >> are flight last night to amsterdam was canceled. we stood in line for a couple hours and then we came at 5:00 this morning and stood in line for an hour and a half and just gave us our boarding passes. then they said that flight has been canceled. >> conditions on germany's autobahn remains treacherous. drivers have been left sitting in a long traffic jams. with fuel trucks not getting through, gas stations are in short supply. germany and other countries are facing road salt shortages and major roads can be slippery. across europe, there have been scores of accidents like this one in sweden. a second cold snap of the season has blanketed britain and heavy snow. temperatures have plummeted to - 15 degrees celsius. demand for heating oil is up and the government has warned the situation could become more serious. millions face fuel rationing
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over christmas. but for children all over europe, the snow spelled good news. in many places, school was canceled. >> one man says his organization faces an aggressive and secretive investigation by u.s. authorities. he said he believes the u.s. justice department will try to have him extradited on chars of espionage. his website has drawn anger from politicians around the world with its release of thousands of secret american diplomatic cables. the wikileaks founder has been released from a british jail and is fighting extradition to sweden. authorities want to question him over allegations of sexual assault, charges which he denies. with the things going wrong elsewhere, germany continues to get it right. europe's sovereign debt worries have failed to dent the german economic recovery. the business climate index is ending the year at a fresh
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record high. the 7000 companies participating in the monthly survey are more optimistic about their current business situation and their outlook for the next six months. retailers in particular have given an upbeat assessment of their current situation. the surveys out, beat expectations despite ongoing debt worries in some eurozone countries. earer, we spoke with the esidt and asked if the increasing number of eurozone countries imposing austerity measures could hurt germany's export business. >> this is certainly true. the austerity measures mean that these countries have scaled down their economy and imports less from germany. on the other hand, there is a reason why they have scaled down, that they don't get loans
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anymore. of the capitaexport from rmany into these cntri is lower, and capital is being offered at home. banks do not dare to go abroad anymore because of the risk involved, and so the credit climate in germany has improved and we get a lot of internal german investment. this is the dominant fact of the fact that the money is no longer infested in spain and portugal -- is no longer interested in spain and portugal. it is not a net disadvantage to germany. on the markets, the strong reading failed to lift german markets friday as investors sentiment was down by the eurozone by -- by the eurozone debt worries. >> the german economy still outpaced the rest of europe. the business climate shows that
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the upswing will continue also in the first half of next year. the companies in germany will be able to raise their profits. onhe other hand, investors worried about the downgrade by the rating agency moody's. this could mean that moody's and other rating agencies may downgrade other countries like spain, greece, or portugal. this brought down the mood on the frankfurt floor. the dax was under 7000 points at the end of the week. >> a closer look at the market numbers, the the dax fished e week low. the euro stoxx 50 index fell as well, going into the weekend at 2821. in new york, the dow jones also trading lower, pretty much flat lining.
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that is trading at 11,498 points. the euro trading at $1.39 -- $1.3167. siemens is selling its stake in a weapon system maker. a 49 share in the company will be sold to a group makingt the sole owner of europe's biggest maker of armored vehicles. they make the leopard ii battle tanker. the company employs around 3400 people at plants in germany, the netherlands, greece, and the united states. just a week ago, seaman said were selling their computer services division. while many people in belgian chocolate santa claus, it is open sson onhocote rabbits. a european court of justice has ruled the rabbit is a generic shape for chocolate confections
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and may not be patented. that is a setback for a swiss chocolate maker, which had hoped to protect its famous gold foil wrapped chocolate bunnies from a german competitor. that means all german competitors will be able to market them with red ribbons also. kind of weird seeing those this time of year. international pressure is mounting on the ivory coast presidential candidate laurent gbagbo to give up its claim to the presidency. he lost to alassane quattara, but refuses to step down. kininas prime minister says he should be removed by force if necessary -- kenya's prime minister says he should be removed by force if necessary. the u.s. has threatened sanctions. at the u.n. secretary general added his voice to e course, calling for gbagbo's
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resignation. >> the attempt by laurent gbagbo to retain power and flout the public will cannot be allowed to stand. i call on him to step down and allow his elected successor to assume a position without further hindrance. >> in brussels, french president nicolas sarkozy gave gbagbo to give up power -- gave gbagbo until the end of the week to give up power or face european union's sanctions. >> we have about 20 million people. 20 million people have chosen laurent gbagbo as their leader. why should we go?
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>> there are concerns that the political power struggle will escalate into renewed civil war. quattara supporters have threatened to continue to protest despite the gun battle that left 30 people dead. freedom to practice religion is a privilege often taken for granted. in more than 64 countries around the world, people are not allowed to freely express their beliefs. religious freedom and protection from persecution or top of the discussion at a debate today. church representatives from all over took part, including from iraq. there, life for christians can be dangerous. >> this is it is lucky to be alive. two months ago in iraq, 50 catholic church doors were killed by religious extremists. the bishop himself has also been the target of an attack. since then, he has been advised
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not to leave his home in baghdad. >> if i stay at home, if my peop need me to go to them, how can i not go? always i move without security around me. >> the bishop is glad that german lawmakers are trying to do more to help victims of religious persecution. >> we don't want to protect a religion, we want to protect basic human right to freedom of religion. about most of iraq's christians have fled the country. the bishop thinks that fact has been a lot -- the bishop thinks that fact has been ignored for too long. >> we want facts to do for us, and especially the human rights. we don't ask anything else. we just want our rights. >> shortly after the debate, the
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bishop made his way back to iraq, where he hopes for a peaceful christmas in baghdad. a nasty fist fight amongst lawmakers and ukraine's parliament has resulted in a number of concussions, broken bones, and minor injuries. prosecutors have opened an investigation intthe incident. the free-for-all broke out thursday evening after opposition mps blockaded themselves inside of the parliament chamber. the also hung banners reading stop political oppression. fights are relatively commonplace in ukrainian parliament, this one was seen as particularly violent. the president of fifa says he supports the idea of holding the 2022 world cup in january instead of june. the tournament will take place in the gulf state of qatar, and there had been concerns about the searing heat for fans and players. although they have promised fully air-conditioned stadiums.
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>> during the hottest part of the day, temperatures in this desert country can easily reach 50 degrees celsius. it originally opposed holding the world cup and winter, but giving -- but given the conditions, they have changed their mind. and my support to play in winter here, to play when the climate is appropriate, and i am thinking about the footballers, not only the fans, but the footballers. >> average temperatures during the winter months are a balmy 23 degrees. when organizers originally were planning massive air conditioning systems to the future training systems and training grounds with the target system 23 degrees. the european and north american fans, the what the world cup will mean a cold road cut and many may choose to stay at home with a hot drink in hand.
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fan surveys show a majority want the 22 world cup -- the 2022 world cup played out in summer when t
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belarus is going to the polls this weekend. the country's authoritarian president is expected to win a fourth term. previous elections in the former soviet state are widely believed to have been raped, with him normally -- have been believed to have been rigged. on thsdaythe rusan prime minister vladimir putin made it light of the past differences, saying that ties between the countries are back on track. elsewhere, he remains a controversial figure. we take a closer look now at the man the u.s. once described it as europe's last dictator.
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>> this figure on ice is alexander the yushchenko. it is like key wants to be seen. he also likes to show his fighting spirit by appearing in uniform, often accompanied by his youngest son. but yushchenko called him dad. 80% of the population support their leader. >> we hold elections for ourselves, for our people, and for our state. the people decide everything. anybody who's views things objectively can recognize this. there is hardly a country where values are conforming. >> many believe his instincts are far from democratic. and 2004, he changed the constitution to allow himself to run for a third consecutive term in office. this power is also derived from
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the support he has from the police and secret services. his regime is known for his sometimes brutal treatment of people. more recently, he has begun courting the european union. he told the german foreign ministere no longer wanted to be labeled a dictator. his interest in the west has complicated relations with moscow. in the past, the kremlin was his closest ally. but he recently became the target of hostile campaign on russian television. after his moves to cut dependence on moscow anchored russia. -- angered russia. he was portrayed as being corrupt, but heseems unfazeby iticis >> elections are always an issue for the osce, and for some
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people is an instrument they used to interfere in the end top -- interfere in the election process. >> he has agreed to create a free-trade zone with russia and kazakhstan that starting in 2012, while at the same time wooing the west with promises of greater openness. this delicate balancing act may be to kp the country from collapsing and keep himself in power. security is extremely tight ahead of sunday's polls. police have been put on standby. he has warned against any protests and said he was prepared to take swift and vigorous action against demonstrators. he has also kept a firm grip on the media that has slammed the opposition as incompetent and dangerous. despite the intimidation, nine opposition candidates are taking part in the election. we met up with one of them and
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got this report. >> remote villages and winter landscapes. we have joined this opposition candidate who campaigns for the presidency. a former diplomat, he became active in politics a few years ago. now he is challenging the incumbent. >> the times are ripe for a change, for an end to dictatorship. i am running because i can tell that a lot of people support my candidacy. >> 7 8 kilometers north of the capital minsk, the supporters are welcoming the candidate. there is a decent crowd. he promises to give them more freedoms and to lead them into the european union. he pulls no punches in his criticism of the president. >> he has walked all over the constitution. he has abused the powers of
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office to enrich himself personally. we have an historic chance to bring frdom back to our beloved ther land. >> that kind of rhetoric and land a person in jail. his supporters say they have been threatened and detained by the police, but the campaigning has been more free in the previous election four years ago and many voters are surprisingly candid. >> we're fed up with the president, his agenda, and his policies. >> i want have anything to do with theresident since i realized wt he is. >> in; the capital minsk, the president's control of the country is more obvious. billboards and a un-critical media praise him. he is especially popular among low-income voters. many of the women selling fruits and vegetables at the city
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market say that the president watches out for their interests. and for law and order. >> if he stays in power, things will get better every year. the new president would need to learn the job. with the president, things run the way they should. our lives are pretty good, even for us retirees. he pays attention to us. >> meanwhile, hadn't internet broadcast, this man is preparing for a political debate. the writer who lives in exile is considered the strongest opposition candite, but he sayse has no illusions. he expects widespread fraud on election day. >> no one will count our votes. in the end, they will declare
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the president is the winner. his goal is 71%. it would be even higher if there was not criticism from europe. >> the government in minsk seems to be sensitive to european concerns, though changes slow. at discount rate, belarus' first private art gallery, we meet an exhibitor. it he says there is progress with the president relaxing state control in many areas. >> things are getting more relaxed in all areas of life, culture, politics, business. important changes are slowly taking place. it is the only way forward for belarus. >> not everyone agrees with that assessment. in central minsk, a few dozen students have gathered to demonstrate for the opposition
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candidate and against the president. uniformed and undercover police are keeping a close eye on the demonstration and tried repeatedly to break it up. but the students refused to be intimidated. >> i became active about half a year ago. as a rest, i was dismissed by the university. i was in my fifth year. >> what has to happen so europe looks at what is going on and belarus? to the tanks have to come out and people get shot? >> the students hope that europe will refuse to recognize the electi'n results. these young people say the vote will be neither free nor fair. they intend to come out again to demonstrate on election day, even though they know the state will do everything that it can to hinder them. >> upcoming elections in
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belarus, the focus of our in- depth today. thank you for joining us. captioned by the national captioning institute
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