tv Journal PBS February 15, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm PST
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captioned by the national captioning institute >> looked into "the journal." >> thanks for joining us. >> have lent at this hour. italian prime minister silvio berlusconi is standing trial on charges he paid for sex with an underage prostitutes. they make a market is born. deutsche borse and the new york stock exchange merge. >> from tehran to l.a., different takes on modern-day relationships at the berlin film festival.
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an italian judge has ordered prime minister silvio berlusconi to stand trial in april on the charge that he paid an underage girl for sex. the decision follows weeks of scandals that have shaken his struggling center-right government. berlusconi denies the allegations and has vowed to stay in office. >> of berlusconi spent the day visiting a provisional reception center for migrants from north africa. he did not comment on the indictment. the message? he is too busy dealing with the refugee crisis to deal with what he has previously labeled a farce. but his lawyers faced the press, saying the charges were a politically-motivated smear campaign. >> i think all of this will turn into a boomerang for the justice system. the citizens who have respect for real justice understand that what is happening here is a trumped up case.
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>> prosecutors in said the evidence is overwhelming, and that is why they called for an immediate trial. they allege berlusconi paid for sex with the moroccan nightclub dancer known as ruby, who was 17 at the time. he is also charged with abuse of power for attempting to get her released from custody after she was arrested for theft. the case impacted berlusconi's popularity rating. >> i think it is right he should go to court to explain himself. he should accept the legal process, not resist it. >> i think justice has to take its course, and all people must be treated equally before the law. >> theó starting date for the trial has been set for april 6. berlusconi's lawyers are expected to challenge the competency of the court. if convicted, berlusconi could face up to 15 years in jail. >> does this mean we are actually going to see the
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italian prime minister in court? i put that question to our correspondent in rome. >> i do not think so at this stage, although the judges in nukab -- in milan have set a trial date. it is unlikely he will go and face the three women who have been appointed to form this panel. his lawyers are going to argue that the proper way for hearing this case is the so-called ministers' tribune of, which would be set up under the jurisdiction of parliament. this court is expected to file a request to have the milan judge declared not competent. >> berlusconi has gone out of a lot of tight situations in the past. >> he has a huge team of lawyers, over 80 at last count. he has several members of
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parliament who are also lawyers. his personal lawyer has been very active on his part. i have no doubt that being able to have the resources of his enormous wealth at hand, he will be able to pay the very best lawyers and get the very best advice on how to deal with this tricky situation. however, it is only fair to point out that this case -- he is charged with personal misconduct. in all the other cases brought against him, the husband in connection with business deals. this is on another plane. his reputation has taken a heavy knock, not only internationally, but here in italy. >> italy has asked the european border control agency for help in stemming a tide of economic migrants from north africa. about 5000 people have arrived
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in the past week. most are from tunisia. italian authorities are moving the migrants to processing camps on the island and on sicily. the eu offered italy financial and other assistance to cope with the migrants. but many european leaders say they want help from north african governments to improve economic conditions in order to keep would-be migrants from leaving their countries. i will have more on the influx of to nation -- of tunisian refugees later in the show. protests in the arab world are continuing. in yemen, regime's supporters clashed with anti-government demonstrators. around 1000 protesters marched through the capital. riot police blocked the route, along with hundreds of government supporters. the rival groups pelted each
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other with stones. protests have increased recently in yemen, with demands the president resigned. the president has been in power for 32 years. the eu has called on iran to respect demonstrators rights to assembly and freedom of assembly. two people were killed in clashes between police and protesters in tehran. hard-line lawmakers in the iranian parliament are demanding the execution of a former presidential candidate and most of the, who have been placed under house arrest. it is the greatest protest since the disputed 2009 presidential election. we have a major development across the atlantic involving germany. >> and on the side of the atlantic. the equity markets in europe's biggest economy and the world's
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biggest economy are joining forces. it has been confirmed deutsche borse and the nyse euronext have confirmed a merger deal. that is still subject to regulatory and shareholder approval. it would create a combined company 60% owned by deutsche borse, with euronext shareholders taking 40%. >> for several days, it has been the stock exchanges themselves and not daily trading that have been the big story in the financial world. nyse and deutsche borse came to agreement today in a deal that will create the largest stocks and derivatives exchange in the world. >> together, we will have leading positions in almost all segments that we are active in, in europe and in the u.s. >> the frankfurt stock exchange
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should emee stronger from the merger. it is unclear which will have the bigger it say in the company. nyse's currently there will be the ceo. >> this will position us to increase -- to compete on a global landscape and a competitive industry. >> the nyse and the frankfurt exchange will work as one, bringing together new york's stock trading system and frankfurt's derivatives market. this was not welcome news in chicago, home of the u.s.-listed derivatives market, which stands to lose out against the new company. >> for more on the big deal, we are joined from the new york stock exchange by our correspondent. more details of an emerging about the structure, scope, and the name of the transatlantic mega exchange. phil us sen.
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-- fill us in. >> more board members will come from germany, from deutsche borse. that is pretty clear for most traders on the floor. it is not a merger of equals. itmore of an acquisition. that is the feeling on the floor. i have heard we will not get word on the name as of today. it might take a little longer. even if the ceo of the merged company is going to be done to neater our -- duncan niederhaur, people here feel the big winners are the germans. >> another big story this tuesday. the search for a new head of the german bundesbank could soon be over. angela merkle has put forward her economic adviser since 2006
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as an extended it, although he needs cabinet approval. >> if he gets the job at bundesbank, it would be as if he came home, because his family lives near frankfurt. weidmann used to report to axel weber as head of monetary policy. the stance of bundesbank within the european central bank monetary policy would not really change a lot compared to axel weber. weismann is 42 years old and would be the youngest president ever of bundesbank. >> the blue-chip dax closed at
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7400. the eurostoxx 50 climbed by 0.4%. the dow jones industrial average is trading lower by 0.4%. on currency markets, the euro is trading at $1.3488. germany's economic output climbed by 3.6% last year as exports surged and consumer demand strengthened. german gdp growth is higher than the eurozone average. it would have been even more robust if winter storms had not put a temporary chill on performance during the fourth quarter. >> heavy snow and freezing temperatures meant that work on construction sites in germany slowed notably toward the end of next year. -- of last year. overall economic growth slowed down as well.
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germany's gdp grew briskly in the first quarters of last year, reaching a high point in the summer, with a quarter on quarter increase. but output slowed as the your completed. in the last three months, growth had slowed to less than originally predicted in january. leading economic analysts say there are grounds for optimism. >> we are seeing enough potential in the domestic economy for a pickup in private consumption and investment. when i look at the current data and the global economy, i think the advisory council forecast of 2.2% for 2011 is quite good. >> greece continues to worry experts. it could remain in recession for the third straight year in 2011. >> megan has been to the movies and has more to tell us.
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>> the berlin film festival has reached its halfway point. industry professionals have five more days before the gold and silver bears are awarded saturday. stars included big names like kevin spacey and jeremy irons. they have leading roles in a banking thriller. the film tells how a group of high-powered executives tried to save their bank from going under. also highlighted today, the iranian production "the separation." it is the story of a marriage in crisis. the director faced a series of obstacles in getting the film made. our correspondent spoke to us earlier and told us more about some of those problems the director faced. >> what happened is last year in the middle of making this movie, the iranian government withdrew its license. in iran, you cannot make a film
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without a license from the government. the directors crime was he expressed support for the director who was supposed to be on the jury here in berlin, but who is sitting in a jail cell in tehran, sentenced to six years for criticizing the government. the director here apologized. he was allowed to finish making his film. it is an excellent movie. it has a good chance of winning the golden bear. it is going to be seen thugh the filter of iranian politics. >> let us talk about another film about the relationship in los angeles, "the future," by miranda july. how does this compare? >> it is night and day. the iranian film is touching and beautiful and important, because of the situation in iran. miranda july's film is pointless, really. it has funny moments. it is about 30 some things in
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l.a. who do not know what to do with their lives. one of the messages seems to b "life is too short." i think life is too short to watch "the future." >> tell us more. >> tomorrow is a film "my best enemy," set in 1933 and a. it is the story of a jew and a man who becomes an not say. it is by an austrian director. >> as always, thank you for that update from the movies. an unmanned cargo vessel is going to blast off into the skies lit to tonight from europe's spaceport, carrying supplies to the international space station. the module will be carried by a rocket. the vessel, known as the automatic transfer vehicle, will deliver food, clothing, and
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oxygen to the crew on the iss. >> this animation shows what it will look like when the johannes kepler robot fighter purchase the international space station. the fully automated freighter will deliver much-needed supplies and push the station into a higher orbit. it carries about 5 tons of fuel, plus maintenance equipment, tools, scientific instruments, clothing, and food for the crew. in all, the cargo will weigh about 7 tons, three times more than the russian progress capsule often used to supply the station. >> the atv is a key pillar in the international space station logistics. >> three months after being filled with the space station's garbage, it will be destroyed on reentry into earth's atmosphere.
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>> italy has placed soldiers on alert and ask to brussels for a bid to cope with an influx of thousands of tunisian refugees. the mediterranean island is 130 kilometers of the tunisian coast. more than five dozen migrants have landed there by boat in the last week. it is a dangerous journey. by the standards of most to nations, it is very expensive. we spoke to one man preparing to risk his life to set out across the mediterranean in search of a better life in europe. >> these men are keeping a lookout on to new issues shoreline -- on tunisia's
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shoreline. he sees no future here. >> i will cross this see and i will leave his country. there is no reason for me to stay here. >> he is getting ready to meet a smuggler in a cafe. the deal cost him around 900 euro. arafat is a carpenter by tradition. the seven year rose per day he earns is not enough to build a life. many to nations share his plight, but not everyone -- many to nietzsche -- many tusnisans share his plight, but not everyone is ready to leave their life. >> the depression is gone and we are all free. i dream of setting out on my own and becoming self-employed. >> i am unemployed and have no prospects. most of the time, i am at home. if i could leave, i would.
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>> arafat comes from a favorite tourist destination before the resolution. most people here make a living from fishing or farming. #30% are jobless. the revolution has done nothing to change their situation. ben ali's police used to be on patrol here. now, there is no one to stop tunisians flying to europe. arafat is taking a close on his back and a few euros in cash. he is spending the night in this run-down building. >> i heard stories of a lot of young men who tried to get out. some of them died. but i am not scared. >> the trip to lampedusa will
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take about five hours. he hopes he will find a job and a chance for a better life. his dangerous journey is about to begin. >> those who survive the journey to lampedusa face uncertainty. many will be moved to detention centers. some hoped to travel to other countries. others will be sent back to tunisia. our correspondent visited the island as a group of exhausted migrants arrived. >> this jetty represents a new world. the remains of a long journey, the remains of noodle soup. for the migrants from tunisia, the harbour wall in lampedusa is the first contact with european soil. it is mostly the young who risk the dangerous crossing in fishing vessels. 30 hours at sea with an
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uncertain future. many drowned. no one knows exactly how many. often, the coast guard does not make it on time. those who do make it here hope their arrival is the beginning of a new and better life. >> i think there are still a lot of people who want to leave tunisia. like there is terrible. influx of migrants. four days, no one here knew what to do with the two nations -- the tunisians. this aid worker believes the italian government has failed to take the problem seriously enough. >> our government should have foreseen this development. why do we have an intelligence service? it has been clear since the ouster of the president that the situation there was dramatic. >> after days of chaos, the only reception camp on the island was finally opened. now, the two nations -- the
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tunsians there are afraid the italian authorities will send them home. >> we have to stay in business. do you understand? maybe everybody will go to prison. we have 2000 persons. >> the ferry will take the men to sicily. there will be sent to other reception camps. those remaining behind in lampedusa can phone relatives back home, or by provisions from the bakers. residents have mixed feelings about the economic refugees. >> of course i am concerned that they are wandering around freely. it would be better to put them all in a camp. >> the tunisians are thankful to the italians for what they see as a friendly reception. many have relatives in france,
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switzerland, or belgium. italy is only a transit stop for them on their journey to other european countries. >> for more analysis, i am joined from brussels. italy wants other eu countries to take in some of these refugees, but those countries are refusing to do so. is there anything that can be done to resolve that? >> it is very difficult at this stage. this is no clear reason behind this huge migration. the commission in brussels say we have to find out how many of these people are genuine economic migrants. how many may be fleeing persecution? other countries have to be willing to take them in. right now, there are more immediate problems. once the doors open at one eu border for migrants to come in and they are allowed across, it is a single market area and they
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are entitled to move to any other member state. other countries are resisting the immediate pressure in italy to allow them through until the check out who these people are and whether they count as immigrants. >> italy is asking for 100 million euros in aid to deal with this crisis. how likely is it to get that money? where would those funds come from? >> there are several funds in the you. there is a refugee fund and the border security fund. both supply money to a country dealing with a massive influx of asylum seekers are migrants to help them with the flow of migrants, and also to send people to support border security and asylum progression to the system. there are those funds. but 100 million euros -- the commission has been saying they are not commenting on figures until they see what is at stake. itunds a lot of money.
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last year, greece received 10 million to deal with migrant flows across the turkish border. the commission is being very reluctant to say when and how much money will be made available. there is an independent agency which coordinates a naval response from volunteer member states. the commission is asking them to volunteer to take part in that, to deploy nationals to join forces to help protect the border seas around lampedusa. a lot is at stake. a lot is going on, with no time table and no promise of any particular amount of money from brussels. >> we will have to leave it there. thank you very much. that has been our in-depth look at the influx of refugees into italy. you are watching "the journal."
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