tv Journal PBS March 8, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm PST
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>> and this is the the journal on at the w-tv. -- dw-tv. "3 days to get out." opposition leaders in libya have given muammar gaddafi an exit ultimatum as the fighting rages on. >> despite being a flop with motorists, the german government stands behind the new biofuel e-10. >> and, designer babies. the debate on how far genetic testing should go. captioned by the national captioning institute >> the clock is ticking for the libyan leader muammar gaddafi. opposition rebels have reportedly given gaddafi 72 hours to leave the country and stop the bombing. in return, they say they will not pursue him for crime.
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gaddafi has not responded to the offer. lybia's uprising is now a month old, with intense fighting in the eastern town of ras lanuf. that is where our coverage begins. >> the libyan air force is keeping up its attacks on ras lanuf. the rebels are defending themselves as best they can. the rebel forces seem to have enough ammunition, but there are reports that they are running out of fuel supplies. libyan state television has broadcast this footage, showing the's troops cheering as prisoners, allegedly rebels, lie on the ground. the regime wants to show that its military is on the offensive. >> today, we kill in ras lanuf.
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tomorrow, we will kill everywhere in libya. >> of the west has yet to agree on a joint approach to the libyan crisis, butnato has launched 24-hour surveillance using recognizance planes. leaders will have an emergency summit on friday. >> we have asked our military to be prepared for all eventualities so we stand ready if our assistance is requested. once again, i would like to stress bettithat any nato operan would take place in accordance with and pursuant to un mandate. >> time appears to be working against the libyan gravels. >> a short while ago i talked to -- the libyan rebels.
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a short while ago i talked to our correspondent and asked him about the 72-hour ultimatum. >> the leader of the interneim national council has confirmed that indirect talks are under way. officials are saying there are no talks. they are denying that anything is being put forward. it is not a very transparent situation right now. this symbolall started when the foreign minister went on television yesterday. negotiations apparently started last night. they came up with this idea. >> what about reports that the libyan army is making inroads into areas controlled by the opposition? palin extensive is that? >> -- how extensive is
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that? >> my understanding is that rebels have been digging in in benghazi for the last 24 hours. they're being hit with air strikes and helicopters. >> we have more and more reports coming in saying that supplies for rebels are running low. what do you hear about that? >> the only armament's rebels have are those they ransacked from gaddafi pose a military bases. they are under equipped. how effective their fighting has been, we do not know. they do appear to be running out of ammunition. >> thank you very much. since the uprising began in libya four weeks ago, more than two hundred thousand people have fled the country, most of them migrant workers. referee jake camps in neighboring tunisia and egypt are now -- refugee camps in
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neighboring tunisia and egypt are now overcrowded. merriam, her husband and daughter but off their decision four days, but in the end, they decided to escape to tunisia. they just arrived in a refugee camp. there is no work for them in libya anymore, and they were scared by the shooting in tripoli. >> i was frightened. they are really killing people. there has been a breakdown in law and order. there is a power vacuum. >> all they were able to bring with them was a few clothes. now, they have to make another fresh start, just three years ago they fled to libya from the civil war in somalia. they had just managed to make a life for themselves in their new home. >> i had a good job in libya. i earned money. now i am a refugee. that is hard to take.
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>> more refugees are arriving all the time. they do what they can to make themselves at home in the makeshift surroundings. they do not know how long they might be able to stay or where they will end up afterwards. >> if things were a kid back in somalia, we could go back there, but we cannot -- if things are all right back in somalia, as we could go back there, but we cannot, because there is a war raging there. everybody knows that. >> wrote is that they can finally settle somewhere -- her hope is that they can finally settle somewhere for good. >> the car bomb erupted at a gas station on tuesday in the punjabi province. at least 100 people were wounded in the powerful blast and several buildings were destroyed. the taliban of pakistan says they carried out the attack. police have arrested people on
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three continents allegedly connected to italy cosimo most powerful mafia. -- italy's most powerful mafia. the arrests were made in germany, canada and australia. he makes billions of euros each year by trafficking cocaine ound the world. it is time to talk about gasoline and here is mr. energy. >> it is hard to believe this actually happened in this efficient country, but the product hit of the market. the german minister says he does not expect a halt to the introduction of e-than gasoline, a field that contains a a 10% ethanol blend to meet fuel targets.
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representatives from the fuel and automotive industries attended a crisis in summit to focus on embarrassing problems with the introduction of the fuel, which has been widely rejected by motorists. >> the new gasoline known as e- 10 is here tuesday whether motorists want it or not. that is it a year to -- heare to stay whether motorists want it or not. >> it is no solution. it is necessary to reduce our dependence on oil. >> the government insists that e-10 is good for the environment and that most cars can safely run on the fuel. to reassure nervous motorists, filling stations will begin posting which cars can take e- 10. >> today, we are stressing that
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these are binding assurances from car makers that their vehicles can run on e-10 gasoline. >> the industry will also launch a campaign to encourage drivers to use e-tenn. critics are asking why that was not done before are the fuel became a flop at the pump. >> european officials in brussels have expressed surprise over all the commotion surrounding e-10. brussels is pushing eu members to step up their their efforts o encourage use of green house fighting gases. it is getting more difficult to meet climate targets. >> the european commission wants member states to invest more heavily in eco-friendly building retrofits. it is up to that that will help them meet their goal of reducing emissions by 20% by 2015. >> we are suggesting a series of binding, individual members that
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would make it easier for states to meet their goals. >> europe will have to invest a whopping sum of 10.8 trillion euros in order to reach its own goal of keeping the earth's temperature of rising by more than two degrees by midcentury. >> fiore we see increased oil prices, -- we see increased oil prices and increased fuel prices as a consequence of weather- related events. then it makes sense. >> despite the increase in severe weather, the lobby against climate protection regulations is a strong. some are especially vocal in their opposition. environmental policy makers had hoped to reduce european co2 emissions by 2020, but they will probably have to be content with meeting a 20% target. >> in the luxury-car maker audi is back in the fast lane.
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they managed to double their profits last year. the vw subsidiary says it is on track to post record sales in the first quarter of 2011. audi's sales have been boosted by the recovery of the u.s. car market and continued demand by china. they remain cautiously optimistic about the rest of t year because of rising commodities prices and the general uncertainty on the financial markets. >> let's check in on tuesday's market action, starting off in frankfurt. they just managed tubino calledn to the slight gains of the day. -- they just managed to hold on to the slight gains of the day. in the last hour of trading, the dow is up to 12 belsen to madrid and 30 points. the euro is trading -- 12,000 two hundred 30 points.
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the euro is trading lower against the dollar. the recovery will continue and it will become more broadbased. that was at the last formal appearance has president. he will present the 2010 results. the man once touted as the next head of the european central bank finally shed some light on his plans for the future. >> and president presented the central bank's annual results for the last time on tuesday. they were not as good as they have been in the past. in the late 1990's, the bank posted profits of up to 12.4 billion euros. that revenue flowed into the german government treasury. but in recent years, lower interest rates have eaten into those profits. in 2010, the bank had to increase its risk provisions.
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>> the bank has authorized additional reserves to offset risk. >> he also discussed what he intends to do after leaving the bank. he has accepted a post as professor at the university of chicago. >> i am looking for road to that very much. other than that, i will not address any other it speculation. >> the year in chicago could also provide indeed the necessary cooling-off period before he could take over as head of deutsche bank. >> boeing has decided to sell 43 aircraft worth $10 billion to china based airlines. the deal was announced in hong kong on tuesday. hong kong airlines will buy a 32
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of boeing's 787 streamliner jets. air china has submitted an order for five jumbo jets. the chinese aviation market is one of the fastest growing worldwide. industry analysts say it couldi need some 400new aircraft over the next 20 years. >> that is a whole lot of people and a whole lot of money. today marks the 100th anniversary of international women's day. if they had of the new un women's agency says there has been a -- the head of the new uns women agency says there has been remarkable progress, but there is still widespread lack of opportunity. today, at women gathered in manila to protest for better wages and better health care. other women held a party in the
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streets of the capital to marke the event. it is a controversial subjects here in germany, the genetic testing of embryos. one genetic test on embryos is now up to the parliament to decide how much design can really be allowed in designer babies. >> politicians had been waiting for the ethics committee recommendation for a long time, hoping for a clear recommendation on how to handle the controversial issue of pid. but the committee was split. >> the ethics committee has approved two courses of action, limited approval on the basis of clear, legal stipulations, or of ben. parliament has to and will decide -- or a ban.
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island has to and will decide this manner. >> -- parliament has to and will decide this matter. >> supporters say it is necessary for parents to run the risk of miscarriage or giving birth to a disabled child. >> we need to find a compromise between the two arguments. neither of the view is presented here can claim to be the sole answer. none of us has a monopoly on the truth. >> opinions are divided. now the german parliament has to decide what to adopt, and that process will start next week. >> here in germany, the ball is coming to a close in the southern city of music. it was marked with the traditional women's dense in the food market. -- dance in the food market. shrove tuesday as a last day before the beginning of lent.
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>> welcome back. the revolution and political upheaval gripping the arab world this year has presented a stage for women. you have seen the scenes from cairo to terriers square where women stood with men in protest against mubarak. tuesday is international women's day. we decided to take a look at what women in the3 arab world cn celebrate and what remains to be done. as you can imagine, the list of complaints is much longer. we began with a woman who has spent her entire life fighting for gender equality in egypt. >> her great history and has finally come true. she fought 60 years -- greatest dream has finally come true. she fought 60 years for this moment. now that she has helped to bring
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about change, she wants to make sure that it is here to stay. >> women were introduced to a concept they had never known of gender equality. men treated them as if they were colleagues. i did not see any man who treated the woman as if they were just a body. we were treated like colleagues. >> they want to ensure that the change is a lasting one. that is why they are organizing demonstrations for international women's day. it even though this person is a man, he believes men and women have to fight side by side. >> women have to be free. we need a real democracy. >> she and her friends have created a female bodies chorus -- female police force. after the regime came to an end,
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sexual harassment became a problem again. women want to draw attention to the abuse. >> many men were forced to change their ways when they saw how strongly people would react a man tried to touch a woman in the square. >> she went to the square every day to fight for change. as a lawyer, she knows that newly won freedoms have to be anchored in law, especially when it comes to women's rights. >> my wish would be that the arab world realizes that the role of women is no less important than in the role of men in a society. >> but she knows that women have only one that the first fight in what will be a long struggle for a complete freedom and equality in egypt. >> you do not have to go very
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far back in time in the west to find laws that allowed unequal treatment between men and women. well into the 1970's, the german legal code stated that married women could only is seek work outside the home with their husbands' permission. here is a look back at how women have fought to change society. >> women fighting for the right to vote. what is accepted as a basic right today was the central demand of the german women's movement a century ago. activists campaigned for equal education rights for girls and women, and demanded fair pay for women workers. after the first world war, the republic of filled an important demand. in 1919, women in germany were able to vote in elections.
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but voting was the last events for a long time. after the nazis took power, the women's movement was stopped in its tracks. women were confined to the kitchen, church and child bearing. after the second world war, the federal republic's constitution made men and women equal, at least before the law. married women could work outside the home for the first time, provided their husband gave permission. a woman was still subservient to the men she married. the 1960's saw rapid social and political change. women questioned traditional gender roles and demanded equal rights. at the forefront of the women's liberation movement where feminists. finally, the law giving men control over their lives was abolished.
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with the legal role of head of the family swept ay from men, women were able to combine being a mother and a wife with the career of their choice. the main demands of the women's movement seemed to have been fulfilled. then, a new generation of activists used the term alpha- girl to stake their claims within the male dominated power structures of german boardrooms. a third wave of feminists was now demanding quotas to ensure that women have access to leadership positions in the german economy. >> so, what does it mean to be a modern woman in europe? for several decades, the message has been that women should focus on education and careers. recently, women have come forth to say that they want to reclaim their roles as homemakers and mothers on equal standing with their partners.
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what about women who have children and careers? here in germany, the number of working mothers has increased over the past five years by 5%. we spoke to women across the continent to see how they see the role of women today. >> you hardly see anyone with wrinkles. they wear too much makeup or go to the gym. i think we have to give back to nature. a woman's duty is to give birth and raise children. that is why men have to protect and take care of women, to he and support to them. >> modern women want to find their own lifestyle. they want society to provide the right conditions for that.
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>> modern women are much freer and more independent. i think it is wonderful that for the first time in history men can love women and be in all of them too. -- in awe of them too. >> unfortunately, women still have to prove themselves more than men in the workplace. they have to be full-time mothers too, or go to college spirit on top of that -- or go to college. on top of that, they take care of their husbands too. >> women have really become warriors and fighters. if i do all the families together. modern women keep taking on -- in a fight to hold their families together. a modern zero women take on more
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duties that men do not -- modern women take on more duties that men do not want to do any more. >> pain does not come without courage. men will not fight for us. we have to lead the charge and become the power that will drive change. for that, we will need courage. >> that was our in-depth report to mark the 100th anniversary of the international women's day. the head of the new un women's agency has said that there has been remarkable progress over the last century, but women still suffered from widespread discrimination and a lack of economic clout. that wraps up our report. as always, thank you for the company. (man) explore new worlds
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