tv Journal PBS June 29, 2011 6:30pm-7:00pm PDT
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>> hi, everyone. welcome toto "the journal" on d- tv in berlin. >> and i have the business. >> coming up on the program, the greek parliament approves the austerity plan, but on the streets, protests continue. in caiairo, protesters clashed with p polic tahrir square. and in sports, scraping by australia. captioned by the national captioning institute violent protests are not letting up on the streets of athens. demonstrators, angry at the government reforms, have been vandalizing buildings. they said a post office on fire that was in the same building as the finance ministry -- they set a post of was on fire.
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earlier today, the greek parliament approved an austerity package. >> the streets of athens resemble a battle zone. violent clashes have again broken out in athens, and many demonstrators have been arrested after the greek parliament voted to pass the controversial austerity package. the parliament narrowly approved (he deep spending cuts after a heated debate. prime minisister orge papandreou made an urgent appeal, saying the country's collapse had to be avoided at all costs. >> this is nothg less than a choice between a step forward for greece or a step backwards for greece. >> many shops and banks remain closed as part of a nationwide genel strike against the package of cuts. general transport came almost to
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a complete standstill. >> the austerity measures are not fair. they affect the working class, and not the rich people, that they should pay. >> but like earlier austerity measures, the spending cutss affect everyone. with cuts in social security and public-sector wages, reduced public-sector subsidies, cutbacks in health service, and more sell-offs of publicly owned assets. the goal is to save a total of 70 billion euros by 2015. the decision by the parliament in athens has staved off a debt default for now. what the people of greece do not have is any hope for a quick economic recovery. >> well, we spoke earlier to our correspondent natalee in athens and began to ask her what happens next after t the fst hurdle of the austerity p planas beenleared.
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>> prime minister george papandreou deliver the austerity measures, and they voted in favor of it. now, it remains to be seen if the international creditors, especially the euro zone partners, who will also deliver as part of the current huge bailout in order to secure the greek mporary survival in the months to come. in the long run, whether there will be a second bailout, 110 billion euros, that the country needs to meet se big funding goals. but also, the greek prime minister has another major hurdle, and that is whether he will be able to implement the austerity measures, and if the scenes behind me are anythingo go by, he will have a tough job with pushing through with implementing the very stringent, harsh measures that greece has been saying for a very long time they cannot bear and the lager. it is essentially crushing them.
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>> now, we have seen this clashing between the protesters and the police. do you think they will continue their mass demonstration? >> if the protesters industry are anything to go by, they told me the only way out of this is only for their struggle. they cannot put up with any further austerity. now, if prime minister george papandreou is to seek any type of consensus back at home, he needs to appeal to his main political rivals and needs to restore growth. the only way it seems he can do that is some sort of alternative solutionon thamight materialize through investments in the country, attract big investments that will boost and spur growth so they can try to bring down the soaring numbers of on entwinement, now over 16.2% of the country. greeks are suffering. he needs to restore confidence in the country. >> thank you. >> -- well, agrees in general
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may be against the austerity measures, but the eu has approved of them -- greece in general may y be against the austerity measures. >> they say it is an important step forward, while at the same time taking an important step back from a problem. ththe chcellor is standing ready to help along with the european union. >> angela merkel is relieved at the outcome. the chancellor says greece had to approve the austere to measures for itself and for europe. >> it is an important step for the future of greece and also for the stability o of the euroa a whole. greece has shown it is willing to put in what will likely be a difficult path. >> at the german bundestag, high-level talks were under way
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when the news came in. the ceo of deutsche bank and others expressed satisfaction. they have been negotiating the issue of involving commercial banks in rescuingn greece and giving athens more time to repay their debts. he indicated he was ready to help. >> i am assuming we will attrit ---- conibute to a solution. we are not doing it gladly, but we are acting to do what needs to be done to avoid a meltdown tomorrow. >> the german government is relieved at the news. though the greek crisis is far from over, the euro zone has won itself some much-needed time. >> investors have been betting on the greek government approval of the us. package. -- approval of the austerity package. the euro has been recovering after several weeks under pressure. the markets are hoping this will
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prevent the crisis from spreading to other indebted states in the euro zone. so who is profiting from all of this? koran as the markets go, it i is time to go to frankfurt for our correspondent report -- as far as the markets go. >> the best performers on the trading floor in frankfurt, and this has to do, of course, with greece. e finance sector in europe is currently being stress tested, which means the supervisory authorities would like to know a bit more how financially sound bank insurance companies and pension funds are, and as many of these investors are holding large amounts of greek government bonds and many other bonds from other comparable countries, of course, the decision of the parliament in athensns hel these banks and insurance companies to do better in the current stress tests. >> talkiking about doing better, let's have a look at the gains. investors are still waiting for
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part two of the greek package, and, of course, the second international bailout, but the dax is up 1.75%. the big euro zone companies fished almost 2% higher. the dow jones is also doing well, up over half of 1%, and the euro is currently trading at $1.44. the german government is set to ratify a proposal on thursday to close all of the nuclear power plants by 2022. the earlier date comes in response to the fukushima disaster in japapan, and while nuclear energy is a focus of the future, they say new gas and coal-fired plants will be needed as well. >> the nuclear power station in central germany has been shut down since march. the same is true for six other nuclear reactors, too. germany plans to quit nuclear energy by 2022, which will cost companies billions in lost
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profits. enerergy cpanies will also have to spend a lot on renewables. the economics minister is expending optimism about germany successfully making the shift. at a cononference of german eney and water providers, he said it was time to show courage. >> many people have questions about germany in a german energy policy. they are not asking questions in a judgmental manner because they are waiting toto see if we succd when the plan changes. while there is a certain amount of skepticism expressed in conversations, people believe germany will make it. >> he said cooperation wasas a key, but many questions remain. energy companies, like one, say that the exit from nuclear power is too hasty and have warned of potential energy state --
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shortages. they're also calling for more funding to of tackle the huge investments needed in renewable energy. the decision to exit nuclear power will be very expensive. the big energy companies will have to invest billions of euros in alternative energy. the change could almost see germany playing a leading role in the development of new enery sources. >> i thank you for that. the military government in burma has gotten an ousted leader to stop her activities. they worked to the nobel peace prize laureate, sayingng her pay was breaking the law by keeping their offices open, and meeting with a japanese parliamentary official on wednesday, she told officials she was not moved by the government's ultimatum. he is the first official warning for her after she was released from seven years of house arrest last november. in cairo, tahrirb square was the
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scene of some clashes. -- tahrir square. some were injured. they are looking for justice for the more than a hundred people who died during the revolution. >> they fired tear gas at demonstrators, not seen here since before hostiting dbert stepped down. hundreds have taken to the streets to make themselves heard. people are venting their anger. they say ties to the former regime exist and that police of the serbs are still not being held responsible for their brutality -- and that the police are still not being held responsible. >> they have no clue about revolution politics or anything else. they are here to destroy, nothing more. >> the current street clashes in
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congress seem to be about the fate of the egyptian revolution. -- the current street clashes in cairo. >> officials in yemen said 26 government soldiers and 17 militants with ties to al qaeda have been killed in fierce fighting near a southern city. militants reportedly gained control of another city used to supply a depot by the army. in the capital, anti-government protests continued. more than 300 members of security forces have reportedly defected and joined the protesters. afghan authorities say at least 11 people were killed after taliban fighters attacked one of the best protected hotels in kabul, the high-security intercontinental. in a battle lasting nearly five hours, afghan and enforces killed all of the attackers. german chancellor angela merkel
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has condemned the attack. and assistance force and hamid karzai stressed that the incident required no change of plan to hand security over to afghan forces as planned by the end of 2014. germany's governing coalition wants to extend the country's controversial anti-terrorism laws that came into force after the september 11 attacks. the move would ensure that intelligence agencies are able to access airline passenger and bank data of terror suspects. germany's interior and justice ministries have agreed that the measures will only remain in force for a limited period of time. the justice minister has voiced concerns about the broad range of power is given. german lawmakers are looking to get more people on the organ donor list in an attempt to tackle a chronic organ shortage. under a new proposal, people wod be asked directly whether they would like to become a
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potential donors. currently, a person has to come forward to volunteer and assign a special donor card. other is a proof of an opt out system, where people would be considered donors unless they specifically reject it. we will have more on the shortage of organ donors coming up later on the show. there is some sports news in switzerland. roger federer has suffered a loss in the quarterfinals at wimbledon. the other now and advances to the semifinals. this is the first time he has suffered a grand slam lost after being two sets up, and in britain, murray is also threw for the seventh time in his career, facing rafael nadal. and in soccer, at the women's wod cup in terminal, brazil has defeated australia 1-0 in day four of the terminal --
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tournament. brazil was the favorite, but it took them time to shshow their stuff and step up. >> and half volley. favorites brazil faced a feisty side. the golden goal came in the 54th minute after a less than impressive performance. the aesthetically -- athletically strong australian team kept brazil on their toes, but they were able to capitalize on a string of opportunities. da silva, long considered to be the best player, struggled. shortly after the break, theree was the only goal of the game. the matildas only had a f chances.s. at the final whistle, and
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overjoyed brazil's celebrated a hard-fouought ctory. >> and in wednesday's other match, norway faced off against an oratorio guinea. and in avian is one the day, 1- 0, with a late goal -- they won the day. there were repeated opportunities. in the end, norway was grateful to take away a victory. ok, stay tuned. as i said before, i will be taking a look at the "in depth," and we will look at organ donations year in germany. it is very controversial, so do not go awa
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we continue our broadcast with a sensitive topic of organ donation. statistics show that a single organ donor can save the lives of three seriously ill people. more than 12,000 seriously ill patients are on waiting lists, often for several years. >> a dangerous bacterium has drawn attention to a chronic problem. many peoplee who were infected with a deadldly strain of e. coi inin gerny this year have suffered irreparable kidney damage. about 100 of them are waiting for a new kidney, but there are simply not enough organ donors in germany to meet demand, and organ donation is a sensitive subject. >> how can you imagine it? someonone is declared dead, but they are still allies. i cannot imagine being cut open like that. >> it is notice for the family members if they know that their
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card. >> some 12,000 people in germany are waiting for an open -- or did. roughly about 1000 people are waiting for a hard. a significant number of people die while on the waiting list. there is a transplant specialist in hanoverer, anhe says the situation is unacceptable. >> there is a lot of discussion and a lot>> it is a sensible th. >> i have never find, -- found the right number or been approached or filled of committ. ethics are debated. but the effect is there more pressure -- >> in spain, someone is considered an organ donor unless they refuse. >> this is also in austria and belgium. the number of organ donations is between 24 and 34 per million people. spain has the best ratio in europe. germany's conservative lawmakers are calling for a compromise solution. their parliamentary leader once everyone in the country to be asked once in their life whether
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they would like to be an organ dononor orot. the opposition social democrats are also hoping for greater willingness to donate. their parliamentary leader himself donated a kidney to his wife in 2010.. he supports the proposal. >> the results of this survey and the answers should be registered. we in parliament will have to discuss where that should be done, whether on a personal identification card or a driver's license or another public documents, but i think this is the right direction. >> but critics doubt whether people would be happy to make such a personal decision was standing in a government office or whether it is even possible to force people to answer the question. analysts argue the cause for the shortage of donor organs is not legislation but hospitals. too often, doctors fail to report possible donors due to a lack of time, money, and experience.
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they say more support is needed. >> the greatest hindrance to organ transplants is not knowing who is lying there and whether they are waiting to donate or not. but even when it is known, that information is not always passed on. an organ donation representative can ally be a key of success. >> clinics and doctors in germany need more support in dealing with potential donors and their families. only then can regulations help individuals confront their own mortality and consider the possibility of helping others to survive. >> well, under the current regulations here in germany, orga can only be taken from people declared clinically brain dead and w who have signed a potential card identifying them as potential donors. there is debate on how the model
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should be changeged an how to raise awareness about the sensitive issue. some say if donor registrations were better organized, there would be an increase in the number of organs available. one-third of the people on the transplant list died before an organ -- an organ can be found. a man who needs a heart transplant. >> this is his first apartment in a small town in germany near the czech border. a perfectly normal situation for many 18-year-olds, but not for kevin. he has a serious heart condition. >> at first, my dad did not want me to move into my own place straight away as planned, but i got my weight in the end. i nearly almost always do. >> kevin says his newfound independence does him good. >> it takes my focus off my illness because i have more responsibility.
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>> this machine is what keeps kevin allies. one year ago, his heart muscle became infnfecte probably the result of a protracted flu. the result was damage to the tissue. because a donor heart could not be found, doctors gave him an artificial heart pump instead. dw-tv visited cabin last winter, shortly after the operation. >> it is a terrible feeling. if someone were to disconnect from the machine, i would die within half an hour. >> six months later, kevin has got used to carrying his heart pump wherever he goes. >> the bag is like an extension of myself.k- i cannot wait for the day when i do not need anymore. >> only a donated heart would free seven of hissartificial, . it would mean having to take even more medication, but he would finally be able to go swimming again, do sports, and
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complete his training as a care worker. paradoxically, kevin's condition will first have to deteriorated. only then would he be given priority on the waiting list. >> of course, i do not want him to get worse, says his girlfriend, but it would be the fastest way to a new heart and a better life. >> kevin's father gave him a dog for easter. snoopy is there to help keep kevin up and occupied. >> the dog means i have more to do than before, and if i need a shoulder t to cron, he is good for that, too. he does not answer back. he just howls with me. >> before he got sick, kevin was a passionate footballer and
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played several times a week. that is what he misses most now, but on good days, he can at least kick a ball around with friends. >> it really affects your stamina. it is not like it used to be, but it is still fun. >> gefen hopes that when he gets his new heart, he will be able to play football as well as used to. >> organ donations, that has been the focus of our "in depth." was made parties are in favor of changing the rules, and they hope to have made progress by the end of the year. thanks for joining us.
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