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tv   European Journal  PBS  July 10, 2011 1:00pm-1:30pm PDT

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young german men no lger ha to rve in the army. most are happy about that. for others, it has created big problems. welcome to "european journal." coming up, desk. rhino thieves target museums in europe. and making healthy babies, a belgian clinic helps parents out. it is a devastating sight in south african national parks,
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dead rhiceros on their patrols. some 200 have been killed this year of the rhone. it poachers' what the animals for their horns, which are wanted for their money. >> the rhinoceros head is in the store room. the museum director still cannot believe that the thieves ripped off the horn. the white mark is all that remains on the wall. >> two weeks ago, there was the head of a rhino there. when the attendant went to close the museum, she noticed somebody hanging on the head, their arms around the horn. he tore off the horn and ran for the exit, spurring everyone in his way with teargas. -- spraying everyone and his way
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with tear gas. >> the thieves left by the stairs where he was challenged. outside, his accomplice was waiting in the getaway car. >> an intern tried to stop him and to students got hit by teargas. >> luckily, the police managed to capture the suspects. the museum regained the horn and promptly stowed away in safekeeping. >> a horn like that is worth 25,000, 30,000 euros perkier kilo. this would be worth 100,000. >> the foreign poachers have several museums. among them was the natural history museum. its main attraction enjoys high security. >> the horn was located here on
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this upper shelf. it is obvious where these things at end up. it is in eastern asia, where there is a big demand. it is the source of these robberies. people pay a lot of money for chinese alternative medicine, and that is where the job orders come from. >> the belief that powdered rhino horn has sexually stimulate properties is particularly widespread in eastern aged, where there is a black market for the product -- in eastern asia, where there is a black market for the product. it is becoming increasingly popular in europe. >> the problem is the medicinal use of rhino horn. that stems from the preferred a belief that rhino horn it is a big thing that points upwards. that, of course, leads to such
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perversions that have nothing to do whatsoever with the additional usage -- with medicinal usage. >> many still believe rhino horn is a miracle cure for all kinds of ailments. it is gaining in popularity and received widespread publicity. the was a recent interview with a leading hollywood actor who swears by it. >> it! is a real surname that celebrities are making statements like that. -- it is a real shame that celebrities are maki statements like that. that is a myth. a>> at the federal agency, rhino horn confiscated by customs are kept under lock and key. those recovered from the robberies are also here for safekeeping. last year, germany introduced more stringent rules on the import and export of rhino horns. >> we see that poaching in south
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africa and other african countries has increased considerably. in turn, that has made conservation efforts a lot more difficult. >> the trade in rhino horn is booming and prices are higher than ever. that makes them one of the most valuable and rarest animals. some species are already facing extinction. you mann gmany it no longer need to feel the draft. the government has abolished military and alternative service, in line with most other european countries. most young men are relieved, but for those with two passports, things are not quite as simple. >> this person has just passed his exams but tomorrow he will be flying to thin lead to begin compulsory military service -- he will be flying to finland. he will be at home six months
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t its something he wants to do. at he has both german and finnish citizenship. he used to go to school in finland and knows the country well. completing his military service in finland could help them find a job there if he ever decides to return. >> if i refuse to do military or civil service, it is possible my citizenship could be taken away from me. if i did it in germany, out have to prove i have close family ties with finland to keep my finished citizenship -- my finnish citizenship. >> that is very important to everyone in the family. he was eligible for finished citizenship through his mother, but it is difficult to say goodbye. >> i am sad, but i am proud he is doing his military service there. >> military service is viewed
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with much more prestige in finishes society. in finland, we see that boys go into the army to return as men. >> i want to see how i could develop as a person, if i can gain something positive from the experience. >> this person from central germany is not expected to gain anything positive from his military service. he is searching for a way to avoid spending 1.5 your serving in the turkish army -- spending 1.5 years and the turkish army. >> i have to do it because i have turkish citizenship. >> most young men in his situation used to do military or civil service in germany instead. but with the end of the draft, he has no other choice but to go to turkey. as an alternative, he could pay thousands of euros to have his military service in turkey reduced to just three weeks.
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>> it could be a real problem because i would have to pay this money and then complete the military service. it could even turn out that i might never be able to return to turkey, but my father. -- like my father. >> his father could not afford to pay. he has not set foot in turkey in more than 10 years and faces imprisonment if he ever returned home. >> it is really bad. i am half turkish and was born there. if i was born in germany, it would be different. but you missed your country and relatives. >> they could never imagine turk -- serving in the turkish army. 20 years ago he paid and he is glad he did. >> first, because of safety considerations. that is still a war -- in the south of turkey and you could fight their if you do military service there.
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second, you lose everything that left behind in germany, such as your job. no employer wants to wait over a year for you. >> the turkish government requires citizens to complete military service in turkey or in another country like germany. but it is not yet clear whether turkey will recognize germany's new system of voluntary service. luckily, finland is not so strict. but for other national ities in germany, it is not so easy. what do you do withex offenders th are likely to coitimil crimes again when they're released from prison? but the behind bars for the rest
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of their lives, rely on therapy, open to fix it? in the czech republic, sex offenders can be let out prematurely, but only if they agree to a drastic measure. >> the preventative detention center is home to 26 sex offenders. this man sexually abused a 12- year-old. because he cannot resist his inclinati towards children, he asked to be castrated. >> a constantly thought about having sex with children. i had bad dreams. i always wanted to do things to kids. >> after having the operation, he suffered from depression, a common side effect of the procedure, and tried to commit suicide. but he no longer thinks about molesting children and hopes to soon be a free man.
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>> after their construction, there was hope that i would be released early. -- after the castration, there is hope that i would be released early. that depends on the doctor. >> at this psychiatric clinic, one in four patients out to be castrated. she believes that high testosterone levels are the source of the aggression. this man sexually molested and the girl. he is 21 and not ready to consider having the procedure. >> my cell mes advised again it. its supposed to make you terribly depressed. you feel terrible after the castration. >> still, the doctor has convinced many men to have the surgery. after their testicles have been removed, they are far less likely to refund. >> the benefits are clear. testosterone levels of our lord permanently. the likelihood of a relapse is close to zero.
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>> the european anti torture committees demanding that the czech republic stopped performing surgical castration. the call that legalization that is irreversible and with significant side effects. >> there is psychological pressure that is exerted. they are presented with two choices, have your testicles removed or spend your entire life in a psychiatric clinic. you cannot really talk about free will our people free to decide for themselves. >> the issue of how to protect society from sex offenders is a perennial problem. the public demands tough sentences and tight securities. offenders who have been cast. and no longer deemed dangerous to be released. reject offenders who have been castrated are no longer deemed
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dangerous and can be released. this man sexually harassed five women. he fondled the women but did not write them, but so far the castration has not had the desired effect. >> these medications are said to deaths that is behavior is still very wild. -- these medicines are just said edatives. >> they argued that young men are pressured into be castrated, to avoid years of incarceration. >> it is an incentive scheme. they are told there is the possibility they might be released. the number of caster it men released are higher, or thought to be higher, than those who have not been castrated. >> even the critics do not doubt the effectiveness of castration. this man knows that it works. he got six years for sexually
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abusing his niece, then 12 years for raping and killing a woman. being cast. it was his only chance of ever being released. >> the price for freedom was too high. castration suppresses your sexual desire, but nobody tells you about the side effects. the only deal with it on the superficial level. the castration gave me my freedom but it has taken away a lot, too. >> is castration an effective treatment or permanent? this man said prior to his castration, he was sure to offend again, but now he says he has changed and no child need be afraid of him. the disaster at japa's nuclear plann fushima came as a shock to many europeans, the germans were the only ones
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to take drastic measures. it will phase out nuclear energy. in britain, quite the opposite is going on, new reactors and the making. the government also wants to expand wind power, but some britons are on a mission against the noisy generators. >> this is a protest against the wind farm plant in the area. >> we believe this is in effect dead. we realize we cannot do anything about this. this is a wake. we are celebrating today. just before they build this wind farm, the beauty of the area and now mourning the loss. it is nature lovers and environmentalists like them that
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are protesting against the giant turbines. this despite wind power being seen as the alternative to migrate -- melting ice caps. ian could soon have a wind farm 100 meters from his house in northeast england. >> there will be quite a cluster, which is evident from the village. there will be three more just over the area, which will affect the other village. what else can i say? they will be very tall and aggressive. >> two years ago, this same reason was given a taste of what global warming might entail. entire villages were inundated with floodwater. experts say could be a yearly occurrence if global warming is not stopped. it is also home to a nuclear
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power plant. it is infamous for a nuclear accident. this person is more afraid of having a wind farm on his doorstep. his friend already lives next door to one. >> mainly, the sound is the major problem, because every other night on average, i need to take sleeping tablets to get sleep. the last time was the night before last when there were quite noisy. the other fact is the shadow and flicker. >> he set up to show- he t at his camera to show what he means. it is wind turbines cast shadows through the windows of the house. the age of stupid is a docudrama about global warming set in the future. it foretells an environmental apocalypse.
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this woman is behind this. she hopes the film will dispel many myths that are around wind power. >> people bring up all sorts of arguments to win their cases. the funniest one is that that's spontaneously combusted near the wind farm. iis because out people did not stand up part tha. >> cherished her beauty. lives so our planet may not die. testing artificially inseminated embryos to see if they are viable before they are implanted is controversial
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crossed europe. critics call it. selection of human life. in germany, a long debate is coming to an end with the parliament voted on whether or not to allow the implementation diagnostics. in belgium, pgd has been terrible for years -- has been available for years. >> to gather, this mother lives in a belgian city. tina has a hereditary muscular disorder and she was worried she may pass it onto her daughter. >> for me, pgd was the only chance i had to have a healthy baby. we did not want the job to have significant elements. when we heard about the screening, we decided to do it. >> this person helped her give birth to a healthy daughter. he is the head of reproductive
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medicine at the university clinic in brussels. he is also a jesuit and says it is his duty to do everything in his power to prevent suffering. >> all the women we see have a long, painful story. when you have a patient in front of you that has already given birth twice and now has to disabled childre -- two disabled children, of course this woman is going to want a healthy child the third time around, just like anyone else. >> this couple has also been treated but by the doctor. he has a hereditary illness that causes intestinal polyps. although he was not able to conceive a child through normal methods, she is already seven months pregnant.
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>> i think it looks like him. he says it looks like me. >> their story began in 2010. it is a testament the lands to which a couple will go to to have a healthy child. for him, it meant giving up his hobby, bicycle racing. she had to give herself regular hormone injections. there's was a complicated case. so they could do some of the screening at home in holland, th had to go to belgium for everything else. the process which involves examining, testing, and selecting a healthy embryo is against the wall in the netherlands but not in belgium. that means lots of laboratory testing and at times the couple started to wonder if it was worth it. >> we have the rare good fortune and belgium have a law that
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allows embryonic research and respects science. but when i think about europe as a whole, each country has a different law, and some unhappy couples. it is chaotic. 27 countries, and no laws like the other. >> in january, the couple got a call from the university clinic in brussels. it was good news. there embryo test results were ready. three of them were healthy. the other six were not. the couple was told that could come to brussels for the next step in the process. it means the couple could have a healthy baby. this is father dominic. he and the catholic church in
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belgium are treading new ground. it's strictly speaking, the church is against the practice, but he judges in each case on its own merits. >> the subject of the suffering of the couple is decisive. my own decision on pgd depends on what the parents have gone through. and how the child's future would look like without pgd. >> today's technology has opened new doors for prospective parents, but the professor knows where to draw the line. for him, pgd is not about creating designer babies. only parents he could transmit a character disorder to thr children are eligible for screing. >> the way it is practiced in belgium is sensible. if i said i would like to have a baby girl, i would probably have been disappointed.
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they don't tell you anything about the sex of the embryo. >> this couple will be parents and just two months. they don't think anyone would want to abuse the technology. >> i don't see such a danger in it. people don't want to go through such trouble to get a baby with blue eyes. >> after injecting hormones, artificial fertilization and the embryo screening, there is no guarantee that it would work. and all of that is a real strain. >> this person gives us a tour of his office. he has received letterfrom hundreds of happy couples. their dream of having a healthy child has finally come true. the 64-year-old plan on retiring next year, but he hopes the future will be bright for embryo screening.
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>> it may ÷e just a dream, but one day i hope to be able to speak about all of our research in an open, balanced, not sensationalist way. and maybe we will be able to get together and think what we should do with pgd in europe. >> it costs a lot to make this baby. that embryo screening can cost between 9000 and 11,000 euros. would they do it again? >> when you look at the incredible result, yes, i imagine doing it all over again. >> the belgian company support parents through the entire process. they don't think the testing should be a result of the parent's income. that was "european journal."
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from all of us in brussels, thank you for watching and goodbye. captioned by the national captioning institute
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