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tv   Mc Laughlin Group  PBS  August 26, 2011 8:30pm-9:00pm PDT

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from washington, "the mclaughlin group," the american original. for over two decades, the sharpest
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que sera sera, whatever will will be will be ♪
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>> together we are going to make barack obama a one-term president! >> so says minnesota congresswoman michele bachmann, the leader of the tea party caucus in the u.s. house of representatives. and the numbers may bear that out. there are 14 months before the november 6, 2012 presidential election. president obama finds himself in a dead heat with not one, not two, not, three, but four republican presidential candidates. so says the gallop poll this week. massachusetts governor mitt romney leads president obama 48 to 46 among registered voters. texas governor rick perry is tied with president obama, 47 to 47. texas congressman ron paul is trailing president obama by two points, 47 to 45. and minnesota congresswoman michele bachmann is behind president obama 48 to 44.
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all four are within a four- point margin every error. but there's more to the obama bad news. the same gallop poll shows mr. obama is also losing the support of in the swing voters. swing voters broke heavily for mr. obama in 2008, 55%, securing the presidency for him. but 2012 is a different story. three republican contendersobam independents. obama with romney 47, obobama 44. perry 46, question, did these polls show the electriccability of the republican candidate is less important than the ousting of president obama? >> i think you're close to the truth, john. president obama is in serious trouble as a president and a candidate, partly because of a lot of news on the economic front looks like it's even getting worse, but what these polls show us is that as
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charlie cook said, this race is becoming the republican party's to lose in 2012. the polls also show that the entire republican field it looks like including the controversial ones like michele bachmann may be acceptable to the american people, more importantly acceptable to the independents. everything, though, depends on the -- depends on what happens in the economy, john, because obama is still well liked by the amamican people and they still want him to succeed. >> i don't know how you -- his extraordinary weaknesses demonstrated in the polls. >> the american people have not given up on him. but in talking to various democratic operatives this week, they're close to despair about whether he will be able to turn this around. now, he's had low points before, and he seems to be able to come back. and i think what he has to say about jobs and can actually do about jobs when we comes back will be critical. but when you look at the opposition, i think once the republicans settle on a
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candidate, i think democrats are thinking that that person, if in particularly governor perry or michele bachmann or ron paul even, that the contrast will make the democratic base which has been disappointed, it will make them rally arnd this president. they'll never recreate the positive energy they had four years ago. it could be negative energy to avoid a worse outcome, but we're still a long way from when this race will become engaged some john, don't give up on this president yet. way too soon. >> ron paul's two points behind. >> i would not read too much into this. at this point, all the people really know about any of these republicans is just that they're republicans so ron paul, michele bachmann, all generic republicans so this poll is more a sign of obama's weakness and the strengths of any candidate. but there's another loser besides obama from the polls, this that's mitt romney. if he gets the nomination t will depend heavily on 10 point
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ahead of the rest of the republican field against president obama, and if he and rick perry are in the same slot, that's not good for mitt romney. >> i agree with rich. i've been saying all along for the republicans right now is that their most electable candidate mitt romney has the least chance of getting the nomination, just because a number of negative americans. maybe he has staying powering but if i was on the obama team, would you much prefer running against rick perry than mit nit. >> why? >> because of the possibility of another goldwater debacle like '64. the more people find out how conservative rick perry is, gives a great speech, excites the base, but i think he frightens enough independents and ex sights enough liberals that it would help obama at a time when he does need help. >> get from arence and eleanor is eleanor didn't -- mitt romney has an
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acceptability i think to an awful lot of people in the center and on the right. i think in a race with obama right now, he would win because the country would say, okay, we're going to take a chance with him. about but the other republicans have very sharp edges, which in a general election would be exposed, and you'd have a closer contest. >> okay. obama's albatross, the economy? >> the congressional budget office reported this week that unemployment will remain high between now and the end --
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question, why is the public lost faith in president obama? is strictly the economy or more than the economy, like are the voters who voted for change not seeing the change? >> democrats are still sticking with him. i think the problem is a combination of the policies he pursued in the first two years of unpopular with the blic, most importantly obama care, and then the rotten state of the economy. when we're growing at 1% with one employment rate above 9%, there's not much to be happy about. and the ratings on key issues, jobs, the budget and the economy generally are all in the mid-20s, which is a disastrous place for him to be. >> you can buy a t-shirt that says, president bush wrecked the economy, and president obama can't fix it. and i think that's where we
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are. and the president from the democratic perspective has played it much too safe. he proposes modest efforts in the hopes the republicans will go along with it. they say no to everything, and i think there's a lot of pressure on him now to go big and bold and to confront the republicans, and you're with us or against us if you want to create jobs. he9e's the big plan. if you don't go along with it, you're a job killer. >> the plan will be -- >> the lingo -- >> the big plan is more spending, which is intellectually and politically discredited is what he's trying -- [everyone talking at once] >> and pulling money out of the economy now pulls jobs out of the economy. >> we're spending $900 billion more than in 2007 [everyone talking at once] >> we have eye short-term jobs crisis on a long-term deficit problem. the deficit can wait.
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if ronald reagan would were here -- >> but a $1.5 trillion deficit isn't enough? >> you know -- [everyone talking at once] >> how much -- what percentage of the economy did he spent? the fact is it did work. it did work. >> never got on the 13% unemployment until world war ii! >> world war ii. government spending. >> eight years you want to start a war? [everyone talking at once] >> we need to mutt more money in the economy right now. [everyone talking at once] >> thank you. >> okay. let me in! if president obama can bring the unemployment rate down to 8%, by september, 2012, next year, before the election, couple months, will he have a better chance at winning re-
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election? >> 8% would be better than 9. and a lot better than 10. >> will he have a chance of winning? >> i think he has a chance now and i think he has a better chance at 8%. >> it's at 9.2 now. >> he'll have a better chance at 8, obviously. better at 5. >> right. >> if the economy appears to be going in the right directions, he has a very good chance of getting reelected, especially in the republicans choose one of the candidates other than mitt romney, or jon huntsman. >> if i want -- this is what i want. and i think the question was ill put. i want to know at what level the unemployment would have to be for obama to win re- election. now at 9.2. >> below 8. he has much better than a 50-50 chance to win re- election. but unfortunately for the country, we're not going to get below 8 by election year, 2012. >> what makes you so sure? >> we're not going to get there -- [everyone talking at once] >> we may even have a double dip. >> too much talking. go ahead. >> if we're moving in that
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direction. he's got a much better chance [everyone talking at once] >> remarkably 6%. he's got a re-election. >> prediction -- >> of course. >> so what -- >> depends on the unemployment. >> but campaigns are more than just the number. it's what direction the economy is moving and how hard is the president perceived as working hard. but he has a year to >> it's a new day. really, feeling of a new day. >> it's happy. we -- i cannot explain just to you in words! >> the fighting between libyan rebel and libyan leader moammar gaddafi has been raging for six months. this week it reached climax. anan-gaddafi rebels stormed libya's capital city, tripoli, with air cover from nato planes flown by britain, france,
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denmark, and canada. some believe that a future libya without gaddafi at the helm could produce division and violence. the libyan population is divided along tribal lines, more than 140 tribes, get that, live in libya. those tribes will now have to share political power in a country with no history, no experience, of democratic participatory rule some that could require a international force and that force would demand u.s. boots on the ground. the president of the council on foreign relations, richard haass, almost says so. international assistants probably including an international force is likely needed for some time to help restore and maintain order. the president barack obama may need to reconsider his assertion that there would not be any american boots on the ground. leadership is hard to assert
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without a presence. what do you think of that reasoning by richard haass? >> i disagree with richard haass. he wasn't even in favor of intervention. newspaper to he wants to put american troops on the ground. they would be targets for al- qaeda and negative elements. if they put troops on the ground from some international force, it ought to be the brits and the french or europeans, not in the war. put them on the ground and keep us out of this affair. nato won the war for the libyans. but nato could not have won it, john, without the united states support all the way. this thing has exposed nato as a paper tiger, but it ought to send in the peacekeepepe. >> at least nato did more than usual on that case. especially france. without the air cover you would not have seen a gaddafi overthrow. >> and the four countries liftedes in nato, none of them -- the united states didn't get -- >> nato is not conspicuous. >> obama did it right. he helped -- [everyone talking at once] k >> where you getting that from?
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kucinich -- >> the lawsuit. >> the fact of the matter -- people were talking impeachment, blah, blah, blah. now it's working. but the fact is he's did not get the u.s. more deeply involved. pat is right. this is the most dangerous time for lib are libya or any other country. why we want to put american troops in the middle of this chaos -- >> i disagree that is exposes nato as a paper tiger. they're involved at the turning point there. >> what about the u.s.? >> the u.s. cannot play -- [everyone talking at once] >> excuse me. it vindicates the president's post-iraq model of -- >> no it doesn't. >> yes, it does. and transitional council handled themselves pretty well. the small country, six or seven medical people. they've got oil wells. i think they've got a very good shotleader over there! >> they're worthington.
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>> certainly not over until they find gaddafi. >> i can address the whole leading from behind thing? that was a could have been a catastrophic mistake because the rebels were freeing, the nato coal, was fraying. they're losing support, losing weapons. it's foolish not to give all the air support from the beginning and really see it through as quickly as possible. turned out okay, and gaddafi is gone, and that's wonderful. but that was not the best way to do. i'm glad that -- [everyone talking at once] >> new model. we don't have to be in it. >> we're lucky. [everyone talking at once] >> hold it, will you please! we're getting more outs of the issue than here! issue three, genesis week. the earth shakes! >> all of a sudden, you felt the floor rumbling from understand your feet, and when i stood up to see what it was, the whole building just shifted
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like that. and shook! >> the richter scale climbed to 5-point% tuesday. buildings in washington, d.c. felt the quake, including the white house. president obama was hundreds of miles away -- [line stepped on]
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>> question, what is the future of nuclear power after japan's earthquake? and its nuclear reactor horror and germany, utley and switzerland. they all declared they will build no more nuclear reactors. will the u.s. phase out nuclear? >> depending on the country. united states will not phase out nuclear. the plant in virginia survived this easily. generators went on, no problem. even three mile island, nobody killed. there's some countries like russia that handle it horribly, and goreal problems. they're green countries like the germans who give it up. others like the koreans, the french, japanese, the americans, we depend on it. we do a good job with it. it's useful, it can be a problem. but you don't give it up unless you give up technology. >> determination to give it up is one thing. but they're all going to phase it out. and unless people can really retrain their appetite for oil, nuclear power will be around for a long time.
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and it's going to be part of the energy future in this country.y. >> okay. the winds blow! >> i cannot stress this highly enough. if you are in the projected path of this hurricane, you have to take precautions now. don't wait. don't delay. we all hope for the we have to be prepared for the worst. >> the total wealth of the eastern seaboard in the path of the hurricane irene, amounts to, get this, $3 trillion. so says mark alexandery, chief economist of moody. question, on friday, president obama announced he will cut his vacation short and return to washington, should -- question, should congress also do the same? not a week from tuesday, but this coming tuesday. >> no, there's no reason for congress to be -- congress just got out of town and all of a sudden everyone talked about getting it back! for what ends? they're not going to pass
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anything. what can they do? you want to put them in the -- maybe there's a populous case for putting them in the path of the hurricane! no sense to have. >> when you have all of this -- >> points every agreed again. >> it's in a sitting we do not enhance the appearance of vulnerability, if the congress is not here [everyone talking at once] and if the president is here, somehow that establishes that -- >> congress needs to -- you ask people on the streets of america, they'll tell you republicans and democrats need to stop their partisan bickering and work together for the good of the country. >> i think in an emergency -- >> if they can't do that, they don't need to be back. >> in an emergency situation, i think the american people want to feel that their government is intact and in washington. [everyone talking at once] >> republicans and democrats can wander around with flashlights at the capitol. >> washington is not showing the urgency that they demand. but calling that congress is not going to accomplish that. that super-committee that has
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to come up with the al, i guess i'd like to see some photographs of them working! >> president obama is coming back. >> he lives here. he's come back a day early. >> he was going to come back later in -- this coming week, about tuesday. >> didn't work that well, john. >> he lives over the store. >> it was a disaster! a political disaster on martha's vineyard. him riding around on his bicycle. we've got earthquakes here, hurricanes, economic reports are terrible and he's up there partying? [everyone talking at once] >> not a disaster. >> president obama can hold back the hurricanes, that would make him an en= issue four, dream! >> i havevea dream that one day this nation will rise up, live out the true meaning of its creed. >> 48 years ago this sunday,
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civil rights leader dr. martin luther king, jr. delivered the famed "i have a dream" speech at the lincoln memorial. 48 years later the official dedication of the new martin luther king, jr. memorial. it will be the first major monument of a non-president on washington's national mall. the effort to create the memorial was 15 years in the making and will cost some $120 llion in privatdonaons. >> the memorial to dr. king is the first on our mall to celebrated a man of color, hope, and peace. and you can see this location is powerful. >> the "i have a dream" speech was delivered almost 45 years ago, before america elected its first black president, barack obama. g >> been a long time coming. but tonight, because of what we did on this date in this election at this defining moment, change has come to
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america. >> but somebelieve that racial equality still has yet to flower in the u.s. item, unemployment. white americans, 8.1%. black americans, 16.2%. item, netted wealth. white americans, $113,000. black americans, $5700. item, incarceration. of the 73% of white americans in the country, less than 1% are in jail. of the 14% of black americans in the country, nearly 5% are in jail. item, education. rate of college graduations for white americans, 60%. rate of college grad black americans, 40%. question, how old was martin luther king when he passed away? >> i think about 37, 38 years old. >> 39 years old. >> okay. >> 39 years old. >> did he -- i was at that speech, john.
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>> can he say some thing that led people to believe he was clairvoyant in the since he thought or knew he was going to die. >> the last speech he gave, i might not get there with you -- >> what about that? what about that? >> he knew a big threat and there were people out to kill him so he had on quite a few reference and speeches. so that was his fierce urgency of now. he had to do get things done. >> people miss that about him. >> used to joke are his aides that he knew they would take a bullet for them. he said, don't worry, i'll give you a great eulogy. he talked about death a lot. >> that's something people miss is the tremendous physical courage to just keep going under the kind of threats he was under, with the fbi offering no help and in fact -- the opposite! so really an amazing -- >> somebody submitted and question. america has a black president, an african-american attorney general, a black supreme court
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justice, and has had an african- american secretary of state. it is time to start focusing on statistics showing how blacks compared to white and instead look at why some blacks are so successful, why for others severe problems remain. so instead of looking at black progress interracially. we need to look intraracially. why do some blacks excel while others struggle? >> she's saying what -- number of other black folks have said, the gap between what -- blacks who are well off and those not doing well at all is now wider than the gap between blacks and whites. that's the big difference between now and dr. king's day and that's what drags down the overall statistics. >> why are some blacks doing well and other blks not doing well? >> a number of reasons. some having to do with politics and government, others having to do with the social -- >> in a word, john, it is -- the collapse of the black
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family outside the black middle- class. 71% of african-american children are born out of wedlock predictions, pat and. >> for the first time the federal reserve will be a major issue in the political campaign because of ron paul and rick perry. >> will not help bankroll the convention in carolina because it's held in a city was the a single union hotel, and they're showing disappointment in the president. >> rich? >> if rick perry is the republican nominee, there will be an independent candidate in the race. >> claire sentence. >> contrary to call, i think sarah palin will not enter the race. >> the u.s. ddg growth rate will be below 2% for the next eight months. bye-bye!
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