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tv   PBS News Hour  PBS  September 29, 2011 5:30pm-6:30pm PDT

5:30 pm
no c 1fund . c 1>> woodruff: and i'm judy av]ieu "wshour" tonight, wove ti notc here ac r we h@noc rec 1 for treating profo an ic av]ioodruff: we have another @our innotec c 1sidentialeu@noc anre noc rec 1 >> they're avge]it eu @hink of thav]ieu noac c 1ord of aav]ieu@noc re @noc rec 1 film project" series, we exc a documentary abo @v]ieuav]ieu @noc rec 1c 1
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traffickafghanistan and the regd @aseball's regular season, asavu @ieuru noc plabvyo]iffeula s "nnoewc shreouc r.1"newshour : @ profibv]ieu@ rec of money.@noc rec 1s it go?c 1 world. equipment, materials.noc rec 1e. mi bv]ibv]ieu@bv>>]i aeund by @the1 ]ieus foundation.@noc rec 1dea v
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@and nowic these institutions andeu@noc re@ @noc rec 1am was made poscv]ieuc cvation from viewers lcv]ieu@cvh ]ieu financial]ieu@ it could eascv]ieu nopac rtreiac l 1@gin ounor c ca report fromws."cv]ieu c the end, resounding bcv]ieu@o
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1about the dizzying exposu cv]ieuprocess has exposed serioi noc v]ieu@ 1noc rec 1 it's not about greec it'dvs ]ibrella todv]ieu@.dv]ie the german nationa@noc rec 1c 1g ye@t in gnorec ecree c to1day rt c restries by angry cino athens of the so-called
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inspectors.or the specterre of its debts isdvu @ c 1ncellor bdedvba]iteeu.@noc re rec 1 just across theer of germu ev]ipe's noeoplno]ieu@ noc rec 1ev]iev]ieu@ev]ieu@noc o evnege on s.ev]ieu@noc re@noc rec 1one euu
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the eu ]ieurichte@r, pubnoli the online magaeu@noc rec 1bl and, rec ku1lish of the "new york tiu d people tfvhe]ireeu see s@takes how important wasfv i]i teuhink1 stakes as extremel@noc rec 1 tha currenc ould befv]ieu@ tfvo]iokeu i@tno >> brown: and n @ternomsc orefc 1 attitudrec 1 pressures on ]ieuticians thexhausted,fv]ieurv @doinongc >>eu@noc rec 1 in the bundenoc , i some were at theirfv]i were talk fvpr]ieseusure t@hat fv]iveuote know, the regul@noc rec 1the st1
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importac 1 e or maybey?veryas in agv]ieu ]ieuthere'@s ano lc it was a necessary]ieu@noc rec 1 things thae was a veryf vilic gvl kings, and now thenoc rec 1ade p europe. euin a democracy, you negved]i i @ ]ieurown: evenutgv @noc rec 1oirengc for isn't enough
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on.gv]ieu any growinggv un@derstanondc inreg ny rec oc re kc no1ws're going thr as i said, fi base, you there's already the . i.m.f. annual mee doing more to make s ]ieubanks@ don'tno dc because there was]ieu@noc rec 1 cross-border superlikeno c thre1 lay theundation to get europe v the treat triedhv]ieu euhings abobity hvan]ideu so@no. c rec p1uthac d1 it and the most europenot the nopuc blreicc 1attitudes, te >> that's what there ?
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it's not just coastshing yourhvu ]ieu have to makehv @decinoly euey're doing a]i esnopc ecreiac ll1y re with then rec akes c painfuliv.]ieuit but nor c horewc 1on the groundu ss bringing outsionsiv]ieu w europe. comivi]ingeu@ oldiv]ieu@noc rec1 eused iiv]i c 1rman noanc d refrc en1chdivie the goode tc he1 d finns. a ce,
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workernjv]ieu@ountries versus t. especially in tabl>> brown: ande se]ieu@noc rec 1 baseolnoitc icreiac ns1 there wingjv]i leuines@ point?jv]ieu y chancellor merkel, which1 ]ieu get done whilejv euhey're anything to bejv]i sono mc ucre sort of, you know, eu@ thnoenc ,rec 1 hand
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cknoetc , reyoc u1 more. think made a hard sejvll politic were--jv keep theinoc rec 1 in about needs tokv]ieuary kvge]iiteuhne1 th>> the stakes a high americankv]ie-- nicholas ms ]ieu @haveno ac re c 1man andeu@noc re history cc rec 1 other'sd. that is a ction in thatkv]ieu se @noc rec 1 german fster
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kv]ie also last everybody shkvo. @that'nosc re principle.@ g-no1 people werec 1 secretary poland in order to gi hey,lv]ieu need to get eulvro]ipeeuans ge@t itno that have n]ieu deal@tnoc rec , cross-bordernoc rec 1 euro baillv]i islv]ieu@ c re uselv]ieu@no c @ nocc riresic s 1a terrible thi lv]ieu@noc re that will happen@@
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aren't as bad thoughlvemocrats . @ieu>> .mv]ieu@noc reing fect, right? re bc e1fore it poo@rer tnohc anrec 1far--wnoc r counmvtr]iieeus to h@elp @nd they've-- thmv]ieu @ resec the speaker noc threec re1. know,c g1ets on pressure becomesmv]ieu r you feel like if you'reonemv]ieu ot.u@noc rec 1 brown: all righ@e
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>>]ieumv]ieu@noc re >>ho@ur": unopdc atreesc f1rom gingrich's pres1fghanistan and upsets in but first, the other news here's hari s>> sreenivasan: wae nv]ieu@rec 1 whennoc rec 1nv]ies ]ieuained 143 points to clnv @jusnot c unredec r 1 rec nasdaq@noc points to c reildhood nv the u.s.nv]ieu@for noat finding after anaeu@ c 1recentnoilc lireonc 1latino m
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nv0nv7.]i th@at's million white children inv]ieu@r million @ oveg]igeus as f@ord arnoric ver1 inside trec 1 hour forces escorted he incident dreo atta]ieu@noc rec 1sanodoc r refs were conducting business.idateo@ noc eu@noc rec 1@ 1syrian tanks an barragstsle hadov]ieu@ been killed in the region in t eulast@ 72 honourc s.rere@porteu
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the u.npv]ieu@noassaults]ieseu 1 killed three southern a and an american soldpvled in no@ itpv]ieu@noc reince july.@noc r@ and four u.s. senators-- apv]ie@ c remec e1t with the count arizona senator john mccaining o pv]ieu@demo progress will not come evel at @noc rec 1recrc ed1itle for itsr
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]ieubuspv]ieu@noca and eu@noc rec 1d byqv]ieu@noc 1 qv]ieu@noc eu@noc rec 1yan ageng charged with plotting to atthe u capitol with reqv]ieu@qvre]izeu wednesday after an fbi sting@no1 c 1 y're guided by g.p.s. and flyr.u qv]ieu@noc and@ the pnoubc lirs >> brown: now, a qvtw]io eu
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at qv]ieu@noave hit the arabian@ rec pe1nifnoirc stre, c a 1repo, rv demonstrators wounded inra 1amily.rv]ieu arabia helpedarli c 1 c reyst a sunni.rv]ieurv]ieu@noo eu one bullet. head bleeding.rvi rv]ieu@noc rec 1@noc rec 1rvrv], many0 dorvct]ioreus@noc reand hf
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c reps said was a travesty of@no justice. svhe a harshsv]ieu@ thesvre]i a1 @he general hospitconvicted of r c hra@in to nobac rrreicc ad1e v in rec 1 sv]ieu earlier svcu]isteuody.@no@noc rec 1 >> they sexrec 1
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they]ieu sv reporter:and a plastic su@rge noe violence that thsv]ieu@ c @iousnenossc .rec 1reolc ic1e@ non they started to beat metv]i1 with their noc rec 1tv]itv]ieu@1 a tvt]iheeusetv]ieu@noc
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veeuriday @by theno pc roretec y appearuved]i deuisprop@ortiugh 1 is t@noc rec 1se uvart of our arab spring @puv]ieu on the penninsula-- in woruvd ] about popular diss]ieu@noc rec 1 rec henoc looking for way steam out of the politi pressure cooker.uvs for @eatsuv]ieu uv pulitzer prizeeren c @noc rec 1 the "washt theuv]ieucenter for eusch@olars noac ndre hc c whreetc he1r it's to its ownho
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i mean, it was vvver]iy vv]ieu@1 send troops into a second one wvv]ieu billion financial package ofben eut insu@rance.noc rec 1nowoc ug vv]ieuvv]ieu@nole advisory coun
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>> warner: so is he responeu@nou eumbers of the rowv]ieuwv]i p with the royal fawv]ieu@noc re rec conot want the royal fam@n overthr1hose saudis al in thwvei]ireu opethat's why weo islamists, awv]ieu and the governmwv]ieu@ll noc o that.wv]ieu@e 1@c c rethc is1 is only the secoat they've had these el at least they were open to allru turnout was prwv]ieu@noc
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now, that be yonou c jurestc s1aid they'r satisfied with the c onre oc r e thewv]ieui mean, what explains u xv]ieu@noc rec 1 rec tnoc really proven tothey're not give @now, saw t c rethc ey1 were elecre dc o 1ag and i mxv]ieun this. xvyo]iueu have @to be noatc you cann@noc rec 1 c 1e >> warner: so fair to nothing lixv]ieumight know in t. giv@e advinocec treo c ci1tyan1 >> warner: you mentioned ov
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the weekend the king did to fouxvxv]ieu@ese elections. oftet about here in the unieuhe oth@es womenc orer c th1e right to dren ways. the yv]ieuhes for yvda]irieung o rec eu@noc rec 1noc means. ]i] andyv a]iboeuutv @partinocic paretic ng1and noac1 landmark will depend on h c anreytc hi1ngl be implemented1 important a the yv]iseuaiyv]ieu@no0 lashings onv
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eu ofno c three c wo1@noc rec 1camu @zv]ieu@ @noc rec 1 c so rec 1 kin it it's the harshest sentenczv]ieul meeted ozv]ieu@noc re noc 't going to tolerate that, . 1>> warner: so does that the ki@ rec >>1 the kingreyc al1ti
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family. zv]ieu@noc , veryeu@noc rec 1 conservatnoryc creonc se1rvatie so he doesn't want to-- he wants to drag them along.[v]i doesn't here, what c 1 prospects of for saudi ara period, fo[vr ]imeeun you said peo[v]ieu@noth norticipa]ieu@noc rec 1 c 1>> i think that becau ara [v]i rest of th[v]ieu@ t[vhe]i seuam. [v]i goc 1
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eu re@noc rec 1rec 1thank you fo y év]ieu >> woodru and oévur]i ieuntervil candidate newteu@noc rec 1 of rec ersations with ke ononc president obamaouseort time ago thank you for talking with@noc p 1 y contract with am évid it was time to have a american people.a év]ieu@ difficult to do év]ieu@noc rec . it's difficult to get past thedr év]ieut saévy ]iineu@noc re30 s1
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you know, i don't trec 1ared ou, to the kind of conversations euat weév r]ieaeull]v]i th thaeu@noc rec 1 we're at a crossroads innoc recl ameri niors a choicere]val]it we're n. ]v]ieu@ a private health]v]ieu@1 current sustainable? >> wel ]v]ieu comp ]vth]ie eumore y@ou havno]iioeub
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and i thin wash n ]ieuthat,@ f ]v]ieu@noc redicare and medicait ívto @noc rec 1ieu@deívrs]itaeund@noo e of ív wieu myív]ieu@noc rec moneyve@rybod1 low-income c to thoseeople? >> well, i think essmanív]ieu paul ryan nentially put out, aíu nogrc anret c th1e mostate. the federal goveney nobuc t reil provide it with dramatiat greater flexibili abiliív
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ív]ieu@the "new york times" has@ reho a@renoc rec 1rec 1 stealing. state system year in one stóvat]ie nost making the sóvys]ióv]ieu@ó@ no1e c 1don't have the money óv money to róv]ieu@óvut]ieseu of@1 health, the n.i.h., to do th@no1 >> welher it would go the natiol institutóv]ieu ound likearitician toóvum.óv]ie1 aieu the óv]ieu@ noio next 20 eu@noc rec 1s
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rec ctenoc and 2050 about $20 tri óv]ieund a half times thet fedee so sometimes when peóvg]i feuors to cut things. úv]ieu@noi talk to brúv]ieuy bee of alzheimer's by five years]ie@ úv]ieu@noc reg it's a systemfrau jobs. c 1noc rec 1noc owre i see you require j for people who qualify forloyme
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>> well, first of all,úvta]ikee. ]iav ge now for 99 weeks fothingav.]ieui ]i have i think three milliont v av]ieu@avg ]iineu terms@ ofnoc b dependencynoc rec 1 weeks of nothing, and it' misinvestavav]ieu@ to signing u. in addition, i would repenoc red av those both are killuld dramatic@
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@norican enerav]ieu@noc rergy wi c 1that woure dollars in additional fedrevenud would creatbve ]ihueund one estimate as membbv]ieu@ 1.2 m]ieu@noc rec 1field alone. >> woodrunoc rec 1 bv]ibv]ieu@ou talkbv]ieu@noc re about hostile e@noc rec 11 bvople. bv]ieu@noc when yeu@noc rec 1crec1 rules ah any person ibv]ieulevel ofbv a]o eu@noc rec 1
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reality that is amazing. ano fcy can students not have a bv the worbv]ieu@tion" they ask ths that is cleanoc rec 1lization there's cva ]icoeure his@tori c. tradition of america whichcv]ie1 other" and wricans agree with, e endowed by oucv]ieu rights, among theofcv h]iapeupi, in courts who dnoc rec 1d do evy could to, frankly, limb natcv]if @rom ,cv]ieuy, cv]ieu@ rec y1@candidnoatc esre fc or1 >> i say, first of all,
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you needcv]ieu@ big]ieu@noc retr@as secondly, you need c 1 dvkn]ioweu i'm the only candidate lpeddv]i@ noc rec 1the nationalc na1l euay to yourself we need sodvme]iboeudy who@ can obama-- i think people thlydv d1 contract with america meeret c t g thdvin]ik euof i'm the only onedv]ieu@dvel]i.en right now,@noc rec 1t raising ah money as the front-idesdv]ieu@ f
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dv]ieu@noc re nowhc atre ic s 1your path to to have big soluaces likedv]ieu make an adult rec1 moneyev]ieu than any reif it's evab]ioueut e being ableeu noac mereric ca1 needs to explain why ournoc rec 1 peoi president in american historyk d thatre 1of the race. ng momentum andev]ieu the polruff: evju]isteu quick@l lot ofeu@noc rec 1whether new j.
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he said he's seriousut it. >> no, evi ]ihaeuve a v@erev]i @u noc direrec ct1an people. @noc rec 1 fair long time and i hav a fv]ieufv]ieu@noc ret actually gg governor, would loin t@he debnos fvedicafv]ieunybody who upons te c 1d runno.c re i rec nc time of unemploymenn to the what do we do to get afvme]iob fv]ihoeuw woul@d ]ipeeurmissi@on by nothc e ream? c 1c rec 1n, i'm going to do who's running. thank yfv]ieutodfvay]
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nowec @ c 1>> woodru rec 1 representative ron former utah governor jon and we'll taesidential contende1 gvother story frs. substance with the power to gv]d c 1 and in helmand province earcoalu c 1ops destroyed more than $3gve rec between afghanistan and tajikistan where they follow ]igv]ieu@ gv]ieu@noc rec 1noc rec 1gv]ieuk
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bottom.hv]ieu when it comeses to opium and hv1 senoc rec 1 c ]ieu@noc rec 1@nont that hash@ the opium trade.hv]ieuhv]ieu@nou
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no>>c re we focus on eue larg@est drnougc noc rec 1 mission for the drug en mendoza is two- ]ieu reaching america's shoresan fro@ iv]i war. @despitnoe c three c am@effortnm heroin is now the u allies on the borders of afnoghc anreisc ta1n to hel c 1power for antic re operations.iv]ieu ]ieuiv @pri]ieu@noc rec 1
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the noc rec 1 u.n.o.d.c. iv]icithiv]ieu@near-impossible helpipeli@ne.noc rec 1rec 1 which is u. then we jvha]iveeu a jv]ieu@noc we have a eur]i @comminossc ioren c wh1o noc re1 bo third part of the border.jvd be@ place.tojv s]iupeuport t@henoc r guards and reinfo@noc rec 1od a1 jv]ieujv]ieu@noc @noc rec 1s heg 1ec c rets to a u.n.-suppojv]ieujv]o
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kv 45 officers in threekv]ieundi c 1atkv]ieu@noc rec 1visitors, e anth1 approached bykv]ieuol all the b. and get food and so kvon]i.kv]ieu@
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@noc rec 1e.kv]ieu@noc rec 1 with thesekv]ieu@lv]ieulv]ieu@l1 network of spokelv]ieulv]ieu nothc e re@noc rec 11from the co the petty bureaucrat on thetake1 rec t1ajikistan's drug-control f heroin silvnc]i ]ieu]ieu@lv c 1acnotic onre oc st@noc re
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of thlv]ieulv]ieu@noc re@ rec it1's all parrencc e 1of drw results, but nomvt ]itoeuo ramv1 noc v]ieumv]ieu@noeuwould @not 1say made with drugs. nnootc sreeecc c corruption in our say that sevmven]i have been tr ]ieufor co@rrup ]i @workedno hc erree.c 1 i think this is a lo@noc rec 1ty mvmv]ieu@
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committed crimes is b ]ieupover@ty.noc re@noc rec 1 blaminnvg,]i teuhey ar@e sh hler what's going on hnv]itheuey sit1 e@noc rec 1er eufrave everything.and then thei c 1ondc @noc re perec 1 also this trafficknv]ieuas longi as long as we have tnvhi]i eudema@nd frs nv]ieu@noc rec 1 southeast asia, in th@noc rec 1
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1ot deal with it ourselves, then we should be a littnv]ieu >> woodrubeing nvsc]ireeuened a here in the u.s. and abreu@noc a yoovu]ir]v 1 >> brown: finallovy triumphant c @ollovap]iseeus as @ov]ieu c rebare@no wednec 1r two remaining spots in baseball's postseaov]iu anov]ieu nohac @ rec wi1ldest nighrec 1utting oue ov]iton astros eight-noth
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re]ieu@noc raves by eight and a their last 31 games. pv]ieuavepv]i chance, they@ went notoc 1re3 c in1ning pvatever happened thisyds last pvi ]imeeuan, we@ butts off ast wpvas]in'eut in te >> brown: instead,euld all@ the. clinched a first-rnoc rec 1e pv]idden, we'rpve]ieu@ee itpv]i1 >> brow@ c relc ea1gue, even more lay rae night tied for pv]ieuthe red x a
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c rec 1 pv]ieuongoria stepped to the pl@ in a tie game against the new@n1 tampa had trailed seven-noth, bs >> you can't eqvve]in eurealqv]l agony for boston, one qv]ieus b, bqvut]i leuosers @of 2ow qv]iameqvfs]i aeultoget@her.nocl eu c @noc rec 1as.s ago@, i thnoine >> there was nothin1were over.tu
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qv]ieu@noc along@noc rec 1. eu thatful that game lead with onro month of august, were nine]ieu@1 ahead in the wild card rnoc rect wervseptember was boring. rv]ieu@rain delay in onerv]ieu@. >> if you belie at work last night crvre]iateu rv]iexeutraord@inarbecause what@ noc rec 1 to be out of ]ieu torv
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@>> brown: not that anybodyrv]ie c 1nobody k@noc th re 125 minutes later, the boston noc bareltc im1ore, and three me game-winning home ru c dn1'ts more unbelievsvabthree1 ut-- 1stasv]ieunly sva ]iteeuam-- i@ >> the answer you can look asvt ]isoeume things. that's a huge thing in a sv]ieu norac cere tc o 1had nokec y reh
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had been the svsi]impeule ter@ ssvta]irts rec ttle there is an old try easier. tvn't in au're in atv]ieu@u knoa you bltv]ieu@noc rec remember it forever. c s 1they're always saying tv]ieuc c 'stv]ieu@no @ c redc on1't think a you're about to becc c 1an historic collapse.n't stot it. >the red sox, when they lose,tvc they lose epically.hey're never@ eublo@wn leanod c anred c @noc 1 depa yankees in 1986 when they we
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one out from winning the wo when tvbu]illeu buc historitv]ieu@noc rey tied. then the@noc rec 1 the yankees 1 fina then this year. >> uvlot of uv]ieu >>@ brownno: c and there weuwha@t st. noloc uiy >> absolut they both played very goodsebal. c 1y didn't giveen very easy toe uv the regula april when it'syof uv]itheuere's euy.uv,]i tnohec treamc @noc rec 1 1t. went to boston and made botched last play that game for tuvhe]i reueduv]ieu@not
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and they hung the way to do it. brown: now tu. ]ieue vv c rernoaoc how to top last]ieuo feinstein, ths, jeff.vv velopments ovvf ]itheue day:@ @noc rec 1rec 1 rescue fund easg su accusvved]i teuhe rvv]ieu@noc rr ]ieu?vv vv]ieu@noeu@noc rec 1the "raw noc rec 1
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calendar. find it on our "politics" and as part me inequality,vv]ieu vv]ieu@noc rec ]ie"euund the nopac gere.c t.1 more is on ourb sit@jeff?noc rec 1 wv brown: and that'swoodruff. we@here tomorrow evening with mk ]ieuothers@.noc thank you and good neu@noc rec 1 c rer fundingovided by:wv]ieuwvo c literacy in the 21st century.1 and with th and
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foundations. and.wv..]ieuwv]i eu@noc re c re rati@on forno publred c by1 contributions to s @noc rec 1g sponsored bynoc rec1 captioned by access.wgbh.orgxv]ieu@ xv]ieu@no1
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