tv Nightly Business Report PBS December 9, 2011 4:30pm-5:00pm PST
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itmposes tougher rulno c go2vernnt bgets, such ascrack. there are automatifor countriesf óvilfu@zone countriesy $3óv00ile billion to auntr@ies.noc rec 2c2 plan, but that s&p @noc rec 2rec 2u@noc today's marketúv ailctfuioúvilf2 thank the u.s. consumenoc rec 2 a widely watched mea @onsumer sentiment showeúvdin au @oc hareppc ie c resuc mm2it resulted inet rul2
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it was not t úvil that the market had hop fu for now. úvilnefuverthe@less, nofu@noc r2 sidelines and tradnoc rec 2 think therave'ils of caution. avtriladfuers ar@e sawhat? noc fu@ 2 them in the afternoon, but @that tnohic s reisc a2 turnin" 2equities have risen ina plan to europe's problems will dog uilf@ rec in2ve years. @noc rec 2 toward a comprehensive areachedh means we're goover eavffilecfute
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to have headfueuro@zone, noanc p still think the eurozonenoc rec2 >> reporter: ryan thinav bviloffu chopp@y trbvilfu@noc r2 bviletowth that's going to tranl @see sonomec ore whether its a spilfueurozo@ne oe eurozone spillover again nexbvi. bvrtil,"fu new y@ork.noc rec 2@s @e's c.e fund.bvilfu@n bvtoildao rec anc us.@noc >> susie: wel?
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europe an you've beend about thh futhat@ theynoc rec comprehensiveortnounc atreelc k @nou enoughcvilfues thatcvilfu saidilfu@no tc hererec 's2 now n union, andular within thecvilfu otcvil fubritai@n.noc re tells i and we havec 2 fully s missing out of comprehe2 c 2st you have tonoc re debt containment w and nothing has been promote eccvilfu deal shcvorilt2
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that's meaningful@noc rec 2u nea ilfuon of what the eur in twodv anddvilfuhave a divisionovereig2 noc rec 2 woif the all in wefrom onedvolatile situn theydv sileefum@ tonoc re noere weren't@ c 2comprehens out of europe thatc dorewnc gr2e of 15untries. do you, c 2does itniteddvilfu@ snotac e noc rec 2ng in fac to do so. ilrondvil which we inver of thev @ratingnos c threanc t2agencied
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who is thedvilfuy enough to usdvilfu noanc al isng@noc re c li2ke cls relative to europe itpretty cle@ c rethc er2e is noth plan about growth in eus that meane u.s. i noamevplilefu export-- exports . 2 2as you imports ac rec european member is teconomic zos evile willevil g by @second banksilfu@ inontc errel. and theynoc rec 2
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th so there's a lot that areev deleveevr ilanfud@r.s and animal@noc rec 2 anoc rec l2ot-- including right now is cautiousthe sidelil volatile market.yfvilfu we@, today we aisfvil sfuan@noc rec d real quickly what isinvestment o 2012 and what do you sayfvilfu@ noc rategy- individualilfu@noc 2generally defensive an select d i would youfvil 2011 wasfvilfu@fvilfu@ eqnouac 2 more volatile.@>> okanoy c sore2 2lfu@noc rec ilfu moha elfv-eils
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get the automaker back on @noc 2 osal togvextend payroll tax cutr ilfufuhgv @are nosec t ree @democrnoatc sn social stgvilfu nostc ll taxrams@ have noa c furennc 2 cut.gvilfu gvthilatfu this @willilfu@ rec ta2x noc rec 2 what i am this needs to be dongv >> reporter: john saysgvilfu means tethe gvgoilvefurnment@ rety through income taxes.ty w@2
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>> essentially, there is no urty c ilfu@nol dfurain i@n the nohvu rec fiel@noc rec 2 ta temporary.2 >> you're no grover norquist taxpayer hvilfu wats.hvilfu@noc re >> rpr@efer tnoo c streimc ul2ac with more infrre, c bu2t he sayg the payroll tax cut is option on the table nohvilfu >> right nowsing abouthv $il12f you're not always going to w@no2 e underemployment, i think2 payroll tax cut extension yearhv ailrefu loo hvether it con ilfu@noc rec 2noc rec 2
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jvts of mo thisivil billivilfu ilfu 200jvilfu up@noc rec 2 point today, weoverno tc here wt market focus.jv jvilfu@noc recks. @noc rec 2c oce s today's activity with jvilfujvilfu@noow fishin @ndex positive for thejvilfu @noc rec 2ith the sell-offyestes gain, bujvilfu@jvilfu@noc ret 1%no hc igrehec r 2tonight compr 2eek ago, thanks to today'sc
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rally.jvilfu 2the leading dow stock wasdno kvil to the global egained more. fukvil tano sincilfu@noc rec 2nofoc r rethcr per quarter.kvilfu@ll only abouf kvil g @collecnotic ngre@noc rec 2 moving up nicely, c that's its highest price sinn s2 drop its outlook for the yno rc. only stock on the dowkvilrials@
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manufactures.fumornin@gstar noad >> jus ilfuto sh nviniltofu south@ korea and there is certainly more ofi@ rec ne2ednoc rec 2 yen problem could continue tes, nomoc ntrehsc .2 egain its financial rec 2 further disruption hing fnvoril nfuext we@ek:nofuo2 guest is rich noc streeic nbalgr holidays are treating best buyno
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and monday, fuering your tax questions.nvil now that the national labor ilfu @udrop@ped a nofu c three c n.2l.r.b. sued boeingh carolin hadovil claimestate waovs ilrefutaliat@e ilfu@noc rec 2edno tc horesec t ovil days af 2our-yoveailr fucontra@ctett-pa to u earlier this year said i2 ovilfu@ technology it acquovilfu noeac rlre consumer interest and productio2 2
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you, wel >> tom: so if it isn't seasonpv hilisfuto estimation?pvilfu, i@no toqvilf2 fear out2 been everythrom a year moreqvilfu steps taken tqvilfu@ ilfuaged by what wqv @seenno oc utre oc f2 @noc freorc 2direction, at l as well as >> well, i threat qvilfu@ reduced ae's gqvoilinfu noc e for yeilfu@ 2 caused no fc ocreusc 2on some that are going especially in the u.s. veryqv ga of indicatorsqvilfu@noc rec @no2
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concerned,c 2 this >> i do justqvilfu politicallyqs long-term solution going towonor europe but i think ilfus down.rvil greatrv @tland. our ana futher@e talknoinc g @ noc anred c if2 the paper they c rec 2 c 2adlines.rvilfu@noc lyfu@noc e nohc rec 2 care illustrate health care and why do you rvil>>fu one o@f th like health care is thrvndil of2 totainable.
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sust i think thervilfu of courservilfu nodec more noc rive it but@ 2dividendinvestors are missinc rec 2 care but in of the m really acros trsvadilitfuio and telesvilfu@ no ilefu@noc rec 2,@noc rec 2 they have been held european sii re svilfu@noc re theerm@noc rec 2 g consider. >> tom: last sitting heresvilfu@ c reetc f2 up about you also liked the and the share priceinue to likeu
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c re>>c 2 actuallyingy, isno amount of going on yosvu'ilves that haveenefittvil@ rec te2 cash-rich as@ grnoeac t2 we're waitvidend from apple you've seen the seeingtvilfu@us dividend ilfuor@no c fu@noc rec 2 c rec 2 in many, the financialss haven't done yeartv bilutfu c 2 of the bestsectors of ttvhee >> none oftfs but of thin c rey holidays to withtvilfuvano >> susapple's retail
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footprint.c c 2opened in new york city's fau ilfucompany ers to itstv @rank to spend money at this storetvi. >> tom: theyfrere their money. fuusinessuvil @ decembjoinuvinilg fuus.@noc re s possible.uvil hudson v a.uvilfuu no>>c sreusc 2 thank you.evernoyoc nere hc 2e . week uvis uvil fumade@ puvilfu@noc rec 2 captioning sponsored by wpbtvv@ u
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