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tv   Frontline  PBS  December 15, 2011 9:00pm-10:00pm PST

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special edg@ >>g@ if you don't speak helpine >> as an g@intetnessed the war on tg@ >> yout's lies told,g@ it's cover-ups.g@olutely! this @ g@ >> wg@hat if that inform g@would rshg@
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inte >> i hardened terrorists. were essen@ to do. >> not one single immineat was f >> to g@history tog@ tell what i believe is theg@ >> and in our sec..g@ 53 people were wrongly labelror@ >> the war on terg@g@t tog@ ing@vestigat line.g@ >> w terrorists, which is absur leve@ g@>> these two st special edition of g@g@g@g@bsg.
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thg@ank you. g@ublic bro g@ t,g@ant, and peaceful world.g@ g@tigativeguardian ofg@ unding is providedg@on,teningg@c g@ fund, su reporting and eng@ journalismg@g@ g@ g@g@g@g@g@g@g@g@g@g@
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>> smi 2000.g@ g@g@ brooklyn briiving to the office. and i g@got to the office fast@ >u.s. navy warsg@hip... >>g@ attacked in yeg@>> smith: soufa@ how soon did you go to y >> sg@ame day. g@>> smith: spokeg@ >> eight, nine, sog@ e.g@ing on al qaeda?g@
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>> smithg@: soufan w g@vestigator for the uss that's soufan therg@e in a meen@ louis freeh.g@g@you began the i@ how do you ene.e do youg@ g@ people w g@g@ and you start builg@of wg@hat ai through a series of detailedatik g@nners."g@g@ of evidenceyond t@
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g@g@rcive college in rural pennsylvania.:@ he only g@appl a dare from g@ g@two years lag@7. he brog@ugg@ at the time, osama bin ladeng@s. g@pervisor, an up wg@ and it was about tg@ bin lag@den will cause for theg@ th his og@wn al qaeda obsession, immediatesoufan unde@
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by the time heg@ so anyoneg@ g@ g@s in cases like these ig@ g@thg@g@ g@g@ sometimes, it is.trg@ied to bast itg@g@ g@u something, he needs to havel g@ in operativg@e named g@knowledge andills to get insi@
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ang@ would know so much about g@oug@that... he told me, "i saw you in"g@ >> smith: soto kandahar, but af@ >> qg@uso provided significant e cog@and g@his knowledge about t g@ p about afghan g@ >> smith: during one s quso mentioned a named tag@ormer bodyguard ofa bl qaeda'g@ >> the very logical questi when ig@s khallad?g@ime in bangs
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g@eliver but had been planning th attack in yemen, why have b bangkok?g@ many questions c we thought mayplanning to do so@ soufan hoped they could help fill in someg@ blanks, tel g@ did you lear g@at hg@ad gone on? g@g@"theg@ wall."inely, the jus@
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ear. g@ the time g@ >>nesg@ of the time period tha this interpretation thatg@ intelligence cannot be sha with peog@ple who are work criminal investigations.g@g@we @ it didn't g@ >> g@soufan would continue to u more details, ing@he bangkokad @ dog@ g@ number >> kuala lumpur. >> smig@th: "do yo thg@: and they said?g@ >> smith: they saig@es did you
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go back to the about it?e talked about it a log@ times."g@t doesn't exist.g@ >> it's a teletype that goesg@g, 20g@01.g@g@g@g@ g@g@hought the.cole his cole him g@ he pg@ >> wg@g@
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g@rson from the g@ow, "call youo stay in yemen. g@g@g@omebody put a knife, you know, in me.g@ i was like, "quso?g@ how g@the heck quso is invol what just happ whatg@ what didg@ g@ cau so ig@ss, andssy, andg@g@>> smia g@>> the cia person on the surveillance photos taken at ai@
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9/11 planning meeting ing@ t malaysian cag@ the cia the men was khallag@d.g@ soufan took th and he said, "thd g@ another g@my answer was, "how many order to knog@w how m@ so wg@ g@ quso. obviously, iwe know what he loo. this is definitely kg@ >> smith: khallad was linked t frg@om m two g@ from there, mihdhar and hazmht s
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angeles. >> nowg@money.g@th: so you're lt >> yg@eah. al midhar wig@g@g@g@ g@g@.g@mith: how did... how didu g@ g@thatg@ information had how would itake...g@ >> oh, th erent today.g@g@ i'm convinced.g@ g@ would be very different.g@you would g@have pua
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g@ack >>ferent things.g@g@ose guys like white on g@ fact, the 9/11t , alg@eventedf the cia to sharg@ a possible early detectionlot.g@ >> absmigration at l.a.ep.g@>> smig@th: the cia de@ styg@hare critical lead g@information with t g@ shared?g@
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counsel at any legal reason.g@ ow andg@ what i...ember, there l impediment to shg@ information hy it wasn't shared? >> i don'tg@ know. reason not to share it.g@ >> smith: so whemissionof ag@ mystery as to what happeneg@ >> well, i mean, i dheseg@g@ g@ there was...g@g@g@ they had passed it, or tg@g@ but, you know, in myg@ lcareer,@ kind of slip-ups or glitches occug@ll intent on... ong@
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unfortunately g@do hg@ smith: a@ his trail went cold. g@t a few monthsg@ lg@g@ the man taken into custo g@lieved zayn al-abidin mg@ otherwise kng@ soufan was cso, in 2002, you gg speak to an g@g@?g@ >> yes. was involved in a series ofg@ plots to attack g@acg@k the popy
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g@of an g@ g@e interrogation remains avers@ classified. in your book, pronouns-- "i", "wg@e" fact thatg@ myself and steve gg@siong@from . g@'ve g@ >> smith: bug@t g@ >> smith: when soufan arrieen ss rs from wag@shington were,not a@ they
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washington, d.c., to basicallyg@ overg@ we continug@d his medical situatg@er comforted zubaydahg@ his g@bedding and cled >> and both stev deveg@lodah.>> smith: ang@d acco revealedg@uding identifying the, khalled a supervisg@or. sh g@ qaeda. and immediately af and g@he was totg@ he said, "g@g@ >> smith: abu zug@bative plot which led to the arr qaeda figure
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in clig@eved abu so they broug@force psychologistg@yg@ill technicall@ ...g@ >> i cannot confirm or dal's na, sh so ig@ descrg@ tell me the g@ >> b headway with abu zubayg@g@pinion about hog@w tog@ interrogatiowe said, "what's yo@ and he startg@ >> smith: and g@ yeah. >> sg@loud rock music?
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>> smith: so there wasg@ contractor... this psychol>> yel ofg@ and i was re because i thg@ anywhere. i mean, this guyut islamic exg@tremisand here he il the shots on one of in the nation's and i think i was arrogant.ou know, it was @ had you done, upg@ detainees?g@ oh, my god.i mean, i... guantan@ i g@g@ >> smith: how many had he >> ze@ >> abu zubaydah, it turg@
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interrogg@ somethg@ing done, certaig@25 years of my ag@ thg@g@g@ g@ detainees--g@thic, remorseles killers-- possible infg@ormaabok >> smithg@: with by, boris started to ewith slegw g@he complained tog@ordered g@ but boris continued.g@ department approved en harsher.@
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g@shoving,onfinement ing@ was any actiong@ or any gainedg@ after boris a >> actionable intelligeg@significa@ before, wheng@g@t you being listened to? know.g@ i would like to give ag@ things, a g@ theo g@ idea. >> smith: evg@g@ khalid sheikhhiri.g@g@ again: with abu zubaydah, 83 g@ g@hammedg@ you repeat a tactic @
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because if it need to do it 183@ work. >> it was a goodg@g@run, it was >> smith: and mag@de us nce was@ derive>> valuable intelligence s g@spute aboug@t that.he interrod on hardened terrorisefforts had@ g@o approvedthe use of eg@nhancd interrogatio deg@fend t g@ anyone who sugg blunt,g@produce an enormous amot g@g@
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>> guantanamo g@ 2002 at the us g@g@ successes.g@ confession froal-bahlul and ham@ of theay.g@ cameg@tary interrogators who, le g@e cia, were exploring methods@ g@shor >> about tg@ two days, he ug@as meant to be the 20g@g@
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later, he was taken away fg@rdsl weeks.g@access to arced to stri@ and made to wear a leash andg t. he suffered g@s hospitalized wih g@ slowg@programsg@ leaked into publg@ by 2004, the cg@ an internal reogram.g@ conclug@g@ that one--nt threat-- g@was stod that's very soufan says thatg@g@ nhancedg@rrogation teg@chniques@
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g@srespect to g@a lot of informn zubaydah, fr detainees who were subg@jeg@ again, w g@ g@ and to this day, i tg@ i belig@t ve happened, becauseg@ we're the most hardened, the mg@ d have succumbg@ed to a normalp@ g@ allg@ leave the fbi in 2005.g@9, he dk out.
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>> from my eg@ strongg@se what has become techniques.g@ g@before a senate committeeand n technig@qu>> these tecg@hniquesn operational slg@ow, and harmful g@ defeatl qag@ don't know whethers dig@ >> smith: al-libi was an al g@qaeda g@ in 2001, he cooper with fbi ig@a g@ libi w hi g@administratiisg@
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ing@tet you're heavily critic i heard abou things. some of the about isg@ sg@ of the thi g@ibn sheikhg@ macho interrogation-- this ig@ he admitted that al qag@eda g t@ g@ evg@ll went to theg@h.g@an tracd g@training in these to iraq, af@ found out that there ig@ound ou@
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sheikh al-libi-- and tg@ committeg@id you lie?"t you want to hear.g@ >> absolutel>> "i want theg@ too hear." smith: but the consequens of that...g@d is different.g@ look at all the blood that w g@lost in iraq. look ag@bout how theg@g@ it's tragic,g@ tragig@g@g@ advising governments andrld. g@
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debate.g@ a debate about how war on tg@ g@at hg@eg@terrogation technique because of their cru >> i oppose them mag@cause ig@know@ individuals.>> smith: woulg@d yt >> if it wasbelieve... look, if@ g@ saving lives, i hate to tellg@t, g@th: yes, maybe?g@g@ but if sg@om andg@ saving lives in thg@g@k, yeah, .
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because i know fg@or a f g@ g@g@g@g@g@g@ g@>> coming uion of frontline..@ a special encore ag@ g@> everybody is subject to terrorists g@many levels. >> pug@litzer piest.g@ >> aresafe enough?g@g@g@g@g@g@g@
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>> n, september 9, 2001.g@ >> trooper would do.g@g@g@g@state troo through the local policeg@>> an@ had proper registration,g@cense@ "have a nice night." that was it.g@ >> narrator:g@g@ng friends at te airporg@.g@g@g@g@g@d flight 93 .
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g@ziad jarrag@g@g@of jarrah by @ >> president bus the on the nigg@ht of 9/11, "yoe everything you neeg@ g@ because as soon as we went g@e congress, th"
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blan whag@t congress did, and te amerg@r all the agencies that w. >> right after 9g@ own gradatiog@n, but popular rule of thumb ybody dou@ 21st c >> narrator:g@investigativg@e tracking the gg@rowth of g@g@ also her virginia, californg@ia >> narrag@ effort to forton of the departme securityg@.g@
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>> homeland security g@the largest thg@-- the coastg@ - all beg@ing fused together g@e organization.g@g@ >> nar on what willg@cracy.g@ rg@ $3.4 billion headqg@ built in washington.g@g@ould nea bureaucracy, which is a castore@ created, offg@ beg@ federal intelligenate.g@hing li@ databases that had ig@red and itg@ was not connecting the dots
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thatg@'s why dhs decided to g@ps and federal government datrough. you need to ge ang@d you need to haveproperly @ g@ built one of the first. >> theg@se fusion centers are very, sharingg@ state governg@>> the more we cog another september 11, 2001, fr occurring. >> so the homeunded intelligenge
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fug@g@ly 80 persong@nel represeng@ncludingg@ the>> contn the la >> narrator: so far, dhs hasg@ n centg@ers. g@the beat. g@g@ possible terg@ >> you want to get as much information from that into the sysg@tem- federalg@ euphem connected.g@ away, the imperative to ga as much information as possiblgd g@g@g@ officers
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infiltrated antig@ g@sometimes met here.e're tryin@ and the climate chaos people,g@@ g@ one of the targetsn.g@ enfo g@ law g@g@ g@ t,g@ce had gathered mad@ which is absurd on mg@ tororist" is justg@g@
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one ver be appliedg@ you know ton't know where yourh- g@called "terrorists a bigg@ g@federal officials, and that' when the american ciberties uni@ to eg@ collecting the appropriate>> na@ the g@ the na unna people. so, the in disseminated very broadlg@g@ >> police g@
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labeled as terrorists. program...g@ >> ng@ embarrassment e ofg@ the sort of cowboy excesseg@ you can get into if g@ properly@ >> this is one casolice, but th@ g@ at all levels of governmen state, local pg@elandg@t ofg@ defense.g@ >> narrator: the beat.g@o depend on cops ont@ >> cops are informatione of defe
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g@ terrorg@ are doing that.g@tor: this isg@, g@own as a sar-- sg@ >> i officersg@ in this cou g@ross something related to homeland securito tes g@ local police areg@org@ behav@ g@g@vity and photographs ofg@s g police in trouble.g@
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g@s arrested by amtrak police,g@ because they tho behavior was suspig@cit was an e g@ation-d anti-terrorg@ g@>> limiting information acceso happen.g@ g@explosion, forget people say,@ you've got t g@conundrum, isn
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i me g@ that are most vuln terror attacks. and also, sag@dly, vulnerable tg@ government turning on things and dg@ g@ >> narrator: m federal government continu g@end billions of dolles to gat@ in maryl g@ g@ here?tem we're using hasg@ taking pictures,g@wing the systm g@'re looking for, again, it spended or revokedg@arrator: th@ migrated to the streets of
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>> with g@ information, we can the g@sy this car hg@ystem,g@ license plate, ig@ocr-- optical@ g@ maybe nobody called it ink or bolling air force base.g@g@e re@ when the that's a pattethat's something @ >> ng@arrator: and they've gurt. smile-- g@camerag@ g@ we are very big o we bel multiplier, thatg@g@ter securig@
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efg@ and other ets.g@y good atg@g@th@ g@veg@ g@rs,g@the troops on the grounde somethg@ g@ has attracteg@ g@mman-- and somenewcomers.g@
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g@ pre- that massive new organization,a@ g@vernment has been constructing since 9/11.g@g@ >> doesn't that make s years ag@ g@secret america as it grew and@ >> priest: what's this oe's algl >>g@eds ofg@ plain sighthis.g@ >> priest: and this is to... to the nsa?'s a governmen@ you'll sg@ tuously, i can't go that way.
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g@buildingericans are fighting n re, csc is in g@one of theseg@es g@ priest: so maw.g@ watching over here.g@ g@ rivateg@ >> priest: allo over whag@t you@ up to that credit union placg@ >> narrator: they incredible building boomngton.g@ g@ver see this t >> priest: and >> yeah. g@sameashington.g@ g@.g@ld sog@ngg@but they go dowo
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secretive, so large and unwieldy, that no one knows much it g@ g@ g@at i knew going on. i think someone sal the special@ is notg@.g@g@ >> narrator: ran the nationalnde g@ g@ i wg@ in intelligeg@hatnts. >> narrator: and no sts. >> you have a congreg@ g@g@
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and recognizes it, calls it d g@ and where are they being mg@ well, they'r 17 different intelliagencies.g@@ so, naturallyou're goingg@ to g@ g@ security, tually making us sg@afer.g@g@ g@ and g@ g@ it's not true that allg@peopleg. >> ...tried tog@ setighting ceremony...rested by feg@deral s detonate...>> narrator: but wha@
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>> ...the guy who tried tog@ passenge>> what exactly went wr? >> ng@arrato christmas, the ug@ wh numerous g@teg@lligence r father who warned th g@ more questions than aned flags raised. to the pointg@ering the@ >> what we found out g@christg@g@ misspelled byg@ one g@ttg@t him g@ g@is?"g@he
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billions of dollar that simple - check, "did g@you mean t of software g@ >> narrator: and then, fivetheg@ >> ...can be assured tg@ha procg@ experience >> the times square bomberrrend. g@a bunch of vendors in timeto s g@car."ose cases-- it was note @ times square, it was a vendo"sog there," letting the lawthoritie@ so, weg@g@g@>> the fbi says it'. >> ...hereg@o blow up a mi in..g@. >> narrator: and the this case that hapg@pened g@
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>> ...tra bomb... g@d it ing@g@ agg@ent had given the susp inert bomb. >> hg@e which he wasg@ however, when he keyed it, i under arrest at that time.g@nd g faceg@book. baltimore. >> priest: i'm trying to tg@ g@uld haveg@ poli different poli together.g@ >> priest: okay, so not so g@on the technology?s correct.g@ >> n new technology was not ig@
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nor were the cctv or licenseg@ re free to go.g@g@rator: next te >> they stg@il g@home.>> you took a broken sole anymore.elg@ like ever you don't kng@ of war. up part of our g@mollows us tg@o survive. it allows us oon."g@ g@ g@>> frontlinere from our inter@ >> how many people >> the stories of his al g@
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what are interrogation tactg@ic >> okay.g@ camera down now.loser look at h@ the program aga@ g@g@ >> frontg@ g@ than g@ publicg@ g@ to building a more just,g@ p@ g@ g@ by the p
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l issues.g@ g@ fund, supp g@g@g@g@g@g@g@g@g@ ine programs, visit ourat pbs.o@ @ frontline's gis available on dvd. to order, visit g@ call 1g@ frontline is a frontline is a g@ download on itg@g@g@g@g@g@g@@
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g@g@ol h apparentlyg@ official our madng@ess beyond measure g you into histog@ry... g@
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