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tv   Nightly Business Report  PBS  December 21, 2011 4:30pm-5:00pm PST

4:30 pm
2 pattern or p ívdiulscdurimieograpívhiulcdu@nu c istrinoctc oref c co2lumbiano 2>> tom: bank of america ag lend ív countrywiívdeul noc of.ívuldu@ 2ec worse than thought as @ salesnon wednesday, december 21.ívulduht@ d tom hudson.du@noc rec 2 c adree c po2ssible by: >> tom: good evening, and thank.
4:31 pm
susii'm joined bóvy ulsuduzanne2 suc rec 2 minatory mortgage lending : tom, bank of americaóvuldu will pay $335 óvuldu@uldu@noc r2 borrowers boom. customers who were sold higher homeowneóvóvuldu@ @vuldu c re@noc rec 22ustice
4:32 pm
duross the country, óvul 10,000úvuldu@noc dupanic@noc re2 homeownenoc rec 2 gotten primeubprime loans.>> th@ nouldu@ c re >>no rc epreorc te2r: the settl4 and 2008 c re that periodnt says, countro million in compensationcluding 2 noffered f@ c 2discrimination areaign to mao
4:33 pm
uldu @úvuldu@noc rec noc 2changed.'ve lost their homes, th2 bank of americava,ul wduhich. countrywide, said:avuldu@no dulve is@sues anoboc utrec 2 practices that occurnoc rec 2 bank of amer tted to avfaulirdu and@ no uldu@noc rec 2 2ocus noc rec our customer co >> reporter: they wantavulto se@ durren gavul renopoc rtre,"c w2@noc rec 2 today in the still sic the realto existing homavuldu@ october.toavdauly'dus enco@urag
4:34 pm
noher recent positive data ondu@ c 2the senosoc rec 2d ing crash and, it turnsavulduy . today, dbvueul tduo fl analysis, the realbvuldu norec much bdu@noc rec 2c rec 2bvuldu@ no du@noc rec 2noc rec 2 streetts @ while the miscalculationbvuldu@2
4:35 pm
recovery has beec 2 duining me nn the miscalculatiol th cvuldu@noc rec 2@ noprc ogrerac m.2 show. vi million >> well at thecvuldu what does l homes, the personhtnoc rec 2 change., cold wellsold tens of v the figucvul cduhangi@ng due to acvgulgrduegatio@nnoc rei number ofcvuldu wou @ale by owcvuldu c market duldu@noc trehc at2y ow2 crushed. result people wererds o
4:36 pm
datacvuldu@noc rec 2 has been@ rec >>2 suzanne: so whatdvuldu rec 2 miscalculati deeper does it mean it much longer dvtouldu >> in terms salesdvuldu@ thedvu, the --dvuldu 40%@ uldugger hodv @comeno oc ut take longer sal@e, revision to th the fordvuldu, there's noul mduade@no c 2atal datanoc rec 2 to bases. impact daydvul du from policydvuldu and@ ahedvuldo
4:37 pm
@evision duerethc 2e sales reviu c redac ta2 figure, wasnoc re i% so we areev evuldu@noc rec @responnodic ngr. needs to before evul ring, this is eevarullydu s@ignnoc reu @actunoalc lyre bc eg2in to price upticknoc rec 2 @o see salearting to see, andevu think we canevul pdurices@noc y
4:38 pm
duroadly about 1evulalevuldu @pricnoe du@noc re c ge2t 5%noc rec 2 mayb one thing to fvuldu@ecomefvuldu@ homeonownc f uldumarket 2005006,fvuldungfv @>> snouzc c rejoining usuldu@no noc rec 2 >> suzanne: o yun, realtors chifvulfvuldu@ noc om: stocfvunuldedur pres@sue 2ec ponosic tirevec l2ate in the sn on the dfvfvuldu@fvuldu@noc rect
4:39 pm
19 million shares moving n on the nasdaq.gvulduial markes gvuldu@noc help resolve the eurozone'sfinav @t is thgvuldu c recyul.du@noc rec k at the@no likely to won't ge gvnoul mduistake@, noalc lre benefit if tduprogra@m redunoce2 funding go to a banklly been unu gvuldu@digvnguldu@noc rec @noc l
4:40 pm
lend an unprecedented $643nks, e hvoful wduhich publicly.hvuldu@noltra-cheapuleo nsumers. otherwise,hv tilloking globalhv2 hve e.c.b. hopeshvuldu@ebt of st@rugglinongc greovt @some ene large scale.c >> financial institutions have t year for holding toohvuldu duul inno hvuldu@noc rec 2tdoesnon'c trec2
4:41 pm
hvulind the them. hverulikdua mill@er report," new york.hvuldu@noc rey supporters of @noc rec 2 wh 2 thingssted in. tom: still aheadr ivulthduis t designs to attract new customei2 >> tom: sharp rally yesterday ed on extendingivulduivuldu@uldu@n2 the technology sector.rofitivulv c resh@ed lownoerc brey softwao disapp lc at2e this afternoone
4:42 pm
before the civloulsidungivuldu@ @racle's 12% drop made iuldu c rewoc rs2t noc 2volume was huge-- about uldujvuldu@ earnings were jvanultiducite@d, c reo business sjvuldu dua.p. saw its sjvul sanolec i.b.m. d@noc rec 2eirc s reanc e businessesjvuldu one beat down tech stockjvuldu@ jvreul tduhan do@uble wnoitc h 2 the las may beking offers tojvbe 2vulthdue strs of its value thi
4:43 pm
fail to find ctnoc rec 2 the comp it wasjv e and were less than wall kvesultidumates.@rekv tulhadun before the results a@noc rec 2hg c rec 2 other chipments, have @of harnod c drreivc es2 thanks2 losing seckvtoulr dutodasumer s2 d the housing bust was. @ome reported a bekvtt.kvuldu@s noc k.reb.c h2ome concentrat
4:44 pm
future orders c ut2 that did not shares fell almost 7%.oubled onu duearnin@gs wernoe c leressc te tune of 5.5% lower t@noc rec 22 uarter.lvuldu perhaps this could be a positil uniform supplier cintas had dua2 ied as well.lvulduight's "market focus."lvuldu@lvuldu@noc rec 2 @u
4:45 pm
@> tom: have much of an apmvpeu c rethc at2's the thiest, dan wiener.c rec 2 investments. a lot of appetite for stock how much moren2g 140hose they possiblmvyul mv i t lo@setocks noc thmvuldu@ rec @noc rec 2cy is2 deal with @ >> tom noc strate@gy? re a h@avenoc re gc ot2
4:46 pm
valuations right nc i'm sure your formvuldu >> tom: ohemvuldu@ muno uldufund investorsnvuldu@noc re2 buy mutual f@noc rec mutual fund stil favorite vehicle, in 12th of t exchange tnvrauldedud fu but you knownvuldu it@ no to so2 fund get a lot atnotec ntreioc2 that drops line mutualnvul fdu >>@noc rec 2 this oneree c na2md ou
4:47 pm
expe continue into >> i dnvo.ulduthe open,nvuldu wo rec ks ifnvul duto@noc 2ng paid right@noc breigc 2 dii particularly the large rec 2 megacaps, you're yield that's ovovuldubond and you ha ca@pitalnoc built in. dug s@onoc rec 210 year bondnoit ovuldu price@uldu @treasunoryc ,re yc ou2it in st@ nodoc nrec 2 fund @> tom: and of courseovulduarovu noc as the dividends.uldu@ noyoc uro atwe do, i do,
4:48 pm
nouldu@preciate the idea muovtu@ c reur questions, your@noc re c2 critiquec rec 2 nbr.cois evening wiener of. thpvanulks c reuldu@noulagduo comp@any isno form. "threadless" sells noc deresic gn2ed by artists fro what s uldude ago has grown into abusiv @pital" continues, dianerookpv 2 >> reporter: youge of art and ulduco inpvuldu@duwall@-to-wanollc trw pvulonlinepvuldu@resec d2 ones.pvpauliddu for@noc rec 2rk2
4:49 pm
we'vpve ulexdupandter bottles, backpacks, qvuldu@no tons and tonulwedu're ex@plorins estimates million people, so recenr a qvgrqvuldu@ qvuldu nowic thre cc ha@noc rec 2 it cancer awareness groupr women nr 2voful tduhe $qvuldu@noc ht now noc rec 2 and dependchase into it and print more.qvul and qvuldu@qvuldu@noc rec 2dea @ nonic ckreelc l 2after hurricana to benefit hurricane v
4:50 pm
noc.c e.reo.c t2om ryan says pg rvlly consciourvs.uldu@rvadule s specifically is one gr supporters of a cause.,rvuldu fd rvuldu nothc wasn'tdu@noc rec 2noc rec 2r: to ho design challenge a monrvulduhe passrvuldu@noake theuldu@noc re2 , our seriesrook, "nnoc rec 2 "conscious.o. howardrvuldu@anrve
4:51 pm
kind of company that perhaps c@u noc z hopes to teach othersvuldr iment from reuters and thehird svuldu svull see if t @of wornok c yment benefits continues du@noc rec 2noc rec 2 and, teaimportance of giving ths c 2ds and cash."svulsvuldu@ule e his current job so he t thnoe c. e from the top spot at fort sv commission sued loans in its mortgage portfolio2
4:52 pm
noying back more andsv mulordue@ du@noc rec 2 almost $120 billionoc rec 2 and septcks during the thirdexxon mobil, wi@ a tvgouloddu thing@ fornoc re@a, that means more earnings m tvuld2
4:53 pm
fi your financial house in here'suvulwagger."uvuldu@uvuldu2 uvul ulduory, whihenuv @ c 2ns anuvuldu@noc reredi@tnoc 2 noc elp navigateyour payments o@ to pay back your debts on time.v
4:54 pm
uvcond, do not frivolously fo@r vvuldu@noc rec ason,@tailes open up a credit card. however, any inquiry f your cree allows you to receive one freeor the appropriate financialcredito ore.vvulducomevvs ultodu your @e @ealthy with noc werealc th2y in knowledge sa
4:55 pm
ulduty of fivvnaulncduial vv @i'm nogac bereand @finallnoy c, with just three shopping days to go until san traditional storwvesul adu c redu@top $465 billion this yeo big bright spo.wvricks, this isu the make-or-break wewvuldu@noc n holi@noc rec 2c rec 2verall sal. and wvyoulu du dutching,rwvul @ >>vewvul dugot@ tnohec rec two2 2 "nightly businewvssuldu 21.wvuldu@noc good
4:56 pm
ul dutom.@noc rec 2 i'mudnosc ok we'll see line here tomorwvroxvuldu@xvuldu@noc2 "nigble by: xvuldu@xvuldu@noc r ac@cess gnoroc upre ac t 2wgbh xvulduxvuldu@noc rec 2
4:57 pm
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