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tv   Newsline  PBS  January 2, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm PST

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elecpaigns wrap up in taiwan. hopefuls to get anliticians are vote inhange china. the campaign kicksay and they vote januaryit will be held simultaneously
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on for the first time eve single seat constituency and a system. the results will be th china.list party strait, while the progressiv party opposes that pon more than 70% of the 3 by elections since th incumbent ma ying-jeou of the pr the progressive democrfully test fired missiles it wrapped up the ten-day shore-to-sea m the chief admiral said the it of hormuz is completely
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es. conducted under threat sanctions from the unioant them to program.ills against ck crude oil transactions with foreign eu ban on iranian prospect hit the currency on record.n to close the strait of the closure would seriousl the strait is a key crude oi thets enlisted people.
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ta extnhk r taliban visited pak and theistani taliban to target from the u.s. esperson said his group plans to fighters toey agreed to up a an update on closely japan. former senior mem aum shinrikyo cult arreto hirata reportedly told vestigators he had stayed on the run because hee didn't commit.shooting of the nation's team attack, which
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seriously chief. hirata was qm too scared e 46-year-old after he t fatally drugging a nothim to prosecutors on monday. admitted ehicle used to kidnap td he only learned of the they also sa denied hisexecution ahara. whose real name is involvement in a series of t 1995 sarin gas attack on the ho ske with
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hirata afis no longer under the r: hirata believes mats ngs. before hirata's capture, the m shinrikyo cases rmer cult members faced period.ader, matsumoto. y. a lit her momtsunami, it wa again.eceived a lee years ago aft her a grade. part of ae manufacturer and was her daughtergrade.
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was hit by grader lost moami. youngest of her mother too her three years t these carries arok it is that she alwit was found in their home. translator: it was in my pencil it makes if she so i alwaywith me i
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bath. in a home they from relar is a junior h all the cooking a just afterdied couldn't stop she crieshe doesn't want her mother heav started help sister.s sometimes his daughter tries too hard to strong. >> t hard to bbody. but becomes too >> she school
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bag mother ha her >> ise that's w come.g >> when the company heard h decided to theperson.ed waking up
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morning, but so happy you do you help withnow? mother i ca >> i you'll be d letterdo you complth the chores you hard and do i am so your such a us when i feelsad, i at this it feels like she's me. >> wrote a mother heavlator: dear mom. i am doing all rimes thinking of feel like you are heaven.o study my with t please keep watchin us
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aven. >> wha touchingere. news government leaders strengthen the relatis year marks the 40th normalities. relations at a mee minister at the tame c enlai. current prime miresident hu jintao in bthey confirmed the two countrieson strategic relations official visits as w cultural exchanges of about etween the nego on free trade pacts with china japanese government says it e contact with
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ch stability on the korean jong-il. unresolved issues, i east china sea. china has not yet indicated whenmatter. talks after the 2010 colli the disputed senkaku it's ameans a new set of priorities term in office. addressing t in east as that means the obama heavily on its a ming of a summit meeting and japanese primethey say they plan to invite ing.g is intended to strengthen bilateral tie
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order to jointly cope korea following the deat the u.s. government needs so it can monitor the situation lso trying to resolve the ear development program. shouldn't meet one on one with noda unof the u.s. marine corps futenma air station okinawa prefecture.the futenma issue is expected toure in the first half of entral government are gcal authorities in okinaa also faces some seriodential election. and unemployment remains high. ployment at 8.6%.housing market remains
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the u.s. economy. the fe rates exceptionally lo. no president has been e 8% since the 1940s. obam country's from high-income earners tion also has i without cross-party support, the implement effective economic a product on t going two businessman and brought their showroom tokyo dep we see ireport the >> a hugeorns astore.
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the of tr this workd to high theroject was organizedwholesaler. >> thes we want people to look work, value this kind ofr. >> for theyears, this hub for even has a who legend passed on skill of making.
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it is us tradi products, like doors documents. company has been 19s, going back than years. works on interiorinternational they are popular the u.s.g suggestions to int furnishings paper. visits the city commission to the dep tokyo. specializes he doesn't neepattern.
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methods down through says months no ordepaper, income. falling, hehe commission to honestly sliding door paper. on what i futuregenerations. teach them techniques. the department changing decorations to herproducts. after th end the whole n setting up the tapestry
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making tapestry. >> translator: i like >> translator: it is work went sky up abovethere, maybe stars. >>round 1500 years because we have the it mayo say t on behjapan. i want i ca and ensure has a
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he is developing for interior gn. nuclearkushima dai japa towards new energy. focus on hydroelect don't facilities and are eco we first hide runded by priv ors. >> here mini is coming spring. er flowing from range called the used construction fi work proj he opportunity in this power plant locatediver
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will be classif it will pro of wer. the rushing river the wheel inox which is to ological f it ideal f the country'sitation is morethe world and there are flowing rivers. jep could 15 nuclear reactors in the as he w busi. no bank would lendtually, an investment
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fund offered help rene saw a surge following nuclear acci ifg the energygrew triple the pays a theer. >> of th needs project, 3.8 comes from state subsidies. securing t res oft through the more than citi businessgoing, they can of money carries sentiments of that invested in our we must wor up to exhis man lives
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and is one of the in grows rice a using watalps. high hopes for the >> if are built in more villa towns, they c generate as much conventi >> the investors are even old bab has a stak no her own,randfather made the i >> translator: i used assume generate as as weliked. as a result
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of thefukushima, imy mind. invested abo ford ge share nvelope for his grandchildren to read they >> translator: l so we can safe world,ar power to and grandchildren. public solution withr, renewable energy look appeal newinvestf private citng their own plants could across let's check her chilly one shaping
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next with full >> h indeedg in eastern asia, starings are the it is quite now startingou can see, still snow on theas for the it is our upattern. lots of sea effec else pickiicant amounts of korean the western edge you will coming down next 2s. the rest o north is fairly res e are way freezing cold air across much oa. i will show you those a second.
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th of rain turning to lower lying to be too to pi the developing system is moving and asso it will of rain. in the pashan 100of rain and going to as the approaches. for flooding intf the week. temperatures around the 20 in hong kong. pairs that 0 seoul andhere.high. at the as we head to pacific systemlingering, to
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inland for then we see just for washington up f oregon later day. looking dry a quie see coeffect snow towards of the lakes. here. story is if you look here, the descending to fact it wi proaching parts now, wt's happen freezing mark d.c. in new york ci yesterday. jump degrees minus 12 ininus 4 i chicago. look atre in th winter inheast, summer..or cities temperatures above 25
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we headlastly. the story another they just keep can i say.windy. when iwindy, gusts kilomen scotland system. parts thern l be wet and wil the b france to pwell. centralean, a system is greboot. it is easing offo the balkans. 2 in 8rlin. 9 ienna. 12 inn cold here be raini here is your extended forecast.
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it up for edition of "news
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hour. -- com
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