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tv   Nightly Business Report  PBS  January 6, 2012 4:30pm-5:00pm PST

4:30 pm
ívfafv>> it is suggesting thato@ year.fafv@noc rec 2 >> tom: mohamed el-erian of thev joins us to make sense of us hi@ @utlook for the ss rívepfaorfvt" noc fo@noc rec 2 2 thth susie gharib and ívfafv fcaptioning sponsóvorfaedfvóvfa2
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>> susie: jc obre mc a. tom, not only are mericans, bute unemployment ratóvfafv@inessest2 port underscores an economyc re2 that is pickinóvfafv óvfafv@nofafv@noc rec 2d. month more than expected and c re20c 112. rec @noc rec 2ll to 8.5%óvfafv@
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economic news.2fv the nasdaq added four annts.úvfv fafvsuzann@e pratnot c rec out@look fnoorc noc rec 2>> reporter: 8.5%. u.s. hasn't seúvenfa ifv years.úvfafv@ and, it úvfafv@noc rec 2ajor in2 retail to manufact úvpayrolls last month.úvfafv @vfafv@noc rec e length of the noc avreerc ag2e workweek nearly more than 34 and a hareck increases it puts d forúvfafv c 2or úvfafv@noc fv@noc re
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noc rec 2abor market demand. >> reporter:d 1.6 millioúvn fajofv fa13fv milli@on unenompc loreye @noc rec 2t ofould ratherob.ava2 the stopped looking for work likely to avfafvat's as they fee fafvomist conrad de quadav pavement, the unemployment rate2 2 2012 is likely to than what we'e unemployme
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in the last threr: that means tv jobless rate positive about getting a job is2 fafvcially for a recovery that v @stafnofic ngre f unem@noc rec 2 >>rec 2 hire.bvfafv so there is lot of bvopfatifvmv nopec rmreanc en2t abounot c sog number ts do not think the u.s. bvabvfafv@ month this year. bvfabufvt, eve@ry newno pc ayres report."bvfafv our gunobvt fafafvst
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rec pi2mco, the wc rec 2bvfacv fv happy new year, s thecvfafv@a @whatno dc o reyoc u2 happen 2iveno c rec about the ou economy?dcvbers. c 2se werecvfafv@cvfafv@noc re@ went up. set of goodcvfafv enough. cvfafv@noc tofv@noc rec 2c rec 2 three head fvrkets are worriedcvfagrowth wa funoelc edre bc y2@noc rec 2
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cvfafv@cvfafv@noc rec in eu@no2 declinedc 2 most in ger number r went up dvfafv@noc rethe gl@noc rec 2 welcome butc to be really really good news ww escapedv favefvloci alldvfafv@n2 we know @ermany aron dvfafv go the year rec wh2at's your re sc ur2e ho we call 2012 moment of fvy will lose dvfa noc @
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2destiny which means@noc rec 2 willtrol. toregainevfa fvcontro first haveevfafv@noc looks lik2 for a rrenc rec 2 and evfafv to combine evfafv@ c@ rec ba2nk noc spreeac k 2with one all that is possible but franceticular moveevfafv other@buy in.evfafv@ rec 2europe and 2onsumersinesses in the evfafv something el
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>> gohatevevfafv@evfafv@noc rec 2012 unpredicta and it'sunusual envid nofapafvtience@. 2concentrate on areas where y o highfacifvpals@noc re c an2d pa2 hingsfvfafv @to and fvopfaefv s better@ noyoc urec 2 al inhese markets. >> sfvfafv ha a minute you'fvvee
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or break year for thfv@noc rec ? >> we things happen gvfafvit's no afafv@noc rec @ c 2the2 yougvfafv@ the tgvhefafv@noc ree bi-modal world and nofv@noc rec. >> susno c 2throughout the year assessment o where things fafvgo gvfafv@gv wfae'fvve@ bno2
4:40 pm
>> tom: still ahead, more t tere ching the unemployed. hihired."gvfafv@ >> susie: some federalhvfafv nococ @ rec th2e washingte obama admini2 hvopose a one-haoyees as part os hvfafv@no nonce late 2010.hvfafv@noc rec t c 2month. hvfaom: jobs reports to play a f @attentnoioc n recontenders tod. darrenfv@noc rec 2c rec 2 >> reporter: is when it comes to jobs,ctionhvfa@ reason he was talking hvfafv@no2 that we have now added 3.2c 2
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the last 22 months.hvfafv hvfa @year afvso w@e're mnoakc inregs c ofivfafv@loridaivfafv@no rec re-electio@noc rec 2 wo2 ivfafv@noc he jobs rking with r @noc rec 2 create jobs.ivfafvrican enrec 2 that formula, led by augusivfaf2 >> reporter: actually those jobs werivivfafv@
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long as the jobs nivfafv@noc re2 his noc rec 2 da washington. jvfajvfafv@nofafvs n aluminum pricejvs.fafv thjvfafv@noc re permanently closinfv noalc corea,c t2ennese jvfatain town nanoc rec 2ves wi6
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those numbern monday.jvfafv @nd right afjvfafv noc rerelec oi@n us lnoivc e re2 ta fafvkvfafvkvfafv@noc re@noc recv a row, uoveskv.fafv@noc rebut @2 closed on monday. kvdofaw fvino that big rally on kvfatufvesday.@kvsdfaaqfv.@noc noth three@ c 2and the s&p 500 cl @lat, but bet week gain of 1.6%e
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fvleadin@g telenococ m redoc wn2 that's more thanlvfar share. thlve facofvmpany @has @ompete against lvvefarifvzon.@ c retoc m2erge its busin consumers 2 combining sales and marketinl ov lvfafv@noc lvfafv a little dip today fveirf noldman sachs fell morlvfafv@sls 2 2 havnoe c bereenc
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lvigher interest rates.lvfafv@ro 2eaction to the drop in thfa rf fear gauge.noc rec 2 fae chicago exchange volatilityv @rally.noc rec today, this measurem a@bout 1no2 this week.c 2 market f company picked up market share.s of best mvfafv remvfafv@ 2hmvfa.fv@noc rec noc rec technology s vee heavy
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heavywmveimvfafv@software giants @vitfa'sfv up nvfafv@noc c retfc li2x is comrec 2 and that's tnvfafvnvfafv@noc >> susiefv@noc rec 2year: appleo c 2stores popping up in new plae nvblfaogfvcould soon look like @ "apple insidnvorfae-fvwithin@-a2 right now, apple has in over popular ipads, nvfaipfvhoneapple shops @effortno wc just@ 25 tanorgc e2
4:47 pm
>> tom: ek:guestnvfafvovfafv is elaine ovfafv@noc fv@noc rec: whnoc rec 2 ovfad monday, ovwefa'rfve in d@o with the latest from autoovfaind ovfaes. they are winding down theirovfa the end of 2012, terminating ac. together in the beverage digest2
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ov ovfabuyer, paying $1.3 billion @v shale oil projovfafv@noc reholdv we sawc purercc ha2ses earlier
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unemploymentqvfafv@noc two yefafv@noc re mc os2t creatednoc rec 2 two years a tonight with ustheqv fafv being hasn't@noc rec 2 ycall it c ti2r investors. >> we're buildingqvfafv formation rec tiveqvfafv@ noc nd@c a2 gre 2 this@noc rec 2 it'sant giving
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could be exported from eurslow- be a bump to thqvefafv economy 2 fafvomicsnotoc rec 2 wardf thatv for dividends thervfafv@ noret. itfafv@c ow2de rvwefafv@noc re believe that will be aan@t arean for 2012c 2 if we see a in global growthth fvwo matterrvfafv@ noofc its t fafv@ innovec streorc s2 might expeno c anredc 2 high di paying stocks makensumerrv m ha becrvomfaefv@ richlyrvfafv @ rec va sectorshe@alth cnoarc e,2
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energy.2 pickrvfafvsvfafv yisv@ what do yousv>>fa afv@ nostc ocs eanornc inregsc .2 torec 2 remain @ints wreaksvfafv svfafv noc rec 2noc rec 2 profitable and y a nicesvonsvfa@ svfafv@noc rec drug@ rec gi2ant. we l terms ofsvfafv demographics and think manysvfae pharmaceuticalfv@noc rec2 pharmanc rc fasvfafvsvfafv
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@ better protectionsvfafv@ hannodw your dipping the some financialrec 2 the raisetvv or atvfafv@nofafv tvthc erree'c s2 on the part no @atvfa afvny@tvfafv@noc re noc threinc g 2in price to should be enou2 investors upside potential.s lefttvfafv
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toicks,tvfafv july@no 2c you were here andfv noicrosnoofc t reanc d2th sharee c 2than when you were last uvfa touvfafv@uvrafancfvhises,@. >> tom: you likeuvd conuvfafv@ v the interestuv rfaatfves@ contid fvfa >>no tc omre the uvmafarkfvet manager withuo noc rec 2 as we reported, overfe
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we talk wibarrington. lls us how he went from theduvfa instructor.uvfafv@. fafv we govv @hereno wc e regoc terrence bar2 i teach all medical classes.noc2 @ teach coding, billing anvvfafv fafv@noc rec 2 asknoedc mree c, and when i went there vvarvvfaf2 when she was about to go pregnancvvy falefvavvvfafv@noc two-weeks later, we fafv@noc re2 so now you have two unempl@ noc rerentc w2as due in two das we had no food. i'm the husband.i'm supposed toy
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what tvvfafvamilvvfayfv@noc re 2nd you can't fv@noc rec 2wvfaf2 she was withwvfafvwvfafv@noc re2 wvfafv they say, good i have a place awvfafv@no my h@ome awnoayc freroc m 2hoi2 >> susiewvnd exchange commissionpracticewv tfahafvt ds fafvagencywv @its nopoc lirecyc @tonoc rec 2 neither admit wrongdoing in sowvfafvwvfafv@noe
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eade@d guilnotyc treo c a2 2009, he neither report" for friday, january xv6a rec xvfafv@xvfafv@noc rei'm sus monday.c rec 2 xvfafvxvfafv@noc @noc rec 2rec2 captioned by no c xvfafvxvo
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