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tv   Nightly Business Report  PBS  January 13, 2012 4:30pm-5:00pm PST

4:30 pm
chale going to be so for quite2o coul@d affenoctc yreouc .2 tomp noc rec 2el-- they're married it's "nightl for friday, january 13ívmafv bí2 is made possible by:ívmafvívmav 2 a
4:31 pm
>> susie: good eveniit was a ban noc r the u.@ 2ratings firmc 2 it is now óvmafvóvmafv@noc ne c, fv.@noc rec 2noc rec 2 but tom, there óvmafv@noc rec 2noc rec 2óvmavm,
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óv today investors w ne@óvmafv@noc rec ahead @noc rec 2s lostafter an f úvints, the nasdaq e somebody 50 mafv >> and aúvmafv@no mc reportsfv@noc re cc ri2sis may t >> reporteopean debt has been wl urozone nations on reviewúvmafv but the shar@noc rec 2 markets today illustratec ou2s t >> the entir úvmabifvg is úvmawhfvether @the eunoroc pere2
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decisively aonfidence. mafvotheon for two more @ears cots betteúvr.mafv no europe, you can bet @thavatma'sfv@noc rec @noc rec 2 eventually gong to lead to re you are tavalmakifvng ath ou are a lot more vfv@noc rec 2 >> rc breenc ef2it for for ames in tavmafvavmafv@noif trouble i2 hesitate to take action in t@ c reorc b2ond for both i while av rates, whilavemafv@ we've seen historical avmafv@no2
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lese could go even lower ifuantitative easing. av rear does not mean c re europe.avmafv@noc fv europo gee coming c 2but many economists warn it s fully rest i think there will b@ yearbvmafv@noc rec 2 these issues are going to be@noe those issues will be glines aga. c remarofvpean seek ways to preo report," new york. more about those rbv john chamber& poor's rbvatmainf2
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nice to you have bacfor having y mafvwhy analysis? webvmafv@ snt the 17 credit c 2cembercvma action cvismafv@ e seen.@noc re sc ys2temic realll and these in are allcvmafv credit concvmafv@noc @noc rec 2 cinancingrernc al2 da fvernmecvntmafvs@ andnohousehola @delenovec rrec b2 lenessnoc rec 2 hadigh historicl nd all of hascv weakened thecvmafv
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c reestor@ beenon c arec 2ongedc fvout what the ofisis have beena dvma @>> welnol.c point you did putm2 noc rec 2 and s polic had noergencdvymaa bigdv 9mathfv@ b. c 2 downgrades a c@onfidenoncc t dv things we side wedv imassfvue as@no noc arily advmafv@ 2 being@noc rec 2 of divergence,een thephery andv
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>> but fvisn'@t it gnooic even more difficult fomaiefvs t2 is catch-22>> we think that inan prospects ofevmafv@,noc re take2 and sc.tresc 2 evma ratings le notevchma.fv@noc affirmed.oe actions in thec reofc o2ur ovee responses.evmafv i are bestevmafv@ weno timelyma fvthey@noc rec 2 youno.
4:38 pm
maspend the weekend with you'ev@ ifevicmaanfvce of@no tc hreisc @noc preeoc pl2e whoc 2 investors or worki company that does fvmainfv e think it s fvmamefvans t@hat creditmafv of2 eurozonenoc rec 2.fv again 14 o@ stilfvmafv@ invesnotmc enret c over a 15 yearin@cenoc rec 2onl2 ted. the eurozonecrisis. fvmafv@ monodec st weakened. >> afv c th program tonight.noe c apreprv
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chambers, managing director fvm@ is rec 2ue cha. elaine garzarelli join c change-trade this year.gvmafvo president obama himself.fv@noc @ the mogv fvpres@ident noprc opreosc ed@e2 to if congress lets him, presidappe >> in this case, six is nofv@no, @nd inefficiengvcygvmafv requesting today, we colgvidmaa2
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phone number2 helping amgvmafv@ >> reporter: the small business2 commnoc rec 2. will also beed te estimated $3 billion ovehvmafv@r has be consolidate agencies.hvmafvsihv fine-tunrh@etoricno.c rec 22 senate minority le mcconnel sai that the president acknowledgeh@ v
4:41 pm
c rec fvng loa@n demanondc rec o the bank earned 90 cents in its fourth quarte with expectations, buivt mado the previous year.ivmafv@ were lower than expeivmafv@noc @overno mc orretgc ag2e liabilis >> more critical to ivmafv@noc re@noc rec 2rec 2
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those liabil morgivanma ffvac other banks face to an results fromrgo. tom, what's on tap ijvmafv@jvma2 let's take a look at tonightjvm2 the results fromrehec 2 government debt do.jvmafvjvmafv c reas a bits ab@le tono climb hour after the rec ing c
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49 points.downns but had a net r noc rec 2 and the s&500 also saw f a five- re@th hikvghmakvmafv@ it gained rec th2is week, alots of bank earnings.rec 2 0.8%.kvmafvinfo tech eachkvmafv, bank morgan stanley wa @afv3%. exposure ikvn maeufvrope.@xtkvma
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fvday with the action bykvma denobtc rre noe benefici@ c 2the euro cthe ratings cuts, droppic 2 thkvmafvlvmafv@noc re @lso benefiting from the noc borendc i2nvestors bondc rec 2 ear governmentlvmafv 1.87%.lvmafv@ december low.lvmafv@noc rec @no. but again, we old. lvgomaldfv canors in times of distresslvmafv@no ounce.lvenma afv@noc rec 2ghs.n2 weakness in the international malvrkt coal mining stocks.lvmafv@ coal used for making sar, lvpame
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@noc rec 2 patriot shares fell morec rec 2 mafvurces and archlv lvmafv@nomafv@noc rec 2, stnoees were hitteel dynamics falling ab mv accounting of payments to walnue la@noc rec 2 shares sank 10%.rec 2mvmafv lat, mafvstor of themv c rennofv@no c no 2game sales were the gift tarke@ mafvindust@ry leanodec r reelc shed 7.5%.@noc rec 2ts executive
4:46 pm
on fell more than 2.5%.mvmafvmv c 2 help@ onlinnoe c sorecic ale its december initial pernv smah. focus.nv"mafvnvmafv@no fv@noc re2 rec >>2 susie: as the country fx here's a number you may that's y sacrificing thei effort to se noc y career came to aedind the2 2my husband. >> schiffer is a job se master's degree. wife, she'snv lm
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noc rec 2c 2 oflistyle. she says they're oftnvmafv fvmacofvntinf seniority.ovmafvoa orno mc ayrebec y2 @noc rec 2very three of your >> reporter: statistic story. unemployh higher.ovmafv@ many of the spouses we spoe say 2n the communimapefvd look@ing 2espite the noc rec spouses face careers, emp unique advantages to hirinov turns ovmafv@ skills that c 2iovmafv@noc rec what we foue ovmaected, and so a lot folks h. fv lot of emploovmafv@no
4:48 pm
>> reporter: adaptabma onnoe c anred c sa2ys military e are used to change a comfortable in new environmeesy@ noc @noc rec 2rec 2 economy, military spouses hangpv mafvpositi@ve poinontc o sylvia hall, "nightly businefvp2 the release of the producer and@ and monday, with the marketspv 2 editioofile harvard president and learn ho taking one of the world's biggpvesmat fvuniv future.pvmafv@noc @noc rec 2
4:49 pm
>> susie: for the firsc , reapcf its mapvmafvpvmafv@noc fvdate on working conditma thnoe c marekec r 2ofames amongg intel, sonqvqvmafv@qvmafv@noc r2 >> reporre oc ut2 after hundreds of cue's flagship store in bes avaiphone 4s was qvmadefvlasian television, yelled qvatma efvmploye@es ando announcememafv@noc rec 2noc rec2 2
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>> tom: 2 tonight's "market monitor" is ey c 2>ma sfvame to@ you.noc fv@noe mafvso optimistic?noc rec 2 indv
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@ fundamentalrv smaucfvh as@noc2 indi@omicnoc rec 2 cysvanmadfv o and anythin 30 suggest asvmafv m@ 43 would be . very bullish. 2 ver >> youamnoenc tarelsc t2here. risk, espeerns about svrlier in t go@vern credit ratings osvvemarsfveas.@ discou@ thatnoc rec 2c nk2 most be sosv imafv @oing to hsvmafv c reimc market b@it ofnoc rec 2 it's been rallyinrec 2 svmaeuropeanare glad
4:52 pm
u.s. svecmaonfvomic e@nvironnomec last spring we sawfv shnoooc tsre bc ut2 the by the seco growth this year of. lastin seel mafvaboutsvtv percent next year.etvmafv@ sects @noc rec 2 re redic ng2, technology,s, sof manufacturtvmafvlook at newtvmae noc ell 2,00@ iwm.ded f why look atrec 2 europevironn't have tvmafv the worstperftvormamefvro and@ thenoc rec 2 thenoc rec 2 e @whichtvma industrials andablesv mathfvere ma@y be snoomc erec o?
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tvmafv@ asnoc fv@noc reuvmafv companienoc rec 2, intel and >> all certainuvlyma how about induen kind ofuvma fv2 performer last2 phase andstocks would be geuvm @noc rec 2 at all, are you.c rec 2 much thata lot ofuv tmahafvt. >> finally here inlked abouvutmc ratings, junknoc rec 2 jnk that yield
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is ituvd. >> doesuvmafv@ touvmafv@noc re growth wfvfore@2 recef years. and it's yvvmafv 7% nvvmafv no @ear and that'smafv c reyic eld. government blenot'c s reloc ok2s you like the exchange trade fund down closed n fund down2still like ae vvmafv@ cornorec may offv@noc ,d quite noloc okrec 2 invest mentionedvvmafv fvd the vvma weno
4:55 pm
c reionefv@no no2 our fridaynoc rec 2 great to seene garzarelli ofell. >> thank yvvmavvmafv@nonally, te @nseasonably wwvonmaomfvic noc surerpc ri2, people have more cash @noc rec 2 airlinbecause they're not paying over de-ice planes.and shoppers are n wvgemaarfv, litwvmafv@noc fv@noc rec 2ales are way down.n2 >> tom: in iowa, night.interwvmafv @la >> susie: i'm evwvelmaanfvd ton same sort of t@om: gonoodc lret 2r this friday 13th i'm tom hudv ,wvmafv@ wnoec in next week.@noc rec 2rec 2
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"nightly bus made possible by:wvmafv wv mafvthis p@rogramnomafv@noc v 2 captioned byxv access.wgbh.orgxvmafv@xvmafv@ne @> tom: join us onnd c refuc ll2 ep you'c anred c al2l the market st. witter @bizrpt.xvmafv
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