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tv   Nightly Business Report  PBS  January 25, 2012 4:30pm-5:00pm PST

4:30 pm
away f@noc >> tom: and, netflixs @noc rec 2 service agnoc rec 2ívyadv rívep" @no report" with susie g@noc rec 2v "nightle bívy:yadv@@noc rec 2nv
4:31 pm
>> susie: go@ke a few mor@enoc recover. noc rec 2óvyadvóvyadving its twy keep interest rates ne more yea. @noumers @and bunosic neressc es expects expected to start@no raising rates by mid 201@noc re@
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c reecc on2omic oóvutyalodvnd td economic gyadv un inflation >> susie: also today, th @made hnoisc toreryc b2y forecanoc rec 2óvyadv wait until 2014 or longer.d moso darren gersh repor@ts.@noc rec s colleagues at the fereutc t2hen go unem@@noc re you could think of those nas t@v not reac the economy for at@ >> the@ framenowoc rkre mc ak2ev clear that we need to be anobocd
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c rec rey@no su2 keep rates low throunoc rec 2úvo positively.@noc rec 2noc rec 2a2 thing about mo@noc rec 2avyadv e ma initial goodarkets took a closek for interest rates@noc is was tn to start rai01av4,ya advnd six in 2015 or >> the dispe
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surpri@no@noc rec 2 range of vnosuc rpreric si2ng, whavyadv@economy is functioningt rec conference, bernanke said th@l v 2hether to buy more bonds rec yadvfuture, hoping to and helpe economy @noc resaid noty.@noc rec 2bvnoe in obvyaredvturns. trea@sury snoecc urreitc ie2s, t gostments.@ >> repys he an@d his nococ llren against the problem ofldnoc recv
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@noc rec 2: joining us now withv with u@s, anond about. withnoc rec 2cvyadvnth of2 shc nosed on said@g it's h@ 2noc rec cvya weak. annoc rec 2cvyadv timescvyadv in the thought the re@accelenora momentum at the@n2 similar experience at thnoc recp in growtc 2 dvthat we'll lose 2noc rec e12, andthat's exactlyt
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@vya,rec c2hairmacvnyadv tore n noc the bett@er thanon c threatc .2enocw slower than in the fourt2hink fe growth,et this on fr @3% what @e've noc ferearc s2 a on in snoec enn ling to me is none reflected inw c be2ing eadvsyya tdvo bringlont makes an@noe americans listening
4:37 pm
@thisno ac ndrec 2e maybe i should advyadv home or. so chairman is@ a of @>> ino dc onre'tc 2g a noc rec b2utdvyadvnderstand v dv cothat. , and learning from japan, grenoatc rs too@ to move@noc re c 2e healthy@noc re evya and commit future, riskier more investmentn no@ c 2out tonoc rec 2evyadvevyadv .
4:38 pm
@lk under ,it s@eemednoc rec 2likeet rea. evdon't know w it is. of the was@fvyadv we@ did theofvryya tdvhat bynoprc ovree2 people tha rec rowththe@noc ou@ 2 is,@id econonoc mirecc 2 condt people but we'r to, 15 so i@noc tre mw harder yadv think we h sides here they're discouragihey are tryin.
4:39 pm
>> susie: no@ue,noc rec 2 there@ c 2can dofv oyadv out ofc ts2fvyadv? out of the bull its communi tool in@ it's e c 2 theygvyadv didn'thavinnoc gy managing they if@ is where be,v rec 's tonoc rec 2avoidgv tyah borrower, @noc rec 2gvyadvso what shouldr whgvetyahedvr they're a sa owner?hould they be doing wi?
4:40 pm
>> well, ia@noc rec 2 rewec ig2ht fixgvedya idvncome.o @noc reyec s2 save the m inoncv it's not enough tohvya dvmattrek >> susie: thank@ coming on the program, hvpprecnoiac tere b@eennoc rec 2 financial j. p.dv: stocks finis@hed hinoge pledge to keep interest ratew lv @advthe closing numbers, the dow c rets.@noc rec 2llion shares mo bihvllyaioc 2hvyadv
4:41 pm
>> susie: st c 2ight's "m the world as itsste said again today, it's nothvery, prices at @ecentlyyadv no your favorite restaurant.ivyadv as erika miller s are getting increases.@ >>no rc epreorc te2r:g.egy.noc v leftover baguemarlo scott, the t prices.@noc rec 2ivtooling recie sa2ivyadv >> we de
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pumpkin seeds, whi@ch hd of fun salad, and the price for@noc rev >> reporter: beef, dairy, coffeo shortening h@noc rec 2 dits in jvthyae @noc rec 2jvc v she says runaway cmmon reason mw restaurant@noc t's remarkable, o noinc tore mc os2t to a plate of foodnoyoc u rehac" most people rec 2jvyadv >> reporter: there are city alone.@noc re @noc rec 2jv 2oc rec yadvcosts any to avo raijvyadv uptown, at petalare focused on o
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no>>c wree c do2 cerxed meals v the customer, beca@usend @noc rec 2jvstreamline@d opernol noc rec 2jvyadvyadv@noc chnoefc s,re sc o 2insteakvle chickens so we can takno>>c rrn taking a bite out of resta2cased insurance costs are rising, ton@ noc ness.@ kvoc rec 2kvya this is a busine2 not of eve business of pennies d yadv >> reporte analysts are projectinyear.@no so some restaurants may have n chnooic cere bc ut2 to noc rec v
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noyadvffordable andng them.@ otherwise, then i'll havconsideg rec 2kvyadv scrumptious dess@noc re @eport," new, c rej.c c.2 penne putting an ene chain.@nohe man who built apple2 in f@ c reexc pl2ained lvthyae dv "no c 2lvyadv @tore." near you?@noc reoor space into as @ rec sm2aller lv on indivnoc rec 2lvyadvlvyadv pv @@noc re v
4:45 pm
rec tdve day @today.noc 2 the central bank this morning,nv 2ith the s&p marking timc yadvfraction loss, but wheedgeds low for even longer, t noved into positiv@noc re@ c 2so, wimv noc rec 2mvyadvd up 20% sincemvw intere@st ratnogravitated towarv the utilities and matec rec 2 dvsectors gaindvrial stocks adde the fed may not
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inflation,@ but dnoonn the fe@dt prices shot up about 2%,2mvyadvn it's gold's hi@es @ rec se2ptnoc rec 2mvyadverican v nvyadv morning to become thcompany by e day didn@noares gained only fouv applrket value of $416.3@@noc rd company in t year wit earnin@gs camnoe c inre mc be@an
4:47 pm
@vyadv's no @ c rethc e 2regulanv nvturning to subnoc rec 2 shnvafyatedvr-hours action-- ab5 per share.ow,@@noc rec 2 analnoc rec 2ovyadvc 2ovyadv @> i think ithis one from the s. noc marerkc a lot of com@noc rec 2ovill noc rec 2ovyadvovilyal dvnot coa solid direction here@. @>> tomno: c whreilc e 2not shares of a couple of airlin rec co2ntinueov cyalidvmb u.s. airways rallied 1c 2ovyadv
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ra@is fuel costs.@noc rec noasc wree c me2ntionepvd yainv off the feto keep interest rate@ noc 2pvyadvc 2pvyadv
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investments. i began by askin@g d be a to hiv people would be including gold. react. and if@noc rec 2 into ano rc erv enact abal@ b do that couldext@ @ anollc rec 2qvyarope and the e 2thatqv'sya tdvhe psychology ofs and it's really more noemandno i think it's much mor c 2alternqvatyae dvformt's helpd
4:50 pm
sure for@noour clientsvnd they? ponossc ibrelec t2hare, we'vehv val you thwe are also gold @is theyrv'vyadve lost mar andk tha@ rec et2f's their ma tnohic nkrec t2hatrvyv so we feel providers of the gold etn's@ld y
4:51 pm
@ withno sc ore mc an2y funrvdsya? >> the gold @urest form of alternate no reason noc rec 2rv 2 that economiessvyadv@ownnoc rec 2sve investment that goes up as alternate form of mo the melts @conomy. no r@noc rec 2 c 2 re interest rat@e fact that@noc rv steve >> thank you enjoyed sp@noc rec @noc rec 2svyaou
4:52 pm
also have to thinkc wreebc si2s intervdv the u.s. dollar. what we're watching forts on d@urableno gatest weekly c 2c re noc rec 2svyadv c.e.o. douglas oberhelman.@@noca on @to serve noifc prerec si2dent noc rec 2tvyadv and while he said he wasc @otvnfyaiddvent the president wt tr@noc re c represidenecon@omic tnoeam.reo >>tv tyaomdv: the di tve.o. of heal less time in jail.
4:53 pm
richard scrushy was re-sen today, and his prison term @to j he was origina @almostno sc evreenc bribery conv@noc rec 2tvyahe gov @harges against him.tvyadv>> sug noc rec 2, investors are noc rev
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c @noc rec 2uvyahe fed pledginoo c rec 2 dvthe finra in @oundation.vvyadv currently find nog environment.@noc rec 2 investments arnoc rec 2vvyadv2vv as we begin a new year, what i some inv@es c re c vvyatimes es@noc rec 2 c rec 2vvyadvnvestments. understood i high-yield bonds to coleveragedr vvructurednoc rec 2vvyadvnning 2
4:55 pm
that when they invest @noc rec that promise hie nearl@ c re2turn, vvwhyaetdvher past or projected.ya higher returns come with higo nt >> tom: those@ land quick.they v noa c asre tc o2 @orkers spen noc a reyec ar2 on wvcoyaat on s sexes about how coffee and lunch worker@ a weekng more@noc rec 47@ womev that pattern twasc ffreeec ,2wvh than women 2usie, age a @alsonoc coffee t
4:56 pm
wv >> susc rec 2 mywvyadv rdv coffee. >> susie: no c 4 a cup xvyaicc klrey.c 2wv noport" for this even c 2thank xvyoyau dvfor susie.2v o
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