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tv   Nightly Business Report  PBS  February 1, 2012 4:30pm-5:00pm PST

4:30 pm
pound gorillívabdv we look i think it's very@noew large cp dv thevery m@uch lonookc freorb >> tom: meanwhils are @noc re@noc rec 2ívusinessbliga" report" withnoc rec 2ívabdvívav "nightly by: @no@noc rec 2noc rk
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and the noc rec 2óvabdv late this afternoon, ts foóvrabv >> tom: susie,@ faceb@noc rec 2v underwriter. list under
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the ticker f-b@ big board.@noc trading sometime i@noc úvabdvnov coverage tonight.2úvabdv what faceboo @cebookno'sc 8re00c m2illionúv c ll be hare úvsuabrrdvounding its init to be the largest internetre noc rec 2úvabdvúvabdv thearket. @>> repnorket, too.ok@noc rec 2v but, is the timing right forc 2 dvsuch a monster deathat's a ma. @noc re
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for groupon and zy@movingno tc h searched for a more welcnoc recv environment.avabdv market performance o@@noc rec 2. this year, that samereinc g2ava. >> rprobably not start selling s agilave.abdvith is concerned the >> we are arket. it's not thecebook, if they hads it to go nofac cereboc ok2 r.c. norec guv shareholdersto the world and go @@noc re@ rec fo2rte saavysab unique, and facebook just mighnv
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>> maybe you could make anhat, r when out, there@no@noc rec 2 wonoc rec 2bvabdvc ce2 dvor the most value.still a very good time, aa lot of environments thang public.@@noct @noc ness@noc rec 2bvabc rec 2be amazing growth and noofc firecic al2 num iponotac m in,@illion dollars two almost@
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year. years it's gonecvabdvsec en2 ove revenue ha fold, han@nohe growth rate 2sustainonac blree.c future.yc re cc l2ipcv fabordv 2 youcvabdv look the s. c. what did you f that surprised you t@hanow aboud in aay@ wnoasc rec 2 thatcvny we 39% over theabdv the users, thethere everyf you@ 2evenue is anoc rec abdvtoe a company that's dvlooking more out of hergue tie billion diections throughout tha model in that direct@>>no sc ure
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rec 2cvabdv of@noc t@noc re c bu2tdv abarel >>dvonabdv that came to was, fa prof@itableno, you know @ofnoc rec 2s own and itlanotic verelyc w2elldvak hese co terms mass @ofno @nd the revenue.nk it@noc rec 2f rec ,2dvabdvdvab very can't @>> ino wc oureldc b2edv what they're tdvabodv sayvabdv
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wantk, it ge@t dangu do want thievsabdv@ e evabom: @noc rec 2 motley fool.2 facebookevabdv see solid job g2 170,000 jobs in janu@with enoxpv partment. th@noc re and getting paid with tonight'ah sh@e's hiittle book of big profs @noc rec 2 evabc rec 2 dv2psevabdvs.
4:38 pm
@em needs to save more tha@noc re henorec 'sre wc ha2t amerevic thomas hfvornoesc .rec 2fvabdvfv noc ps that would have been@no@ 2thnoc rec 2fvabdvg its fourfvad retire@es. @ rec ap2pr rec urned ovnoc fvbeabnedvfit the federal 2fvabdvs. >> s@us man who coul@ rec employee pension plans nohec 'sre jc os2h gotbfvauab the c rec 2fvabdv corporation.dv c c re@noc , thank you. p@ublic2
4:39 pm
fvamaberdvic terminating 2hesc abdvtell us it's importn say it noc now that a@mes a@ but we want to s@urenoc rec 2gv gvabeeds tononsc rec 2 that there are plenty ogvabdv that haveructured withouteir pen delta@ its,@noc rec hwest keptv @thatdv succeednot justits plane noc pensions 10,@000noc rec pv it's yc ourec 2 tn dv>> t depends on gv2 to we conompc anrey c an2d 2 american have othe
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do they need to pension plan peop@ succeed as a upn@noc rec 2hvif they don't,nov without kilonhvsabdv of s >> susie: so what pension plan s by the f@ed c re agenc happen@snoc re c sano amhverab andnoc >>re wc el2l,hvabdv partf why we like tohvabdv perything s ce.@noc rec 2ly, we haveno c 2the amhvouabntdv of th can pay. hv pabldvan,ing but how much@so that a@noc rec 2 1. c 2hvabdv which they w whole li@
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you forced to iting with@noc rv abdvs to be is fi those@noc re@v taxpayer f by one of theer americ because over the@noc ret may dun premiums. but if we take over the plans we will take over the assets, we'll pay benefits, and we will have to go to the congress and get higher premiums. we've already started that discussion and we'll continue it. >> susie: all right, we'll be watching closely. thank you so much for coming on the program. >> glad to be here, thanks. >> susie: we've been speaking with josh gotbaum, director of the pension benefit guaranty
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corporation. >> tom: u.s. auto sales ticked hier last mo jvabdved the pack among the@ging noc was stuck in reverse, falling 6v on a sales. as for the impor continued to rebound fro@ssues o flooding in itnos c percent, and@noc rec 2 noc rec 2jvabdvjvabdv >> sit comes to sales gains ta models sc@ored sales up 48% t@noc rec vehicles.@noc rec 2jvabdvrec 2js @succesnos term plan.@noc rec 2 pnoroc dur.
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it'sthe components rket. an@noc rec 2 in investment, $1 billio@noc reb re dvkvfrabasdvtructure, and eeingb that commitment and a long rec t @in theno m@noc kv>>deepening its commitment tov tom, 200 new jobs there.reaction c marenuc fa2cturinkvg abindvduo
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c @evel sinc c rethc e 2strongkv gab january.c rec 2kvabdvctorswere abdv rec 2lve than 1% each.nodav ma lvabdv december especially, was posibuilders.@no k.b. home jumped 7.5%.@noc rec 2 pulte group added 5%@ noc grreouc p 2was uplv aablmc y homebuildersstronger ord@er boot ho@noc rec 2lvrec lvabdvmal with @he company expects profitst. c s and @cost cnoutc s.rec 2nocv outlook came after fourth-2qulv2
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@noc rec 2mvab abdvv popularity of re w a record @noc abc rec 2mvs.olog@y hasnoc rec v growabdv shares c@noc rec -week highhe aft@er-noc c 2 re mvabafdvter tho over $62 per share.2mvabdv that w@minks new@noc rec 2growt. @noc rela@tions nohac vere hc uv
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@noc its l@ate-noc rec 2decembe 2@noc rec @noc rec 2nvabrec 2nv
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abdvwith home million and anvabv @omeowne@rs tgages. c refic rs2t noe union address @ c 2in detovaiabl dvc ts2 peoplo housing and @noc rec 2noc rec 2v he joins us fromc ar2y donovabde you. >>@ is aimed forncing hope o@rn taxpayer guaranteedth@roughnoc v mac, is that counoldc breec 2of but the here, the ta@eps over tv under water, woudv
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abilitynce. the problem is noc ave a mortgagea fanny@ mae @ 2everpvno yc ourec 2pvab cdvan't from what arpvabdv interest >> tom: wi no has financial@noc rec 2 interest rate lwi@ll thinosc re, c arec 2pvabdv? of all i was you are,ubled@nocf freddie to make suree's extrasv happened here and that doepvsnag allegations point to
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@o@ngre act noc rerequc cop@noc rewhc at2e thedv @noc talk about the the@noc re2 w much more could thisv @ taxpayers'ome@noc rec , firste 2thisqv babrodvader effort i of @spectrum have @mostnoc re can g@noc rec 2qvab strengthen housv but -- so ho >>@ theis that this a@ctualnolyc rec 2renv
4:50 pm
orph housing market@ goirward. thingb we thirec 2rvabdv cost ould be id by @ that got usoblem to begv separate from all 2 dvmortgages that are, with prot walled off from@ >> tom: okay.noc rec w2e haver. thank yoabdv the e appreciate it. >> donovan the denovec lorepmc en2noc rec 2rvav
4:51 pm
>> susie: herow:@ noclaims for jobless benefits is @ndredsno oc f rejoc bs2 in sosv money at m.f@. globnoalc hres v press that ttomer accounts and banksfirm, which wy @noc corzine, went @noc rec 2 rec allegedm wanosc svcoablldvapc >>2 tom: svinabdie ri@noc re @noc rec 2svabesentation.c rec e creates a abyedvrs and @ncreasing jobs.y it leads to lr
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no@noc rec 2sv noc abdv rec 2svabdvtvv es for investors looking
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rec 2tvabdv uvhe little @book onof @noc rec2 beforeid, i got to ask you abouk.uvabdv would you second q andollc egree c st2udentsuv aabe they'v c ren@c her2eites. to revis ito uv abatdv a newhigh, has had ra@ @noc rec 2noc rec 2 uvreabgedvnv look especially f,@
4:54 pm
for over 20 y nofic narellc y 2 noc s expe@ 2theruve'abs tom: you've bereiv do you till >> i like the but esp@no ariad.e als@o looknoinc regc 2 2 dvfore believe it or not, is that2euro? cs europe and b in >> cre@ditnoc re sc decimated this year@noc rec a2v could have. yielding stock, to hold f three ye@ars asno t >> tom: you're@ thatnoc rec a2.
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you've been looc fovvreabigdvn dividen unileaverl grid. especially when you can'tnoc rev dvbottom out, it's goin its athese are grea with great@ di,@noc rec 2 emergt hillary? >> yes, @ you can send u @we'vnoe c goretmail address for you.@noc rec 2wvnoc rec 2wvv thanks, hillary.wvabdv@no@noc rb first
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we'll see line and@ ba@noc rec v @ capt @ noacc ceressc .w2@noc rec 2xvv v
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