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tv   Newsline  PBS  June 14, 2012 5:00pm-5:30pm PDT

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eyes key election to vote in eurozone austerityures. people in facing a weekend,ave an debt-ridden e of nd the of glo greeks vote theirarliamentary election in essentially
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down to two choices and two leftist leade alexis teprus wa $130 billionbailout deal gs signed with theon. he's strict the agreement country. meansion cuts. pull greece out of the eu conservative democracy stickbailout deal rene other that posi to swa austerity their debt and stay wit eurozone. the single currency troublesworse. president hollan visited r thursday held talkser mario monti.
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he express would respect itsnancial reconstruction and the eurozone.proposed a frenchto resolve european her include being growth and unity by fiscal po will beupdates on the's vote politicians, economists and investors. site of the they'llphones emergency immediately following greek european says the talk held greek time whe which party s the to be it would be the
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rad coalition rity. if leftist partys may exit freurozone thatbout a crisis. teleconference responsiveness aheadof 20 summit starti might be to minimize the impact financial regarresults, the head ofnese association warned debt negative an sato toldreporters uncertainties about the re regardless of greece's sunday.china, europe'sding has already by mic
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ne will asian econo crisis. said problems and al could unstable. have no manufacturing i its sato added he'd that gree not be able a way take the country f now reaction here in we're going to go to in mellegard who is a tokyo st ramin, very good morning t riding now weekend i how are stoc this friday yes, very good morning to yt of focus on elections on sunday ind in help hopes addingp the global banking system and of focus is
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ac as you werethere, actions after p with any alleviate some mountingng up in the eurozonegreece as ital a look herey morning here in tokyo, and a bit positive star nikkei at 8,604, is nikkei actuall ofrday trimmed by some moves in some m some such as and sharp as well as banking brso have been sold offut again, has been than because markets also a outcome of t japan meeting whind masaaki
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shir conference after may just keep to a oday as well. thimf did com this week talk economy and banking that japan's b good shape shocks, however, i yen to because th for also c, gd as well as the commodities a at thedollar/yen ing throughout the week eu currently at 100.ouch and prices have mention that on the new york
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exchange, also l eye as well h terms of stockty.ramin, we of t more to come us about thatlaims again show slowing tre later to industrial production that's gos well as a the new gion but so far the topix positive trading the first few minutes. back to you. for thegard from the tokyo stockthe nikkei slightly above this see how asia-pacific i'm goin
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south are putting o to prove threats coming from north.hrough differentenarios during large- held the drills wednesday of the simulated a sur north koretary and a southsonnel took part a the artillery. self-propelled unchers. south korean beginning of this practicedling with members of the the north
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korean borde sc airbas west. in nor maintaining line stance. of fighter jet the military analysts sayigned the drillsrrent against thnorth. egypt'stional court has ruledtutional. ahead of runoff could bring morehe force the five-month-old parliame amentary election fent hosni not tycandidates.ndependent candidates single belonging to could n in b representation e ruling could force
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parliaments. the fundameim brotherhood h commanding position in has theporters of thermer m ssaturday sunday is ahmedd air force commander.ieved the muswill strongly objection which presidential poll. japan's focused on challenges of the disaster but iteasy. they h entire'll show you the and their succ road aht 1:00 p.m. "newsline."orkers at n's fukushima
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at the damaged their latest extremely high lev radiation insid houses two. tokyo electric robot building wedne video tepco ay insteading of 880 r on the area is 4.5 feeters containment tepco that lead reactor moved images by the robotaven't helped t exact route traveled. spokespersonsfound no major damage rts believe reactased the largest amount radiation during the determined how it cont tepco officials repair the
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reactor, and thendecommissioning but they say radiation often stromding. take apinpoint the vessel. that's what their stuke. last earthquake proved be good the whole. experts survey in if the buildingsurvives an not. gearing up to make theirngs as quake he nhk world's tomoko kamata reports. >>on simulated what ha 2,000 buildings acr. after a f shaken for three entire
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ceiling fell down. you see the quake damaged the ccess hanged bents and tokyo destruction company be examining resistance of the ceilings. previous method of ceiling jolts as strong as the mar suspended ceilings are common int
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ke as did those of many large structures in the countrpoint out the dangers of conger if the earthquake was under way. kajima corporati many jap companies that are developing reinforcement measures for engineersd the suspension ceilingional boltsport beams. in tests wurvived shocks
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nly available.ce damage without developing new.orter: officials at the land ministry are working on ea resisut there's no a look to see l on your head in the tomoko kamata, nhk worlyear's quake east japan, suffered grea due to liquefaction, the sof soil. this p idential areas built onlandfilloutside of toky encoume up wit make they build theirill liquefy.
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ayasu city set a testing for nine companies to withble prevent one large developed a using logs. embeddedcally. this is how they wefaction generally sandy soil that' water-logged. usually butshaken the grains into the ground on surrounding embedding many logs intakes that area tests indicate the soil hard enougpreventtion whenshaken. water-logg resist osts can be nings
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from forests.nslator: right noworld is usio preventliquefaction. we're cont ways to mr: another major to lick we this method involves the u the plates pounded intos of thes liquefactionmud ootzs out of often c theurrounded thel plates does not be trap the models are being tested.e house athe fronthe
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ates. the one unaffectedn protect >> tra being developed for homes but in thetwo, we introduce a method used toevent affecting existorter: the next step the companies is to testhouses on a platform. putting next april. hours every day listening they love the sound and the around the world haveworld'e.
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♪♪♪♪ >> reporter: many fae k-pop, they live for into store shops along th seoul. feel closer to their favory all kinds of pop star souv the outfits the stars wear 70% of the sho othe story as wow! >> reporter: the cafe map.up 25%
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each month s wh k-pop? i'm at a traingers in seoul. school students. they heard about the studio on the internet. they have to practice singing even on go to europe and deb i korean culture is very popuk ht is today.eveloped a lot of global rained. we improve the quali
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product in digital on youtube and soained popularity around >> reporter: s gove act. it's using the k-pop boom to the government invited for k-pop friends to a from asias well as europe and th>> i love k-pop. time. even if we don't u language, it's i really like it a lot. now the moment fans will never forget. >> reporter: the in person to some
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k-pop stars.the group enjoyed a dreamy day with their favorite stlso sampled korea's trad >> translator: if korea's favorable image to young in the count some d on tourism campaigns in >> reporter: and tk-pop promoters won't rest until n. >> i should checkk-pop. ferguson joins ushe world weather we're going to getion on the storm develoyes, this
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tropical stormphilippines and continues to to give you late figures sustained win abo per hour gusts to144. heading half of the landfall. say at themoment. time this i be soking at continued that will mean pines and storm surge and it's taiwan the southern is basical that it could because there ha rain here and into taiwan o week the stalled out has just bri
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as and does today even have another low pressure system that's ternikoku, see0 milin in some places tha spreading central by and then down other side of tf the front say inna here going to 200, 250ers of a rainfall, so very potenttogether. now up there's beentheastern chy moving t will unstable here withtime, heavy rain into td south of that system, heat is beijing, 30 de your friday by theto sunday that's 34 degrees. let'sead north america andtorm system. this one straightay tropical
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storm hwest at 17 looks like going intensifying very quickly hurricanemorning local 12 hours. have hurri watches southern coast ofhere the warnin so storm surge as as the system to bring and h rain, up to 125 millimetershing up to millimeters rest of well to the east, fairly dr the very severmugh into northern stayswell with lots of ming into that front fromlf. all right,peratures then vancou little
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south, w houston quickurope tells usystem is about british isles s through your weeke and it's the l really want mo behrough northern fr the low avoiding eastern we have drought wildfire. some raint look like that'sppening into the 24. clear and much the south andl be 30-degree mark over the i'll leave now your extended
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all for this "newsline."
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i' tokyo. thanks for joini
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